The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 01, 1898, Image 2

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WEAREGOINGOUT! ~ We Are Going to Quit the Retail Dry Goods Business In Rome. „.. sx \'xxxxxxxX-XXxxXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X \ x x x-x X X X X X X x x x \ X Vs .« V I s Vs \ lU's SVs V Vs xs < . s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s- s s s s s s s .s s s- s s s s's\\\s Since this announcement went out it has been claimed that we published such a purpose on a former occa sion. Not true. We never said before we were going out of business; we never said anything like it. We <’ow sav we shall get out of this business as soo ias possible. Will you help us out if we pay you well for the help? The help will be mutual. We’ll make prices lower than ever was writ en about, talked about orenjoyed in this part of the moral vineyard. Come at once. We will sell goods at less than 30 cents on the dollar. Nothing in the house above cost except Butterick’s patterns and contract corsets, which weare unable to control, everything else shall go for what it will bring, nothing above cost. . Millinery usually affrords 50 per cent profit. We’ll now give Waists worth $1 at 39c; those worth sOc to go at 29c: those worth you your selections at cost and charee you nothing for Miss Syn- 39c we put on the counter at 19c. . dpr'q work 5,000 Yards summer Wash Fabrics, tnat cost us 10,15 and 20c and mo e, and we’ll make one price for them--6 cents a yard! Never Bovs’ Shirt Waists tnat cost us 40 cents, 50 cents nd 75 cents such bargains. Dotted Swiss for which we paid 46c a ; arc, we'd we’U nrice at only IO cents. Any boys’ Shirt Wsist in our house for sell at 2vc- Dotted Swiss that cost us 20c you may buy in this sale JO cents They ’ll gc > in a jiffy-two to a customer. Ladies’ Shirt |at 10c. Figured Duck worth 12 1- 2e to boffered at 6 . At some price we aregoingto sell out tixVpiit soon. Tried hard tosell in bulk; could uot doit. Now they go at retail. Customers who have been paying for t eir purch ises from us monthly may continue to do so. Short time accounts we’ll accept as cash. Thanking you in advance for such patronage as you may give. ' XXXXXXXXXXX X’X X X X XXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X’ X X X X X X X X x X x X XX XX XXX X X XX X\\ \ \ ASS BROS. & CO, All shoes, Clothing, Hats and everything at or below cost, EIiCHELOR'S CLUB Royally Entertained l/isitinii Yoilng Ladies. LAST EVENING AT ' The Residence of Mr. And Mrs. Cothran. 1 he Bachelor’s Chib reception hist evening at the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. Dice Cothran on Second avenue was an ele gant afiair, and Rome’s society was out in full force. Delightful refreshments were served during the evening.. Those present were: Messrs. J. N. Harrison, Hun ter Smith, Walter Cothran, Win. McWilliams, 11. 1). Shaw, Wal ter Griffin, Sam Hardin, Walter R is«. Jim Smith, Will Towera, Cl.H'Seay, M. N. Griffin, Paul Jack, Will Sanford, B. Cothran, Chas. Caperton, Wade Lowry, Lipscomb, Hamilton Wylie, Dudley Magruder. Misses Georgia England, Zoe Bleckley, Hawkins, Jessie'low ers, Judd, Minnie Cleghorn, l Watson, Edith Carver, Julia Smi h, Emma Hume, Daisy Camp, Walton, Bonnie King, Dubose, L )is Headden, Elo Seav, Rosebud Johnson, Jetion, of' Florida. DEWEY GEITTNG READY. London, Jimp 1- The owners of 1 the British ship Genista, which has bcm Loading at Manila, hav j r-ci iv 'd a cable dispatch dated Mas 24. saying Rear Admiral Dew ey has ordered the vessel to leave the port from which it is coijec-; tnr.d, that the American coms mandt r contemplated some action. NINE killed • And One Woilnded in flew York. T|IRY ARRIVED SAFELY. Roosevolt And His Rough Ri ders in Tampa. Havana, June I.—Brigadier Gonzales of the insurgent arm\ died this morning from wound received in battle Sunday. New York, June 1. —Nine men were killed and one woman wounded in an explosion of tin •new tar paper factory this mori ing. 'The building was wreckvc and buildings in the vicinity ’ badly shaken. Tampa, June 1 .- —Roosevelt’s rough riders, arrived here this morning. Key West June I—Advices1 —Advices Iron Cardenas says Spaniards are lay ing mines in harbour. Washington June 1-The nev - reports of the bombardment of j Santiago, is generally credited .here in Woyernments circles. WILL OPEN The Handsome New Theater With “Zelena.” General Manager Marvin of ih city electric Ry. has a large num ber of hands at work running wires out to the pane. In a few weeks, the pirk will: I be illuminated with 108 electric lights. Mr. Marvin in conversation wi h a Hust’er-Commercial reporter, states that u will have an attract ion at the park each evening. The handsome new theater is completed and “Zelena” will be be opening bill. MELY-HUNK. I . Beu Neely And JWiss Lina Hiline UNITED IN KARRIAGE. Quiet Home Wedding This Afternoon. At 3 o’cl ck this afternoon Mr. Benjamin Neely and Miss Nina Cornelia Flume were united in the dy b mdy of wedlock. The marriage ceremony was p r oii unced by Rector C. B. Hudgins, > f l; t, Petits’ church, and was most impressive. Only a.I w of the near relatives and personal friends of the families were mvih * and the marriage was ■ a quiet burn- affair. It was cele brated at I home of the bride's mother on lower Hill. Al 4 25 this afternoon the haps pv y< ting c uple left over the W. & A. for Augusta, Charleston and points in the Carolinas. Miss Ni. i Hume, now the haps l py Irik, i one of the noblest tn i this city has ever pe .hiced. She is a woman of ■ch.iriiiii g i . i viduality and pos- ■rd o' aJ the lovable traits if a • dr, true woman. She is the d uglm-r of Mis. M. W. Hume >I lias ai . i e lived at. 500 Fifth : Ave. Mr. N ■., the proud young :husband, iR one of the hand-, isome-t a; u .lost successful young railioid men of Atlanta, is recog- I niz id and r irdad as a Rome .boy. i He is v ry p pu ar here as well as iu Atlanta. After th honeymoon, the cou ple will m e Atlanta their home, 'I Le pi'o .is today wire very niitntreus . nd decidedly useful and valuable. li you cant keep cool —just keep uh cool as you cun. L Wife, THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Si rup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with tlie medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. «AN FRANCISCO. Cal. . LOUISVILLE Ky. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHEAP RATES. On account of the meeting ' f the Southern Biblical Asse nbly at Knoxville, Tenn., June 16 25th, 1898, the Southern rail way will sell tickets from points on its lines to Knoxville and re turn at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on June 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, with final limit June 27 ; also on June 20 and 21, with final limit July 4, 1898. Foi further information and descriptive circular relative to same please call on agent of the Southern railway. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headache, billiousness and liver ills. Price 25 eents. RAILWAY. . ( on-lpiised Schedule ih Lf* *ct May 1, 1898. j ST VI !"N-. I No. Hi N<>. u f No. 8 I Lv Chattanooga6.3oam 3.Utym ItLlO.'iD Ar Dalton 7.slam| 4.24 pm i *. loan. Ar Koine 9.00 am; 5.35 pm I Ham Ar Atlanta H.lOami 8.05; mi Lv Atlanta 1. .'Opml 8.13 pm 5 .’ Ar Macon 7. lOpm; 10.55 am B.loam Ar Jesup I 4 40am 2.38 pm A r Everett 5.25 am 3.25 pm Ar Jacksoni ille ■ B.W«jftn 4». .’.>*».i. Lv J< sup lOJHarn 6.56 pm Ar Jacksonville I.oopm In. 15pm Lv EvcrOtt ■ 5.30aml 3.3-pm At I .1:.-W!CK I 6.3(hun| 1.30 pm No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping ('ar CLatta- ; noogu to Atlanta. N< 10 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chat tan 0-a to Atlanta. N< li card. ; Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta | to Jacksonville and Atlanta to Brunswick. - . . I ■ X . 7I No 9 I No. 13 I-’ Atlanta io.()Cpm| 4.00 pm 7.50 am Ar Rome 6.25 pm 10.35 am Ar Dalton I 2.34 am I 7.34 pm 1 11.4 him Ar Chattanooga 4. r-.m B.sopir. I.oopm Lv Chattanooga K.lhirn. 9.10 pm Ar Burgin 4.29 pm Ar Lexin'ton s.lopmi 4.50 am Ar Lom'vi'.i.' 7 50pto 7.50;>m Ar ( incim-u: i 7.J titfrpml 7.30 am ~~ Lv Chattanoogal |.2spin 1.15 am I 25pzn 6.55 pm &40am 6.55 pm No. 7 carrle Pullin in Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattan » pa ami C latt inoom to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car A’lanta to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. No - 6 - ! No - 12 I No - 16 I Lv < Jhai tan o*a 8. id im i 10am 10.00 pm 1 Ar Knoxville 11 55;un 8.05 am I.loam ■ Ar Morrist wn 1.21 pm 9.50;im 2.25 am | Ar Hot Springs 11.4rtiirn 4.00 am | \r Asheville | 1.15 pm 5.10 am \r Salisbury • 6. ICh rn QJlOiun I Ar t lr< •nsboro I 9.52 pm IMO m Ariiaieigh I 1 1.4 ;-m 3.40 t m Ar Noi . 7D in . Ar Vj ahi | <•> | j i :1 9, , ni As ••■ ■ ■ 12.43 pm 6. ’ iu No. 1? ctirr'es Po‘ m n SI *» ii iz <’a : ’l ta nooga to <-w f < via A>>'*/i'le an I Sal- 1 is’mrvt') Ki • i n >nd arrivin' Ki hmond *i I» i.rn. 1 also 1*01110:111 Sleep ng Car Greensboro iu Nor folk. No. 16 is solid train C iga to Salis bury. With Pu'Jmi 1 siit«‘pi:i' i l ;r Chattanooga to Salts > ic ,- and SaLsbury to N w York with out change. STATION'S. _ | J i' v Chatt inooga ... 5.00 pm S.4oatn Ar Knoxville ( 8.1 .pm 11.55 um Ar M»orrist wn 2.1 »pm 1.23 pm \r Bristol I 7.(Mam; 3.55 pm ’ Ar Washin :tcm. I 7.40 am Ar New York ’ L I 1 1.20 pm N >. 6. carrle -' Pallm in Sleeping Car Chatta noo' a t • vVash'n -1 n and Ciiallam oga to New York without ch.iit/»*. No. 4 I'.irries Pul'.m 11 Sleeping Car Knox- , ville to Bri tol. S I'A'l I N - \ 1( kv Rome u. 10am Ar Anniston , 11.21 am Ar Birmingham | 10.00 pm Ar Selma 13.55 pm Ar Meridian | 7.30 pm Ar New Orleans..,. 10.30 am Ar Jm-k-m .... (Usam Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar Shreveport. 1....... 7.20 pm ’N" 15 ■>. '• i Ijß HNO.I • 2.(X)pin 4.50 pm T,v Rohh* ar B.seiim 8.35 am 5.41 pm 6.a«pm Ar Gad den. ar 6.00am 1 6.30 am ' 6.00 pm 7.10 pm Ar Attal a, lv 5.45 am 6.2oaifi t Daily exo pt Sunday. j Sunday only. F. S. GANNC)N. 3d v.p & G.M.,Washington, D.C J. M CULP. Truf. Mgr.. Wa hington. D. C. W. A. TURK. G. P. A.. Washington, D. C. C. A. BENSI'OTKR, a.g.p. a., Chattanooga, Tenn Tax Assessor Bub Foster is more of a favorite with the people ibis year than ever before, His t election is assured Mark that prediction. I Delicate I I » They do not complain ot, J. anything in particular, fhey j eatenough. but keep thin and 5 J- paie They appear fairly weL. i but have no strength. cannot say they arc reruii I f sick, and so you call them, delicate. t. What can be done for them. Our answer is the same that the best physicians have beer. J? giving for a quarter of acen- S’ tury. Give them I scoirs EmuisiM j: of Cod-Liver Oil with L\['> M° phosphites. It has most ri <• markable nourishing P°'' er ' JC It gives color to the blood, a A brings strength to the mas £ cles. It adds power to th * nerves. It means robiN A health and vigor. Even u • cate infants rapidly £ ain J flesh if given a small amo A three or four times each u./ J, 50c. ami si.o° I [lru Yoil SCOTT & BOWNE, Chem ; s FREE Wl?M<| TO EVERYONE- I 1 i Who HUlTer.s with any ' ,hr '’'! lc as ' nidrejß part of tne human body. ! ' ll ‘ . icb tr’Jß bladder, heart, liver am if face and skin eruption-,. I . ( u , l; jeiO ual organs, sexual weakness anu M application be in anil derthat its inventions, apl 1 ' it , failing remedies may •;■ 1 ~«ni? e 2H bie publicity, and , ui< >■ actual use and n |eSwt eM whatever will De rl ' ,:el “. , u 7 nl ,der cal Sanitarium-trom .ni'.' ' meat until beuellcial le-i h . iVl . I)e < M Ils remedies and app >• )( tIV ,, mended by the m-wsp ip< i - (lill . t ,,p and endorsed by the M ' ‘ , is world. Where fllll t .> acc miplisb it and netei ■ upbuild and forUf) .• ( ell ,>igy. They infuse m-w life an i < mauently stop all ‘‘ the constitution ami I 1 Tm-y retone, refresh m ; ‘u » regardless ot age. I '* • , effects, a permanently ~ taxed W those of excesses a'" l , neurasthenia or n lrOe pLi.>u. V ssw.’ -«SSU». ...J State Medical Sam a ■ SI'.M.MERS.II'"" I I «,ll open nb “"‘“"'Tl OU the frst Moiidn) I a’tention given to P U P‘ (or “‘i.'Xws j ' IK B H