The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 09, 1898, Image 5

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l> ■ ' " " ' ■”Yv- ,',t BK'.U 1 ' 1 .-’ 0 1? MG.IoX 1t..,.. lul b"-r“" W "" ,k ' M,.,h ■ | t .... ; Xl: z ■ .(’.iliieun Times. SjfffiS ■ <> " XV.”" '•>'■ I "" 131 ■churches. hh 0 0 0 ] t b,.>’ins to look like another | ju a fool of himself. Ibvialkmjal’eiH a ca>« he was | w iry. nti'l that a-aconseq'ienee ■ theknii' 1 I'iatiag’in will get an ■oilier trial -.\ II HB " 1 ‘" s.vvlie AH) mV Her.dd: BBS ~ \(tornev * h 'l"i ' 1 ’lo'' leit el ■ffietlw only man who received ■ the full vote < a-i in the deni ■ ocrane primary in Dougherty ■ county. w.Te 395 vote- ■ c:et, ami he re- civ- d that n um- ■ der, being the <ndy mm on the ■ ::- -v who w,.- ma mt, itched b\ ■ jOiiiebtel. 1 nis tn iy b’ O' count- ■cd fur on ta? ide;i! !i- 1 1 Mt. lel - ■ re i; i, [,r:ict ea'iv unknown here I and bo that .on made no B eneinie- and no i'[4'' 1 ■ll on, w h 111 I all the otb.ei bo;,- had the ntis- B fortune t 1 I'lio -o’lie'n»dy s fur ■ the o o o The Macon New-, one of the |U ns -'. BM : fin, )•;■! Il ■ ;n after hav- Img ii|ip'W,i .1 i '.<■ • Turner has ■ the in,iiilieo.; to , in its de- ■ feat "After ah. J Turner must I he a g )od ni .'in.', i > h,; w been ■ ll a at> lb; i ii.c Im icau circtt- ■la '. B f a l h ' d idn’t IT> it; and di- oiiie, knowing I what they ( ;,j about ihe num in . I whose lateie.-t- ;i< was issued,; I were i '.ideiilly pr-pai ud to be-1 BB litre him.'’ BB o o o B|| brom a Ninth Carolina ex-' I change we in te Mrs. Ace B"1 that st;u.-, has |.rc-ei;ted her I Ini'baml nilj) bttle Aces. I Weknow but hide about, cards; I hut we risk die observation that j ■ thisi-cribiiiug :i [ ui | sa ° ° ° Dc ' V( -y is the name of the I I Ue ' Ve '' t in Georgia. Jt is 1 pitmted on the Southwestern' ■ ™ ninety miks south of I ■ ‘ and tw. my miles south I M °f Americus. B 0 0 0 B A i< ‘ Xcil:i; T" says in its o bi- ■ tUa T<'fa r..mdmu : "He was a I ' ll:1 ' 1 . 01 integrity, a sue-! ■ Cl -du! Imsnmss , llalli a .g O()( ] at ;_ . ■ Vfc ‘tHerand he always had his! ■ l, v i lls ] lol ne S ■ 1: ls ‘" edh-,s to add that' H 1 ,u h l| t | 'iot straight ■ V ‘ s bosom. —Walton Bl ■ . 0 ° ■ ...Nt «i«,„ c,„ Bin-I, "'’'"'’"'''y ' nsurp- I d," ” 1:1 ll "" line to- ■ ■■ -'mericus ll„ ri ,|,|. B I' p [. cmi ll ’.t ' : ‘XI.,IK| V - awaits I in, d'-'b'""'- "o-mv. ■ hWh'’" )■ the I Win.,,?!"? ■ •'"‘"' "US 11,.,, I A,n “™ eo„traet exmj |, B 'tu mi the water company at Tampa by w Inch the government pay.- LS'i cents per 750 gallons for w ater. Inuring the month of May at Tampa there were 40,- . 803,400 gallons ot water puinp -1 ed through the mains. o o o Rev. Sam Jones, i i a recent speech before the Methodist con ference in Baltimore, said in | speaking of his first year of 1 ; work : u My whole assets were a wife, :t baby, a bob-tailed pony and SB.” THE~DANGEfI to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for . ward to the hour of woman’s severest trial is appreciated By but few. All effort should be made • to smooth these rugged places in life’s pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe MOTHER’S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner, without, such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations—she passes through the ordeal quickly anc without pain —is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously peiform the high and holy dut-es now devolved upon her. Safety o life of both is assured by the use of “ Another’s Friend,” and the time of recovery shortened. “I know one lady, the mother of three I duldren, who suffered greatly in the oirth of each, who obtained a bottle of Mother’s Friend’ of me before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful.’ John G. Polhill, Macon, Ga. SI.OO PIER BOTTLE at all Drue Stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. 3DOKS Containin - invaluable information of ! rn-r interest to all women, will be sent to rittc any aiklress upon application, by The BHADFIELD i.FG"LATORCO.. ATLANT*, G*. PKOIiSSIOHiI CARDS ATTORNEYS. J . EJR-jAKT H -A.M, Law Office, 200 East First Street, LOME. GA. GHAS, W. UNDERWOOD,' Attorney ai Liw, Home, Ga. Corporal’>n Law Only. M 13 .BUBANK3, Atterney at law. officeKing Building. Koine, <. a. W H - El-TNIS, tttorr.ey at Law Will Practice in al) courts Office, Masonic Temple. Rome, Ga. •W. J NEEL ; Attorney at law. Will practice in all courts, i Special atteutipn given to commercial law j and the examicalion ct laud titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. Hj'KR.IRzIS, ; Attorney at law and J. I’. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB 6c WILLIXGHAM Commercial Lawyers. i Office in Ar.u i'.r >ng hotel building,,R >me, Ga J 3 kST r r O EA. WFORD j Attorney- at law, Rome, Ga. Collections a | specialty. Masonic Temple Rome. Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office 340 1-2 Broad. * Over Cantrell & Owens. J. L PENNINGTON. D D S.,M D. IJ ISXTI.SV- Office. ;»>5 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur- I niture Co. PHYSICIANS. O HzAMI-LTO NT. 3VE- D- Physician and Surgeon Office,!. Medical i Building Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone No. 62. I_i x=. I-iAMMOND. D.. ■ Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medical I building. Residence, No. 103 West First st Office ’phone No. 62. Mrs. A Inveen, residing at 720 Henry St.. Alton, 111., suffered with sciatic rheumatism f for ovj’r •eight mouths. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, using various remedies recom i mended by friends, and was ..rented by the physiciaiia, but re ceived no relief, then used one ■•nd a half bot I le’ ol C'amberlaiL V Pain Balm which effected a corn pic e cure. This is published at lier i’i quest, as she wan’s others similarly afflicted to know what cured her. Ti.e 25 and 50 cent sizis for sale by Curry-Arrinf tot) ■ Co. J H. P. WOOTEN &BI )., S' Successors to - ROME PHARMACY. i '309 .st —New Ulttrk Building. gaj '“,'lffi We Lave bought the e.nlire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, pi escri pt ion and ■ate'ut.nn .< .-ui'.' iii” . Our stock is complete and of the very higlie i grad- . We solicit a part of your patronage and shall eu- TM deavor to the best of our ability to please you nt all ®st 32 times. We should bo pleased to have you call on ns. l ;' Full line of drugg: < s sundries, toilet articles and such things as are usually carried in a iir-t class drug j.' store. Ciga rs and tobacco. . 3? Come to seo us. j - - ■ - - - - ----- Maaaawr -a. ■AI i ~ aawaa ■ , , < n H T" ’ I ‘ •■"■ nr iHllti’i fi •X 1 S. M Stark, • W- ■-x; 2 S LkbiE - x X ■*; Doughertv Bldg, 2nd . e y X . X. Xf - z - •£■ • i :■,;< ! N :r .i . . I* F. HANSON. NOR IS N SMITH. g I THE HANSON 0. € Plumbing and Tinning. {E 'igi loirs' an J machiriists supplies. Stoves, rairges and y tinware. Gas and electric fix= g tures. INSURANCE gasoline g 5 stoves. Water meters. | 1 325 Broad st Phone 32. g iX ’ tv | 51.25 ill >' 5» Nifli for J. A. G l I I i ; WAITING for everyone in Rime* to cone in and see the m-igiiilicent’stoc' zSI on men’s and •'iv’s clo hin- , x ' bicycle and golf suits, is wb 1 wc :l! ’ ' ,n o- • )U * Wl ;ir ' ’ . 1 • tling v •■ •>it. Wo wii : i| < TrS you the ii‘>( St st c\ Sw. ' ■ '' T ' ' I ‘ ■ x -tv-, oid p tti rn in .1' 'ok <SCB perfect fitting and hands .me. t —*’be found in Georgia, and tuej ’■* - ■ are above competition in vain: for the p ’ioe. t The greatest line of n shirts ever shown H Rom?. J. A. GAfIMON & C J . jtiinwwrr-'— . m > Ours is the ■ Department in the U. $ S the leading Seed-P -»n at. :j re C.’i.l : . z? > ( tex. vitichwiii E/ »'■ -IctlJ • Send t-r save you money. Try us. can ;. .. v st . • intheUnion. 43 year, of square dealing has near. Have hundreds of carloads of F7- 4 . / FRUIT AKD GR:.h'? BESS, SHBm, m We send by mail postpaid, ’• !• . . * satisfaction gjuiafAateed THE STOftRS U.v CC- Eos. 5 •. 3U To Muical Poeple of Rome! It is with pleasure th it vv) anti > of a nev' and complete stock of WflMiS MlßflW iTidJ Jj wMMj AND Sn 1 ail 1 M1 isle a I I n str amcll ts - in the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street, where we- would be pleased to have you call and examine our goods. T io stock consists of sonic of the best makes of pianos an 1 organs on the market tod iy. We keep a full lino of evervtliiug pertaining to a first class music store —Something Rune has needed lor a lo.ig limn. Give us a call and y>u will find a music st )re that Rom ms may be of j We are de e mi ied to clo e out on ’ ►-BICYCLED | the earliest possible date. Tl. 111. 32 7 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Ma nag ■ r. x\x\\\\ x\\x x x x x sxxxx - XXn. V We keep on hand at alljtimes a full stock of Sheet Music J .'. .i • of the very I , J-KANE & ED 248 B *oad Street., Sale of Sumoier Coofc > . > > X X X X X X X X’XUy ' X X X~X ' X X x X X X XXX X X X x.x XXX X X X X X X X X X - X X X Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales. Gingham and Madras • ■ Ready-Made Skirts and Waists • We intend to close out our shoe stock, soj stake advantage of cost pcries on shoesof the best makes. i Special prices on everything at FJ. KMHI«iCO. ••'J 1 ‘ ( Broad Street* mwlfZv ffiunantlv enred by tising DR WHITEHALL’S ffW UMATIC CURE. T1 ~■ i ' ’ Sold v ' S.’innte sent free rn TW‘:>tion of tb ; -publiea’ion. HfE DR WHF MEGRBHNE CD . Soutfe Bewt. hid.: .>