The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 06, 1898, Image 6

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THE ■ JSTLER-COMMERCIAL THEHUSTLER OF ROME- Established, 1880. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. 181)5. Issued every* evening, except Saturday. • . Sunday and weekly. PHIL (i BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. <ttlce, Wilkars in Hlook, Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION rally an<l Sunday,per year #5 0 bnrlar, per year 81.00 A’eekly (Thk Rom k Courier) pet year 60 BY CARRIER I.X CITY AND BUBUEBB D»‘ v ai.d Sunday, IDeents per wee J, Remit by bank draft, expran. money order or registered letisr Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL. ROME, .GA. Entered at the Postoffice at Rome, Ga., aw seconu class matter. advertising rates and sample co, lessor th .asking. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 ' THE STATE TICKET. For Goveruc r, {ALLEN D. CAI JbiuEß, of Hall. • For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK, of Lee. ForJ .omptroller-Genera) " W. A. WRIGHT. of Richmond. For Attorney-General. JOSEPH M. TERRELI of Meriwether. For Treasurer. W. M. SPEER, of Fulton. For Conimis doner of Agriculture, O. B. STEPHENS, of Terrell. For School Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. For Prison Commissioner JOSEPH S. TURNER, of putman. The Hustler-Commercial is the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It has th combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and the Rome Daily Commei’ha) and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF The City of Rome The City Marshal The Sheriff of Floyd County T he Ordinary of Floyd Co, The Hustler-Commercial lias i he confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidence of all its readers. Now is the time to tell your neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber. Obe Stevens will carry the state against Commissioner Nes bett today. In writing to members of the army always place on your en velope the company and the reg iment. Mole St. Nicholas is the most appropriate location for a mon ument to Annanias.—Macon N e w s. Cervera is not the first man who has gone up againts the bot tle once too often.—Augusta Chronicle. The hay crop of the United States last year was valued a' $100,000,000, and this year will be worth more. The “old ticket” is winning out, and will completely defe; t the scheming “reformers” t<- day at ihe polls. Hog’n has accepted the no'ni n ition. Poor Hogan . He will hive the deep sympathy of Spencer and Bob. Prison Commissioner Joe Sid Turner will be overwhelmingly | uomin ited to succeed himself in ’ tidty s primaries. Mark that pre diction. Candler is the state. Ihe campaign liar may now march on Cuba. „The first Tennessee wi'l, in prob ability go to the Phil lippines. Texas farmers will this yetr harvest twenty million bushels < I i wheat. The lanterns carried by the Rome hack men are a species of. legal lights. Phill Cook will b° elected sec retary of state today. Mark that prediction. The post*oftice address of Ad* tnira'l Cervera is Santiago, Cuba, incare of Comm dore Schley.— Darien Gazette. Floyd should never again be called upon to witness such a campaign of mudslinging as the “reformers” have treated the people to this y ear. The Rome Tribune says Thje, News is conceited. Weave At least sufficiently so to accept any abuse from that source as it com- • 1 pliment. —Macon News. Better late than never. If you have not voted, go to the polls before 6 o’clock and putin a bal lot for the tried and true men on the “old,” dr “ring” ticket. The “reformers” are defeated , although they have not hesitat ed to work every scheme, trick or questionable method in try ing to defeat the will of the peo ple. The Georgia Bankers’ Associ ation will hold its seventh annual convention at Tyhee Island on June 15th and 16th. J here will he 125 or more bankers in attend ance. Tennessee,with the exception of Kentucky get o more pension me n ey annually than any of the southern states. She get? annually only a faction less th in three mil lion dollars. The 6th of June will tell the tale. Endeavor to repress your enthusiasm until the returns come in.—Newnan Herald. Its safe to predict that after the 6th the Newnan* Herald will have nothing to enthuse over. Are those capers which have held aloof and give only “fair and impartial” accounts of the guber natorial situation geing to come out on Tuesday and say that they always really preferred Mr. Cat* aler. —Americus Herald. It is given out from Washing ton that when the 75,000 is call ed for in the president’s second call is complete another call will be issued for an additional 50,- 000 volunteers, making in all 250,000, which, with the 25,000 regular army soldiers, will mak" 275,000 men under arms. Says the Augusta Chronicle : “Jack Cohen, who has been fooling around in Cuban waters on board a New York Journal tug, as ‘Our staff correspondent with the fleet' for the Atlanta Journal, and who has never sfen a battle and might stay there for six months longer without see ing one, has given up the tire some job and sailed for Nev York.” The oath-bound, so-called Young Men’s Democratic Club only marshaled 42 voters in lim this morning, though it used a and waited an houi Tom the appointed time. Thi oath-bound, secret political or ganizalion claims a members!)i, of 300 and promised to put that muny men in line—the “re formers” are nothing if mt claimers. . i - J - (QyUii.i.l i In vo'ui t-eriig f ( ,r war and in ] accepting the colonelcy of a reg - rnent Iren bin state ex Candidate Bryan fur tshes a notable except ien t<> llie bjections ugainst civil ian app ■ tinents, says the New York Woi (I. His action will do a great Te.u to popularize the ser vice with the class < f young men whom the the country wants to see in the ianKs . o o o It was a Manila Chinaman who said Spain rd he talkee talkee Melican tn <i he dowe dote,” n o o Teacher fhist try (according to Boston Ti; ;es) —Willie, what was the main t ing which hastened the Spanish-A o erican war? Wil k — the (’estrnctiou of the Maine, ma* nly. “ What liippr ned then?” “ A batt i on the main” “ The Sp”rush main?” ‘‘ N . ” “The American Main ?” U N'Just i ut-side Main-ila.” “Did the Americans fight well?” “W ilh mid main.” “What r mained?” “Not much of Spain.” w iVlmt caused the war?” “Spanish do-main.” , “On the main-land?” “No on the island of Cuba.” Very g iod Wilkie; “Always rememter tbe Maine.”’ o o o Anybody in Spain can afford to die. “It is their only luxury.” says the Ne«v York Sun, “as thej. Hidalgo will par' wi ll his life, hut never with his shirt.” coo Send a girl eighteen 'roses on her twenty seventh birthday, says the Picayune, and she is yours. o o o Among the curious adds that have found their way into the London papers are the follow ing : Wanted, a room by two gen tlemen about 30 feet long and 20 feet wide. Lost, a collie dog by a man on Saturday answering to Jim with a brass collar round his neck and muzzle. Wanted, a boy to be partly outside and partly behind the counter. o o o The gov rnment has placed orders for 100,000 yards of hunting at Lowell, Mass. It is to be made into 11 igs for public buildings and for the army and navy. G o o A combination of six well known firms raak'ng collars, cull's and shirts is being formed it Troy, N. Y. The inventory of tike coinbiii 'il stocks of the six concerns m the syndicate, it is estimated, will show an aggre gate capital of $15,000,000. Tha combination will be a powerful one and it is estimated that a saving of $1,500,000 annually will be affected in operating ex penses. o o o Among the pages in the hr use | of representatives is a grandson of Humphrey Marshall, one of the greatest speakers ever pro <lti«-< d and a prominent member of i he house several teams. I O 0 o ‘• Your 1 ncle Allen” admits that Bob will get a few votes, but he thinks Spencer will have to get an affidavit to prove that ■ he was running. 0 0 0 George Tillman, brother of Ben, i- a candidate for governor of South Carolina, llis platform embraces the claim that he never wore an overcoat or an I undershirt in his life. This, ought to insure his election, thinks an exchange. ——. ...... SI.ACGI IT I : KING IN EVERY DEEARTMENT. We need money and we ar& compelled to rak P , 810 AMOUNT OF CASH out of our stock in the next few days. In order to raise the money we have decided to throw our entire stock on the market at from 25 to 50 per cent reduction. This reduction applies to every article in our store, contract goods excepted. It is unusual to find a stock of men’s boysand children's clothing, furnishing goods and hats so well suited to the demands of the -rade as ours. Our entire stock has been rehewed in the last ninety days. Ev ery garment is new, fresh and desirable; made with careful attention tofit anil finish and these prices should have your most careful consideration. MEH’S OTE SUITS. All $22.50 antl' - suits go at sl6 50. All sls and $lB suits go at $11.50. All 10 and suits at 7.50. • All Gand 7.i0 suits at 5 00. All 5 suits go at 3.50. Children’s Knee Fants Suits 60 jujus w jiu $6 00 suits go at $3.00. | $5 00 suits go at $2.50. 450 suits go at 2 25. 400 suits go at 2 00. 3 50suitsgo at 1.75. 300 suits go at 1.75. 250 suits go at 1 25. 100 suits go at 1.00. MENS FINE PANTS 331-3 OFF. $6. 00 pants go at $1 00. $5.00 pants go at $3 35. | 4.50 pants go at 3 00. 400 pants go at 2 65. | 3.50 pants go at 2,34. 3.00 pants go at 2 00. I 250 pants go at. 1.67. 200 pants go at 1 50. I 1.50 pants go alsl.oo. I FINE STR A W HATS GO AT HALF PRICE. $2. 50 hats go at $1 25. $2. 00 hats g" at $1 .00. I .1 50 hat? go at 75c. 1 00 ha s go a 50s. I 75c hats go at 40 a 50 c hats go at 25c. I 25 per cent off on all Furnishing goods! Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery,Handker-I chiefs, Soft and Sti|j Hats. I 1 ;io LiiH- Hot. Weiil i|cr| Stuff in Serges. Alpaca, Line i. ai J J i :k. All gi in tai- d 3 l count sale- This Will Be our Moneu-Raisina sail YGLJR MONEY SAVINS] This i? no trick of the trad? nor ie it a going out of business a ivertising scheme to decei'’ ■ people. We al ways do exactly what we advertise and we ar? pure the people 6f R< me at"* Burr lllU , |PJ H country are aware of this fact. We cotne to you now with the honest, frank statement >h»t "K M need r.g money and in order to raise the needed amount we offer y>u the cleanest, best bought 8 ■ clothing furnishing goods and hus in Rome at faom 25 to 50 per reduction. H 1.1. Jlffl! 11