The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 30, 1898, Image 8

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LETTERS FROM FLOYD OITIZENS. Editor 11 list hT-Coni •nerciul. “Tax Payer” in the Tribune of the 25th says if Sanford is de featod “It will be by the crim inal INDIFFERENCE of GOOD .MEN in this city, and by the massing against him of the influences destructive of the well-being of the city. To whom does “Tax Payer” refer to as “criminal” good men? And what part of the masses does he claim as “de structive of the well-being of the community ?” Now the laboring men, such as railroaders, mechanics, brick ' masons, farm hands, and al! of what is commonly known as the 1 bone sinew of the city and county go to make up the masses—while the “criminal,” good men and the “Goody good ies,” who think common people or the masses are vicious, vile and “destructive of the well-be ing of the community.” If “criminal” good men will cease arrogating so great virtue to themselves and so little to the masses and pay their taxes and do all other acts of citizenship properly, they would be less “criminal” and more “good.” “Tax Payer” seems to realize the certain defeat of Sanford and Lis indignation attributes it to the ipathy of the “criminal” good men on the one hand, and the aggressive opposition of the masses on the ether. Now “Tax Payer” is evident ly one of these “Goody Goodies” who thinks all “crimininal” and “destructive of the well-be ing of the community” who dare vote against his pet. Now, in my long life’s experi ence I have ever found more real honesty and Christian char ity in these “masses” than in all such gulfed up men as “Tax Payer.” Dgain I deprecate “Tax Payer” ( and I presume he writes under the approval of his candidate) striving to pit the city against the country and vice versa. ’This is shameful. Each candi date has friends both in the country and city. This race should be conducted in good feeling for city and country, so that when it is all over we can harmonize and unite on the successful man. As a friend and supporter of John M. Vandiver, 1 vouch we shall hear nor taste no bitter ness or gall from him or his friends. Neither John M. Vandiver or his friends are denouncing good people as “criminal,” or the masses as “being destructive of the well-being of the commu n itv. ” Who ever heard of John Van diver being cruel or harsh, tin— dind or uncharitable toward any person or class of people? His great big, kind, sympathetic heart goes out to the masses. 11 is purse and his time is ever at the disposal of those in trouble. He possesses that rare, God. given combination of being gen tle, open and helpful, while at the same time he ever performs every official duty according to law and bond. There is no occasion for him or his friends to cast slurs or re flections ion the “criminal” “good” people or on the masses 11" need not light with a vicious pen or “knock down and drag out” with his good, strong arm The great and good God lias I male him a magnificent sped-j men of physical manhood—Has given him bone, sinew and cour aue of his connections, but in his early days he was taught the Editor Koine R ijstlek-Commkkcial Please allow me space in your valuable paper to make reply to Pax Collector Sanford’s cards of May 21st and May 22st. 1 desire to state that Mr. Sanford did tolled the special tax from thir teen liquor dealers before April Ist, 1898. I read Mr. Sanford’s card of May Ist, and t once called his attention to the mistake he had made. I stated to him that I had paid him the special tax for L \V. Stoffregen, who was doing business in the Pavlovski house, lie begged my pardon for put- I ting my sister’s name in the paper, and said he would go and I ask her to excuse him for it. I desire to state that I assisted Mr. Sanford in his race for tax collector, and I think he will ad mit that I did as much, if not more than any other one man in Floyd county. It seems to me that this is the way he is trying to repay my kindness by adver tising to the world that my sis ter is conducting a business without paying the special tax. She is not selling beer, though my brother is, and I paid the special tax to Mr. Sanford for said business. I gave the tax receiver’s office a check for the amount in January and took a receipt for same. I have the re ceipt. That check was paid at the bank on March 31st 1898 — and shows for its self —that data being stamped on the face of the check. I showed this chef kto Mr. Sanford alter his card of May Ist appeared. This is the $l5O that Mr. San ford, in both his cards, says lie did not get. I say he did get it, and 1 think the people of Floyd county know me well enough to know that I would not say a thing if it were not true. Mr. Sanford certainly has col lected this $l5O. He certainly got it before April 1, 1898. He certainly bad his attention called to it after his card of May Ist was printed. He certainly ac knowledged his error after see ing the banks entry on the face of the check. And yet, after ac knowledging his error then, he republishes the statement of May Ist on May 21st. These are the facts. Respectfully, H. G. Stoferegen. spirit of “Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men.” He was also taught that “ ’Tis dog’s (not men’s) delight to bark and bite for God hath made them so,” but that true manhood was gentle, kind and loving. Then I appeal to all good citi zens to come to the support of this good and true man, and in so doing you will place in office | a tax collector who will there | discharge his whole duty with the same gentle spirit and con viction of right and honesty that has characterized his adminis tration as postmaster. N. 11. Bass. Lavender, May 27, 1898. ♦ ♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< ♦♦<><♦♦♦♦❖♦♦4 Ci ; Advice to {Consumptives! There are three great reine- * ♦ dies that every person with j X weak lungs, or with consump- i | tion itself, should understand. ; These remedies will cure 1 X about every case in its first ♦ | stages ; and many of those t X more advanced. It is only ♦ ♦ the most advanced that are < X hopeless. Even these are * X wonderfully relieved and life i X itself gr.eatly prolonged. ♦ What are these remedies ? « Fresh air, proper food and ♦ Scoffs Emulsion j X of Cod-Liver Oil -with Hypo- « ♦ phosphites. Be afraid of ♦ X draughts but not of fresh air. J | Eat nutritious food and drink * X plenty of milk. Do not forget J X that Scott’s Emulsion is the » j oldest, the most thoroughly i ♦ tested and the highest en- j X dorsed of all remedies for ; X weak throats, weak lungs and • X consumption in all its stages. J X soc. and $t oo ; all druggists. J J SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. * AAA A AAA A A A A AAAAAAAAAAA AA AA a * Aa. a a «r> 2SSSSSBBWS • Every day now brings us heavy ship men .s of standard and seasonable fur niture, ana with the coming of spring we have already received a CAR-LOAD OK 13 A. BY CARRIAGES All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essehsial points ofbeauty and * strength • MATTINGS. * R I J GrS, GARRETS In this department we have received for the spring trade one car load of mattidg which we imported direct from Japan. Here you can find new patterns and the prettiest of designs and at remarkably low prices. STOVES- Do von need a new stove in veur k tch n? T ien call on us and you will,; jno where else. We have the best and that means! an economic stove in every sense oi the word. THE HANKS CO 305 Broad st- IPhone 52- Undertakers, Embalmers, and Eu neral Directors. (bnsunScn Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr.. Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,1898. I would not be I regard PISO’S without PISO’S CURE FOR CON- CURE for CON- cures whereall ELSEFAiLS- * SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any M 3eßt g?ima y soid thing. For a bad uIA rfM i?BIEp cine on the market, Cough or Cold it is ■* baring used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER “The Best Cough Medicine.” Vl—IT H '.<«/■< ■■—■■■—MM—MBMNMMWaUMMMMMBMBV- _A » ■ 000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 QB F. Montgomery I > o • i ->8 227, BROAD ST. &- O SICK, ACCIDENT AND LIFE Q I Insurance § d Q O WE NUMBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE L Q VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. Q WANTED I —We want wide-awake agents to represent q hit companies in the counties of Po’k, Bartow, Fioyd, YY Q Cha' 1 let'll Gordon, Walker, Whitfield, Catoosa and Q Y Dade. Call on or address us at our Rome otfice, Q B. F. MONTGOMERY Gen’l Agt, Q o o OOW»* ► CXDOOOOOOO -* —«*oo oOCOOOOOCX X jUOOOOOOOOOOTOCXDC Ours is the Most Complete! Department Nursery j Seed* to Mrort I re<»M at 4 SO ' jJo Jf*®- 31 *"”"""”"" low rates. We publish one of * vnltfY | the leading Seed. Plant and Tiee Catalogues issued. • . a: * .vtuohbm wh j ch WlJ | be nia ii e d free. Send for it now, it will ’’l <ve you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory JjESEfgSg&fftEfg > the Union. 4 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends far and .ear. Have hundreds of carloads of FRUIT AliD ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. 9 We send by mail postpaid. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival a itisfaction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44th year. 3a greenhouses, i.oooacn, I ME STOf. ?S & WARRisON CO.. Box 528 Finesville, (' •' —I ■»■■■■■■■■■ • —— ■ ■ _ - - , - ■ ■ ■ j THE HODEL LAUNDRY Is doin? the best of w Yrk and guaran tees satisfietinu. Prices are mist leasoiitble, FIU? w >rk a spacialty * 1 hePreferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW Yn J The Prefei-red’h policies arc particular’y adapted for business men Issued for bankers, tor physicians, surgeons and dentists, and fort™. ~s P «clal bai, ferred is an o'd line stock company with aesets of over Hai.OdOno L,aVt- llbg Uiet JOHN R. THORNTON ATLANTA, QA. .... S t ATe M ANa ' THE ARMSTRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga o «• I - s «i .Biiardcts . Rilts *«"• v T mom, The place to get’a quick, good meal.' McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors I School Supplies, t Iw are Pi OUfierß the school books and school sup- II «< ply business and we are also right up-ro-da f e in every. » w thing that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore, | | | Ii- WALL PIPES, I No hcQae th- Hute car. serve vou better when voa de- 1 <<< sire to invest ir. a new covering fee tr.<= dear ?id wells q. : wj y° ur home. See >ar stock on hand and samp'es W | H. A. SMITH, | 1 TriF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. I! | _ if fhtiitithr 11 txi wyi it cttldM Hon.Jno.W. Maddox Makes the best Congressman this district Ever had. He will be elected again. Knows How, Gen. Fitz. Lee Will make a “Jimdandy” commander oi the American troops on the island of Cuba —rCjf — knows How. Tom Turner Has been printing in this town for the past twenty years, and has turned out from the Economical Printing House some of the best printing ever done in the South. Knows How Call on us at No. 221 Broad Street, or drop us a postal. Me or Ben will call on you, talk to you inteligently about your Job Printing and save you money, We Know \ CANDY j M CATHARTIC 4 CURE CONSTIPATION ioc ALL 25c 50c