The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 01, 1898, Image 5

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W RIGHT MAKES PUNGENT REMARKS: UI SB a Few Broken Observations On The Situation. HEGHWBR wk editor «■ ■ With Double-Dealing And Duplicity And De ounces His Charges as False And Slan derous. Makes a Statement Concerning His Official Dealings With Tax Collector Sanfora. A Vigorous Communication f om Qne cf The Bravest of Veterans And Ablest And Purest State Officials Georgia Has Ever Produced. r ,h. voters and fair minded citizens I eV er. fioyd conn')' ; Ml i have always tried to avoid Reontroveisy in the public press, ■ deplore lhe fact that ■ aill driven into one to prevent [Keing censured and condemned [Bithout a hearing. In this ic lß*ance I come to reply to an at . IBck, made by a man, whom 1 |B lVe known since he was a boy; M ( | who, less 'han a month ago, | Baine into my office and repeated ■is often expression of I Bncerest r.> r ct. confidence and ■■ever faltering friendship to Bivself. MA in the H m. me, of May 881..-. up].eared an i pr. - nine, by ■Bi W A k/ ’' -■ the editor. t\j.'Hi 1 A- my ollicml ■.■incA lam ant willing to let t;:. |Mi he field of bat ■■e. is Il but, B 1 ihtVc ie. i! (•llO'-en conip- Mollvr grin ra! par 1\ from >y m ' I ml'minl record 1"" HMc.utir j,;o oh]/, ma endorsed v 1 Uiv ~u K Miuocratic ticket. MB 1 I".v ,g dm.y miy pni't in 1 rmnty, <>r in other u| ny | ] <IIOW MB , ' ol 't<-'t nt b'Joyd MB ll:i! . v - rtatement tll O.‘ O '-llell g lj, ‘ to county BM 11^I 'couniy matters. I BB' hj 'l any i | H!l g to do HF 1 '"' 1 oni'oi. dHmctlv or SB (,ir " vli .'-“'d .he Inggieg 0 ] 11,1,1 "'y ol’me into' this H^b ~il1 s ill! j ha- be t .|i done with- ■ justification. fl o' ' h " <il ' t ’ 11;l r b'‘ of mv duties ■ 01,, l’"''<> (hmm-id, I have ■M some correspondence with ■ ’ 1 >:ill '" , d, the tax col- U 0 )' 1 County, in de- f 1 ' 1 ’ coinpliaiu c ■ 'paw; bui as lho selec . B 1 '«Uer, M*," d °- 1 '-'er """unbent, I "m-,, and,,.l B Ahh"" 1 ' 8in..,,,.,. <-oll,.«,„. nwrm uothing ()t EBve out ...-7 ’ Mainly 1 ■Mmiv H| '* l t " interfere S>mi time about the last of April, Mr. Knowles, of the Tribune, called al my office in At lanta. and representing himself I«8 the friend of Mr. Sanford in quired about the trouble, which he said he nnderstDod existed be I rwetn Mr. Srnford and myselt That, as a warm personal fried of both Mr. Sanford and myself, ht wanted to understand the situation with a view to an amicable settle ment, etc. I assured Mr. Knowles that, there was no disposition on my part to treat Mr. Sanford unfairly or unjustly; that I wa only doing in his esse, what 1 I was required by the law ir. all such cases, and by my’ sworn duty us C mptroller General, to do with every tax collector of il e State. In order to give Mr. Knowles a complete history of this matter, Mr. W. H. Harris on, my chief clerk in charge of the tax matters of this office, read all of the letters written by me to Mr. Sanford, up to the date of Mr. Knowles visit, and also Mr. San ford’s letters to me. Aft°r they had been thus read, Mr. Knowles expressed his full and entire a|- proval of my course stating that he saw' no reason why Mr. Sanford should complain at 'he treatment he had received, and that he, ,Knowles, would advise hinrto go and pei«> form hia duty and stop his ob stinacy. Mr, Knowles, ex qrested deep regret that Mr. San ford,should have been insulting in his correspondence to me, and that he, as Sanfords friend,.would J ex plain matters fully |andturge Mr. Sanford to accept respondence in its proper light Mr. Knowles dare not deny his statement. Much else on this fine was freely and volun’anlly said by Mr. Knowles, and the last words he uttered on leaving my office, were of the most cordial and friendly character. As to the merits of my corres pondence ana my official con duct towards Mr. Sandford, my letters, copies of which I under -tand have been published in the Home papers, fully explain. I finally discovered that the whole trouole arose because Mr. San ford got the certificates of his de posit at Rome and kept them. He should have kept one of the duplicates and forwarded the !other to the state treasurer. If ,he had done this there would I have been no correspondence . and no execution ; and as soon las he did this, the correspon dence ceased, and the execution was ordered back to this office. My critics seem to fail to sec how important it is to have the cer tificates of deposits promptly forwarded, as these certificates ire the only official evidence that the money is in the deposi tory and therefore in the treas ury, But my position gives m e f u 11 k nowledge of the importance iof the above pis by the law these I certificates ate the only evidenc es upon which the comptroller general is allowed to give re ceipts to tax collectors, and there would be endless confusion in this office, if tax collectors de layed and refused to forward certificates of deposits, and in sisted that I should rely on ver bal statements or letters that they had made such ami such deposits. I did not know that Mr. .San ford had any opponent when mv letters were written. 1 deal with all tax collectors purely in an official wry, without refer ence to politics ami without in quiring whether they are can di dates lor re-election or not, or whether they have opposition. Certified copies of letters writ | ten by me to Mr. Sanford, as well as Mr. Sanford’s letters to me, were furnished to citizens ol Floyd county, who asked if any public official correspondence could be had by application to this office. As the law provides for such certified copies of any official matters, they were fur nished, just as they are furnish ed to any other parties making a similar request, and just as they were freely shown to Mr. Knowles upon application near ,ly a month before copies wen furnished to other citizens of /Floyd county. Had Mr. Kno\vles or Mr. Sanford applied for the correspondence or any part of it, it would have been furnished. Any citizen of Georgia has the right to demand and receive a certified copy of anything in this office. I desire to say that lam not not responsible for the uses to which any such official documents may be applied, and no fair-minded man will hold me a party to any harm which may come to any one from the publication of copies of the of ficial records of this office. Please pardon a further person-, a allusion, which should 1 ignore, I would be less than a man. In answer to the statement by Mr. Knowles, that “while we must commend the comptroller general for his watchful lookout for the dues of the state, still it does not stand him in hand to ihrow stones an any one. He, himself, has been nee upon a time astraddle the ragged edge, with the possibility of having to disgorge, staring him in the face, 'he misappropriation of, not two, but of tens of thou sands of dollars of public money, •ndo dy esjaped by a technicali ty.” 1 only desire to brand this statement, every word of it ind every syl'able of it, as unqualified ly falsie, and demand that the au thor of it point out and specify when, where and before what tri bunal I was ever charged with misappropriation of any moneys of thes'ateand escaped by any technicality. Until he shall do this, all men who are interested m good character will estimate him as a slanderer. Respectfully, Wm • A. Wright- RIDE A MONARCH / r < '■ felfcC' b wj - // Sold by J.SiiniVeal Kame, Ga. The Monarch Bicycle is far sti erior to all others. Ml HUE OF DIVORCE. State of Georgia, Floyd t o : \\ innie LWoodward . Libel vs for di William E Woodward / vorce In Floyd County Superior Court state ol Georgia. No 21, Jul\ term, 1898. To William Edward Wood- | ward : ’ The defendant is hereby re quired, personally or by attor ney, to bo and appear at tin next Superior court, to be held in ami for said county, on the third Monday in July next, then and thereto answer the plain tiff’s demand in an action of Li bel for Divorce, as in default thereof, said court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W’.M Henry, judge of said court, this 14th day of Mardh, 1898. Wm. E. Beysiegel, Clk Superior Court. Floyd Co., Ga. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept, an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAR, i It supplies schools and colleges ! with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography o’ Bookkeeping. Address all letten to the Principal, 11. S. Shockley. Rome, Ga. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mystic Cu r e” for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in Ito 3 days. I's action upon th, system is remarkable and myste rious. It removes at once the cause and tlie disease immediately dis appears. I'he first dose g’’- fitly benefi s. 75 cepts. Sold by Curry- Arrington Co. Rome, Ga. * ATTORNEYS. J. Law Office, 210 Kist First Street, . LOME, GA. CHAS, W. UNDERWOOD, Attornej at Law, Rome, Ga. Corfiorat 1 >n Law Only. ME EUBANKS, Attorney ar law. Office -King Building, R .me, . a. W H. BIN IST IS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in al! emits Office, Masonic Temple, Koine, Ga, "W J NEEL Attorney at law. Will practice in all court-, Special attention given to commercial law and the exauiicalion < t land tines. office iu K.i:g uulldliig, Rome. Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Oo.’s, LIPSCOMB Ck WILLINGHAM C jnxmercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel building. !i rue, Gi J. SARPT O .IWFORD Attornej- at law, Rome, Ga. Collections a specialty. Masonic Temple Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D.D. 5., Office 210 1 2 Broad. * Over Cantrell & Owens. J. L PENNINGTON. D D S.,M D. '■'ENTIST: Office. 305 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur uiture Co, PHYSICIANS. C HAMILTON, IkE ID- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Roma, Ga. O ce ’phone No. 62. 1 1 Iu F> IHz-YTZCLIOISr O. M. ID.. Physician and Surgeon, office in Medical building. Residence, No. 401 West First st. Office ’phone No. 62. LU.MPKI 4 & PRINUTP ATTO INEYSAT LA W, Rome, : : : : Georgia. General practice throughout North Georgia. Correspondences.dlclle I. Special atlexition to mercantile collections. STENOGRAPHER. GEORGE WRIGHT. Stenographer and| Typewriter. Office. U, Armstrong Buil Un ;. T 4. N e3 To Muical Fosple of Rome; It is with pride that we announce the opening of a new and complete stock of IHIK, BBS, AND Small Musical Instruments in the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street, where we would be pleased to have you call ami examine our goods. The stock consists of some of the best m ikes of pianos and organs on the market today. We keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store—Something Rome has needed for a long time. Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud of We are determined to close out our stock o - BICYCLES- I >t the earliest possible date. iL IE. WiRhXES 327 Broad Street'. S. P. Davis, Manager. \ \ X X X \ X X X X X X X X X \ ' X X X X X.X X X x. x We keep on hand at al J imes a full stock of Sheet Music; * / x of the very F.J-KANE& CO 248 Broad Street. ,0 Sale of.. Summer Goods X X X X XXX X XXX X XU/ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X.X X X.X X X X X X X X X X X X . x X X’ Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras. Ready-Made Skirts and Waists •> 1 J*,' JF- We intend to close out our shoe stock, so take advantage of cost prices on shoesof the best makes. Special prices on everything at 248 Broad Street- TONSDRIAL PARLORS- LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; Only skilled men employed. Parlors recently renovated Mos courteous attention 'tAd satisfactory service* g iar » i.e»l, at No 642' Broad.street,