The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 08, 1898, Image 8

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VXTV IDlb IW w* " jK. rEF >4 W sll IfC.j .Ft && R& $1 fig* M » .^^Sw—■ -^ — m:A £ jjfe IffH H |$S niW ®»<y-' - VV MJ £*MIMJ SwrMlwVl wV a • We Are Goin< to Quit lie Retail Dry Goods Business In Rome. . . . . K X X X x x X K X ,X •. X* \• S s X K X X X X- X x X V x X V X \ X X X X X• X X X X• X \ \ \• X x v X v: X*X • X X X X X X x• v lx XXXXXNXXXXXXkX XX<xXXk k X X X X X X • . XXXXXXXxXXXXxXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X \ X X x x\W Since this announcement went out it 1 as been claimed that we published such a purpose on a former occa sion Not true. We never said before we v ere going out of business; we never said anything like it. We ”o w say we shall ret out of this business as soon as possible. Will you help us out if we pay you well for the help? The help will be mutual. We’ll make prices lower than ever was writ en about, talked about orenjoyed in this part of the moral vineyard. Come at on e. We w ill sell goods at less than 30 cents on the dollar. Nothing in the house above cost except Butterick’s patter <s and contract corsets, w hich we are unable to control, everythin/ else shall go for w hat it w ill bring, nothing above cost. Millinery usually affrords 50 per cent nr >ii t. We’ll now give Waists worth $1 at 39c; those worth sOc to go at 29c; those worth youl your selections at cost and charge you nothing for Miss Syn- 39c we put. on the counter at 19c. ripr’swork 5,000 Yards summer Wash Fabrics, tnat cost us 10,15 and 90n uer »w v . an( j mo e> anc -| we ’n ma k e Olie price for them—6 cents a yard’ Never Bovs’Shirt Waists tnat cost us 40 cents, 50 cenr- and 75 cents such bargains Dotted S vis s for which we paid 460 a ara, we'll we’H r rice at only IO cents. Any boys' Shirt AV. ist il our house for sei at 2 c- Dotted Swiss that cost us 20c you may buy jn this sale 10 cents • They'll go in a jiffy—two to a customer; Ladies Shirt at 10c. I- igured Duck worth 12 1- 2c to boffered at 6-. At some price we aregoing iosell out ahd quit soon. Tried hard tosell in bulk; could not doit. Now they go at retail. Customers who have been paying for t eir purchases from us monthly may continue to do so. Short time accounts we’ll accept as cash. Thanking \ju in advance for such patronage as you may give. AX X X.X XXX XX X XXX XXXX-X XXX X X X X x . x-x XXXXXXXXX XXX xXXX-X XX X X X X XXX X X X'X X X XXXXXXX XXX X X- Ban OOt '' i it vg lAkJk' AFJLBVM’* W« All shoes, Clothing, Hats and everyth! gat or below cost, BYfiL S EYE VIEW- Only a cheap pine c< Ain and a pauper* grave. This morning Sunt Hackney of the county chaingang sent out by a aebra driver a “cour.'y” coffin in which will be buried th ■ consumptive remains of vValter Adams, a Floyd county convict from W est Rome. * * * Mr. Hackney says the n°g>’o was a good natured animal, that yc-terday ha lay under the shade of a tree and whistled ail day. He was t)o feebie to work but had the whistling fever. * * * Last night after the gang was h nised lor the night the poor coil' sumptive asked for some salt. I'he guard gave him a spoonful and laying on his bed the convict died while liciing his sal*. O’ course Adams had the con- Mjmpjou before be broke into the chaingang —and of course he merited his smtence —But there i. soinsthiog pvthetic iu the fate of a human being whose heart was so light That though in stripes and fetters he dies at sundown after whistling a' 1 ! day in his enforced BO ll t U le ■ orci * * * »- Capt. Hackney now has a gang, of 71 at the camp near Rush’s chapel 10 miles out on the Cal houn road. Capt. Hackney is d nng some splendid work w»th this ga"g. N ; aspirant for office ever wore \ unexpected and overwhelms g de feat with lighter hea“t or better gtace than genial, big hearted Bid Ennis *** In his manly, straghtforward, wide-awake c inv ns Bill E mis has in ide an ope i, huiorablel ail aggressive ci up liga —bit whe i tie landslide cini he era vie I oit of the wrack igi, slink hulls with the victor, braced himsei f up and returned V) his lucrative law pra-itice Bill Ennis is every inch a mm and the future holds golden swe cesses in store for him. Mark that pri you know the. rest. *** The Hanks Furniture Co . be lieve in advertising. Said Presi dent Have Hauks yesterday, “Pt certainly pays to advertise in- 1 the Hustler-Commercial. On Saturday we sold a customer in Alabama a bill of goods aimm.i'-. Ing to $235 and on yesterday we sold a good bill to a patro’n 1 in north west Georgia—just k< ep our add run ling.” -r * * When one of you “sympathet ic” friends of mine want t< make remarks about my “min; that prediction” habit; just pause a moment and remember that Candler carried Floyd coup ty by a vote of more than 11 d< 1 over Atkison and that 1 wiv rash enough over a month age 1 to ask you to “mark the pre diction” on a ten to one shot for I j Candler in Floyd. * * ’< •, And then bv referring to the Hustler-Commercial files of sev eral months ago you will see that the state ticket I nailed tc /Ihe Hustler-Commercial mast head then is the ticket nomin ated. Few pafiers in Georgi: have hit it so “unanimously” a- The Hustler-Conimercial. “predicting may be a little dis jfiguied in the ring but it w ill jcontinue at the old stand. • J * - c-« o -- Tsp O, Iw leading ' JZSSE FF.EtfCH PIANO & OR6AH CD. Manufacturers and Dcalcis. No. Olive Street, St. Loui.. Nashville, Tenn. L‘irnjhighi»rn r A Dalias, Texas. Mc Factor!....: l’i>htrc»’ v . J nd. Write onr nearest A. .. »tr o n 1 Xvr * uuui dollar*. LIRE FOR DIVORCE » ! <; ' ij3lA FDf YD COUNTY, — h 11 lotnus < Libel for di v- vorce iuFloyd L. P. < 1 'imis \ Super’r Court - t ,lc ot erm 1898. lv 1.. i J . Thomas, —The defend ini aer-b ■ requ.rad personally r I . V, <o be and , appear it the Ilfs’dp' ri >r Court tc be ... n ; y ,f said county on the u- , ?•.!. n . . id Juiy . next, then ~,u,- iv u . iiisw /i‘the plaintiff’s I tn md, in aii. action of libel for • jV default thereof sad .'otiriwili proc nd as toj justice .hall ;.pp 'i y.m. A itiie-js-Un' Honorable W. M ,Jt ri"v , Jut e<d said court, this Jr U day <-i -. .obruary 1898. \Vtm E. 8.-yeiegel, C. C. Supe ■-> d c ;un|y lift.. * » OR, KING’S W ROYAL GERETOER This pieu-vnt and perfect remedy, so delightful to take, so refreshing and exhilarating stands in highest favor w?.ii all v. ho know it best, as the great, -st of all r dival rei-ie-iies for botli sexes, of all ;■ -es and in all conditions • ILL DO FOR YOlf t•' $ g ! ’"' you /* ETIT r fowl" 10 yen i. J trashing SLEEP. 1“ 'I -iilah .. : DIGESTION. !“; ve-yt- TJWSUS ENERGY '!.s»" ; mi' K'. BiEYS in perfect or'iec 'itwil'; •iifyynur Blood, 1 will.ciiangs ; weakness into STRENGTH. . nlk.iiring you c.-.t of sickness into HEALTH. EVt PACKAGE, :,AR<> aOTTLX - SOLD B v ALL DRUGGISTS. MAiiUi • ruitiEO OW.T BT Atlantic nical Co., Atlanta, Ga. TSITE FOR MOOK. MAILED I ! Tested and W i I For 25 Years i ,u_l Z- ft j? Would you feel perfectly safe to put all your money i> S in a new bank ? One you have just heard of? &’ But how about an old V Jf bank ? One that has done ■ v business for over a quarter w »> of a century ? One that h s S always kept its promises ? 4 . One that never failed ; never : i K misled you in any way ? « ' £ You could trust such a bank, J couldn’t you? °«g 'I SCOTT’S I I EMULSION f * t t of COD-LIVER OIL WITH « * HYPOPHOSPHITES is just ' * like such a bank. It has never \ * disappointed you, never will. J ; It has never deceived you, - never will. ; * Look out that someone ; ' V does not try to make you : I JI invest your health in a new £ i * tonic, some new medicine : you know nothing of. <S 11- v - i 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. jif SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Lew York. I X eC «S <«lcla !■: <4 «S «*3 Xk <. . Jsu CHEAP RATES. 1 On account of the meeting rs I the Southern Biblical Assembly at Knoxville, Tenn., June 16— 25th, 1898, the Southern rail way will sell tickets from points mi its lines to Knoxville r.nd re-1 • urn at rate of <me fare for the l round trip. Tickets will be sold on June 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, ! with final limit. June 27 ; also on June 20 and 21, with final limit July 4, 18v8. FOl further information and descriptive circular relative the same pleifse call on agent of to Southern railway. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. All bills for subscription to Hu dier-ConimerciaDare payable Paul C. Jack, or order, and are I due Saturday of each week. Have your money ready when I the collector calls. Paul C. Jack, Mgr. circulationt dept. , lhePreferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, The Pr-ferreil n policies are particularly adapted for business men, and ; '-<".al pi-lu-v s -.ire issued for bankers, for physicians, surgeons and dentists, aud for traveling men. The Pre ferred is an old line stock company with assets of over 1450,000 00. JOHN R,THORNTON, ATLANT A, GA. © • » « STATE MANAGER w i—a*i—wmi ■> imbii 'WMaaaßawwi»t,'aTiiwwM run iw—r raari—rwnMy.-v.xw .-4 THE ARDSTRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga Rcoolar ■ SysGial Boarders M-L;, . Raws Wanted- < Moii’iiiilii' - ■T t'.. - The place to gefa quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. !3Btst White GLEHORNS! 8 For ths vary ojst b eed and most perfectly marked foA/ls, leave orders w ’ tn EJrojs i Co., $3 pir trio, S,o!en iid cockerels only $1 1. D. GAILLIARD. $1 »«- —J- o ®e® ®•••e e 9 ®eo•® •• H! •Don’t Walk OH ® Cl Your tTppeTSlj • I