The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 07, 1898, Image 7

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pprsoiwi MGiiUoib ' W . R. C-P-r. of JintheciO’ ... Q M’Arvpr, of Uoasa, Mr " . , i... i. .ReCtlV r wool 11 1’ to I Mr lt Lf^'*; 1 “ , g n . ' , ; E. £liuinnte, of 1)nl ‘ today. *’ RM- Birr - V ’ ° f KtWX ’ .; r is here today on bus.neaa. i Mre. A. Futrell have Mr ' 9 " dM txiehUMi bridal out- , i ll.tti. Montgomery, > tag In.-i’.l- tn he U»y- Mint, Eden Hiller, is the guest /Mr'gE'bel HiHyer Harn.-, <n rd Ave. Mr Jones Evans and Ton) hipley,ct Living^" ll epent ’oday n the city- Mr GujEwltaan. of Chalta owa, i.spending a taw days wllh ~,’bnms Mis. in the city. MIM Zeph«n« Betterton who h». eenl b.el>.tmiog guest, of Miss ;„l,Brtdg-s, left today (or Adan . accompanied by Miss Bridges , b , gM , to«prtvata school. Miss Nell King was the guest f Miss Berta Maddox today, lheisen route to her home near Summerville from Dalton,where he has been teaching in the )alton Female college. deficiency MEASURE, louse Passes a Bill Appropria ting $ 17,745,000 For War. Washington June 7 —Beyond he passage of an urgent defic ency bill made necessary by he war, the senate accomplish ■ d little today. Ihe deficiency I neasure tarries appropriations or the war ami navy establish ments aggregating $17,745,000. Imse appropriations are in ad-1 ition to die amounts to be car ed later by the general defic ncy bill. Durin ' the greater part of the lession the measure providing or the taking of the twelfth and übsequent census was under consideration, but no progress 1 ras imide toward its complotion. NOTICE. An bximi.iati'n of applicants! or teachers plain in the Rime I üblicschools will be Rll at the flicp of ihe superintendent on uturdiy 11th lust. beginim* at 0 'e'oek. Ry order of Board of ‘rustees. W. H. Steelv, Secy, ’oisonec by Ivy Ww. in a Dreadful Condition happened to t,.;’ About a Similar Cuos -Foiicvved r,tfte r Man’s Exampin and Was Cured. lie following incident is given by 'hi.-lts M,,-.-.. Lexing- ■ . : ‘ ■ . >isoned '. ■■ . .... nding 1 ‘ boat obtaining ta , , \ c.'iilaren were i J' 1 “Win. dv. in, i h game disease. We i, ai awful ;■ i'-.l i! scenuid aa if I ! > pieces. I picked f , ‘ i ’ 1:1 v ■■ i< ■'* 1 i-'Kiid printed a 1 ■ ikeu J , , " • ' ''('relit. I bought ’” ’ " ■' v ' i and it. did Me and Li y Children RO RIUC? "OO'I I r » ’ ■V . denothersupply. , tj; ■■■i-m i ood a Sarsaparilla j":' ’ l! bottlee and I can teveVi J halil ” !tl ‘ l ' r myself nor children bfe'v i ll,e I'oison. Ithasen ' perfectly cured. Lib t ! Whole credit to liood ’ il Sarsa-* Lgl ,7. ln w ‘iffhc, but now i t lDar;na . ■ ha it to aii i ■' '• ’i l n’d tenihpl have ,-ni . 5; . fefs Pills . _ 1 " . Sale^H 8 r> Corn for C o< ' H « D. Cothran & LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Fined.s2 50.—Only one case wa *| led in this morning’s re c ider’s court. A man by the name of Hughes was fined $2:50 <>r six days lor a plain drunk. Epworth League. The . Fourth Ward Epworth League will hold a business meeting at the Second Methodist church parsonage this evening at 8 o’clock. b Second Bapitist Picnic. —The The Second Baptist Sunday school, will picnic at Rice’s spring, next Thursday. They will go down in large wagons, and a most* ab’e day is anticipated by the lit tle folks. To Rice,s Spring—Mr. Bailey Gordon will take his Sunday School class forty strong, to Bice’s spring, tomorrow on a day’s out ing, Mr. Gordon has one of the largest Sunday school classes, in the city and is an earnes*: Sunday school worker. S A. S., Club—The S. A, F. club, held an interesting me ting nt the residence of Mr. Burn°y Hale on 6*h jveuue last evening nod a number of social affairs was arranged. Next Thursday a dance will be given at Mob ey park. Commissioners Court.—The Floyd county Commissioner’s court will meet at the court muse tomorrow. Monday was regular r ourt dav, but on ac count of the election it was post poned until tomorrow’. Ordinary Court. Judge ! John P. Davis a Ijourned ordin ary’s court yesterday on account o" the election and convened again this morning. The court will remain in session until to morrow. NPa rty. —Tl.e 1 awn par ty and ice cream festival for the benefit of the Third Methodist church Epworth League will take place this evening at the residence of Mrs. Sam Stanfield’s on Main street. Go out and help a good cause. To Annistin They go.—Tne fireman of Rome will leave in a body tomorrow morning at 9.10 for Auniatow. The Southern Ry. has arranged to put coach on tram for them to leave Anniston 11 :30 p in. Thursday night, giving them * a chance to attend the banquet tendered them by the fire tn n of Anniston. Getting Ready.—Mr. A. B. Wilson of the 2nd Nebraska Volunteers, spent today in the ! city en route to Marietta from Chicamauga. M. Wilson states that the boys are rapidly being equipped and drilled and they expect to leave for Tampa to join the army of invasion in a few weeks. Excursion. —On account of taking off the early morning train on the C. R & S. R. R.,it is impossible for many Romans to go to Chicamauga while the troops are encamped there. President Wilburn has decided to run a special train to Chica mauga Thursday provided conches can be secured for the occasion. If not it will run as soon as they can be secured. Do You Ggt it? —I have ex clusive charge of the circulation department of the Hustler-Com mercial. If you Jo not get your paper promptly, report to me and it will be a tended to. The subscription is 10 cents per week, payable every Saturday. Please have the money ready when the collector calls. Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. The summer school at Rome Business College is in progress now. Boys and girls are receiv ed in Pennraanship, Spelling, Arithmetic and Grammar a* L $2.50 to S4OO per month. Enter jnow. ILS. Shockley, Prin.ffl ’W w THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true ami original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avo: ,ng the worthless imitations manufactured bt other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and tiie satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to nn lions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing - them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, Cal. LOUISVILLE. K } . NEW YOKK. N. Y. WILL FIRST BE PAID. Then The Tennesseeans Wii.i f tart For The Phillippines. Nashville, Tenn., June 7 —The First regimmt will not start for he Ppill ippi ues for severil days! ye’, as orders were received L day to await the coming > f a pa; mas ter who will be here tomorrow night to pay the men from thej ime they volunteered to July Ist. which is a month n advance. It s prob.b'e that uniform and guns wi 1 also be furni-he I them here and in the meantime the regiment will be recruited to its full limit of 106 men to each com pany. Recruits are not difficult to secure now that the regiment has b’en ordered to th ' Phillip pines. Surplus biggag} has already been removed from the camp and tourist cars are being gathered here in preparation r or the start. Colonel Arch Hughes reached Nishville today and began cruiting the five companies of n? 1 - groes whim Tennessee will furnish furColone'’s Huggins’s regiment and rhe field officers and ti e cap tains will be white men.* Hughes will pro! a >ly be lieutenant colonel. E pworTh leagU . Entertainment Tins Evening In North Rome. The following excellent pro gram, has been arranged by North Rome Epworth League for this evening at the residence ol Mrs T, E. Clement: Music —Miss Sadie Morrison- Reading —Miss Lillian Tnadaway : Recitation Miss Susie Brewer. Music —Miss Annie Clement. Recitation—Miss Lucy Breach. Reading—Miss Maud' Mathias. Song—Miss Clara Morris n. Reading -Miss Fannie < ernent. Reading—Mr, John Jt ukius. All ire cordially invited to at tend and enjoy a pleasan' evening Annual Sales evero,ooo,OO3 Coxes P'Pius t’OR BILIOUS AMD NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in the Storwh jiddiness. Fulness after neats, lie i '- ictie. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushings □f Heat., Loss of Appetite, (’ostivem s Blotches on the Skin, C'ld Chill ■ 1- turned Sleep. Frishtfrl Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sons::’, j0:..-. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF [N TWENTY MINUTES. Every soffori - will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM’S I’lLl.S. taken as direct ed will quickly r store Females to c< u pleto health. They pr..nn>t!y reni" o obstructions or of the s.s tem and cure sick Headuelie. 1<» Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills rre Without a Rival And hav® Ui« largest sale of any Patent Med ieine i n Hie Wot Id. I 35c. at all Driur Stores. Wa r I r BTA © i ime Prices. Whiie on Ihe one hand us a result <if tlie war, * nearly till f<> d products have advanced in price, on the oilier hauo. it has had precisely lhe opposi e i fl’tel on lhe Furniture Trade. We must keep <ur sab sup to. t . n >rmal standard,and t > d > ths we realize that g > ds must be sold icv er than ever, and we are pr par ed and d teru in v.l to make you lower pi c> s on anyth'i g in our house than Can be f mid els wh r>-. Our line is C implcte and iUp to Date. Consist! g ir. part of B:drc m Suite , Pa lor Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, i Dining Tables, ! Rockers and I Chairs, all kinds Hatracks, Baby Carriages, Mattings* I Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Ipictures, Eaß6ls Screens, iron Beds. etc. Also f‘."'i'p' Io liu ' of ci- i;ets coffins, r i'll - .-. ■ , at tim ' .V"»t price-. Cali on Rhiidy, Harvey J & Company. P. S. Don’t fo:g r th «t Mr Lh.isdeil is n '■bnr.o' ->1 cur r“ pair department 'id th it- i.e can mend uiiythirig made lg .J. pcliool Supplies. I We ure pioneers in the school books and school sup- Ws it- • ply busm 8* and we are als » right up-ro-da*H in every- «« g thiu? 'hat should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. »>> j HR PIPES. I «« ” »>> W No h< use th Stite car. serve vou better when von de- W? ' //z ' sire to invest ir. a new covering fee tne dear ?ld walls of ws ycur home. See our stock on hand and samp'es I H. A. SMITH, I THF OLD RFLIABLE BOOK STORE. I ' ~, ,»,»> ,», tfi •’flft rff t f 111 r r .<f >: rf.< 11 ’* t r ,t 11 ■ irsfial's tai Sains for JOI! 1898 Will be sold before the court house door in the city of konu 1 D.oycl county Georgia between vli i. gal hours of sale, on the first 1 u - lay in July 1898, the lid lowing described property, by /.rm. >H' State and County tax fi : in t'.vor of the State of Geor r.a coun’y of Floyd, issued by the i l/x ('ollector of Floyd county G ;g a and > gainst lie following uefen lanls: A ’m-use “and 1 t i • the Fifth viiidoi d e city of Rome F.oyc c ui. fronting m. Forest stresi'J.q. and ru.iuing back s ime width 125 feet to the corner ( of R H.OB.irr’s lot. Same tie. ing a lot o.i the North side o f For-1 I rest etree', the South•••••■ist comet lot which D 255 feet from Mam Sr. 'Levied on by virtue of a tax ii fu !in favor of the Mayor and council of the city of II me vs. Mrs. T. L. Cornel us as the property <f M s. T. f. Cornelius for taxes due mu 1 city for the year 1897 for the us of W. V. Cheney, transferee, 1 Also at the same time a"d place, tract of land with impr >vo me: is loca'ed in'the Cothran and , U’iish >lm addition to the city of runvi Ga,. and known as fraction ■ >!' lot No. 62, being a part of that ructioj by H. M. i Wright of Mrs. E A Spullock on vhich there is a two room framed : hofise. Bounded on the East by Obi hom street, o ’ the South by : Dum hoo’s house ar. 1 lot, an the by the Southern’ railway right of way end on tht North by [iroperty of Dailey’s estate. Levied ion by virtue of a tax fi fa in favor |of th - Mayor and Council of the ;ity of Rom" vs. Lula Thompson, is her property for taxes due said <.’ity tor tl.e year 1897, f,r the use W. T Cheney, transferee. A Iso at I lie same time and plate of Ng. 5 in the Hardin and Moore mbdivision of the Eifth ward of ti.e city of Rom o , Ga., fronting . e' t and 4 inches on Penning ian I running b ink same width :56 ieet. L <vied ou by virtue of a mx fi la in favor of the Mayor and oun if e.f tl e city of vs. Mrs A. B Barker as the property ;i defimdant, for taxes due said .■i’y for the year 18»7, f r the use ■ Ip’V. T. Cheney, transferee. Alio at the same time and place. ! one house nad lot in the First ; \ r 1 of the city of Rome, (•a*..! i Hing on an aliey 30 feet mor< . r 1 -s and running back 80 fee' re or Jess. Bounded on the Vi tby an alley and on the South , by vacant lot of John Kune’s a u >n tii-» North bv Boundary -I i ‘‘t and »n the hast by proper ty >f Rachael Daniel. Levied on! 'ii of a r&x fi fa in favor ol :e Mayor and Council of the city It mil' vs. John Wright's estate, fi r :x‘* due sale ci’y for tin v r j 897. for the u>e oi W . T. Ch ney, Transferee. vV. Gurus, De.-uty jlirshaLJg C 1 T &DUTHERN ILWfly. <un rJ *'<*!' <!u'»• . ' j 1, IS9H. SCVI' ■ I •’ '. !<• ' . 11 ' No. 6 LV i'llal' I . ... . .. I>l«ni 11'. IO Uli Ar Bid -a . ..........I 7.51:1111 i .‘i 111 !J. 11)0111 Ar to I '■ ■ •: in s.:ispm 1.4 lam * A > 111.1 i.m in, 5.9 >im '. Mum s. l.ipin, s.3>:im i M ... I I i. liipar 10.-‘>.‘..lll’ B.loam I: ; ... | l.iOaou ’.3Bpm Ar Evi " .... ■ ....' >1 in Ar Jacks, v ....! '■ .J 9 ‘>nm Lv Ji sun ..Mil- ...,.ipni \r Jac., .ni.i 1 11 , fpm £,•• ■ hi « Ar I';-ii. _‘ ' < : ~u| 1.3 ..; No c. . '., . i 1. ' . par/ ( iiultll- no>.g:i io A I . .'. , N . I'l i i- !’i. n,;. I Nb ,‘piiig Car Chat tel! ora io All ci ~ No. : i .. . 1 ■ :’>■ Atlanta to Jacki onvili. aa.i All.nJ,i to Bii'aswiclc. ' ■ 7 I X -1. 9 I No. 11 l.v Altai i.i in « ; i 4.09 pm 7.s')am Ar l-.0-o 1 l.oo.i; ti.i’ipm 10.35 am Ar Ihiiinn .. '.4.ith . iNprn 11.40 um Ar :'li.ii: .-j ' ir.’i: h sopn. l.oopm I. . G . ;i 8 4'liun 1 J. 10pm Ar Bi; in | l.'.’Vpinl Ar Le.itngton s.Wpm : 50aml ....... Ar 1...: i ■ i .... I I r’i ArCinekinati * :ii>r.;u ;.< >:i :r>! .. Lt < i amnio .;a.... l. l p.n l.!s:i.ii 125 pm Ai Nasir, ill”. i.. >;>in i'.. lOnm 6.55 i i No. 7 : I' lli'a n N|o pin t I’.ir 'tl.uit'i :' . . •. ; ■-■ a i ■ '■■■.■ :> >. ato ' I :illli".'.;. No. 9 < 1* a . : : pin•• < 'ar Atlanta o.Cin in.’iai' .ia i !; i >.•;> to Louisville. ■ : . Tin-' K ’ No. 1? No. 16. ;. . ..■ i Ida •>, I. loam O.uOpm Ar Kt m HO , I. loam Ar Moi ■ : ; l .’.pm . >.un .’.•iiiu /.rllot u ~ s ll.llium 4.oltam \r A -I' . •<• I I ’’ an s.lari ' i I G K)| oi 9,30 m Ar i Ire'ii -o ro i 9.5 •• mI ' :opm A l':ir. i . I l. l -rrn 3.40 J m Ar No> so 7 3 ran I.A.'Wa *i ■> i ill 'ml 9. ..a in ■ Ar N . L* 1'• in »i. ’ m No. ii,... - ’ ,i'i s. •> -ii'. i.’liait i- ' non .i to N Y . . .. : A Amvi ie an.l Sul i s:>n 0... . ,;;. ■ ■ , . n •i -N ano* I 1.40 am. a, ■o 1 ’n:i i,.:. i. -. <• :■ ar reen boro lo Nor- lolk. N >. I'iii mli ! trail ■■ 'anoiga t/> Salls bu: . ii ■ i ' , si , . ■■ a ~ '' " ■ a-i' f'moo *a •o : . X w i‘..rk with- out dir II l). > ■ ■ No No. S f.v <'>>■ it ". , i I ‘.itipm s.Ti'.im Ar Km A J >pm 11. sam Ar 5: -Aii . . .... I pm l.'Mpin Ar B a i ■' i.o.iam X;spm Ar I'.'.i • n . . ' 7.tonm Ar New i ' l.2npm No ■ '■ ■ , ' i ' • 'ar i thaltu- ma, a t . i. e: . a. to New York witluot " 'o. No. i ■ ■ ■: ■ ">; ig Car Knox- ville toil'! to. S i i: > , . i > Lv K 0... .... '. lOfirn Ar \i> i> lon k iI.-’iiim ?.r Bii min '. a .... iO.OOpni Ar Seim i 1 3.‘>.ipm Ar Merini /.30pm Ar Nev.’Orii'im ■ ... lliU aiu Ar Jacll-'on | 9.45 am Ar Vicksburg j 11 .main Ar Sin', venom t. 7.3irin *No. t 5 ,N • 9 +No. ir r;N'>. ij_ J. 4..,0prn Lv l.’oin ' .ar B.A'am' S.3s:i'u s.4'pui' t‘ /pin ,\r i’i’ri. ar fl.OOivn 6.3>am O.OOpm T.l ’pni Ar A'':o i. lv s.l.'um <1 .'oam t Dai.y execjit Sumlay. § Sunday only. I*. S. G A NNi -N. "•! v. p & c.M..AVashinm.on. D.G. J. M. C",‘LP Trail Mar.. Wa hington. D. C. W. A. TI.JKK. G. I*. A.. Washington, 1). C. C. A. BENSCOTEK, A.c.P. a. .Chattanooga,T»mi new !ot of new pattern hats to go at unheard of low prices for ’■ he next few days. We piv cash for our milli iery -md can sell i a. fine hat for less mon ey than any house in Rome. Call arid get our prices b fore buying your best hat Com mencement hats a 'specialty. Mrs. A. O. G-arrara. Taxe advantage of the big dis :ount on hot weather clothing at J B Watters & Son. The need of a good Spring . Medicine is almost universal 1 an 1 llood’s Sarsaparilia exactly moots th’s need. Be sure to get snood’s.: .. u