The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 08, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH YEAH "smoke xtra good and rebe yell cigars fIMERIGAN Sw ills tarter Hard Blow at, Santiago. jjyyY BOMBARDMENT j ;.US« Great Destruction and, Forts. Kingston, Jainaic.-i, June 8 - )etail 3 of yesterday s bombaid nent of the Santiago torts have ; )eell received here that thefn llg began at 7; 45 in the morn j jing anil continued until nearly! )O on. The forts were rendered ( practically useless. The Im: >pened the engagein nt, hittmgt Dn e of the batteries below Mor : rO . Following.the lowa were aU the armored ships in the com oined American squadron. They B el’ipse, thus bring sach broadsid ■ to bear in turn, fifteen hundred large calibe. Shells were fired. ' ■ The Fort nceu'.ly constructed nt Pott. Aguadofes wus blown to Bust, ano 1 ’ wa wounded. As the .i< ' iiofn the vrts slackened the American diips drew closer' sid engaged ,he Spanidi vessels lying in the Lhnel, T'i "IL ■ -mv -dc« tas hit square yby a 13-iiicb ihell. At least 10 sailors were tilled by the shot m i nmnv in ured, rinong them the second officer of the Mercedes. OUier hells hit the Mercedes and she his finally abandoned, the crew making the shore. The American troopa landed at Jaiquiri tjoosuU' I ot 900 marines, Ihieeßegiments oi iuianlry, three hatterres of artillery and a battul |<>n of ei-gmei rs. Stveral heavy Bu-g guns were landed and eo* Bc.,iiC j (l behind the intren chmei.ts | wb|ch were hastily thrown up by ' the troops. a 11. e .Spanish forts are in ruins, lhe Am-licans did just what they started tut to do. and their victory was com; lete. “ *b ri cmnonad mg bt’gan at ex Mt y i. 4.) mi,d c-aaed at 11, the Spanish i, rts luiyhig been si euced ibe y .ri-o in the defetruc tion. f’ n Spenisti report that Llc.b Z/aF OF SYRUP OF HfiS I is due notMaki t-. ~ sirnpli. it. tlle or ’S - mality and "‘anufaetu-M i sk " l ? vilh 'vhieli it is ( y SeU ‘ ntiaC IWses Co-otilvi . U II ORNIA Fig Syrup 411 the iinnn n P less upon tn ’e and Unce P ur< -basing- the 1 n ~“ Av. As the by the c■, J lgs is manufactured only, awYT* FIG Sv ™ p Co. i that wm inUtab 'msmann? V*® ,1 " s - The hi I ,lttur ' ll by other par- *<W p IR J.' yf the Cai.i- tal Profession ! ' ' s°; witl ‘the medi ".'"'b the -ennin' I .' <?" e Batisf aetion “ iVl:ri to niim , Syrup of Fi S 8 bas l!:a oaine <>f o" 1 ;”’ Emilies, makes ' jf H ‘ ( I. ,u l’ a ’>.V a guaranty , ds ’-t acts on ti . ‘a- , otber laxatives, ij °W('] s without ■' V’ 1 -‘ eys ’ liver and In? rr J tutlng or weaken nau!*ate. j‘I 1 < O( ‘ S n ?t gripe nor plo .se ' “ ffet iU beneficial theC ’4anyL ‘ lnCrabertll ’ > »amc of C ‘UFORm FIG SYRUP CO. Kj F, ‘* Ncte «*. Cui. NKW' YORK. N. Y. THE ROMETHUSTI 0M MERCI AL ■o , and I,is nv n w u re imprisoned there being considered only a ruse to det r the warships from firing upon h f<irt. The Oregon, Indiana, Massa chusetts nd lowa held the out < r line of lhe formation and ad ministered the heaviest punish ment, the ligther armored ves sels moving a little farther otl shore. The lire was tremendous. Earth am d mortar leaped into air from the explosion of the giant shel's. Not only the forts and batter ies but the whole shore line was rent and torn. No body of troops. [ masked battery’ or ambuscade 'can have survived. . The landing at Baiquiri was I accomplished at noon, a small bod vof Spanish infantry and i cavalry offering but small re isistance. Desultory firing was i heard in the rear of the Span lards. It proved to be from a body of Cuban skirmishers. I' was reported that a larger body of Cubans was at the same time attacking Santiago. Damage . received by f.he Amej’i'ans is described as “in-. I - igiiilicant, while the Spanish Joss: must have been very heavy.” The advantage of the Merri mac blocking the channel was inestimable. It enabled Admiral Sampson to carry out his pro gram without danger of a sortie by the Spanish fleet. SAMPSON UNHAMPERED. Washington June 8, —The ex tmt of Sampson’s attack on th< Santiago defenses has brought out on* fact very cb’- rly, namely that he has practically unlimited poweras tc the tim > and character of an attack, and that he is tin haniputd by nst ncti< ns fnni Washington. The exact nature of his orders has never been made public, but a naval official in a position to know th'at th u y ,are said that Admira Samps n had greater power con ferred upon him han had ever been given to any commander-in -chie 1 ’ It was for.him to decide on th. time for an attack and the p'.act and manner o f its execution. H< may attack before troops arrive or, in his discretion, act without the co-operation of troops. In short, it it - said that Admiral Sampson is complete master of lhe tac'ical and strategic operations bv the naval forces otT Santiago llus is in line with the policy approved by the highest nayal authorities. TROOPS FOR MACON. \ Battalion From Atlanta To Be Part Oe Col. Ray’? Regiment Atlanta, June 8. —Col. John i. Candler’s regiment of state volun tears, authorized yesterday by the war department, is under way of j organization and wi 1, when, made up, be sent to Macon for equip ment- Col. P. 11. Ray of Macc-n I was itT the city today. He has ar rar&- dtc accept a. battalion from AdittVa • Numbers have today en :is ed and Capt. A ancy Carter, wfitb his company of gi-.i.'.s, wil; Up due of t><e features of G e rgit’s |ldit ional quota of troops. i THE ‘‘DEWEY SWOBD ” Washington, June B—The sword to be pr*-Bented to Admiral Dewey under the act of cTigress provid ing for this special . lark of die tinction for his'bravery at Manila will be one of the most beautiful weapons ever made. Air ady the art and ingenuity of the.hiß sword-makers and jewelers of the country, and indeed of the world has been excited and the navy de partment has more than fitly de signs for this “Dewey sword. ROME GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY J IN ; 3. 1398. THE INVASION Os Cilba is Said la lie fear at Hand. TROOPS MARKING And Preparations Being Hur r.ed Through. Chicago, June 8. A T iinpa dispatch from a reliable corres j pondent to the Chicago Daily | News, dated June 7, says tin-; work of loading of trooi-s, horst s,' guns, ammunition, stores, i equipment an I nodical supplies for the first pr< at invasion of lhe’ Spanish West Indies is almost completed, and b fore many hours (Jen Shafter’s corps, the Fifth, is expected to sail away. The destination is known to a few and may not be given until the fleet of transports with ' its convoy oi war vessels is well on • its way to Cuba. movement ne wi. ' New York, June 8. A special to the Times from Washingion says: Signs are multiplying which confirm, even in the minds of the most cautious observers the stories of hurry orders f<i»r the troops at Tampa which have been current for several days past. The necessary circumspec tion of the i esponsible members of the war administration pre vents the exact nature of these orders from becoming known. 1 That every effort is being made bv all brand.esof the department to get troops ready to move from Tampa at a very early’ day is beyond question. Rush orders for ammunition and supplies have been bestir, ring the activities of lhe ordin <s ,ance and subsistence depart ments in the past few’ days. Lust Thursday, for instance, impera tive dem inds were mad.* from army headquarters at T'.impa that. 1,000,000 rounds of am mu nition should be delivered at that poin 4 by Saturday night. So promptly’ was this ord. r at tended to that the ammunition was taken from the government arsenal at Governor’s Island Thursday afternoon and deliver ed at Tampa within the time prescribed, going faster th. n the mails. At the same time a train load of subsistence supplies went forward on the same hurry sche.l ules. These are incidents in the , proceedings of the last few days which indicate an aecer-sioii of i haste at the front since General Miles reached there. Anoth r indication of the ap proach of the long deferred for ward inovement is the cli'.rter ing by the war depar' memos new transports. HOBSONS DON'T WANT Al.' '.A ' Mobile. Ala , June B.—Liberal r --- ponses were received today to tn< request raising tbe tn r:gage on the Hobson homestead at Greens boro. Tonight, however, a telegram "was civ d from Judge Hi>bs< s attorney Baying the movement was unnecessary. There remains but a . mall balance due on the moitg go and the amount has been tendered the building and loan aasociati n . No aid is needed, nor will any be accepted. ' " —— - - —— r— *• Wl ml w '9A ‘ - - - d * n w z■ • . OH J wi >;k H » WV Sp Has Been Defeated Each 1 ime: • ' V/e have about two thousan d yards of Spanish Organdies A - ■ a d w ' are going to dispose of it at 2 3-4 Cents | >eryi .1 in at a'y sush orice. Th s lot is in assort id coiors a ;d ,o tter is an i are just th i thing for s im ter d esses, wr Appirs. etc , an J w.ien th s iokets a’e aim off yo 4 c e/SY tell tiat it ever st ,v ? sain. At th s orice wp will onlv sell ;• ooe d es> .) ittern to ea:h cl .s'onti),-. Evj-y. « t'n-igs ctycisn. No joada ch ir»?d. gE OFfBaiMGI I \b i it 430 v .rds 42-inch m s tsselina de soie SK in the i i i 'lng colors: nile, d irk green, cana r , b ir t o a :ge, turquoise, light b’ue.cirdi ni , b vn an J heliotrope. 8 ild all ove- the : • , uty rom 7oc to $1 per yard, the very best l )’ n hg ?. ds. At our store for a short tine at 49c St ictly cash: not charged at these . pr ces, ' Four -lundred Pieces ' FINE + • EMBROIDERIES || in v 1-2 a d length, s ightly soiled, per piece pir yards but 20c per piece of vw 4 i 2 trd -. They a e worth from 25 11 4oc per ya;- • i i d a big b irgiin at that but as ‘on ■ a’ t ■/ la£t you may pick your choice for 20c in ca . n. I. . 's ' irl, waist, laundried detachable cyllar, only 17c, ! i ■ w Ist, worth and sold for more, new 23j. S i’rr. 't si--!, Uj. These are all wiyth more. L i Muslin Undeu’wear at prices to clo«e out the lot, ■" <I >w i mi 30c up to 89c for ch lice, oad they are certainly '’‘Mkr wo-'i!i i i.’hmori'. We are selling this underwear so cheap v >ulril ’er call q lick if yoa want any of them. They are ftS Ase v *ea! fins Parasols. Some black and white some black and some pretty C 'k)r,.j plaids. Some coaching* and some with two wide suffles of chiffon, choice of yOW.'k the lot for only $1.75. This is the bett bar~ i i fine parasols ever off)/; I i 1 £ > rn Come over and see them. LAN! lAmSQNS Seven Stores Fifth Avenue, Rome, G I (./ CENTS PER WEEK