The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 09, 1898, Image 3

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I KiH-m SoJlii Bound I Trait cu The I SOUTHERN RAILWAY I" —-Rt f I-.,...,,®' Afl.rO-"-; While ■ sleep:.® on r.estlo. ■ horrible^' 1 " iiftei- B ~ . lt r> ■;;■> under the wheels ■ f . IS mhhsund passenger train B ii.p Southern Ry ,at tie H 0:1 e ho ■ Nn.lhi: ooe . 11 ■ , Mgl r U : (*>-« I wall river. B ]-| ie engine was. m chaigeoi ■ Eiß’ineer' Aborting and . w ■ ruling at a rate. H-saw ■ the man on the thick when, lie ■ approached the \ bridge,. and ■ thinking of < ou.rse he would B step to one i-ide, he. wlii-tied but B e train|) did not'move, and he- B fore the train cmdd be- stopped' thelnavv wheels ol the locoino- I uv.dmd par"! over his, body, ; ■ nlJl iigling it to an almost unrec- B ognizable. HUSs. Hue arm was B iieady smVr; d frmn bis bod'j' B and lib head an lie wore bad B ly mutilated. B Mr. I-'rank W ( sl,the under- B taker, who was near a! the lime, B picked the .unfoi: .n .te man up i B arid had hiV mk< n to Kl.iidv B llarvev A ('<?'< umiertaking-i estabh-iiineiii .u.d prepared for B I’m rial. n . B Rp wa- <Sriigg' , -l4)y tlw timin' BB | K ahi u :’d v ad- .rmn'vi I< re h< in .iie •',< ■' ; ' h" le;rd man i ■ was feiii.d :i -m. i imp'-r „wifb i |B tiie ii.iiiic of < 11. I'. irmu to:: it , ; |B aim' it 1- -I.pj < io be hi- I S' 'name |H A ini'R ( 'omm. rcial report I ■ i.i to tn..' hi. in at [>■ dice j ■ lirad.piar!. r- y<st< rd'‘ ' morn ing. j al’o-r liis hr rd st. , l’«>r vagrancy, ami he siwmhd to be ■ ' demented, as h, could not. tell I his name or win re he was fro in. I |B 11- w:i- r.' i i,custody I B willi tli ‘ pr'ini-e of leaving B town. B ,He\v i s ejvi n decent- LuHul j B this idieri.ucn by the authori- B ■ IHe s'Fitnlnt , r at Home B Ihi-tHess .i< jh progress' B ,10 "’ ’’o.Y'and ciA are reeeiv B 111 l'> mimaii-hip, Spelling, , Aiitliinefie and Grahimar a' $ <OO pei- Knter ; B 11Gw '*;• S Sil .e|<|.j;v, i’rin. / I - ' I : 1 I O' I jd I ■ Os SYRUP OF FIGS ■ IS| lne rn.t on’v' t-. .■ ■ si, aplieitvot tn and B t'Uhe ".‘•’"bnKitU.ri.b'ut also H maiiuf;o-7-wlneii it is ■ kn.n vi)l ‘ 1 '■'■.smunim. processes ■ G) -oniv .... i ‘ h<, U--ia I- iG Syki p H d i ,!l " iiuin.rc ' " ‘"‘■m' ess Upon -m ait | 1 . ,t!! ee of r-i;r< basing tiie B t|... i ... iimnufaetnred B W1 " a '• 1 1,1 Svi ‘mr > Co. ■ a ' ! '> m./in*' ’ l: '" 1,1 f;iet "ill ■ h:.'.-;,,,, the worthless. par- H j. ~ ' u Je Cali- B Cal With tiio inedi- B t):e <7 . t ‘ l<> isatisfaet ion I B R , iv4 ' n t-> nm’ s .\‘n;>of p: ffs has B t ’ l '“ au i | 'of 7t lIS ,tamiges, makes B ~f tl| e 0V(....0 V( .... ,l a guaranty ■ ! ar . i « ’‘’lvan re " ,e, ’.y- K i's B 't a.;ts or H <l ' l oll “' r bixtitives, B b ''' V “ ls witli'vt '•* ' !il " ( '- vs - liv er and ■ D?th( 'n. ai d weaken- B • G ff US ’' a tw In or.’m .‘"’ ; s n l’ l f - rri P e n °r B t <?ets ’Pbiise I- .' ' i,s beneficial ■ . ‘ Cro| npat- V -L, ""’‘‘’“t’or the name of B CAUF 2? nia fig syrup CO. ■ NEW Yens. N. Y. Every day now brings us heavy skip-, ments of standard and Bea§oiiabTe. r.ur- i niture. ana v;ith the coming of .spring 7 we have already received a . - - - ' CAR-LOAD OK BABY > C A R RIA All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beauty and - streneth " ’ -f J MilS V.- ■ MATTINGS. l i TJGrS, - w* CARPETS . •• * »•. ... . X’ • ve • . t In this department we have received 4 for the spring trade one car load ofy mattidg whic”h we imported direct*, - v ■ from Japan. Here you can find newv patterns and the prettiest of and at remarkably low prices. SM'OVES- A Do vou need a new kitch-n? Then call on a} an 1 yra will go no where else. Afye Inave best and that meansl an economic- - stove in every sense or the wora. THE HUB IMTM 305 Broad st- Ph»aas;f- Undertakers, Embalmers, and Eli neral Directors. w K* j——MHiMWri I ■OTCTfWJ— MW I>TI . * Conio, W.ta., • ' Jan. 10,1898. . . ■ ian. lß9B. CURE for CON- eusGailS. SUMPTION* as the SUMPTION for any , Pw H medi thing. For a bad . cme on Jue roaiy Cough or CcM it is ■ hamg,.useu- : it tor , beyond all others. ?fe yea S‘u.' - '*• Mrs C REYNOLDS. <■ - t ..l i ■• V' ' ■ ’i “The Best Cough Medieine.” . '' l.i'.V-r.. | 888888888880888888888888800. o BF. Montgomery < | 8. ->3 227, BROAD ST. E<- 8 , SICK, ACCIDENT AND LlFt G>. | ’ Insurance.' | o WENUMBERA. MONG 0 U R RISKS MANY 0F t H'E O VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CI TV AND COL.N rY. * c -(;■> 88 W AN TED- —We want wide-awake agents t<>...Tepresfijt >ur companies in the counties of Po’k, Bartow,' T A>yr,.- ..• Q Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, Whitfield, Catoosa- •Q, Dade . Call on or address us at our Rome btflce-,' ; Q b. F. MONTGONfERY Gun l'AgT' .** B’7 .08000000088000800000000' ‘7 , O-- —r LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES . Offers tho’public the fiaast teams best convey ances, and most polite and courteous drivers.: .. The best stock/>f horses and mules on sale con ; . stantly. , SCe AA'D SO3 ROAD STREET, ; R M-8 SEO r THE HODEL LAUNDRY Is doin' 1 ' ths oest of work nnd gmo a > tees satisfaction. Prioas ara m >s. < leastoxoO fa •V- ' c’-JJi-ot/ .. —• I- • • •. BEST SANITARY PLUMBING fc : '*T J *8 -Wd i-N f ■ J Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. L 7? 1 Gas Fixtures, Gas Stoves » 84 R t Umnps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- Ls V e tores, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- {gk •xj# tii. • 5 trie fixtures. L ’l7 F> ?;<• , Wp'-R # I have employed Alex S. Pierce to ji; 0, L?■ take charge of my shop department. i 8 e * s one °t the best workmen in the L South. Repair work attended to fe- •sU-oJ 1 f promptly. . -j M-U I > f l | JOHN C-CHILDS.- ft I ® 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos.Fahv. Jt ■ F; f r • -■■■ z- ' X- -<V' V s ■ ■’'V- ht« 01® 1 anlsuneadli OS THE « ■ ' i KIND o W.A J .: HzR PLACES. W’’ IBame* Tailprinj Cg.bSS f ■ ■ '■ - A«.***.M.*.«*SX***x: t- Tii is, ou- millinery, .s new Stylish. We have paid cast; ■ . - . , BE lor our entire spring and su n* r stock. We got a liberal .- sunt, by paying cash an J ' ■ afford to glva oar custom • , jaads for less than house 3 ■ 7 Pay f >r theirs, wno buy on tim j L'/b- 7 and soil on timj, Coms and # <■.. price before buying. We can § v - ■ sellyoi two hats for what yes will pay for ona at other houses * g | flrso Ao Oo Garrard f jg