The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 30, 1898, Image 7

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fiJSGK VERDICT, Ll |U!< “.» I Should bo. LpjflßS. a. T.TATUN I x ihp SA L. Road for ■ualnst the ‘ ' f Death of her Husband. I x„ important and interesting »’« M,lclude<i 111 t city court °f Alliens on Sat tllv Mrs. Annie T. Tatum. If Treuton, Dudecounty .brouglt |i it araiiist tbe Seaboard Arr |i„e railroad for *15,000 on an- Lntoflbe death other bus-,, ■and. Hon. A. B. T atum. I In October, 1897, Mr. latum ■as on a train on the Sea beard ■ ir.Line coining into Athens tm Elberton. Before the train ■eached the Macon and Nortl - ■rn tracks, over which the Sea- Board Air-Line crosses, after ■assing over one of the largest ■ridges in the state, spanning ■u Oconee river, the H.igman of ■lie train called the name of the ■tation, Athens, it was alleged. ■ Mr. Tatum was to get off the ■rain at Athens. When the train ■topped before crossing the c>tL— ■r track, it stood on the high ■i , iil i, e. Mr. latum walked to ■he platform after the flagman ■ailed the station, and supposing ■t was Athens, stepped off the ■rain and off the bridge, falling distance of sixty feet, lie was Killed by the fall. ■ Mrs. Ta: id I’-ct-ived $6,500 Mr. Burton Smith ■nd Henry C. Tuck represented ■he plaintiff and Judge Erwin ■uM Mr. Ed Brown represented ■he railroad. ■ Mr. Tatum was one of the ■nost prominent politicians of ■forth Georgia, lie had repre ■ented his county in the legisla ture and in the state senate. He ■ad been a delegate to a number ■fconventions and especially to ■he gubernatorial conventions ■eld here. He was well known ■n Atlanta. I LOCAL HAPPENINGS. pVn.i. Play AE Anniston —The Th’" East Rome Land has been en gaged to play in Anniston during the Firemen's Tournament June Bth and 9ih. Anniston, with her “ ml hospitality, will enteitam the lire boys in roya' style.. P ‘ CXIC ~ I’he infant class of "■st Baptist Sunday school will »C<"C at Mobleys next Thursday . FMmv.teal! th. school to join ’h-m and bring fat baske ts. Let who cannot go but wish the pc.oolwell send a basket. Many b. L. Arrington, of Barns' P 9 ’ is in‘he city today. from " i h ,n9 returned Spring/ ;aS,llt Vißitt ° Wh ° eler soent <UIIS NIXOI1 ’ of Nannie Bpent yesterday in the city. b b en SS Gillian who has was slightly 6 le ' J’ este rday._ Hot Blast. 3 J" ILDREx ’ 8 Meeting. _ Thr , 1 Pch ° 01 meetin K ’ ycstXv Methohist church fc ding. ' Was ve, y inter- | L ’ Troutman ‘ banal n/ 1 "' '' "~ T " la y is na- 1 "^and’l day a, ‘ d ’ he P° bt Clt - V all day." ' Were C o,ed 111 the -lorad 1 Program arr . , interesting ‘ tXerci8 ea at No *’ or tha,r 1 June 2. ‘ ;Vlh 8 °Pera house ’ 8888 ilßßh H ' jH- I. AM" fcX IT. •;/£ Bhßk MO ail® HH HM Ho p| Mh 1181 llml BSi Ki r vJ« ''•'■'■ok ■■fcijT kUb ISP JL JI • We Leave the Retail Dry Goods Merchandising. We have decided to retire from our present Mercantile business. Having failed in our hard efforts to sell the stock in bulk, we now throw every piece and parcel-every item and article in our store at COST or J IM L *ri y 11 ™ EB hM t w ■ ■ L ' tl JI 1 iffl x/W «.i ■ JLJfIIJf W/I ik JF W On the market to=morrow morning. To=day i i order to prepare the stock for sale our Store will be closed. BMOCI jrXIHHK YTI ASS PI .IKv 11 IIW ■ | ■ ill ■ ■ ■ I ■ But we’ll not be closed up long. On an 1 after tmorrow morning our place will be very much like an Open Store-=the doors will swing wide. No Better Stock in the Land. It is head and Shoulders above any other stock in North Georgia—Goods bought re= cently to fill every department in the ho use. The stock is now “jam up I ’—filled to overflowing with the newest and prettiest selections to be found in the great markets. In this condition of the stock we inaugurate The Closing Out Sale. Dress Goods at cost and less, Silks at cost ar J less, Shoes at cost and less, Choice flillinery at cost and less and so with Laces, s; . broideries, Ladies and Gents Fur= nishing Goods of every kind, Toilet Articles, Baby Caps, Art Goods, Table Linens, Bed Linens, Scrims, Lace Curtains, Fans, Belts, Trunks Traveling Bags. Men’s and Boys Clothing Etc. We want to closeout quickly. Come to see us, we’ll give you goods cheaper than you ever saw them. --COME TO SEE us. BASS BROS. & CO. Tom Turner Printer, Rome, Ga. Singing.—There were special services aud singing at Lindale yesterday. A large crowd from Rome attended and a pleasant day was spent by all. To Anniston. —Mr. M. F. Al len went down to Anniston today | to be present at the preliminary trial of his brother, Mr. AV. F. Al len, charged with murder. M ISSION ARY LeCTU RE . Ml‘ • Jersdim lectured at the First Presbyterian church yesterday aftiernoon at 4:30 o’clock on missionary work. The lecture wajs very interesting and largely Boat Excursion —MHs Florida Seay will give a boat excursion down the Coosa tonight , compli mentary to her guests, Misses. Judd, England and Dußcse. A most delightful evening is antici pated by all so fortunate as to be invited . SUMMER SCHOOL. I will open my sutnanr school ou thefrst Monday m July.Specia attention given to pupils prepar ing for the university. Palemon J. Kinu If you cant keep cool—just kep us cc ol as you c; n. FHfE Hill Mffl TO EVERYONE. Who suffers with any i rue discus.'of :iu\ part of the iHiinan body, such as kiduey and ; bladder, heart. liv*r and «i.miarh troubles, face and skin erupt . ' . s-t s■l t :e -.'X ual organs sexual wcakr ■ and indiffereuce | etc. Provided sppllcatfon be ■ ■■ it at" e. in or del-that its inventions, app at:., ucvei failing remedies may re ■e;ve the widest posei bie publicity, and prove tb' n own melds by actual nse and permanent cutes. No money whatever will be' ,e . ,ed by the State M.'di cal Sanitarium fr ■ .myotte under its treat meat until beneficial result.- are aeknow (edged Its remedies and appliances have been com mended by the m w.-naja t -of two continents nd endorsed by tb<‘ itr. atest doctors in the woilu. Where developein ntis desired they acc niplish it ami never fail to invigorate, upbuild and fortify. They infuse new life and energy. They per manently stop all losses winch undermine the constitution amt ] nit. d --pou !.-m ,v. They retone, ivfresli and r. . ore . < manaood. regardless of age They eu. >■' ii habits and permanently remove their effects, as v "lias tnoseof excesses and overtaxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaust.on. N' failure, no publicity. m>deception, nodlsap point men t. Write today. State Medical Sanitarium, Beware of Imitations Vfaestertfiire C/} JOHM DUNCAM»» aows, AGCNTS, NEW YORK. ... v n T” n s' lift l|f / nierica’s Leading ra.« Instruments. JESSE FRENCH PfAMO & ORbAN CD. Manufacturers and Dealers. No. pa* OBive Street, St. J cute, Mo. Nashville, Tenn. Birmingham, Ala. Dallas, Texas. Montgomery, Ala. Factories: Richmond, Ind. Write our nearest bouse. A 2 tent stamp r..ay •eve you many dcilars. m»x <ig X-»u<hu l un; »• , • r'J JZ-WL f _uq Or j' ;.:□<< .>r n., . • gt > qjunjf osjvj sqjo pno i.-.t , .rj L . •■jMAJiup - » au „.*<• j -X •X<>oq aiojj o.L OX ®W^-Uv 4 uod pui» ■J’ J'i. _..» 5 j.uoa‘iß|vanr COO «iOf -, -y »>\ Suojjs uoa aoroq <x •-.<! ->se[ J>7 J u ‘p<*«'|q c ti inland ‘OUII *| '& f vasb jfs *‘O-M’WMVI JO I'UUMp 3<n tMAOUIOJ Bg£*4r* y r „-ON anopGuv uvX j/iii -qA4 uvX mow