The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 06, 1898, Image 7

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/^Uidy7^ arv — . p ~ IVeLl Ve LS 01,1 PanY 1 »<\... jit«Ag ** * Jlßl * a ’~ fcA ** z wosr• i£ weoo /ft®/ — i / - jibß' Wfe\ /AIMWwiRF •• . ; i • • - JUST ■ -J V' ''''■'' M's ■ • " ’» V -‘ - MW>‘ A z .< <>'•« ■'->/' J i Watch for their aU tomorrow. p *j£‘.'.•••^’^‘••.S^j. A ■<dßyJMi • «** \ x. ... ■ - ■ n A lios 'W. « ZMwßw ;':• f ■. w ■ Ixi as# ft , <. ./ ' ..<■•- t-..', ft-M:Ji. • -.—■- - .<<■ r r .- . yL.'z, ' • ••■£►*, >* */.»• • t '4 ll • ■* > ' < r-'Zr'T'" —’/ z~ IIWI I Personal Mention- ■ Mr. \\. I’. Cooper, of Nash- ■ ville, is in the citv. |EaB */ I Mr. and Mrs. Ed W infrey, of ■ Adairsville, spent yesterday in ■ the city. I Airs, J. ]•. Wardlaw is spend fl ing a few days with relatives in ■ Sun merville. I Miss Mattie Lee Cooper re- II tinned yesterday from an ex fl tended visit to relatives in Rome. ■ -Anniston Hot Blast. I Mi. Clyde Shropshire after ■ spending several davs most ■ pleasantly with home folks, re fl tinned to Atlanta ‘oday. I One Large Scar I - All Thcf RcinMns of Great I SctoiLik; Sores Neighbors; C o dd , ■ ~ ■•'- 1 -ear to Look Cur" Complete I «or Ct ;,J;vx,: ,arsai,ar '" a | head ' ' ■'■’n my I scrv.-u’a sore! Rfl , er , thi8 > n ■ extending t, ' ’ ,ny !,t el >wk, I Other S or s X' ny, ’ PPer * ip t 0 " ly eye- I in a . / on -y I Were very tl \ " '”' V lImDS- I soon bee-mn ■ ! ’ v!Ue ; ’ : >'l painful-and I faee T 1 run,l:a " sores. My I nei ?hhur s c >um ’ ;d J' 1 ’" 1 Bora ® of W I be ' l '‘ ,o look at me I tl 7;." , ''and«ge. but 1 I ttakeitw o« and |.'C,C" -I'oSoroa. ■ to mi -,. "‘'A. f- ‘ ,aili ar with a case I !. lood 's da:..,.,',;:,.?, -;" " ,!ad been cured by I n, ° try it. I “ s| ‘°rt time 1 to co ao > and in I sores l.e'm-i '? V C ’ s hel P in K me. I ia bean r he neU - I niont hstb;sor.-./J " 1:1 few I tlmsp ’ Uy cad limlx I 'nd«a-.’d / \ '‘V "eek yrrdnaii I B ?,' ce ' Oaelar-L'..'' ' I '‘ plomc( Scrofui I sign that ■ ' ‘ ' r arm i I '1... Hoc ISg, ~y - sat I ‘ bills to Kk< 9 ’< ‘-VU Miss Camilla Fouche spent yesterday with her sister, Mrs. ’ Philpot, of Cedartown. I Miss Eunice Daniels, a pretty young lady of Leesburg, is the 1 guest of Mrs. J. D. Hanks, in the Fifth ward. Mrs. Trumho. the daughter of I Capt, and Mrs Lumpkin, is very ill at the residet ce of her parents • on West First Street. Mr. Ben Wright arrived in the city yesterday from New York and will spend several weeks with home folks before return . ing to the Metropolis. Dr. Walker Curry arrived in the city yesterday from Philadel phia where he is attending Jef ferson Medical College, to spend a month with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Ed Mar shal, after spending several days most pleasantly with the family of Dr. E. B. Marshal, returned to Cedartown this morning. Mr. C. E. Jones, of Atlanta, is in the city today. Dr. Brann a popular young dentist, of Summerville, spent to day in the city. On a Camp.—The Conasene Cotillon Club will leave tomor row at 9 .15 for Calhoun where l they take hacks for Dew’s pond on a ten days camp. All antici pate a most delightful time. ■i " CENSORSHIP Talked of by Brooke, , at Chicamauga. Camp Thomas, Chicamauga Park, Ga., June 6. —Private Burt Lindell, Third Illinois,'died this morning of pneumonia, contracted at Camp Tanner. General Brooke is talking of establishing a censorship. 3 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. First Methodist—ln the absence of Dr Belk. Rev. J. H. Eakes preached at the First Methodist church last night to a large congregation. There were no services in the morning. First Bapti-t.—Dr. S. G Hillyer, of Atlanta filled the pulpit at the First Baptist church yesterday morning and the pas tor in the evening. Dr. Hillyer is one of the oldest ministers in Georgia and was pastor of the First Baptist church here forty years ago. He preached a beau tiful and forceful sermon. Went too High . Yesterday afternoon Mr. Charlie Gilliam was swinging in one of the large swings at Mobley’s Park, and in a careless manner went higher than he ought to. He last his balance and was thrown to the ground with great force, break ing his knee cap. The wound is a painful one and he will have . to use crutches for several weeks, i Do You Ggt it?—l have ex clusive charge of the circulation department of the Hustler-Com mercial. If you do not get your paper promptly, report to me and it will be a tended to. The! subscription is 10 cents per week, payable every Saturday. I Please have the money ready when the collector calls. Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. Dangerously lll.—The many friends of Mrs. Mary Hume will be pained to learn that she is dangerously ill at her home on Tower Hili. Mr. Ike Humeof Brunswick, and Mrs. Ben Neely nee Miss Nina Hume have been telegraphed for and will arrive at her bedside tonight. I OrDiNARYS CuURT. — Very little »> i busines- - was transact'd in the ordinary’s court this morning, Judge Dav s adj mimed at 130 8 3 ) o’clock, ‘ <?> Lieut Shaw Leaves—Lieut SSy F. B. Sh iw who has had charge jof the recruiting station of the »» iU. S. A , will leave tomorrow i lor Sullivan’s Island. First Lieut. W. S. Jarvis of the Fifth W regiment will take charge of the «<< station here. Li ut Shaw has >w made many friends in Rome who «« regret to see him leave. •SYW ' hGs i L ■: 3k I IWI THE EK9UBCE 6F SW «f FIBS is due not only to the originalit' and >W simplicity of the'on. b'. al: o I to the care and skill with which it is ; manufactured by scientific processes known to the Caj.l f'OKNIA lie SVRUP Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing Hie true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of l ii’ is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge - of that fact will i assist one in avoiding the worthless imitationsnrannfactured byotherpar ties. The high, stan In . of the Cali forma Fio Syrup Co. with Ihe medi- A) cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of i igs has 9 given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty , a of the excellence of its remedy. It is . ® far in advance of all other laxatives. as ‘t acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken- | ing them, and it do< s not gripe nor nauseate. In ordertoget its benetieiai effects, please remember the name of . Aix the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FKASCLad*. CA i.*»IBVIS.4,F, Kj. NAU YORK. N.Y. | School Supolies. | We are pioneers in the school books and school sup- L 6 ply busin st and we are also right up-ro-d.Hn in every tiling that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. »>> **.***:*:**.*jfc* y T WlM.j J . No hcuse th- Sttte car. serve vou better when von o>- sire to invest ir. a new covering fcr tc near *ic wslis o.’ w? your home. See .our stock on hftnd and samn’es I ■ i H. A. SMITH. : THF OLD RFLIA3LE BOOK STORE. p > • • <• > 0 • • • 0 • • • • • 0 • 0 C 4 O • • < r Repairing || Don’t Walk On Z YourUppersn W.A-MULLIN Tnpi J