The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 06, 1898, Image 3

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IJWIGTED. | gill Against Mrs.. Gouernor , Atkinson of • | jjjfg OF WES f VIRGINIA Jury Had Failed to Examine Witnesses. W. Va . June 6- The grand jury just returned a lrue Lull against Mrs. *veruor Atkinson and Joshua P. Owens f< r alleged forgery. Great excite niPiil prevails. When the grand jury came down from their room and r port ed they were through with the in stigation of all matters before them,the indictment found were read in op m court, among t hem ff ere no true bills against Mrs Atkinson. Gen. C. C. Watts,, wishing to have his client entirely vmdicat ed and removed from further possible piosecution, moved the court that the jury should either return a true bill or not true a bill against the governor’s wife and that its action be made a matter of record. * This motion washotlv opposed by the state and the prosecution requested the court to inquire ol the grand jury as to whether or not they had failed or refused to examine any witnesses that were before them. The court asked the question and they replied that they had The court was further asked by the state to instruct the grand j jury as to the law governing for geries and accessories, and that they be returned to their room to further investigate all matters brought before them. Judge Blizzard delivered a charge giving the literal mean ing of the law bearing upon the questions involved ami the jury was sent back. Operate Extravaganza. On Tuesday night June .14, the long talked of ami the most unique entertainment will hold . the boards at (he opera house. Everything points to a most en joyable affair when the evening be spent in witnessing the Ex travaganza- All kinds of novel and pictur esque features will be introduced and the speciallies are new and up to date. lbs costumes worn will be elegant, and the lovers of good nuisi. ; pleasing features of al! kinds, and pretty dances win have the opportunity on the above named date. Watch the papers for full details. BUCKLEN’S arnica salve Lie Best Salve in the world fm ( uts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns and all Skin’ Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or n< pay required, His guaranteed to give perfect satisfai tion o) •uoaey refunded. Price 25 cent.' pei box. For sale by Curry Arrington Drug Company. I n ard at Mobleys springs. A limited number of boarder, JUI be received at Mobley spring r Apply Vo J. J -IcCouiiell Mav Ist ’9B. WHEN TRAVELING pleasure bent, or nisiuess, take on every trip ; “'“l" of Syrup Os Ei ' s , i. in >-t pleasantly and effect I tl '" minors, l iver d ~T S ’ preventing fevers, head lfls ’ ; ll >d other forms of sick bv i v !,le in 50 cvut Lottie. Lett J i’i "'7 dru g« ists - A,anu Svrn <-< 1, 6 ( ’ rt lifornia Fij. Hup Company only. ' ll -A. A. q u . tul( of U1 riU 8 111 tlle city yesterday. I 'IT VR Every day now brings us heavy ship ments of standard and seasonable fur niture, ana w ith the coming of spring we have already received a CAR-LOAD OK LALY CtVRRItVGEES All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beau*,y and strength • MATTINGS, KTJGJ-S, SC CAMLETS In this department we have reoeivd tor the spring trade one car loacbi mattidg which we imported dirct from Japan. Here you can find nw , patternsand the prettiest of desins and at remarkably low prices. STOVES. • Do von need a new stove ii yur kitch-n? Tnen ctll on us and ’ou will go no where else. Ve hav£h.e best and that meansj an econ due stove in every sense or the word . j THE WKS EURNITDRE CQ 305 Broad st- Phos 52- Undertakers, Embalmers, ad Fu neral Directors. WiSP'S fiiit I Como, Wis„ annis, Nebr.. Jan. 10,1898. , Jan. 2,1898. I would not be „ regard PISO’S i without piso’s cl for con- cur e for GON- cures whereall eise faiil OPTION as the SUMPTION for any jg 3est M/Tofe CBC gj b( Cough medi- ? thing. For a bad JkßPlsßrt W?MO ciou the market, Cough or Coll it is ■" hng used it for . beyond all others. laars. ' Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. WESTOVER ! “The Best Cough Mediae.’ OOOOOOOOOCXDOOOOOOOOQCOOOOOI OOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOCXXJOOO ’; BBF. Montgomery | c ’ 227, BRO \D ST. > ) SICK, ACCIDENT AND LIF i Insurance i 9 ■ ■ Ql' 3 WE NU 4BER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY THE Qi Q ’ VERE BEST PEOPLE.OF THE CITY AND C'NTY. WAN FED —We want wide-awake agents to . resent >ur companies in the counties ot Po'k, Bartow * oyd, q j 'A Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, " hitfield, Cai i and >n Dade . Call on or address us at our Rome otfice, Q ) B. F. MONTGOMERY’ QenKgt., LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STAGES Offers the finest team?, best cmv ances and most polite and courteous drrs. The best stock of horses and mules on’salen stantly. 3OE AftlD 308 '3OAJ 1U t r> THErtODEL LAUNRY ! Is doin? the bast ot w ir.t rril • tees satisfiOtioa. Pucio retsaiiiH. F.n a. soaaity v' ..? \A «« « « i . ■■ • n. As. . • A- s BEST SANITARY PLUMBING 1 U m **s>***♦**«* ****<«*HHKHMHl*«' (> < n i ■■ IL < ■ £ Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. • s' < A • Gas Fixtures, Gas Stoves, -id R Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- U W V I tures ’ Sheet Lead > Lead Pipe, Elec= A « 'l trie fixtures. K it P « ■ - . —IA ■‘.l . X ’ ,3;1 - employed Alex S. Pierce to „> * - Jake charge of my shop department. u t is me of the best workmen in the |jt> Ai X South. Repair work attended to *j;T I 2 I promptly. I B t. 1 I d JOHN C-CHILDS. W IX! (? \ • 223 Brill st. Opposite Th >5. Fahy. J Ol » A'-Ap.A“ r -'' ‘ - . , h[ ll(f ON OBOE * I I thebectSbPanlsonearlh S 1 ■g* THEY ARE THE ♦ S $7 KIND * I £AT OTHER PLACES. “ <9 iOreJataiiisCo.?,?,"- i e) ' ©) ss a B 38b . M . . ■,.■ » S 6 in at is, ou ■ millinery, is new ail Stylish. We have paid cash life ssf r • . . . >: far oar entire spring and sum- « in i' stock We got a liberal £ W jS? « discount by paying cash and i ?R* ‘ £ CH.,. • , i&, Cxn anord to give oar,casts n- * ers g))d > for I ass th a a hoise > f«t |‘ifc '< pay fir theirs, wie ba/ m t ; m > * * and sell oa timy C) n) aa l » x~' price before baying. We can ''2 sell yo i tvo hats for v rat y o i will pay for one at other hoa >es ? J | nrs a A. O. Garrard >