The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 05, 1898, Image 12

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FOR NON! ONLY eWilSell % 500 pieces Skirt Cambric, all colors, 3c. i 50 pieces printed Dimities, worth 1 Oc, 4c per yard. 1 00 pieces French Ginghams, 4c. 250 pieces White Duck, for skirts, 5c per yard. ®®®®®®®®® f LADIES' WAISTS | ® sOc © S==? Worth $1- AJI biz s and colors. L-X, (j®) ,? ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® TURKISH BATH TOWELS, EXTRA LARGE. WORTH 30, FOR 15c. I , "HHT !■" T “■BTT WV "fflHk T *W -HFW / *•.’ I h-Jf if? jg&ja&EW W| Okw®»l F 1 F ■! ’ j J W IH IB • ■■_> m. .™L 1 Uj JUL® Mw v BURNED AT STAKE. A MioUsaud Loilsianjans Bilrn a Neuro. MOST SICKENING SIGHT After The Burning, Lawyers Made Speeches. Shjevepor 1 , La., June 4 --A i thousand people gathered at Doys h nP( whicn is situated on the i Vicksburg, Sh ev< port and Pacific, railroad, about 18 miles from here to witness ’.he burning at the stake of Wilham Street, a negro, who attempted the ruin and Mur der of Mrs. Parish Thu crime was committed on the night cf Al ay 30 The people erected a post near j the railroad rack near the town, quietly laid th) light wood and kindling, saturated with coal oil, preparatory to chaining Street to the post. Street is a gingers bread colored man of about 28 years. He confessed the crime to a colored minister, but said a ne gro minister named John Rhcdes was implicated. When gang to the stake he looked frightened and refused to have anything to say. He was Ln d to the stake and ut- I tcred not a word as the great , crackling Haines shot in nieces, pion above his h->ad. The Himes w<-re started at 1 o’clock. It was a sickening sight, which lasted ten minutes, when Street was a charred inass, Weil I i.own lawyers made &' ■peecbes warning the crowd of that. such crimes would no lie t derated] in a civilized I community. , ’ 4 ”’ 00, ******************** >'• '«**** i SILK'S & SATINS* ■M , Best quclity Taffetas, all colors, 70c. * Best quality .affeta Black, 60c. Taft-iias f< r waists, $1 50, # 1 25, sl, fi r 75 c. * 27 in ludia Silk, Black and colors, 37 l-2c. * * MOUSSELI NE DE SOIE AND LIBERTY SILK 60c PER YARD. saulted is in a most critical con-I Edition and could not identify Street when caught until a doctor I held open her eye-Jids. ■ ' ImAJAH P. FF’S sayings. The fact that we have made glahring mistakes does not make ■us less biggoted in our opinions. Mo’ men than we imag'ne a anxious to go to wah at once to escape the annual spring house , cleaning. ’’Truth crushed to earth will’rise again’’was written befo’ it wah tackled by the yellow wah corres pondents. “There's room fur mehrit at the | top” once held goon, but the friendc i “with a pull” are there to overfl >w ing now, . The patriotic worn hi who would J be soldiers evidently believe tin P,ed Pipeh of Hamelin got in his! work around Cuba also. I would rathati have a publish J iog fatheh-in-law as a means ot | holding a positioa than the edito rial ability of Greeley or the meh rit of Dickens, ’ the prince of repo’tehs.” APHORISMS. Pride is the bloom of perdition. Killing time is maiming charac- I ter. Noted bravery—doing gocd fo‘ I evil. An aimless life insures a home less evening. Pigs do not squel when they are feeding The man above counsel is al ways iu danger. Good breeeing .8 manifested Io what we read. The “proper thing” is less than the right thing. If a man’s words taint the air. he has a cesspool in his heart: Beware of infection, —Rani’s A BIG' DKjVIRND For Iron Made By Agricill tilral tool Makers COTTON SHOWS POORLY! But all Other Branches of Ag riculture Prosperivg. New York. June 4. — R. G. Duii & Co ’s weekly review ol trade says today: Os all the great industries the I cotton manufacture only gives some sign of shrinkage, cotton having dropped a sixteenth during ! the week auer a rise in goods favofii g inr ihe month about 1 ! per c> nt., thus rendering the 1 tuaiketing of accu nulated stocks -nr.-what m re difficult. But print cloths nave advanced and in m>s staple goods the demand is im provin:, \\ mien mills are lacour aged l>y a s me.i bat larger demand ior goods, i i part from govcn uient or I r- ml are averaging 1 p r c nt. b Iter piiees for goods 'in n a month ago. There is not miiel. <Ji ma d fur wool, which is s u ..eld u. ’ne main above the v.. . • 4 th moniP'acHirers. ?n iron steel manufacturers lead . . I others in gain over prev-, . ii ;e»rs, the consump non cf pig iron bi ing ;; pparently more than a million tons per month, an ;n --•reas ol 34 per cent. Above all others in signifieance is the wholly iinprecedtn d detn md from gricultural implement works, ■i hich thro in th 1 shade all their irders, whil- the plate and rail oanufactur rs are beating all re ■ irds, partly with foreign ord rs, me for Canada having been plac-' •u at Oaivago fur 12 OJJ ton-. Siructurai work is very heavy, zrr—■ ----- ? s«***» $ * CORSETS and HOSIERY. t 1 lot corsets, worth $2. $1 50. $1 to go at 75c A 250 <!• z *u ladies’ hos >, black, worth 30c, for 18e. *•* 250 dozen misses hos°. black and tan, worth 25c for 10 c i** j x # & il? ?♦? iir # & **? *»r $W- ?»? *♦? C •{? the wegt fii nishing a large share I T ot it, and in sheet bars and rode j : f>r fenceing the orders are large. , ; Prices cf pig have been somewhat s'rengthened by enormous buying ; orders for Bessemer and basic a' Pittsburg and of charcoal at Chis ; cago. CONDEMNED. When an innocent man is condemned fo> T any crime lie doesn’t lose hope. His law yers appeal from one \ court to another. / /LJiS They are bound to U* Ctf save him, if he can 4'vAL be saved. It is the same way with a ' yytjb- 5 * CTdfß g-ood doctor wi.eti f-XJI his patient seems V 1 condemned to death I / LL-i-'tvJvl • by disease. | ; s_l But doctors lna '- e x A-a ‘ - /L’a mistakes some- ; 7 times; they lose /- / / heart too soon. / // / sg I After they have I If/ WErt ■ JW.'. J tried everything V f they know and I/2 the patient is . \/9 no better, they i think there is C~3MHr nothing more to /? iz 'BF '• be dyne. They / don't alway s 3 ,L ’SB get at the root 'w. 1 of the disease. / I ® J They fiequentlyt'g&t give a patient up to die of con- ; sumption, and are afterwards surprised to see him get i strong and well again. Mrs. W. B. Duncan of Arlington, Phelps Co., Mo., writes: “My husband took lour bottles of Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery when he was :as he thought) almost into consumption, and we were very th:i nkliil that such a medicine could be found. I wish all persons troul led with cough would take it. Long may the ' Golden Medical Discovery’ and ‘Favorite Prescription' be made. I shall always recommend and praise these medicines.'' All lung and bronchial diseases are cured bv Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, because it supplies the system with healthy blood. It puts the vital forces into action and fills the circulation with the life-giving 1 red corpuscles which builds up solid, mus cular flesh and healthy nerve-force. As a medical author. Dr Pierce holds an | eminent place in his profession. His great 1 thousand-page illustrated book, “The Peo- | pie’s Common Sense Medical Adviser” is one of the standard medical works of the English .•language. Nearly 700.000 copies were sold at $1.50 each. A paper bound I copy will be sent absolutelyj'ree for the cost ( of mailing o,;/r, 21 one-cent stamps; or, cloth-bound for 31 stamps. World’s Dis pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.V RHEUMATISM CURED INA. DAY. “Mvstic Cire” fur Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Pa action upon the system is r«m irkable and invete- 1 rions. It removes at once the cause | end the disease immediately dis- . appears. The first dose greatly ! benefi's, 75 cents. S >ld by Curry- j Arrington Co, Rome, Ga. ® RIBBONS ® W hnve the be-t stock of ribbons in Rome. We will sell llieiu®) I TvrOKnDA-T- I at 33 13 per cent, less than any.other bouse in H mie. (£< ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®@® .... | AWHOLEOLUBB 1 ' A Ca ’ l P 1 .'..-.tD' LZp Time * eopvß lsM • . . i • jp— I carry a full an I j I'njieie line of jewelry, inclu ding Dit n>l li i:|E My stock of silver notions and njv Ities was n»v- or more complete. WiOJIN} PliHE'Jrs V SPdJJIkLTY. ii J. K Williamson h —— —3 —— CANDY ® CATHARTIC CURE CQNSTIPATION i ioc all ! 25c 50c DRUGGISTS J l ’"E ■ ' ■ ■ Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHLI MA I K surest and the Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, per box. Samnle sent free on mention of this publication. n „ n ,» Indian* THE DR. WHITEHALL MBGRIMINE CO- South Bena