The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 02, 1898, Image 4

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RLL DEMOCRATS ! Jiaue a Right to Participate in The Primary NEED NOT REGISTER. Chairman Dußignon And The. Constitution Oppose The Rome T ribune Under the head of “Qualifica tion for Voters” the Atlanta Constitution answers the inquiry of Hon. Clarence Wilson as fol lows: ,Ql AI.IFICATION FOR VOTERS. Editor Constitution —Please publish the qualification of voters is decided by the state executive committee. C LA RENCE WILSON. Fort Gaines, Ga., May 26, 1898. The only action taken by the state committee was the adop tion of the following resolution : “Resolved, That the qualifica tions of the voters in said pri maries be left to the executive committee of each county, where they see fit to act, but where they do not act, we recommend that the qualification for voting! at the democratic primaries I shall be that the voter be a dem ocrat and that he will vote for the democratic nominees in said < election. ■ “This declaration not being intended to prevent the partici pation of any voter who has not heretofore been a member of the democratic party, but who wishes now to become so.” Under Uie same heading, this morning’s Rome Tribune utters the following: qualification for voters Any Man Qualified to Vote in 1896 Can Vote Mondav. “As some questions has been asked as to who can vote in the primary on Monday it nay be stated : “1. That every man mist vote in the district in which he re sides. i “2. That every qualified voter in 1896 can vote in this jrimary if he has paid his taxei since then. “3. That any young mm who has become of age receidy can vote in this primary. “The Floyd county epeutive committee adopted qiaiifica tions for voters which kill be published tomorrow, ad are about as above.” MR. DUBIGNON’s LETTR . Over his own signaturChair man F. G. Dußignon f the State Democratic Exmtive Committee writes to Juch Joel Branham : Savannah Ga., May 31, Judge Joel Branham. Rome Ga Dear Judge: Referring to o conversation, in Atlanta the q lalifications ot vote---* a( th JUne 6th wculd sai ,k„. .i ... J that the State cotami\ tee imposed no restriction upon voters except that they should be democrats and they should ( agree to support the nominees of the pri mary in the general election, where the County Executive Com mittee has prescribed no qualifi cation. I unhesitatingly express the opinion that all dem Vcrats who have attained the age ' I 21 years and who are residents cf the state and county where the primary is held have the right, to vote therein regardless of whether they are registered or whether they have paid the taxes required by tin oonstitution in order at a regular election. \ ery Truly Yours, F. G. Dußiqnon. „ . 1 tom the above it will be seen j | that the Rome Tribune seeks to Iconfuse the people as to the 1 qualifications of a voter in the I coming primaries and hinder the I free exercise of the rights of the people. By what authority does the Tribune say taxes of 1897 and 98 must be paid. Taxes do not figure in this question any more than registration. If a man is 21 years old, or will be by the time of the gener *al election, lives in Floyd county and is a democrat or wishes to become a democrat and will abide the nomination, he is en titled to vote in the primary. The payment of taxes and regis tration are not regarded Who does the Tribune seek to drive from the polls? What right has that paper to disfran chise the people in a democratic primary. The primary is only a nomin T ating convention and democrats have as much right to vote in it as they have in a mass meeting Let the democrats of Floyd exercise that right on Monday. Let them go to the polls and cast their ballots against “re formers” who are reformers for office only. Let them cast their votes for officers who have prov ed true to every trust and who eternally squelch the pie hunters and mudslingers who would dis franchise the democrats of Floyd county in order to serve a selfish and partisan purpose. WHEN TRAVELING Whetheron pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effect ually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing tuvprs. head aches, and other forms of sick ness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Company only. A new lot of new pattern hats to go as unheard of low prices for the next few days We pay cash for our millinery and can sell a fine hat for less mon ey than any house in Rome. Call and get our prices before buying your best hat Com mencement hats a specialty. Mrs. A. O. Garrard. FOR TREASURER. I appreciate most sincerely the kind support I received from the voters of Floyd county in electing me county treasurer in the past and again respectfully submit my name as a candidate for renomination in the primary of June 6th. If re-elected I again pledge myself to render the same non partisian service to al the people (when funds are out as I have liqnestly endeavored to do in the past. Respectfully, Jas. B. 11 ill. v / Mrs. A. Itiveen, residing at 720 Dlenry St.. Al.on, 111 ~ suff red ? \th sciatic rheumatism for over * bt months. She doctored for it e ! \ly the whole of this time, ’ various remedies recom- J n “ n 'd by friends, and was vr r at ',by the physicians, but re- • cei^ ed n relief. She then used om • p 1 - a ..’ a bottles of Chamberlain’? am al w hich effected a com -1 « ,le ecure This is published at ‘. er . le( l llest ns she wants other? H’®‘lany a t 0 kooW whal cured her. ft 25 aud 50 cen , or sale by Curry-Arriugtot SUMMER I will open my b choo] >n thefi-st Monday m Jtiy.Hp?cie attention given to pupils prepar ing for the university. I ALEMoN J. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, siek headache, billiousness and liver ills. Price 25 eents. J SCROFULA It i 3 Foul Blood’s Advertise ment But It is He <1 Cured by Hood’s S? • aparilla. Yer, Scrofula ..nylbing, may be called I tie advertirin. of lon I blood. It ia the scourge of the rid—offensive, painful, , debh mine. ' bborn cud well nigh uncuiinral' •. ■■ □. ations do not cure, they ' onl-.’dri lu. iculty to uew quarters. Emollients n . palliate, they cannot abolish the c. There is but one sure wiy cut, and 'at is to eliminate the ( 1 taint from the >od. i T is one i tedy that can effect this, rec! it is the o.ily one that, so far as we know, has alt: ■ •'< invariably succeeded— even where the stein has been poisoned by long years of taint, and the ravages to be repaired are tremendous. That remedy is Food’ r ni-nrilla. Read this: “My i! .lighter was afflicted with im pure ble ed. T.:ere were running sores all over her L y and they caused her rv.n h ’•. We tried medicines that • w? e recunim nded as blood purifiers, , but could rot :< • that they did any good. A friend L'd in about Hood’s Sars«pa rill.i and I beg giving the girl this ined . ic’::c. The result was t hat she was pu fee. ly cured r. r taking a few bottles. 1 . .u- has Lai i o symptoms of scrofula ; sores since th.,! time.” Marietta M. i.T.ri:, Sout h . ddleboro, Mass. Sarsa- JWOU parilia '<- t ' . t the One True Blood Purifier.. . 11; ,>:i 1 Lion s ; l ike HO Silbst'tllte. ; 1 ’“’t harmoniously with fluOG I HtS }|,, ( „p s sarsaparilla LIBEL FOR DIVORCE STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY, — George W. Thomas i Libel for di vs • vorceinFJoyd L. P. Thomas A Super’r Court State of Georgia, No. 33 January term 1898. To L. P. Thomas, —The defend ant is hereby required personally or hy attorney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county on the , thirl Mondav in Ju'y next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s demand in an action of libel for divorce, as in default thereof said court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witnoae the Honorable W. M’ ■ Hen”y , Judge of said court, this f i 9ih day of February 1898, Wm. E. Beysiegel, C. C. Supe r rior Court, Floyd county Ga. E ITERS OF ANMINISTRA- TION. GEORGIA. FLOYD COUNTY To all whom it may cencern : Equitable mortgage company having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministra ton on the estate of Wm B. Wiggins, late of said county deceased . This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Wm. B, Wiggins to be and appear at my office within ■ the time al lowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not hw granted to W. H. Ennis Co. Admr. on Wm. B. Wiggins estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature this 2nd day May 1898. John P. Davis. i Ordinary. I CHEAP RATES. On account of the meeting r s the Southern Biblical Assembly at Knoxville, Tenn., June 16— 25th, 1898, the Southern rail way will sell tickets from points on its lines to Knoxville and re turn at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on June 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, with final limit June 27 ; also on June 20 and 21, with final limit July 4, 18uS. Foi further information and descriptive circular relative to same please call on agent of the Southern railway. INSOMNIA “I have been u»ln« L’ASCARETS for Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted for twenty years, and I can say that Cuscareta have given me more relief than any other reme dy I have ever tried. 1 shall certainly recom mend them to my friends as being all thev are represented." Thos. Gillahd, Elgin, ill. CANDY U' Y, CATHARTIC MARK RfOIBTIRtD Plensant Palatable. Potent. Taste Good Do Go- I Never Si< I ; o. Weaken, or Grlne. Kic 25c 50c ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Stevli.ig 8.-med, lu:u;Kiny, flileinro, Mnatrral. K.w Ywk. 310 Hn-TQ.RAf! BoW and gnaranteed by all drug- HU- I U-DAL .. sWU> cvßETobaeeo Habit 4 To the votpra of Floyd c< unty: I hereby Rimounce myself a cai>-, dictate for the office of representa tive in th“ lowtr house of the next Ge neral Assembly of Geor gia. iny candidacy subj *ct to the primary of Jun'’ 6th 98. J. LIND-’AY J hlnbon . SHERIFF. I hereby myself as a candidal*- 1 fm’ sheriff of Floyd county subj'-i t to the democratic primary of June 6th, 1898. My deputies will be J. P. Mc- Connell, J. D. Turner and Craws Moore. J. K Williamson. FOR CORONER. I am a 3anditate for re-election as coroner of Floyd county, sub ject to the democratic primary of June 6lh. and will gratefu'ly appreciate the votes of my friends and the public. F. H SCHLAPBACH. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. 11l announcing myself as a candidate for state and county tax collector of Floyd, subject to the democratic primary on June 6th, I desire to call your attention to some of the reasons wh} I ask your support, Chief of these reasons is the record of services faithfully rendered. This record is open to the in spection of every citizen and tax payer of Floyd county, and has already been passed upon By those officials whose duty it is to keep an eye on such matters. aiy thousands of dollars have passed through my hands, and for every cent of this money receipts are held in my office. The taxes due the state and county have been closely collect ed by me, and this Jias been dene without oppressing the tax payers individually or collec tively. I propose to make a clean campaign for re-nomination,and my pledge for the future is my official conduct in the past. Thanking you for your sup port heretofore given, I respect fully ask your votes and co-op eration in the present contest. Yours truly, V. T. Sanford. • ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the legislature, subject to the democratic pri mary June 6th. J. B. Nevin. FOR SHE R| FF . I hereby announce myself as a candidate for sheriff of Floyd county, subject to the democrat ic pi imary to be held June 6th, 1898. Messrs. William J. Griffin and T. Berry Broach and Mr. Dai Byars will be my deputies We very respectfully solicit your vote, and promise to faith fully and honestly perform the duties of the office. J. Ed Camp. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Coxes fOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in tho Stomach, Giddiness, Fulness after meals, Head iche. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Rent. Loss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on tho Skin, Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and ali Nervous and Trembling Sensations, THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM’S I*ILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure sick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have tbs LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine in the World, \ 25c. at all Drug Stores. :* H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., Successors to S ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. t We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in < J the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our w stock is complete and of the very highest grade. nJ We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all 2JJJ times. We should be pleased to have you call on us r ' JJ Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articlesand such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and toba«?co. ° JC Come to see us. • ■>< Hv 1 S. M Stark, § X x mi S LIOIBIMO BESMWHIW- s •5 Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A ~ * -i "HI F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. 3 hamNmppLW. | g ’ Plurn’jin? and Tinning. j 2 aril muhinists* 5 2 supplies. Stoves, £ C tinware. Qas an J electric fix= | § tures. INSURANCE gasoline J 2 stoves. Water meters. 5 5 325 Broad st. Phone 32. { $1.25 and sl-50 Negligee shirts fors J. A. GiWJU COMPAQ are WAITING'^" I for everyone in Rome to comeH jr in and see the magnificent stock■ on men’s and boy’s clofliing,B bicycle aud golf suits, is wlmtß we are doing, but we are hu- B tling while we wait. We show you the finest stock 111 clothing, made from the ne«N| styles and patterns in tabrick-.B ’ perfect fitting and handsome, be found in Georgia, and tlrfß are above competition in vah* S B for the price. ■ Ihegreatest line of negligee shirts! ever shown H Rome. I J, A. GAfIMON & CO. I ““’■■“"“■“■"■"■■■■■■•■■■■“X®®™™"auMDW Can supply a!1 Ours is the Most Complete Department Nursery If"! th 9 Ua Si low rates. We publish one o . I theleadinrSeed. PL.ntandTrge Catalogues issued, which will be mailed free* Send for it now, it win save you money. Try us, can refer you to customer, in every state and territory in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends far and near. Have hundreds of carloads of J-* If 1 FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, p s LAf,TS! a J We send by mail postpaid, Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Roses. Small Trees, Etc- satisfaction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44th year. 33 greenn THE STORRS & HARRISON CO., Box 528 Painesv«»®i ji