The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 31, 1898, Image 4

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T” i-..- a>. <*s»i 4»ffi ■nk (wy ffi'r&raW Bk i* vE •AwM <‘'- IB y 1881 w 1 IPi. 1i wk ■ w H HJ' n 1 i H iv ■ I "BJ JwL&kSSS w-Li. jifelaeiij*L_ «JBHBJH • » M/ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Sj? I'his space will be occupied by a notice of . M/ /IS \|/ the greatest sale that has ever occurred in /j\ Rome. Don’t fail to watch these columns. sV /IS W< X’— ®bK» BjEffi P^' : ’- ssh ■’■ 5| * 1 H k| I e JLlft wVfJLkJLiA w OL v/Vi WARREN AKIN Enters a Defense For Join 1 . W. Maddox. QUOTES DAILY OF TEXAS The Great Democratic Leader In Congress. The following, which explains itself appeared in the last nights Atlanta Journal; Your isu r of the 23d instant con tains a letter from the Rev, Sam P. wherein he usee the fol lowing language in regard to Hon John W. Maddox . ’’John is absent too often from roll call. I hear and if his cons tituents were to look into that matter together with his want of recorded votes cn impor tant questions since he has been in congress, they would almost unanimously elect him to s'ay a home.” This information wh ch Mr. Jones alleges to have received, be ing so contrary to the conclusion J had drawn from a very close abser vation of Judge Maddox’s conduct, I concluded to apply for reliable information to the Hon. Josepl W. Bailey, of Texas, the cbosei Democratic leader of the house, ] therefore, without the knowledge of Judge Maddox, wrote Mr Bailey and calling his attention to Mr, Jones' language, asked him to write me frankly what had been t e measure of Judge Maddox's attention to his duties, how he stands ; n the bouse and how he is regarded by nis party associates. To this inquiry Mr. Bailey answer ed as follows: “Mr T, Warren •Akin, City: ’’Dear Sir. I have received yours of the 25th instant calling my attention to the criticism the Rev. Sam Jones aga.n-t Hoti. John k W . Maddox, and inquiring .about, Mr. Maddexsstanding in the house land this attention to his public duties. ”If this were question between ( Georgia Democrats I w’ould hesi- ( tate to answer, because it might be c construed as an attempt to intere- s sere in the politics of your state, but inasmuch as it is an attack upon a Democratic congressman by a gentlemen outside of our par- • ty. I feel that I have the right to ■I answer your inquiry. “Judge Maddox en joys 'he un qualified confidence and respect 1 of all his associates in congress, ( and his standing is very high, He ] is a member of an important com- ; mittee which has permission to sit ( during the sessions of the house, , and it therefore sometimes happens . that he is absent when he would I otherwise be present He votes on all important questions, and what is still more to be desired by his constituents he votes right as of ten and wrong as seldom as any member of the house. Very truly yours - I '(Signed) “Joseph W. Bailey.” 1 Aside from opportunity as party ’ leader to Jniow the standing of 1 cverv Democrat in the house and ■ * how they perform their duties, Mr. 1 Bailey is a deacon in the Baptist church and a gentleman whose character for veracity no man can ? question. I It would seem that the informa ’ tion given to Mr. Jones is luor- • rect and does Judge Maddox njust'ce Respectfully, T.Warren Akin J BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world . for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, > Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet j ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, 8 Corns and all Skin Eruptions, e and positively cures Piles, or no s pay required. T t is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or ' money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Curry- > 1 Arrington Drug Company. 3 B ARD AT MOBLEYS SPRINGS. > A limited number of boarders , i will be received at Mobley springs. , Terms reasonable. Apply to J. P 9 McConnell May Ist ’9B. CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and <’h ittanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga, and return home same evening. Ihe schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :()0 a. in arrive Chattanooga 4 :15 a m. ; leave Rome 10 :35 arrive ’ 'hattanooga 1: 00 p. m. • leave Rome 6 :25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8:50 p. m. There is alto a local train leaving Rome 3:50 j . m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rive- Chattanooga 7:20 p. in. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. in. arrive Rome 00 a. m ; leave Chattanooga 3; 10 p. m arrive Rome 5 :35 p. m. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information call on J. N. Harrison, citv passen ger and ticket agent, Rome, Ga. 'Phone 39. RANGES. I am agent tor Sout hern Qiu en Coal or Wood Ranges. Also usu.ran.o 3 Safety G-as oline stoves • Call and seenivswck- ana get estim on your Dlunibitncr and tin work- door to on era h use- of Imitations I JOHN DUNCAN-B SONS, AoANT., NFw vn«IC PUBLIC SALE GF REaLESI TATE. Georgia floyd county. - —Whereas on the 20ih day of December 1897 Timothy Goins executed and de livered to Mrs. A. H. Cheney a note and mortgage on the laud hereinafter described for the pur pose of securing the debt repre sented by said note, which mort gage is reco.ded in the clers’s of fice of Fioyd Superior Court in book N. 1, of mortgages, page 436. And wl ereas in said mortgage said Timothy Goins gave to Mr-p A. H Cheney the power to sell sai • land in case of d- fault in the prompt payment at maturity of the prinMpar and interest of said debt. Now therefore by virtue of the power so vested in the under signed, which is more accurately shown by reference to said mort gage. Mrs. A H. Cheney will sell : at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash on the first Tues- ; day in June 1898, during the legal • hours of sale before the court house door in Rome, Ga.. the land de scribed in the aforesaid mortgage, ; towit: Beginning at the South- " west corner of the lot bought of William A. Fort and Mary F. Ihomas by Amanda Caperton, (which deed is hereby referred to) I and running thence East 60 feet, thepce due North 331 feet more or less to the Northern line of said lot, thence Southwest to the cor ner of said lot,thence South to the beginning point a distarce of 361 feet containing one-half of an acre more or less. The said i ote and mortgage 1 were g'V*n to secure an indebted ness of $25'00 with 8% interest from date and 10% attorney fees. The said note and mortgage are now past due and so declared. The total amount of principal, inter est and and attorney's fees and charges and expenses of sale that will be due on said note and mortgage on the first Tuesday in June 1898, is $35.60. Fee simple titles in accordance with the pjw er of sale contained in said mort gage will be made to the purchaser at said sale, and the proceeds of -uch rale will be applied to the payment of said debt with mter ■st. attorney’s fees and expenses of sale and the remainder, it any. will be paid over to tne person en titled to same. This May sth 1898, Mrs. A. H. Cheney. By W. T. Cheney, Att’y, W. r, c, c 1513 y will axe no an 1 ca-ry tax fa s i.|S i-t-’T::: £ t'trtitit ittt: :tt!:; •;:;; —•■ •• • •••<•• -i. —j ■■ ... +?*++■• tru-H-j-r u... I A WHOLE CLUB h Si w-. n B O Make | wl Better P ? Running |g Time |1 U b , * .. •• tSj ISIB «oP*«*'G»O.|B»X I carry a full and crrnplete line of jewelry, iuclu- I ding Di nn mis |i3 My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- |’"t er more complete. WEDDINJ P3S3EVrS A SP.JJIILTY. J. K, Williamson [1 ■Sf fa : ijUjUjiuiiHipiuuiQ'miuu iuiiuiiuuuuiiiiiiia’ , t’TttTt’SXi ,dix :.4iiixllldttiia :id lire rFS (jQ -hT tffi Fttl riilt dirffe iidiiii diisd KooF» Everything in the drug line and a full line of druggists sun a dries. Your especial attention is called to the fact that our prescription department has been thefeature of our business for years. well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Your orders solicited. C. TREvO T» 331 Broad. Telephoned _____________________ ___ --*i THE rtODEL LAUNDRV Is doing the bast of wjrk and guaran tees satisfaction. Prices are m) sl reasoiaola. F.d wjrk a