The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 07, 1898, Image 8

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WE ARE, NG OUT! - - We Are Suing to Quit 8 Retail li Soods Business In Ronin Since this announcement went out it has been claimed that we published such a purpose on a former sion. Not true. We never said before we Were going out of business; we never said anything like it. w e . U<l " say we shall vet out of this businesses soon as possible. Wil! you help us out if we pay you well for the h The help will be mutual. We’ll make pi i eslower than ever was writ en about, talked about orenjoyed iirr part of the moral vineyard. Comeat once. We will sell goods at less than 30 cents on the dollar,. Nothing In th house above cost except Butterick’s patter is md contract corsets, which we are unable to control, everT/hx*! else shall go for what it will bring, nothing above cost. Millinery usually affrords 50 per cent nr r \ We’ll now give Waists worth $1 at 39c; those worth sOc to go at 29c f thnep w v you your selections at cost and chare e you no thug .or Miss Sy 11- 39c we put on the counter at 19c. * . ’ worth der’s work. 5,000 Yards summer W&sh Fabrics, that cost us lo 15 on , . and mo e, and we’ll make one price for them-6 cents a yardl» Boys’ Shirt Waists tn at cost us 40 cents, 50 cy. a. i cents such bargains. Dotted S viss for which w© paid 46 a arri •■ l l we’ll price at only IO cents. Any boys’ Shirt W ist i ■ - house for so lat 2 c- Dotted Swiss that cost ps 20c you may buy in this ci 10 cent: • They'll go in a jiffy—two to a custom- r. .L hies’ Shirt at 100. Figured Duck worth 12 l-2c to boffered at 6 . s: - le At some price we aregoing to sell out an ’ .soon. Tried hard tosell in bulk; could uot doit. Now the- go at retail. . • ■ ’ Customers who have been paying for tPMr parch ises from us monthly may continue to do so. Short tmp accounts we’ll accept as cash. Thanking ytv in advance for such patronage as you may give. • '• XV X X XXXXX.X>X >X XXX X X XX X X XX X ' XXXXX XX X X X X X X.X X.■ X X ' V •X" X x -X' X-” X XXX XX X XX \ V-X « ■ Wi <1 ROr W Wx" Kb rM-W Ifi 11 tfhr ®sg ® ■I®fWR Wx ' m ■ta■ H■ ■ 1 fe w wUc ■■ / MS w rr - ■ ■ .® w AH shoes, Clothing, Hats and everything' at or below cost, ’ SINKS TO REST Mrs. M. W. Hilms Passed Away Today. THE FUNERAL TOMORROW One of Rome’s Noblest Mothers Falls Into Sweet Rest. At 12 :53 this afternoon, the sweet motheily spirit of Mrs. M. W. Hume passed into the Beautiful Beyond, while the weary, pain-racked body of the gentle sufferer was at rest. Fora number of months Mrs. Hume has been painfully ill and when the end came today it found her devoted sons and daughters vv ho loved her tende - lv, gathered about her bedside. Nineteen years ago her hus band was called from earth leav ing her wi ll six children about her. Since that time her life has been devoted to them, and today John, Miss Laura, Walter, Mrs. Nina Neely, Miss Emma and Ike mourn the death of their best ami dearest earthly friend. A' the tim. of her death ebe was 5b years of age loved and honoied by ail who k 1 hw her. For 25 years ehe ias lived in the Hume home stead on Tower Hill. Tumc.rrow, at 9p. m. the fu neral will occur from St. Pet* re church The following gentlemen | aie request* <1 to act as pall hear-. era. and Will k’udly meet at the under aking p> ffi e e of the McUonaluc'-parkb-Stewart Co. at B'3o a m. Messrs O. P Mears, R. VV. Qn.v s. C IL Lavender. Geo. T. Cbidsey, B. T. Hull and D E. Lowry. Dr. Hudgins will c* ndut the fun ri! ceremonies, >nd the loved remi h viil b:? la. It i tber y oi g le p in Myrije Hill. 1 A HAPPY PARTY At Mobley’s Last Night Those Present. At: interesting party of young people spent yesterday evening on a moonlight picnic at Mob ley’s park ami a most enjoyable I evening was spent by all. Those who went were : Mesdanjes W. Guice, Sharp, Zuber. Misses Lillian Gordon, Nannie Zuber, Clara Mulliuix, Jessie Lewis, Lizzie Lancaster. Rev. 0. P. Gilbert, I. S. Wat son, J. Bailey Gordon, Will Fleetwood, Clarence Lumpkin. FIREMENS ASSOCIATION. On account of the above oc casion the Southern railway will sell tickets to firemen in uniform 20 or more on one ticket to An-1 diston and return at the rate of | $1.50 each. For individuals a rate of $2.50 fur the round trip will be made. Tickets on sde 7th and Bth, good returning un til 10th. J. N. Harrison C. T. d. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The College procured 92 POSITIONS TEE FAST YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen . manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les . sons in Shorthand fully’explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly ' endorsed by hundreds of business ' land professional men who employ I its graduates at Stenography ot Bookkeeping. Address all letters ■ to ti e Principal, 11. 8. Shockley, Rome, Ga. New nobby stylish straw h its at half price J. 3. W attars & Son, LI LEI. F Ml DI VORUE STATE OF GE RGTA FI.CYD C- UNTY,—- Gi’i-i-ffi VV. Tim .ms i Libel so? di- • vorceiu Floyd I, P. h ;:>• •• 'i Super’r Court hta> • G■ ;> .*, No. 33 Januarv term 1898. To 1. P. TLonjas,—The defend ant i ll?: - It ri'-qu rel personally riy alt .■ , be and appear at 'be u; x* Su> ( rior Court to be held in and to: -aid county ou the thirl M ndav m July next, then dam. to m. w.-r the plauitiff's ti maud io an action of libel for n ault tb' reof said court will pace ed as to justice shall appertain. Witness th.; Mono able W M • Bmi’-y, Judge f said court, this 9ih day or February 1898. Mm. E. Be- .iegel, 0. C. Supe ioi Court, Fio; d c >untj via. DR. KING'S W ROYAL 6ERMETOER 'fins pleasant ;i..d perfect remedy, sc dt .htful to take, so refreshing and exhilarating, stands in highest favor F’.tii all who knew it best, as the gre<*« of ail m..<l I remedies for both fk'ves, of ail a>’ , and in all conditions II if IT. ILL DO FOR YOE tnt •, iWiilr . 4 - . itdif i Lshing SLEEP. Ik:” st .3 ycui CEtSTION. Ik i; rec -pc *' .JUS ENERGY It * I put, ur Kl-miS in perfect oMtt. Ik i purify your Ek J, llt r . charge your.. .’ -ess into STRENGTH, i fl t..! ;r:ig you catsickness into HEALTH. KE r PACKAGE, VKG . HOTTLB, DOSi; OSrIDOwjAR COLD BY ALL ORUOCISTB. MASUEACI .;ED OFLY B’’ flic Atlanta Ci :J Co., Atlanta, Ga. ’’’M'iKXf-V 00K MAILED FK** ' ymwwiwAa—aaw-m-——-wjaMW . —— -n-. >ma«m I ** A I Tested and Tried I I- ■ For 25 Years | EBaEHi'IiIHWRI IWM F K " gj* Would, you feel perfectly . safe to put all your money S in a new bank ? One you ft- have just heard of? If But how about an old c 5? bank ? One that has done business for ov r a quarter s fc’ of a century? One that has J # always kept its promises ? a One that never failed ; never 5? misled you in any way? £ You could trust such a bank, * couldn’t you? / 1 SOOTTS I t EMULSION « .&■ ft‘ of COD-LIVER OIL WITH > K HYPOPHOSPHITES is just { J, like such a bank. It has never ft‘ disappointed you, never will. ' It has never deceived you, never will. Look out that someone K does not try to make you A invest your health in a nevz tonic, some new medicine SV you know nothing of. ft | 50c. and $1.00; all drugrkt . h SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Nev. Y.-vk. a; CHEAP RATES. On account of the meeting < f the Southern Biblical Asse übly at Knoxville, Tenn., Juhe 16— 25th, 1898, the Southern rail way will sell tickets from points on its lines to Knoxville r.mi re urn at rat*' of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will bo sold on June 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, with final limit June 27 ; also on June 20 and 21, with final limit Julv 4, 1898. Foi further information and descriptive circular relative the same please call on agent of to Southern Railway. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. All bills for subscription to Huotler-Goininercial are payable Paul 0. Jack, or order, and are due Saturday of each week. Have your money ready when the collector calls. Paul C. Jack, Mgr. cireulationt dept. jfhePreferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. The PrHferred’b policies are particularly adapted for business men, and special policies are L->ueu for bankers, for physicians, surgeons and dentists. Hint for traveling men. The Pre ferred is an old line stock company with assets of over MaO.OOO (X). JOHN R, THORNTON, ATI-ANT a, GA. ® ® 0 e STATEE MANAGER | ITHE ARHSTRONG HOTEI Rome. Ga Regular , Splglol Boarders Rates * faiisd. c; Haw - . • ..T " ” The place to get’a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. P ’ i) jt V Best White GLEHORNS! a ' For ths very Oss': b eed an J mosi > p at-feeti y mark ajfowl >, I e ive orders || J with J. T. Uroush &. Co., $3 pis trio, g Sp'en lid cockerels only $ 1 || X 4 1. D. GAILLIATD. . ... nrn-rnmr.innnnnm twhi— n■www^|proM«wujuwwiiMuumimtuiiiMiJWM*M*i* llll,l<ll < rir ‘^‘*""** M ** ts Repairing • Don’t Walk On | . O Your Upperslj