The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 06, 1898, Image 5

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.i;;; 1C HOBSON,. I ltis niro of Santiago Who I Slink Hi? Merrimac I HID SHOT AND SHELL, I Win »e Honored W Congress I well as by all Americans. H I 5 .,„ t i»go <!« Cubs, June' L *l» I Ji-hwral Sompson. dunng I L,|,, morning, decided to close ■ Ul . ull rr..iv b- bor entrance ol I .■.niia’oJe Culm I,J sulking tlm I collier Mwimse, loaded will. I coal, in the channel. I He called for volunteers to go I to almost certain death, and 47 I niet i offered themselves. Lieut- I Hobson and six men were cho- I sen, and at 3 a. m Friday morn- ■ jna the Merrimac, under her I own steam, entered the channel I under a terrible Spanish lire. I The vessel was riddled with I projectiles, but she anchored ■ and swung around. Lieutenam I Hobson then set oil' an interna ■ torpedo with an electric attach- ■ treat, there was an explosion ■ tlie Merrimac sank, tho chan- I nel was closed, ami apparentl; ■ Admiral, Servera will'be unabh ■ to escape. I Hobson ami the hero crew o! ■ the Merrimac were saved in tin manner: 1 nable’, ar ■ 1,. r th 1 .-inking of lheir vessel t< ■ make tlmir way b’ck throng! >t<>r n e>! 'h"t ami shell, the ■rowe.i ini'i inrbor of lb mi-ii were taken bi hi", i i mi! Hi'. 1. Ihe Spin adiiiirJ. mid. r a 11 ig of tru. mi .i'im: .ii that lie oiler- (<> < '.cwg 1 ' tiie prison*'! - - that in the - nieanwh h IHIL -mi and in- par y wou’d b . wnii the 'neatest kind Lii'iu. Iliii-mi appeared t< Bim re d oat his plan to th ■ except as re li- - the melliu;] of escape. The Lunt in w’n.cii the crew were ar.-inm toe-cap? was eithe ■blown up or shot to pieces, fo’ ■ •ifiit. Hoi,-,,!; ;and his mei ■lrif'.ud admire on an ;Hd catama ill b wiiiuii was slung over th dI P - mie al t lie ia-t inomen |B‘' an extia precaution. |H 1 i 1 '" 1 ri'aching shore tin | ■ ltl were taken prisoners > , niiago city undei lur "- i j at?w t:.oy we re taken to ( ee-li-'. where they are f Bow. I ' ll l* ■ 1 H'ido,.\,]i ); ; r;l ; (Jovera’:- ■lie i i.t -t?il . v. Im boarded tin ■ rk Ul 'der a Hag o f truce llot ' further details o’ ■ l( '•1 im bravery of tin ■ "‘•■'''■■ans evidently caused a< ißucb admiration among the a< it dai among tin dl, ‘ Will ' 11 'et, Tim pris- H "■ perfectly safe and ■H I * s Wl ld with delight ■ m oi the lnjsl Ml,.'-' " X; " li:!! " th" el - • (, mifeib rate? |H' Lushing h, ■ inns, |B r n ~i . j ickie ■unservm v ls US " all J " ,os ' ■ aimm i/ lUUch CanilOt B l^xi op:,iion is that ‘}'’d recogni- ;tv “ l v iib)7 ii' f ful " l ,( ' r sonal ip" (lues Lietut. an | [.g w ”' :< wa S well ■ er;... ],? 19 few '-dijriq. ' accomplish Ladies Who Suffer from any cotrjplalot peculiar to their sex -such as Profuse, Pain ful, Suppressed or Irregular Men ] struation, are soon restored to health by ( Bradfield’s Female Regulator. It is a combination of .remedial agents which have been used with ' tbs greatest success for njore than i I 25 years, arjd known to act speci fically with and on tfce organs of < Menstruation, and recomnjended for suc h complaints °Qly- It Qever fails / / \ to give relief arjd c I restore the health ‘ W ll th ® su ffering / uj I womai). It should , AIM be taker) by tl)e 1 ' a Ur' 1 '\ i 9 ir * USt budding j fN*/ / 7 * ilsto womanhood • f wb er) Menstrua j/ tion is Scant, Sup- * pressed. Irregular i ’*■ or Painful, and all delicate worsen should use it, as its tonic properties have a won- * • derful influence in toning up and strengthening the system by driv ing through the proper channels all impurities. “A dnuKuter of one of my customers oiissac! menstruation from exposure and cold, and on arriving at puberty her health was completely wrecked, until she was twenty-four years of age, when upon my recommendation, she used one bottle of Bradfield s Female Regulator,com pletely restoring her to health.” J. W. nELi.tTMH, Water Valley, Miss. The BesnriELO Meoulator Co.. Atlanta, Ga BOLD as ALL DRUGGISTS A» *1 PER BOTTLE. fRdfFSSIOIIiI CISDi ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM. / Law Oilice, 200 Eist First Street, LOME. GA. CHAS, W. UNDERWOOD, Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Corporal-ui Law Only. M B IB iJDANKS, Alteniey at > < ftlei-Kitig Building. K me, a W 11. IB ISTNIS, * .t.or, ey a. Law Will Practice in al' count Office, Masonic feiuple, home, Ga. A/V. J. NEEL yHorney at law Will practice in all court >peciul attention given to commercial la» .nd the examination cf land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. WjKILTiiIR ZEJAR.R.IS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB <& WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. jfflee in Ar mbrong hotel building, R tine, G y r. S AMT r O.?. AWFORE attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections i pecialty .♦ Masonic Temple. Rome. Go. DENTISTSr J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Jffice 240 1-2 Broad. # Over Cantrell & Owens. J. L. PENNINGTON. D D S.,M D. iJ ENTIST: Office, 305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur liture Co. PHYSICIANS. O HAMILTON IVI D. ’hysician and Surgeon Office, Medical lulldlug Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone No. 63. Li F HAMMONO. D-. Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medical milding. Risldence, No. 4t)3 West First st. Jfflee ’phone No 62. • LUMPKI n t & PRINUTP AT TO iNEYS AT .LAW, iome, : : : : Georgia. General practice throughout North Georgia. Correspondence solicited. Special attention to mercantile collections. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Boxes c’OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS wh as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, aiddinoss. Fulness after meals. Head tehe. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings jf limit, Loss of Appetite, Costiveness, Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams ami all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. 11l l i HDrs PILLS, taken as direct 'd, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove ; obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure sick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills aro Without a Rival And hnve the LARGEST SALE us any Patent. Medleitie In the World. 25c. at all Drtig Stores. <3® • Successurs to use | t’l S ROME PHARMACY. T|l 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stack of the Rome !r " Pharmacy ami are prepared to supply your wants in KIY' the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our s tock is complete and of the very highe i grade. #9 We solicit a part of your patron: g 1 and shall en- J j , iW deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all Sli times. We should be pleased to lyive you cal! on us. Pull line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and ' such things as arc usually carried in a first class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. aq ; Come to sec us. lif " "zt. ; ■ & K • 3m X , H X K- I S.M Stark, 1 »Xt } tn. X 5 LIDIBHUD GESTMin FLL .B X| 'Xi . >4 ■ t* Dougherty Bldg, 2nd I. X H X IH X K > * K F. HANSON. NOR IS N. SMIIII. 1 THE HASSON Silt /CO. I g Plumbing and finning. x 2 Engineers’ and machinists' S supplies. Stoves, ranges and G tinware. Gasan I electric fix= <|| | tures. INSURANCE gasoline | < stoves. Water meters. | 3 325 Broad st. Phone 32. ® 3 If —MW——t—UiTi- »n in -. .. - ''.yiArwi,. ■■■uu W- TW-tv -Aorrx" ■ r t-: J 1.2 5 11 I si-5 ) Mrs i ; iii’:s br 5 l. A. dll DI i GOPA ARE WAITING -for everyone in Rome to con . in and see the magnificent st’oel on men’s and boy’s clothing, i i bicycle and golf suits, s wha , we -,re ‘" ,n s> i )u *’ WP i* us tling while we wait. We wil ’’'■'tlß show you the finest stock o' B&A ill clothing, made from the newest * ' '~A stylos and patu rns in fabrlck- perfect fitting and handsome, tc | < *' be found in Gu-orgia, and the\ are above competition in vabic ] forth? price. Thegreatest Ihi2 of u gligJ3 shirts ever shown i t R i n J. A. GAn MON & CO. I Ours is the Most Complete h ; u Department Nursery in fbo It S y mfc<ww *“ , *lowrat<'). We pabl «tw: c ■ > ell UtJ w« w« g the !ail ,s ee< *. Pl ,nt and Tree C.;tal -u, - »>■,. janMonaji...,4.w.awurMVO which win be n .tiled • Send for it i, X x . ive you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and • •;. ' .. v ’ the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made uspalroar am: 1 .. ear. Have hundreds of carloads cf y FRUIT AND ORIENTAL TRESS, > JSL j T f.T?L ’ We send by mail postpaid, Seeds, Bulbu, Plante. x?oecs, Sr .: H Trees, Etc. S r satisfaction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44m year ■> i,ux>au THE. STORRS & WARftlSCfi CO.. Box *" iinee” ; L’o; To Muical Poeple of Rome: we announce the opening ■. of a new and complete stock of ■pflVW iMMiR I AND >iii al il M1 is i cal Instr laments in the new Moseley building, 3’27 Broad street, where we would be pleased to have you call and examine our goods. the stock consists of some of the best m ikes of pianos and organs on the market today. We keep a lull line of everything pertaining to a first class music store—Something Rome has needed for a lo.ig time, (live us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud of We are determined to close out our r- BI CYC LBS • / the earliest possible date. IE. IE. ZED 1 OS 327 Broad Street. t S. P. Davis, Manager. XXX\\\XXX\xXXX \ X \ X X \ x x X XX X We keep on band at alljtimes a full stock of Sheet Music, » • of the very -■ F.J-KANE& CD 248 Broad Street. • O ’ Sale ol Sumiw Goods x x \ \ x x \ x• x x \ x x x x x x x . x x x x x i Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras. Ready-Made Skirts and Waists '• • j& 7 • ■'<?’• \ • Vrix- We intend to close out our shoe stock, so take advantage of cost prices on shoesof the best makes. Special prices on everything at F,J,KAN£«iCO. 218 Broil Street- THE rtODEL LAUNDRY . Is the best of w >rk in. I g lira i tees si Cis foot to a- Prices are m)st raisombb, vk’c i - *