The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 05, 1898, Image 11

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“I LOVE 'l l I EE!" “3d) jSidu 1 m hv TOM. HOOD. Mutate by AUGUST WM. HOFFMANN. ' ■ i- I I ■ ■ *' ' z s <• I — 1 ( J t *WL tss» ... s * j ,&- : . • .Ji fi =■ ■ »> i -y . p 1- >— Pl> —= --- Piano. - A * *- . ~ *K _ >* '• ’ 'O' * J —J o: 3 w , 9 * i ‘ r,,/ - * ' J>ed ' * .t.-mz. # > '••'• • Ted * ' amoroso. a a ral] i —1 \ . . ——— —.— -fc. '•* ~ '** - . . * • fe ~L • • v/ > I , love thee, 1 love thee, ’Tis all that I can say, ■yy - bedich, ich lie - bedich, Mehr sa genkannich nicht, love thee, 1 h’ve thee, Is tv - - er on my tongue, ■ - bedich, ich lie - bedich, Er • fi'illt mein, gan.- zcs Sein, love thee, 1 love, thee, Thy bright and ha - zel glance, ' /;, -. bedich, ich lie -be doth, Der brau - nen Au - gen. Blick, .i. , !•» fg I: ? :«..■?• : -' J ' amoroso. rc g/ - s , I . . !_ ‘ 1— » —9. - ,« 9 . « « ~~9~ — r-y i~d <’■ *z* « 1 : ' o —• — 9 a ’ Ted. ’ Ped. •?• Ted. # Ted. a tempo. - A i) rail. ~zz==~ lS r _x .:V S “- - ■ x I ? v M fcfcfci=Z*=±=* S e =*= =#= 9 ' ®| '' r » e> a • —” ]f i s the vis - ion in the night M\’ dream - ing in the day, The T)ein hoi ■ des Bild a .nschioebt mich nachts.Am Tag wie Trairm-ge - sicht, dm In all mv proudest po •• e- sy That <iho - rus still is sung. It Un.d stolz uill ieh den schon-sten dang Aar del - nemLieb reiziceik'n, Abcln The niel - low lute up -on those lips Whose ten - der tones en - trance, I’ut ] D<r zar-ten sa - sser La-nt Ent-sehei - de mein Ge - seliick, I>ocl/ \ <£■ <s. -X * '—' 'p- a tempo. —‘ ‘ rail. — _ll. i . 1 LTD ’ k y \ • l - . ----- » ♦ ' ••;■• n<r. * * . . ' * Ted. Copyrig!;!. iso;, by Musiiai News Co ,by permission ot Angust Win. liof.'. u.m. ~ <$ Ihe campaign has closed —and it smy opinion that I voice the Bpntimeii'nB p ntimeii'n of every good man on f'Oth sides, when J say that Floyd county should imver again witness such a scramble. o o o The ’‘reformer” was never satis fied with the program mapped out Ih the first meeting of rhe execus t'" l ’ committee, which deci-red f «ainst primaries for iron ii ating county officers o o o Hiev had the committee recall ed by various methods suc '-cnded io “rescinding” the action "* ‘he committee. This was unu 6lla ■~ u °t to s'iy high-handed. o O o 1 ’ ut not content with this, the dimmer at once opened a cam- P ai H" of mud slinging that has been equalled in the hbtory ° th s or any other county in the date. 0 0 0 like Will Bey siege], J ■ •‘cConuell aod J. Dallas Tur- J r ' men who have lived, iu Fb yd ty from their youth up. and "' 109 M names no suspicion utterfdi have been 81 ' ded,l '’h« “reform” organ as " eveßand boodlers and pirates. 0 <' o nio?'. !' Vaß . d()Ue because these the ' * " ' v ‘ tn es«es, justices of lic .^ ace ’ constables and the so fees Jr / U,iera ‘ Were P aid certain eoimtym r ° Dd£,red the tain/ L h CCUvicti, ’n of cer- ' demeanor law breakers. .0 0 0 ">0 injust the re . “ >attack 1 have quoted lhe Feath S aUd ‘’’ OWH wl ‘ere e “ the rston board has pud Tax Collector Sanford $375 for services rendered —though there is no law providing for such pay for such work. 000 To show the inconsistency of the mudslinging “reform” or gan, T have called attention to the fact that the same board of commissioners who paid officers j of court the fees they earned, in the bringing to justice and con victing of certain criminals — and securing to the county this chaingang labor —a SSO fee for a trade edition of said “reform” organ—Certainly there is no law providing for SSO fees for trade editions of newspapers. 000 I have called attention to the fact that if these court officers bring a sinner to the bar of jus tice and he is convicted and can and does pay his fine the Feath erston board permit the officers to have their tees—and the “re form” organ says not a word. 000 But if the convict is too poor to pay his fine, and he must work on the public work, and the justice loving commissioners say that Floyd court < fficers in other counties, from which con vict labor is bought and paid for by tax money of Floyd tax pay ers, why the officers of 1‘ loyd are thieves, boodlers and pirates. 000 From day to day the reformers have made these slanderous charges. Made them in order to prejudice credulous voters and win the voters that the “reformer” for office only, must have. 000 Shame on*such methods Let the peonle of Floyd county rally to the pol's tomorrow and bury under an avalanch of bal'ots the man who seek to into office over the good characters of faith- ful and true, loyal and capable officers —characters established by a life time of honorable acts and heroic faithfulness to duty character these ‘ office s< ekers would destroy to obtain their own selfish ends 000 You men who believe in honor and honesty, and deprecate slan der as you loath the slanderer, rally to the right or. tomorrow and forever put an end to such nefari < us methods in polities. 000 F oyd county cant afford such mudslinging -ampaigns—and for such campaigns to be waged inside the democratic party means death to Floyd county demociaey. 000 I have seen to it that no mud slinging has b u en through the columns of my paper. I have recognized from the outset that this is a fight among democrats, and while forced to refute the charges made by the reform organ I I have made no counter charges save those forced by the developments of the campaign, 000 Mr. Sanford has been answered every time he has appeared in the ' columns of his organ . Mr. San | ford has never answered the ques tions which raised by his statement that he had collected $25,00() back taxes aml which the county treasurer has not received, and no part cf which has found its way into the comptroller general « office —as stated by that .official. 000 That question is “Mr ,-anford where did you put it? You say you collected it—then where is it n< w? The voters have a right to ask and to i xpect an answ< r. Catholic Church —Tnere will be mass at the Catholic church this morning at 10:30 and devo tional services in the evening at 7 ;80 oclock, by Father Reis. —— II ■ —’ >■l !■ ■ "..w I ■ I -II I Willi I T|» i * u '.l. I. ***<-,, 1 * r rib n. " J__ '*y * ‘ ’- a 9 • x- > yP .. « ■' z . i wt * 1 ry > ! 'h >y <>l my lioai*t, The bless i./.-.- w !..-n J pruTT"*l a1 nj ton! s ten Ge-bet Lnd J rom ~i die Ijp-'pe spricht, hit. LP ’ -er - dim of niy eyes. A- midst the guy and young/ 1 An -gc ■•-■ acid mil >-< , : t n-sncftl da h. In, hoi ■ dee Sc/t tct sl< en Jlcih tj Ich most dear heart ol‘ hearts th v proofs, That still those words en - hance, I 'aa-teas aneh tleiii \Vtl-le-sei, A chin' ich nit in Wert:" - riick, Ich Q .J . .. ._. . I ° s 14" ’ : -.-• Bt ■ - i:'; ■ .. . '* .. ' J : 5 ’ I a tempo. —£ /r i I '■ ... I ' u l ~ A . k ; 9 * ■ <— t; _L t . -Z—_ •<r v ~ _ S" 'Ey-. —■. ' * • I ’■ ■• A / <A- fL ■>' ->“<.■ v n , t " ... i° Vl> th<‘.‘, I love thee, ’Tis all that I can shy. Z/<? bedich, < Ite - bedich, .Mehr set gen kann tch vield. levy the; l , I love thee, A tbou-sand maids a mong. lie - la dich, i lie - bedich Von -st n - den. cl - lein. love thee. I love thee, What - .he - bedich, i.h lie - bedich, Da . h- i " 7:=t f —' f- .?• - (soy I ■.-=• I I • ■ •-fc's < a tempo. ff ' ~ ~ . i ' -UP#’' 1 -£• -T'- ic. I ~ -- " " “ >s -t * Ik): a E x ■ •' w < «r * lit ... y : ; <: M ?!_t_ ’ ■ . •■ i , - 1* - ' I V -tz j ! L_g?_ I ] < 1 r• d J Il< It. Ni/ 2 < 1 . I hh ... . -< v - er he thy e 7?ze/ - nos IDr-zc.iS (di TI IP 11, \ Q —4 « # r— V "X*- bw \ j 1 Ik I | ( -i - jji . || : J.-.. .-J... y;>L_J I z y . <o. _ ” .. ZS • ' ; • O • 1 --t - t ' zzf - , V • fp e( f .j. . ’.tj . 2 Ted. /en ' ' Ted. T-T'd.( ' ' SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for sheriff cf Floyd county subject to the democratic i primary of June 6th, 1898. My deputies will be J. I’. Mc- Connell, J. D. Turner and ■ Craws Moore. J. K Williamson. FQR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for sheriff of Floyd county, subject to the democrat ic pi ini to be held June 6th, i 1 098 Messrs. Wuliam J Griffin and .T. Berry Broach and Mr. Dau Byars will bo my deputies. We very respectfully solicit i your vote, and promise to faith fully ami honestly perform the duties of the office. J Ed Camp. z — FOR HE PRES ENT A TIVE. To the voters of Floyd ccunty: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of represeirtb j tive in the lower house of the i next General Assembly of Geor j gia. my candidacy subj ct to the I primary of Jun - ' 6th 98. J. Lind ay J ohnson . A new lot of new pattern hats to go at unheard cf low prices for he next few days. We ptv c sh for our milli tery and can sell! a fine hat for less mon ey than any house in Rome. Call and get our prices before buying your best hat Com mencement hats a c pecialty. Mrs. A. O. G-arrara. Mr. W. A. Martin, of Atlanta was in the city yesterday. . FXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXS | School Supplies. 41 We are pioneers in the school books and school sup- s>>> Ply busimsi and we are also right up-rt)-da*H in every thing that should be kept by In up-to-date Bookstore. »>> \\\ 'TVafV *v* ■’4V >/S/ ■ i ML PIPES, I Il *' No hcuse ’u th * Btite car. serve vou better when voi de- sire to invest in a new covering for tr.c de%r ?:d walls o’ $>S your home. See our stock on hand and samp'es $$ | H. A. SMITH, g THE QLO RELIABLE BOOK STORE. >| I w lOihcn x a xCxt j! ,\\\ -zzxzy /'v z ✓\z\z\z ?/// ZZX/'Z •>ZVV A V/ •••••• ••••««• • • * • • 9if ißepairing i! •Don’t Walk On • • @ Your Upperslt IWA-MULLIN 'X, Masonic I •••