The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 07, 1898, Image 4

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JUST FOR A SMILE •‘Of course von are thoroughly I fumili u with Shakespeare f works,” said I’rot. .Joggins to ; •Mr. Cmtraba, president .of the! Chicago Literary society. "Certain! , professor,” replied Mr. Centralia. “I can read Shakespeare in the original. J udge. Little Clarence (with a rising inflection) —Pa? Mr Callipers (wearily)—Uh? Little Clarence —Pa, don’t you suppose that Spain feels now a good deal like those scoffers did who kept telling Noah that! it wasn’t going to rain? —Puck. | I Memories of the Metropolis — Backus Woods —So you’ve got back front New York. How did you feel in such a big city? Farmer Stumpley —I felt f->r my pocketbook most o’ th’ time. Puck. “And—ah —was he called suddenly?” asked the heir of the deceased cattleman. “He wasn’t called at all.” Rubberneck Bill explained. “Il all come from his callin’ the other feller.” lndianapolis Journal. Spain—“Caramba 1 My navy is better than yours I” Uncle S im —1 can’t see it.”—Chicago Tribune. new lot of new pattern hats to go a J unheard of low prices for l he c ext few days J We for ourl millinery and can stlij a fine hat for less mon-; ey than any house in’ Rome Cal! and get our | prices b fore buy : ng your best hat Com-| mt-ii 3 merit hats' a! f oectaHy. fobs, A. O. G-arrara. lake advantage of the big d:s :ount on hot weather clothing at J B Waiters & Son. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE Tim Best Salve in the world for C .is, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers.. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. f t i s guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Curry Arrington Drug Company. SUMMER SCHOOL. I will opeii my summer school on the fi-st Monday m July.S pecia attention given to pupils prepar ing for the university. Palemon J. Kins. Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry St.. Alton, Hl., suffered .with sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, miog various remedies recom mended by friends, and was treat-d by the physicians, but re ceived no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberlain ’s Pain Balm which effected a com ple e cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly lliicted to know what cured her. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry-Arrington Co. WHEN TRAVELING Whether on pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effect ually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, head aches, and other forms of sick ness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by till leading druggists. Manu-j factored by the California Figi Syrup Company only. The need of a good Medi one is almost universal a .u Hood’s Sarsaparilla exactly meeto th s need. Be sure to get Hood';. “-- . • TV TjrZJRTxTTT TTIEi Every day now b i • v:- eavy ship ments of standard t rid s -i enable fur niture. ana with the cornu, g of spring we have already r< ceivt d a CARLOAD OK BABY C A It It I ACES All of them beauties and many of them dainty little yehich s, combin ing the essensial points of beauny and strength • MATTINGS, KUGrS, CARPETS In this department we have received for the spring trade one ear load of mattidg which we imported direct from Japan. Here you c.-„ i find new patternsand the p-etties of designs and at remarkably low prices. STOVES- Do vou neecl a new s>. . r e in ycur kitch n? Taen c ill on i, and you will go no where else. Xv e have the best and that means] an economic stove in every sense or the word. uu-s MBS FIIRNITDRE CO 305 Broad st- I hone 52 • Undertakers, Lun'-.4 me as, and Fu neral Directors. ■IMM. in I ■■>lll WJ - - riMllll II -|»T - ~1 - -IT - - [»—■ 111 in ■ r I ■WW II • J_IJ—JU—B-M-U-UTT H—l 111 111 ■■! ■ ll»~ • .1 I~ - - -AilWjU.-WUaarMl J«MIIW*BW*«fc | c—»* Como,, Hyannis,.Nebr.. Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,1898. | I would not be or , ...., I regard PISO’S without PISO’S «S CURE FO R CON * i CURE for CON- SUMPTION as the i SUMPTION for any g Xr‘X"£’ 1 J best Co,, » h medv i thing. For a bad ciue on the market, j Cough or Co 1 J it is having used it for J beyond all others. 15 years. MrsC. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER. ; “The Best Cough Medicine.” vat*. -wn.ii. wiwiwir* mi——n iirwn ■*■»«.. —— m -. ’ . JiMiMßi*. aitMMaun *uti'i m m HanMir ~ OQQQQOQQQQQOQQOQOCX WOOOOOO 000000000000000000000000000 8B p. Montgomery ( ) o o -8 227, BROAD ST. &- H O SICK, ACCIDENT ANO LIFE O § Insurance | o o o WE NUvIBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE Q Q VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE Ctrl ANII COUNTY. Q Q WANTED - —We want widr-uwake agents to repres-nt q >ur companies in the counties of Ped k, Bartow, F oyd, Q Q Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, Whi ;i< d, Catoosa and Q Q Dade . Call on or address us at our Rome otfiee, Q O B. F. MONTGOMERY Gen’l Agt, O >» > —■<-«-. )( OOOOOOOOO< X JOOOC 300000000000 Ib&W (L 'IW WO 'iffl 'll <lB iIUiJKI idHilli MUil l -dj- r.iiiy J 'lllbi.Ull 4 Uiab l 'dP' W LIVERY, SALE AND FEED} STABLES Offers the’public the fiii'st terns, b>st convey ances and most’ polite and courteous drivers. The best stock of horses uid mul 3 o;i r sale con stantly. 306 AND 308 h •IO T. 11A- , 3£JR THE HOD'LL LAUNDRY Is doing the bsstot work aid guaran tees satisfaction.. Prices are must reasonable. Fun 'vork a specialty ~ H'a A aa Ail * A' '*•« Ao A, m ««.aa a . M S BEST SANITARY PLUMBING B 'W A ’ 4n ♦ x 1 jt Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. ft c .1 [ A | Gas Fixtures, Gas Stoves, -| R * Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- v S tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- w 7 1 # trie fixtures. r 14 1 $ I have employed Alex S. Pierce to <4 L $ take charge of my shop department. 51 •I i S He is one of the best workmen in the k W South. Repair work attended to U M S promptly. E 181 . k V i : JOHN C- CHILDS, f ikt 4 1 ! IN ■* Broad st. Oppasite Thas. Fahy. ,K lb •)® oV*'S'0 V *'S' 0 ’S'®’©'Ss'i hf lIW OH® • 1 (l itetefi Pauls on eadh I I c® A® '# 5 Hr f MiAci I Ht. < • Sm $ $7 KIND . AT OTHER PLACES. “ ? Itoif Tailoring CoSJ © i (0 Sk *. *. * SSt OM %* *. O.* *: * ********* ** *i ** 1 w * i* J IB * | J 7*si #: That is, oj-' millinery is new J wmr Stylish. We havd oaid cash J 3K ... ' I * II jT forour entire spring and sum- * 1 mer stock We got a liberal * | discount, by paying cash and * J *3 r •> i • X’ afford to grvo air ,ca stom • » | * ers goods far Ijss than hD4335 | | * pay f>r theirs, wijb jy d n tim * * J ■* and soil oi timy On) and * 1 J pric) before buying. Wacan # | wP * sell ya i two hats far what yoa * 1 *. will pay far one at other hou :es * 1 '“■S.i.'&sn*-- -uwaKaa*- . 'X' I B i ' Hrs; A o 0 o Garrard 1 1 J ■«. "Jrt I l '’"®-