The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 09, 1898, Image 6

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——— - - ~ VM. MWMiuMtt'M'* .MMr fla .fwv «»tn» ».- -■ - h»... _ -m Mi' :IB i' ; ■’» ■ “ e 500 pieces Skirt Cambric, all colors, 3c, 150 pieces printed Dimities, worth 10c, 4c per 100 pieces French Ginghams, sc. ]OO pieces White Lawn, worth 20c, for 1 O per y ar t a w*ww«***ww»«***.*.w**».*jftw two* ' | CORSETS and HOSIERY. • Beet qnrlity Taffetaa, all colure, 70c. 2r- ® W Best quality /offeta. black, GOc. & ij? ' ''' reef., «ortl’ $2, $l;50 $1 to go at 75c THl'etae f< r waists, $l5O, *1 25, sl, b r 75?. A»i -s ( > dozen hdie,’ hoe *, h|» k. worth 30c, for 18e. 27 in India Silk, Black and colure, 37 1-2?. > ■&' ozen mi sacs hoe-, black and tan, worth 25c so 1 4jt * .2 X €* MO USS EL 1 N E DE 'SOI E AN D Li BERT Y SI LK GOc PER YARD. • ® LADIES' WAISTS g f ■ JUBBONS ® ((g) ®We have the beet Jl.dck of ribbon, in Romo. We will lh J ' ... @ THIS WEEK | TURKISH BATH TOWELS, EXTRA LARGE, WORTH 30, FOR 121-2:. v I d"BHB~ TMB" T" * ■ J -wn ~r Mm MM A t i If 1H w-z# A HM| w W B-A ■? i hhmlF bH 1 wi M1 M « M H/mb lt i hH • Ml Wro Mi t MiK Mm L ’ « U wi St iJ ho ■.. - ; J Mm V 'V- •-;■■ ■< ■ ‘-v-* 1 JEB Jhfeim. v <. / *'" “““ 4 «««■- —■«■' ■■■■ i I in ■ »———■—— ■—■<»■«,«.—»r ri l—w —■■ ■ " . ■ ■ - .1 ■ . ■ —. ... __.. .. M ,_ _ . _ ' COMPELS SPAIN To Use flnunilcition Freely as Possible. THEY JIAY 3E SHORT On Powder When The Land Forces Arrive. ■■■ ... - ■ New York, June 9 —Ail the dis patches fron; West Indian ports giving accounts of the operations at Santiago have been rear! with interest at the navy and war de portments.’says the Washington correspondent of the Times. Army officers who hope to have an opportunity to win some credit for the army at Santiago are some what disqnie’ed by the th.” reports of activity by she fleet before the arrival of the land forces tG co •opporate with it. With three or four days of such poundings as is reported to have taken place, the batteries and garrison of Santiago will be powerless to resist an at tempt to occupy their defenses. It is plait that th” administration is carrying out a plan to induce the Spaniards t > use amunition every time it can be expended. I the Santiago forts have responded to the shower of shot and shell poured into them by Admiral Sampson, they have so math 'eas am n rii ioo to later on The supply for Admiral Samp son will be ceaslecs. Every x ship that goes to this fleet with em pties will carry projectiles and there will be no danger that Ire will run short. It is pointed out at the navy department that Ad miral Cervera aid the d.Tenders of Santiago cannot respond with out exposing themselves to the danger of imo ing cut at the tim ■th *y will most need an al. nd n :supply. Some anxiety is felt here f;.r rhe security of Lieut. Hobson and his associate! in the recent Merri- I mac exploit. It has been report d 1 that they were imprisoned io Mor- Iro Castle, and as ti e stories ol ('yesterday represented tha* defense as having been badly battered, it is wondered whether the Spanish commander permitted them to b<* • spot'd to the fire of the United i States ships. The general impression is that Admiral Sampson did no' pay any att ntion to th’e report that the , men were imprisoned in the fort . ress, but depended upon the Span ish to remove I hem to a place of safety in case they found the fort' . was to be bombard d. Otherwise! t it would be necessary to revise the good opinion of the Spaniards that , was formed upon Admiral Cer vera’s treatment of them after they , 1 were arrested. , If the reduction ot the forts was a part of Admiral Samps m’s plain . he could not be deterred free. . cariying it out because the Spmind . chose to pul American prisoners , between themselves and the Ameri- > can guns. If that were resu.ted t . and any dan.age <ouet'< die prisoners in conqueuj”, th i Spanish admiral would have a j rather embarrassing account to i settie in ase of his capture. I NOTH K. I Au examination of applicants for teachers p'ace m the Rom pubi c schools will tie 1 old a' tire office of the superintendent ot. * Saturday J1 th inst. beginmg at I ! o’clock. By order of Board of , Trustees. I W. 11. Steels, Secy. ? Polks Super ir Court.—Maj. • R. T. Fouche returned thi J. morning from Codartown when ■ t he attended Po’ks Superior court i Bev;.;re us Imitations J '2 •**“’ }\&eeslers/iitv I ‘ « JOHN DUNCAN 9 SONS, AGENTS, NF# YORK. » . «■ I I ■ HWI —I ■■■■ »«l«l I Too ■ In We! The use of the surgeon’s knife is be coming so general, resulting fatally in such a lai e number of cases, as to , occasion general alarm. Mr. William Vvalpole, of Watshtown, South Dakota, writes; “About three years ago, there came under ny left eye a little blotch about the size of a small pea. It grew rapidly,and A’ ■’ shooting pains ran 1 i't every direction. V, y . / I became alarmed ? /'fc-L a consulted a # g d >ctor, v. r.o ’ A .’ ■' \ pronounced it can- A , •'.» y 'cer, and said that it J'/mu-t be cut cut. ‘. \A S This I would not x \ iJ consent to, having | little faith in the I in ’’ jnlnstatisa of the knife. Read- I Ing . the many cures made by S. S. . eicrink.ed to give that medicine i at: 1, and after I had taken it a few I lays, the cancer became irritated and began to discharge. This after awhile | '.eased, leaving a small scab, which r ially dropped off, and only a healthy . little scar remained to mark the place where thedestroyer had held full sway. A Real Blood Remedy* | Cancer is in the blood and it is folly ! to expect an operation to cure it. S.S.S, L :icra nte •</ purely vegetable) is, areal remedy for every r ■ ■ iscase of the blood. Books mailed free; '* V.Wy ' | address Swift Spe- Qk .I < ciiic Co., Atlanta, I. lft-r * w:>» Induced to tr. CASCJ.. K E'i’si, 1 will never bo »iiliout tbeui in tl:.- h< >e. jiy liver was in a very bad shape, anti uiy .id ; iii'ht-d and 1 i. j . ill trouble. Now. sin •. tak | lnjr Cascarels. I teel line. My wife ba> al:, used I tin >n with i.e iedcial results lor sour stomach." | Jos. li'.'l Congress St.. St. Louis. Mo. candy W- CATHARTIC ' : t 1 . :: -. Pleas-tnt. P:iiul.tblo. Potent. Taste Good. Do '.ood. Never Sir he. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. W'e ... CUBE COHSTSPATiGM. ... •terlbia IteMint) < »«:>,!>•. Il> Voiilrrsl. X Ver’.. SIS ■it’ll.'l 'ti ,F*Al‘ irenrauteeti I■. nil drug- uU‘ 5O ' V gists to « t J4ii. Tobacco Habit. , RIIE UM A TIS M PUR E D 1X A DAY. ‘‘Mystic Cure ’ f ir Rheumatism ’inc Neuralgia radically cures ii> Ito o days. I's action iiucu ih* system 13 remarkable and rnv-'U- I rious. It removes at once the c.,use i'ud the disease immediately die-] tppears. The first dose great l>. benefits, 75 cents. Sold by Curry . krrii.gton Co, Rome, Ga. Hresttv'fth yen wlit thr r v>»u (<’nHui:i ’ if r.e rw-i.iiung u.i.a.. o 1 abtl. N <>-TO.JLHL / rcniovus me tit-sir.-tQi mba. jul;iL-rv<>u. diNircj-. c.\pvtbnico- < -' - % i iine, piirHiua the b.> <>d • *A* d . ... ■ t<irr s lc,j t •* ■< <Ac - k'" i. " • »» ", «2 dr:; i Wb( 111 I- Ii; I >•{< ,• L >£’>*'■ A- " P-Herit.;., p< i ft.l- (i),. SSCN |L Übiiaiiy «•!!••» i. \ t -s -q rjnfl TO- PUA’TJI* • d -i.r.’ or we ref ju-j v,<,|.. y ’- r «.. Czilrrcv. floi.trc..:, .Se.r ior£ I Do You Ggt it?—l have ex clusive charge of the cirt ulation ‘ department of the Hustler-Com luercial. If you do not get your paper promptly, report to me and it will be a tended to. The subscription is 10 cents pt r wetk, payable every Saturday . Please have the money readv " ** i when the collector calls. Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. Mie- Ellen Hiller, is the [tits; of Mrs Ethel Hillyer Harris, <uj 3rd Ave. ** * * *v ’ * ‘** ’ * ♦•••4. i........ i.«.t ... . . .... i ■... . i-i • • i * I ? L*j 1; i;;; ■; i 11. ■’ ■; ’* *. ■; * * •••••••••• ~..• -• ■» ..; yrif'rim'fifiiriiiniiniiiiifhii ftUtrmVitmnfhYfnmtf/rrn'b'T AWHOLE CLUB | £ E” :l 1.-'. I • g - -■ - - Ca ’t R '' ' 2 Ma\ e IS Better li iyi ■v. ' '-'i; - Running h j . T lm . | . ■ . ' —• || ” J’Mfc • 20 ' v •’ * cm%| 1 ''‘Tfr | I c irry a fill: in 1 3>m j’eb l line of jewelry, loclu ding Di 1 n»> h . - gSt My stock of silver notions and uov 'ties was nev ::r : E er mo re- co m pie te. i WS ) DIX 1 PIUS E\ T FS AS P .<IJIA LF f. J. K Williamson j I lird'Y :::; ~. hlliiUh'HliH’iilUtlßllUlPilltijhlli'diillJliljllllllliiHUidilllOirni'WlSg ■ ’ t re.::.;:::::::::;::riii : . i :: :;: :: r ri:.;:::LU: r:5 ‘ ■- ■ : hi;.::U;• ■ - - - - - K * * fpisl CANDY I f CATHARTIC ( 4 I ■to'icajsdito I CURE CONSTIPATION I - ICc I • 25c 50c druggists ■ I l’i-r n arientlv cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMA HC siic st. and the h:“ t. Sold l y t’.ruggist- on a positive guarantee. 1 > I per box. Sample sent fri ”on merition of this publication. , , n j; 1 THE DR WHP” ’ .MEGRIMINE CO . Souit- Bena m