The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 08, 1898, Image 2

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THE MISTAKE of your life Has been made when you spend your money at one of the closing out or at cost stores before you visit W. H. COKER & CO. and find out what goods cost. We will give you prices that are eye-openers. 45 ... M W Z|\ Ladies Slippers 50 and 75c per pair. They are W Ladies’ Brocade skirts, 75c each, 3 for $2.1 O \|/ /K hand-turned ana are strictly first-class. U /i\ Ladies’shirt waisL Latest styles, just received j Hosiery 8, 12, 16c per pair that others ask 35c each or 3 for $1 • h 10, 20 and 30c for. The price has been cut on every article in our house far below the prices that theclosingout and cost price houses are selling at. Come and see and you will know that our prices are the lowest in Rome. Remember we handle everything you want and our prices shall be lower than others. W. H. COKER & CO. OLD FLOYD t. Gives Alien D. Candler the Banner Majority. MORS THAN 2.500 VOTES Over the “Running Mates” The State Returns. Floyd county gives /Mien D Candler the biggest majority given by any county in Georgia for any state house officer where there was any show of a contest. As stated in the Hustler-Com mercial yesterday afternoon, Floyd county gave Col. Candler a majority of more than 2,500 votes over both his opponents. This vote has surprised Col. Candler’s friends in Floyd, not so much on the heavy percent age majority as upon the size of the returns, his majority being greater than any Roman expect ed the entiregubernacorial vote would be. The Hustler-Commercial has frequently suited that Mr. Atkin son would not get a tenth of the vote in this county. He did not get one out of twelve. Mr. Berner was never known in the race so far as Floyd was concerned. He did not speak here and if he tver wrote any epistles to the Romans they were not made public. On the other hand, Mr. At kinson made a “dead set” to I carry the county. His friends were more than aggressive, the}’ were enterprising. And Mr. Atkinson came to Rome two or three times, speak ing here once. 1 hen he secured a registration ist of Floyd county and wrote a personal letter to every vo*er in the county. This, alone, must have cost the Judge a cool hun dred d} liars. But for all that and everything else employed and resorted to in the campaign, locally speaking, Spencer only received 257 votes out of about 3350 polled. This, however, was a clear seven-to cne over the entire “37” that were given to Hanlsome Bob. Floyd has done herself proud, i She is the banner county for gubernatorial majorities in the late primary—and that, too, in spite of the famous “Epistle to the Romans.” STATE RETURNS. Col. Candler hrs prospered almost as well as the state, how ever. as he has in Floyd. The returns show that he has carried 98 counties out of the 137 and that he will have in the state convention 260 out of the 350 delegates. Col. Candler’s victory has . been a veritable landslide. In Richmond,where the Tom Hight letter was “unearthed” and s Mexican Sunday bull fighter daily flourished, Col. Candler j was given more than two to one in the primary. In Chatham, where another I Sunday bull fi .liter paper did ' business, and where both dailies I opposed him, he was victorious. ■ In Muscogee, where all the j newspapers fought him, Col. Candler won brilliantly. i Fulton, despite the Journal, wheeled into his column, while / Bibb, with the Macon Tele- 1 graph’s offices used as “consul tation” rooms by the “running mates” did not cast a vote | against the “Plowboy of Pigeon -1 1 j roost.” ( Tn Clark, where the Athens ( Banner started out for him and I afterwards turned and made a bitter assault upon him from ' j i day to da} he has received a big majority • In Chattooga his majority is almost as splendid as John W. Maddox’s big vote. And in Merri wether, the home of Brigadier Bill rnd the possum supper, he almost carried the county. And so on down the line of counties are to be found start ling results showing that the the people were in the saddle and that Allen D. Candler, the old commoner and their beloved leader is a man of destiny. From the returns that are in Candler has received more than four to one of the popular vote over. Berner and Atkinson both. The nominees on the state house ticket are as follows : For Governor —Alien D. Can dler. F<r Secretary of State--Phillip Cook, For Piison Commissioner — < J. 8. Turner. For Comptroller Ueneral — Wil liam A. Wright. For Trea'i rer—W. J Speer. For Commissioner of Agricul- * tyre—O. B Stevens. For Commissioner of Education ( —G. R. Glenn. < For Attorney General— I, M. | Ferrell. I CON ACQUITTED. : I ' Fhf Killing Os John t u as Justified By The Jury. g At' iota. June B.—At 3 :50 o’clock th s ifteiiioon the joiy trying the a case of John Cox for the murder John Coni y returned a verdiet of g not guilty t The jury was only a short time a making up its decision and as ibt t casa closed it was apparent the de- c fendant w i dbe acquitted. The L g case was c ed yesterday morning and concl Jed at 3 this afternoon. • ■ r ■ q Mr JI. P. Hale of Allan ta, is F in the city. <5 HORRIBLE CRIME. Hot Seeing,s, Ark., June B. J. W. Etting, a prominent bus iness m m, this morning cut his wife’s throat with a razor and then committed suicide with the same weapon. Business troubles is believed to have caused Etting to become temporary insane. A Significant Admission. London, June 8 The Times commenting editorially on the fact that the Cuban authorities at Havana permitted its corres pondent, M. Knight, to discharge iiis function in forwarding the dispatch as to Monday’s engage ment : “His dispatch says that ‘the American fire was damaging. ’ TO f As he doubtless is subjected to rigid censorship this admission is significant, anti his statement that ‘the Americans were re pulsed at Aouadort-s’ is probably correct.” The editor in summing up the situation says : ‘Spanish obsti nacy may prolong the war for many months. The American government is acting wisely and prudently in refusing to send to Cuba an a.uny of untrained vol unteers. Little attention need be given to peace rumors.” Ba> rm Y.iung People Uni n.— Rev, O, P. Gilbert, pastor of the Second Baptist churct), left today to attend the s ate convention of th° Baptist Yuuug People’s Union at Macon. Last Nights Fire—Last night about 10 o’clock fire was discover ed in the basement of G. J. Bry snt’s liquor house, corner Broad street and Second avenue . The fire department was called and arrived with their usual pr. mpt ness and soon had the blaze under control . Damage $450 fully covered by insurance. The fire started in a pile of boxes. . I During our discount ?ale all straw hats at half price J B Watters & Son, i hi mfi i PUBLIC StLEGF TATE. Georgia floydcounty.—Whereas on the 20th day of December 1897 8 Timothy Goins executed and de -1 nveredto Mrs. A. H. Cheney a e note ami mortgage on the laud hereinafter described for the pur -8 pose of securing the debt repre gjseuted by said note, which mort uage is recorded in the clera’a of -1 fice of Floyd Superior Court in book N. 1, of mortgages, page i, And whereas in said mortgage e said Timothy Goins gave to Wrap A. II Cheney the power to sell sai ■ 8 land in case of default in the i- prompt payment at maturity of e the principal and interest of said debt. Now therefore by virtue of e the power so vested in the uuder ! signed, which is more accurately I shown by reference to said morl-- e gage, Mrs. A. H. Cheney will sell L at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash on the firat Tues j day in June 1898, during the legal ( hours of sale before the court bouse door in Rome, Ga., the land de- 1 scribed in the aforesaid mortgage,' - towit: Beginning at the South r west corner of the lot bought of William A. Fort and Mary F. Fhomas by Amanda Caperton, i (which deed is hereby referred to) . and running thence East 60 feet, thcucA due North 831 feet more or , 1 less to the Northern lino of said I j lot, thence Southwest to the cor ner of said lot.thence bouth to the ' ’ beginning point a distarce of 361 feet containing one-half of an acre > 1 more or less. ] Ihe said i ote ami mortgage , were g ven to secure an indebted ness of $25-00 with 8% interest ' , [ from date and 10% attorney fees. ' ■ The said note and mortgage are < now past due and so declared. The e total amount of principal, inter- < est and and attorney's fees tnd charges and expenses of sale that 1 will be due on said note and 1 mortgage on the first Tuesday in < , June 1898, is $35.60. Fee simple i titles in accordance with the pow | er of sale contained in said mort gage will be made to the purchaser at said sale, and the proceeds of (Such sale will be applied to the payment of said debt with inter est, attorney’s feesand expenses of sale and the remainder, n any, will be paid over to the person en titled to same. This May sth 1898, Mrs. A. H. Cheney. By W. T. Cheney, Att’y, W. T, C. Cheney will ake in and wry tax . CHEAP RATES. ( The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and • Chattanooga, by which parties . can leave Rome in the morning, ■ spend the day in Chattanoiga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 4 :15 a. in.; leave Rome 10:35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m. 1 leave Rome 6 :25 a. tn. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. in. There is alto a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. in. arrive Rome 9:00 a. in. ; leave Chattanooga 3:10 p. in arrive Rome 5:35 p. tn. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. in. Pull I man sleeping cars on all train*. For further information call on J. N. Harrison, citv pusasi ger and ticket agent, iPhone 39. LEFTERB OF ADMINISTRA- TION. GEORGIA. FLOYD COUNTY 1 To all whom it may ceucern. Equitable mortgage company having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of “d --ministration on the estate oi B. Wiggins, late of said c uniy deceased . This is to cite all 1,1 singular the criditors and next of kin of Wm B. Wiggin? to f ’ and appear at my office within the time allowed by law aud sb w cause, if any they can, why P er manent administration shou'd not be granted to W. H. Ennis Co. Admr. on Wm. B. Wiggin a estate. Witness my hand and officii 1 Hl2 nature this 2nd day May 189 S. John P. Davis. It rests with yon whether yon nerve-killing toba.u<o habit. N <>• r i& jTO uuiover the desire fur tobacco, R BTuskKl •ut nervous dis treat, expels I k 1 ■ • Ost jX inc, purifies the blood, 11 lx>xef stores lost manhood. 400 000 *l. uouall v