The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 06, 1898, Image 4

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500 pieces Skirt Cambric, all colors, 3c. ' 1 50 jieces printed Dimities, worth i Oc, 4c per yard • • 100 pieces French Ginghams, 4c. • . 250)ieces White Duck, -for skirts, 5c per yard . ♦ * —-S •'V/' - XZ' Z s /V's/SZV- , V , 'V*'-s/V z \A z \O / \/^-^'X' / '- / '/xA/\A/\/\/\A^/\ < ,/\/X/X^ z ■ Z ''-- Z X W*WI* 1 * SILKS & SATINS* * CORSETS and HOSIERY. * 51 Taffetas, all colors. 70c. ■ ' £ 1 lot corsets, worth $2. $1 50. $1 to go at 75c. 5* c l ua ,l y , - r . J X 250 dozen laches’ hos*, black, w. rth .30c, for 18c. > *. 1 alletaa for waißts +1 00, $1 _•>. 1 , -.i irx. flb % 250 dozen misses hos-\ black and tan, worth 25c for 10c 27 m ludia Shr, Black and colors, 3i H2c. iji ’ .# # Str X *#W<WWWMWW**W*****.** ! * *■' *'*« ***** **»***»«*s MOUSSELI NE DE SOIE AND LIB’.RTY SILK 60c PER YARD. • 1 f LADIES' WAISTS ® f . ‘ ® 8 ■ „°° » I MONDAY • LT Worth $1- AH sizes and co’ors. >s. (jj) at 33 1-3 per cent. le>s than any other bouse in R )me. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, EXTRA L/RGE. WORTH 30. FOR-15c. WT W 7" TWT !>i WI!NI iWIR HW T “WW Hh K® a p 1 I ' ■■l ’' ■ ’ wB Bjl wW wlr i z ' ij I / .-’-x w _Hy__BHL MBH.' BBL JL wi LARGE delegation!; I Os Riman’sGallant Fire La- 1 dies Will goto ' ANNISTON WEDNESDAY I At 3 30 O'clock to Take Part it The Tournament. largo de’egation of Rome’s j gallant lire laddies and their | friends will leave over Southern I * ' i "Woma/f ar)O ■t ■ Sphinx- ( . .<•' A '- '-r" \ _ I u Th ■ myster’’of woman-w hood i-; -'ill of 'h--ep < y -A A. ’ ’• i/< f 11 \, i . 4ajww_ |ir J • coni lied t r sim I _ XitjEvMSKMw ply bvc.iuve t!" re v.o men? Why ' it that the Bou • at the same time tli. cause of th- ir greatest wretched ti ' n ttributes which ’ ; for w nto 1 happy wives and - mot in 1 iable to the ut- most eav-.-c .1 misery and pain. Th< f body and mind caused I by-omc-w: . • of the distinctly feminine I ui.'.i• • . r.u- t universal among wo- I men •it th" ci .t • might well be asked: • “I- is Xr, s punishment for the crime of *<■' ng a w ■ ,i in ? ” Th i e ■ i No! These sufferings | ar ivi her'n‘.t'.iral nor necessary. They v the organism was healthy. I Nov o enatm such troubles. Tin no : 1. >f it. j)r. Pierce’s Favor- | ite eri; i : ,i perfect and positive cun- lor •'■ < weakness and disease. J> - a-’ i i. : -trength to the spe c";i ••unties; heals inflam- mati sto. ' ■ e'ng drains; promotes funct: 'iial t ind restores the nor-, vigorous and painless condition which ; i- the only medicine of its kind in- , vented by an edi: and experienced I physician. It is the < r.lx- medicine which makes baby's coming safe and coinpara- < tively painless. Any w-inrrV. who would like to know mor about •'.’.is medicine and about her own phy -ic ; ■■ m up should send at one cent .nips to Dr. K. \ Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., to . r the ci t - r mailing owZp on an absolutely f>. co: -of his thousand-page illustrated book. "T. In . pie’s Common S Med 1 AdviM.r; ” or, ’'. stamps for cloth covered. . A sv.r; and permanent cure for constipa 1 tioa is Dr. 1 . <me “ Pellet” y is a gentle laxative, two a mild cathartic. I 1 Ry , Wednesday morning at 2.31 I o'clock, for Anniston, to take ■' part in the Fireman’s tournit nt. The will take No ,2’s horses and hose wagon. The follcwing an the running team. Sam Hardin. Mort Griffin. M. S. Lanier. Eugene Logan. Bob Westwaler. Jim Demp»ey. Sam 'l'ay lor. Hugh McCrary. Joe Johnson. 1). Dougherty. Tom Tolbert. Joe Holloway. Min Burnett. Geo. Sharp. Milliard Mulkey. Dr, Geo. B. Blackman. W. J. Gordon. P. 11. Vandiver, captain horst team. F. Hanson, captain hand reel team. ... _ ■ - BIG COLLIERS Loading for F-eets of Schley and Sampson. Norfolk, West, Va., June G.— The collier Niagara, which was at San Juan during the bom bardment, and which showed the scars of battle, completed repairs yesterday and dropped down to Lambert’s Point, where she is taking on 4000 tons of. coal for Key West. The colliers Saturn, Evelyn, Gjndraand Le-' onyldus are also loading 3000 tons each for Schley’s and S.tmp son’s fleet. B"ARD AT MOBLEYS SPRINGS. A Hunted number of boardei' will be received at Mobley springs Terms reasonable. Anply to J P McConnell .May Ist 'OB. SOUTHERN . i fiiLWfty. (on ! v ./up. iii Effect Maj- l, 1898. '“j tip. ;i'Na II NoTj in . i>. I'kun :l. i'jpm 111. Ar . ■ ■ . .. T.i'lam: 4.24iini 12.10 am xr la ii 9.00 a- 5.35 pm I 44am Xr A’ -11.40 am 8.05 pm j 5.03 am >v A'l . l.’.'Opm 8.15 pm 5.20 am ■ - :on 10pm 10.55am 1 8. loam Xi'.i" I 4.40 am 2.38 pm | '.r I. ' 5.25 am 3.25 pm ii -1 : ’ . - 1 r. I B.loanil 9.25 pm Sup | io.o!am 8.56 pm ■•.■.l- I.oopm 10.15 pm Lv Everett ... | 5.30aml 3.80 pm I i 'l.3oam| 4.30 pm X >■ 8 ("" I'ullman Sleeping Car Chatta-i ui -;:a io A.laut... b ii) - Cullman Sleeping Car Chat .lui to .i' :ata. No hi >ping < ’ar Atlanta to JaC.’ ■iiv.i unit Atlanta to Brunswick. No‘. 71 Xu. « 1 Na 13 ta : lO.OOpm 4.00 pm 7.soau> Xr Conn l.l'Oam fi.2spm 10.3.xim ir ' 2.3lam' 7.31 pm 11.40 am \r i 1.15 am B.s(ipn. I.oopm ■ ■ C ■ i.i i s I ..I in , 9. 10pm r Bui 1.29 pm Xr Lex . -- ■ i 5.10 pm 1.50 am ■''l-0.-i i:b- | 7 ndjanl 7.50 am Arc; iH-nn a j lupin 7.3:ian? .... 1 a ... , 125 pm L 15am 125 pm 5r X’ 'A . 'i..'ispm 6.40 am 6.55 pm X' 7 -i' . ’ 'ull nr. Sleeping Car Atlanta ■ ' '■ ii in I '.ilia!: i-iooira to Cincinnati. 7-' Ci i in u: Sleeping Car Atlanta o C .i.ii < HaUanooga to Louisville. ( Na. 6. No. 12 No. 16. i-v c: it- .o B.loam 4.10 am 10 00pm Ar Ki 11 558 m ’.am I.loam ■,. 1.2 ... 950 m 2. isam '■■i-'- ; 11.46 am 4.00 am i D- \ ■ vhu I i 1.1.,pm 5. loam ■ fi - i 6 10pm li.3l);im • 10.52 pm 1:1 io, m i Ibi'-'i oi i 1.1 m 3.4)] m I \r Norfo 17 3i. in Ar ■ - ....... ii. lin 0. >s| m |\r X- .-• > 12.43 pm 6.13; m No. I 1 : ■ i 'i . i si-- • >in z Car Chatta- ioor. ' X' ' ,i Xshevillc aal Sal- f ' i ■ .inr Ri .-hui i'iil i>. Illa.m. I »■i . iit- : p.n.; » *ar Greensboro to Nor i _■ ■■■ 1-- -■ - l '■ ii'i c i-i ■ tana 1 to Salis- • ' i -'I-" -iiin-,' Car* t lire tan »rr» i ' . a : , ii. aary to N- w York with- l, ■ : N0.~4 \-7bt ...iiopm t'.lOam >r I 8. i -i»n 11.55 am . 2 I ..m 1.2 'pm . 55 pm i 7.4’ am Ar . x . , I.2:>pm I'lmia '•--nla - Car Chatta- - ! > ’natt-iu ogu to New l Y< . i •: ■: . * 1 Xi . • fi'aia Sleeping Car Knox- : rille to Hr: 01. - ' - .X'./TT o.iOam * r ■ 11.-.’Hun 1 '■ r i ■ an:' ...............: lO.Oilpm '>•" fi-l'ii ' 3.55 pm ' i 7.30 pm . ' ■ 30am ■ i 9. -iftam ■ ' X ‘ a' ■ 11.35 am ■ hri '■ A'_"A ' ’ ,! ' m tN >. 15 IN >. 9 “ itNo. 16 SNo l 0 '” ; :r I i>- - Rome ar'um 8.35 am i 1 ■'» : ' <>a ! il'ai. ar 6.00 am «.3i-am 1 • i pm • ■ Attaj a. lv 5.45 am 6.20 am 'll U lay. f Sunday only. « . xXNOX. . A c.M..Washington. D.C ! 1 M c "Li’ T. if. Mgr.. Washington. D. C. I V A. TCAK. < I'. A . Washington. D. C. A. 13ENSCOTEK, A.G.? a. .Chattanooga.Tenn 1 c 1 BottM Up! Whether in thbrm of pill powdei ar liquid, the dear’s prescription foi blood diseases iiixvays the same— mercury or notasjThese drugs bottle tip the poison a dry it up in the system, but they j> dry up the marrow in the bones at tlame time. The supplenesind elasticity of the joints give xvay ti stiffness, the rack ing pairs of rlfnatism. The form gradually bends,fe bones ache, vi hil decrepitude anilielplessness prema turely take possim of the body, and it is but a sh step to a pair ol i crutches. Thei comes falling ol ( the hair and lei of the bones, —a con dition truly hort g Contagious Blood Poison—the curse of mankind-is the most horrible of al! diseases, and has al ways baffled the doctors. Their pot ash and mercury bottle up the poison, but it always breaks forth again, aH.ack ing seme delicate organ, frequently the mouth and throat, filling theta with eating sores. ! is the only known cure for this disease. It is guar- j «nteed purely vege table, and one tband dollars reward is offered for pr< to the contrary. Ii never fails tore Contagious Blood Poison, Scroful lezema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or an ther disease of the blood. If yoiive a blood disease, take a remedy' h will not injure you. Beware of rue y; don’t do violence to your systenion’t get bottled up! ! Our bo o k it free to any address Swift Specific Atlanta. Ga. rheumatJ cured tn a AY. “Mystic C 1 ’ for Rheumatism and NeuralgudicuVy cures in Ito 3 days, action upon the system is rentable and myste rious. It renafe at once the cause and the disei immediately dis- I appears. Tin rst dose greatly benefits, 75 cs. Sold by Curry- Arrington Ccome, Ga. * ! < i Damagl Corn for : Sale. H.i. Cothran & ' Do. —f II ______ , [ I _. WW TI,|_ _l ■ . .. . . n, ___ .I I I ’j * •• s• . ;.i. i... ; ...i. .i.. it: i.. ii. . i i,. .. . . ,i... i < ...j.. .j . . ...; i.i ...... t • rga I AWIIOI.E CLUB I ifrl .1 -I -■> Ca 't B Ma’ie I r- f ’' in - - Bia v ■ / - Better || K . Running |g fl / < Time || ' «o»»i»i4ht.iw?' F:'..j I c irry a fill ian i c jrn pl ate line of je-velry, i uel u- Prm HBeI diag Di tn> i h Bj-s s kock of silver lutiins and uovdties was nev er more complete. • W.SDD[N> PR'SSETfS ASPSJfkLTY ' i't? j J. K Williamson j t._ t*„i.-i- tijii iii • •»'W»i.:i_-t»i»'V i-tj . a .;r»*n«jmjixr_aou«i3*r>»<T R -*«■ r,Taw«r»tr»^»»j«.jKxa»R .tv- nrnr fwn— m ju— w -i imMi iißnrn candy # V CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION toe DRUGGISTS *L foL-p r- .“ft- A & < w WTO -O rj I’o'-manc-ntlv cured by using DR. WiJTTF.IIALL’S RHEUMATIC CUBE. The sin- st and the Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents per box. Sample s’nt free nn mention of this publication. ~ THE DR V 'LITEIIALL MEC.RIMINE CO.. South Bend. Indian ■ rimi— -maarr•- Mr m•* *«. mt; wA<-*- mi <otr