The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 01, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH YEAH smoke xtra good and rebel yell cigars VIGOROUS ACTIONS Mill fisiw Take The Place of BpaHiy. WAR to be pushed A5 Rapidly aS Possible to a Finish- Washington, June I.—When the cabinet meeting adjourned yesterday it was announced that the matters under discussion were not of vital importance, nor was there anything of inter est that could be given to the public. The best information obtainable from other sources, however, strongly indicates that the important military move meat now in progress will be directed against Santiago ami in co-operation with the lit el undvr Commodore Schley and the in=urgent forces. Our forces are expected to speedily capture the city of Santiago and the fleet or destroy both. Il is also intimated from high sources that the land i expedition now embarking al i Key West, may be divided and I one division s r nt to co-operate ■ with Admiral Sampson against ■ Porto Hico. ■ It is believed that the govern- ■ went now has a sullicient num- ■ her of regulars and seasoned vol- ■ unteers to carry out both of these ■ plans to a successful issue. ■ Transports in sullicien 1 numbers ■ and capacity already have been ■ secured, and it is the opinion of ■ high officials that one or both of ■ these plans are now being car- ■ tied into execution. Gen. Miles,] ■ who left here last night to take J ■ command of the military forces, His known to have the entire con- | ■ fidenceof the president, who, in ■ the course ol yesterdays cabinet ■ meeting, said in effect that he j ■ had utmost confidence in Gen.! ■ Miles ability as a soldier and 1 ■ fully expected that he would ■prove entirely worthy of his ■bust. Members ol the adtninis ■trotion are agreed that the war ■from this time will be prosecuted ■ a Gdi points with the utmost ■vigor, ■ hwpiesident has begun to pre- ■ )ilretl -help the laniilms ~f .he ■* lir ami th" reconcentrados ■ lO Bt ’il drag cut a miserable ex- ■ enee in the interior. The ■ u,, “«issary general of the army t(X |J r rtd !llleßtl ‘ nate Os purchase of suf ■ouc'7 P ‘’ ie ( 3 tu - ■ ados tor six nr.iithe. ■ VILL V ° TE CANDLER. ■ !ark e County Wi ,| Give Him a ■ Majority of 400. • June 1.-OM ■l \ ,T alul Clalk county Bn 7 ' ’ tc ,or t,le aili'er- ■ j„" “ es - T, ’» Cl ‘W inter- 18 centel ‘* n g i" the ■ lor county O ffi ceß> 1118 State race is ■ ~, Tin 5,.,,,,,,,,. ‘ indications 1 ■ "' ish * u uber in this 1 ■"'""■' J th" r K " V “‘■“"'“'■ip is ■ . ... T "i C„l. perfectly I .......7' r ' Mli ' wl "''"he THE ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL FLEM DUBIGNOJM Writes Jildye Branham Aboilt The Qualification of UOTERSIN THEjPRIMRY The Scope is Wide and Include All Democrats. Judge Joel Branham, 'his after noon received the following le ter from Hod, F.G Doßignon, Chair man of the Democratic Executive Committee of Georgia, The letter explains itself and should be read by every Democratic voter in the county. MR. DUBIGNON’s LETTER. Savannah Ga., May 31, 1898. Judge Joel Branbain. Rome Ga. Dear Judge: Referring to oui Conversation, in Atlanta touching th j qualifications ol voters at the primary on June 6 h w.uld sas th it the State Executive commit tee imposed no restriction upon voters ■ xcept thut they should be democrats au I they «' oild Jagret to support t' e nominees of the pri mary in the general election, where the County Executive Com mittee has prescribed no qualifi cation. I unh°sitatingly express the opinion that all dem ocrats who have attained the age of 21 years and who are residents of the state and county where the primary is held have the right to vote therein regardless of whether theijare registered or whether they have paid the taxes required by the J oonstitution in order at a regular election. Very Truly Yours, F. G. dußignon. A CRISIS Feared Fr m Strained Relations Os Church And State. St. Loui« June I—A special cablegram to the Globe Democrat from Rome says: “The recent disturbances here and the pro pectof war with which the Catholic Cnur >h is now threat pned by the Government on th* alleged ground of the complicity of the clergy and religious orders in the recent riots, have led the Popepo reconsider his recent deci sion and to order the holding of a consistory within the next fort night, with the object of creating a number of Cardinals, so that the sense of the church may be com plete for the purpose cf consider ing the future policy of the pa pacy. “There is no doubt that the re lations between the church and state are more strained now than at any moment since the capture of Rome. Both face a grave crisis. ” A prominent supporter of Col Candler and one well versed in politics, said yesterday: “Colonel Candler will carry Clarke county by 400 majority out of a vote of 1,100, which will probably be cast. There is not a county in this section that he will not car ry, hands down. The people of Georgia know Comptroller-General W right and they will never believe slan ders uttered against him by men whom Mr. Wright brands as slanderers. ROME GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE I. I ,3,-?8. ARMS LANDED With a Large Anioilnt of Am munition. ' DULR 4110 SOLDIERS i Accompinied the Expedition to Cuba. Key West Fla.. June I.—Ovm 400 men with a pack tram and a large quantity of arms and ammu nitiou saik d for Cuba on the I* ant : line steamer Flor.da or. the night of May 21. Tlx se men and the, equipment const ijuted an ixpedi- i tion able to operate independently and to defend itself against any body of Spanish troops which might oppose it. The expedition was under the command of Col Jose Laeeret, formerly insurgent commander in Mantanzas province. He assumed the dinciion of affairs immediate ly on the landing of the expedition Unti' then Gen Jm.quin Cusiillo , was in control. In the landing of the expedition ' the United States Army was rep resented by Capr. J. A. Dorjt.and Thomas Estrada Palma was repre sented by Capt. J A. Cartaya,who ! has been the landing agent for nearly every filibustering expedi tion for more t ba:. a year. Messrs. Castillo, Cartapa and Dorse w’ill return to Key West. Gen. Juli Sanguilly, on the w<.y to report to i G< n. Maximo Gomez, was the’ boat. This is the most powerful anti- Spanish expedition eve sent to Cuba About 300 of the men are I Cubans, the oth is are Mex cans Die engineer corps of the expedi- I tion is composed entirely of Americans under Aurelian Ladd. The men were dressed in canvas uniforms furnished by the United I states government, and the com missary deparemmt had ra icns j enough to last fifteen days after the landing. The pack train consisted of 75 mu’es, and 25 horses. The expe di'ion carried 7.000 rifles andj 2,000.000 rounds of ammunition ’ for Gen. Caiixto Gracia. The expedition is composed of hardy young fel'ows who looked fit for any thing. The expedition was convoyed by the Cruiser Ma:- blehead, the torpedo boat destroy er Eigle ami other warships. GARCIA’S ARMY. He Has 10.000 Well Equipped Men Under Him. / Key West, Fla June 1. —Couriers iRm Cuba today brought highly encouraging reports from Gen. Calixlo Garcia’s army Garcia alone, it is said, has JO,OOO men, better equipped than ever before, except in the matter of clothing, and they are in excellent spirits. Five thousand men. it is added a occupy territory along the north ern coast near Manti, The Spanish troops have withdrawn to San'iago a Holquin and Mazanillo and Gen, Garcia still holds his headquarters at Bayamo. Gen. Mario Menocal has bee.i obliged to abandon bis contenplat ed attack on Holquin, province o 1 Santiago de Cuba. Gen. Luque. of 1 the Spanish army, having thrown 10,000 men into the city and strongly fortified neighboring hills. . Thomas Collazo Juan Miguel Porluondo and Cant Cardenas left Banes in a small boat recently for. Nassau bearing disp itches from I - Gen. Gaxcia to the Uiuwd States! authorities. ' «. VALUES! We wish to emphasize the word \/ALJ.J an d define its true meaning, as it is employed in this an= nouiicement. The principle upon which this business is built is value giving The best quality and greatest quantity for the lowest price consistent with modern merchandising. Such has been our methods of win= ning the confidence of the public, and such will always be our plan for holding; that confidence. We never Sell Out at Cost nor fake the people in any way. And while f ■ prices we name and the descriptions of the goods we give be low may seem unreasonable, yet they are true, and those who come first will find some of the best j’ cs offered in Rome in a long time. No goods chsr . at these prices. Everything strictly cash. Ladies' DRESSING SACKS Only 10 Gents Each. There is only 75 i i all and those who come first Wil! g t them. We wi I, how ver. be c impelled to limit them to one to each customer Ladies' Shirt Waists Lauhdried, wth det chable A Pretty percale w.T 't, worth stanaing colla-. 17c. I and so df or m ich m ore, Launc’ried shirtw list, regula* c- r2' 22,' j - price was sOc but for Fln 1 r’A 4; thie ciasomereal dimities, tms sa.e 2cSc. cha.n’oras, organ dies Ladies’ shiri Waist of good Uc an i worth up to $2 each quality pe rile, new If only 890. stondini? collar, detach f Tho best goods aoi lowest able, 39c. prices. VALUES * IN * MUSLIN * UNDERWEAR. x-x Mateiial is right, cut is n ’ght, stvles the latest and V'-v '3 prices are be’ow any ever r" f / ' " ' heaad of in thiscity. La ■■’/■■d'J’' '•■X : dies'full size night robes < L. j - ; ; made of good quality rnuslm. well made and w rth much more, as ’ j as they last, 30c. I \ / / Ladies’ ful 1 size gowns L i T--' / / made of raal good mate- L... v ‘ \ J / rial, with embroi Jery and| 1I y ’MT insert-ru each only 43c- J Ladies fine quality gown, bfautifullv trimmpp with Vi eHibroidarv.i isertiug and baby ribbon, only 55c. This wn (' i \\ is well worth sl. I X One lot of g iwn l , )in.4y trimmed , Chimese worth 79c for 39c. and worth up to $e 50 each . only 69c, Ladies’ full size drawers for 15c. Ladies’ night robes of. line muslin, with k 1 J Corset covers worth 25c for 15c. handsome and inserting col- Ladies’ Muslin skirts, tucked and ruf- ar’ tucked yoke, s[ee nicely trimmed yh fled, each only 49c. with embroidery and the "annent finish d / Ladies' full wine skirts made of oxc< 1- with pretty finishing braid, worth twice lent quality muslin trimmed with em- ?ur price, 69c. broidery and only 59c. Don’t miss this sale of underwear. They are positively the best values shown in Ronx in a ong time and whicn you will probably never be offered again. This sale begins .Monday moru ng and will continue until the end of the week unless the goods are sold out in less time. Come and see and you will be well paid, LAN HAM <$ SON S. ■'- Scvi n Stores. Fifth Avenue. . Rome, (ia. I O CENTS PER WEEK