The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 09, 1898, Image 7

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DE CUBA |jst pail to The American Arms. .. OL D GLORY” ON MORRO W)1 w a Chearing Sight to W Insurgents. T l,e following censored article „.,.entout this morning: ’"b.arnty -*'« from Tamp. ~„oonto.l.y. Wednesday. Ih« „,nl>er 27 000 men com -2 infantry,ca«‘ry. arlil- and a signal corps. ' Vinfamry consists of twen regiments, sixteen regn larsand ulevcn volunteers, as fol lO’of the regular regiments, the First Second. Fourth. Sixth Sev salh.' Eig’it- NiuU ’- , T ”"' h ’ Twelf'bi Thirteenth, Sixteenth Seventeenth Twenty first, Twen ty second. Twenty fourth and Twenty fifth. ..Qfthe volunteer regiments, there were the Seventy-first New York, Thirty-sec md Michigan, Fjrst’aud Fifth Ohio, Second New- York, First District of Columbia, Fifth’ Maryland. One Hundied and Fifty seventh Indiana, Third Ohio. SecoiTd Massachuset.s and the Third Pennsylvania. “Thetotal infantry force is 21.- 600. In addition there is a batt al ion of engineers, a detachment of the signal corp?, five squadrons of cavalry, four batteries of light ar tillery and two batteries of heavy artillery. GENERAL SHAFTER IN COMMAND “Gen. Shafter is in chief com mand of the force, which is con voyed by the battleship Indiana and the gunboat Helena, with the training ship Bancroft as Gen. Shafter’s floating home. “The transports are due at Santiago Friday night or Sat urday morning, and a landing will be attempted on Saturday. This should be effected without! difficulty and no doubt by Sun-' day or Monday, at the latest, the stars and stripes will float over Santiago de Cuba.” AT HONOLULU. American Troopships Arrived May 29. San Frausiaco, June 9.—News from Honolulu report the Charles ton therd with troopship* City of Min and City of Sydney. They arrived May 29. They were billed to start to Manilla Tuesday night. TROOPS IN THE STATE. Tampa May be Abandoned and . Camps Established. Washington, June 9 —Tampa 10 be abandoned as a military le| idez\ous, and a number of T camps will be established a 011 g the Southern coast A “•’li «( officers appointed b secretary „f war is 'a an inspection of certain bu’s'c 1 s vici " ity " Colu '“- ’ -u, Savannah, Ga., Fer inaand Miami,Fla.Uharles -01 ' S a u lßo be inspected. « board was selected and upon its mission before derb\ kl i° Wn here tl,at tlie or was r ? ißiUed ‘ Charleston order but'p U led 111 the ori S inal ofthef’l I PreSeUtaliveElliott ' been ». ° board 11 ad l ti' ,r ’ ed ’ a ‘ ld UP °" hiß the board t 6 BeC ” etar y ordered tantie” “ff i l,Bpec *' io “ us ton in , ° ffered at Charles pl?’nm Q ed 0 '“ ‘° “' e there is bi favop r a str °ng sentiment U 8ay a n° esta b |i shing camps nna, ‘ and Charleston, i rersonai Mention- Mr. J A. Derrick, of Atlanta, j is in the city. I Mr. John 11. Hawkins, of Hermitage, is in the-city. Mr. C L Deardorf, of Dalton, j spent today in the city. I Mr. E. R. Menett, of Atlanta, is in the city on business. C"l. D. B. Hamilton one of the > trustees o' the university of Geor g a. left today for Athens. Clever Frank Huffaker, of Summerville, is spending a few > days in the city. Miss Edna Cain of Summerville, spent yesterday in in the city the the guest'of Miss Mary Shaw. Misses May McCall of Atlanta and Eddie McCall, of Quitman, are the charming guests of Miss Jennie McCall, on South Broad street. Mr. W. C. England returned | to his home in Rome Sunday after spending several days with his friends at this place and Fair mount. —Calhoun Times. Mr. Edwin Leroy Wils hi will arrive here Saturday and take part in Prof. Beal’s operetta, “Extravaganza,” next Tuesday night at the opera house. J ustice Court.—Justice court is still grinding away at the court house. The docket Is about cleared for the term. Picnic.—The Second Baptist church picniced at Rice’s spring today. Thev went in wagons an- 1 a pleasant day was spent by I all. Unknown Demented.—Un known demented, was the ver d ct of the coroner’s inquest this afternoon and exhonorated the engineer who was in charge of the train that k lled the tramp yesterday afternoon. Rhudv & Harvey’s undertaking establish ment was besieged by a throng of curious people, who thought they knew him. Undertaker Frank West was kept busy ah , swering questions. because of tlie excellent facili ties at thase points for the em barkation of troops to be sent to Cuba and Porto Rico, as the oc casion arises. It is not believed that Colum bia will be chosen, although Governor Ellerbe and a delega tion from the state capital of South Carolina arrived here to night to urge the claims of Co lumbia. At the war department there is a decided preference for Charleston and Savannah. GLUT OF GOLD. Washington, June 9.—Secre tary Gage has asked Congress to appropriate $250,000 to keep the Mints of the country work ing overtime for the purpose of coining the immense quantities of gold bullion now in the coun try. The Secretary says that on June Ist, the treasury held $97,- 000,000 of gold bullion, despite the fact that the Mints had turn ed out nearly $58,000,0 0 of gold coin duridg the year. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST TEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship ami principals of commer-* cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly ■ endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography oi Bookkeeping. Address all letter* the Principal, 11. S. Shockukt, i Rome, Ga. 188 I »■— . i MUKk.i- A I’!' ■ U Finally It roL ’ v, irdly f and Discharged Trouble 6 v . Dyspepsia • I anu j. t t.iooci Thorough C ocd’sSarsa- ( 1 parilla Completely Curei. 'There is diiiigi t iti impure blood, i Disease and -tiff. i i::- ~v surely com , ing to iliose who iK'zh <•! tin- threaten- ing symptom. kratl lid-: 1 'ililiam, Mirtouii. “C. I. Hood & Co., Lowed, Mass.: • “Gentlemen:—-My troubles began with nervous headaches, which would last r me for two or thr • days. The doctors pronounced rny trouble dyspepsia, but they could not do aax .hiiig for me, and advised a change of location. At the age ’ of 55 a tumor fornr',! on mV 'pine, which Wat Very Pa nfUl but did not rise or < ' t.i ge. The doctor Jiocgbt !:• ; to cut it out, but 1 objected. It finally broke a::;! di".charged a great , deal. Th< doctors .>.-,1(1 they could do nothing for it. Tb.: lie tumor began to rise inward'; id di •::rgc. 1 ’•end much *. about cures by flood : Sarsaparilla and thought J would t. v it. Before I had finished taking one ■.'>!tie I was much relieved. J contim.< 1 :he use of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and after takii’g 12 bottles 1 was entirely cured. ■ m now well, have a good appetite end >< 1 that I owe my life to Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” W. D. Foke'. Hood p»iu. Is the best—fn set Hr ' I’r'.io I Hood Purifier. Sold by .-ill ;l. ::gg -.. . ~ Hnnd’s P“?- Ilinwith lIUUU » I n«.. „, s Sir. : j.arilla. 25c. I LOCAL HAPPENINGS. German—The S. A o. Club, will give a swell German at Mob ley park thia evening, 'fen c< upL 8 will go. Unu Quite. Everything i is unusually qu et in police circles i not a single arrest was made at ! a late hour this afternoon. Libhary association. The Young Mens Library Associati on held a meeting this as erimon and elec‘ed ofijcerj to serve the ensu ing year. Out Shooting.—The gun club pr cticed shoo'ing at clay pigeons , at the exposition psrk. yesterday afternoon and some fine shots were made. ■ Cheri kre Lodge.—Cherokee L dge No. 66, F. &A. M. . w.'II . me t tonight at 8 o’clock and the Erst degree will be conferred on all brethren in goodstanding. Races—Rome will witness some good horse racing at the ex p ssition pars, July 4, 5 and 6th. Large purses have been offered and some of the finest race horses in the countiy will be heie. Music.—Messrs. Paul C. Jack and Will Harbour have charge of the music at Mobley park , and any one wishing their ser vices for dancing can see Mr. Jack. Will Run Until 11 O'clock. — . General Manager Marvin of ths Street Ry., will run cars to Mob leys park until 11 o’clock during the summer, after 10,59 the fare will be 10c. Law Agent Here.—Mr. F. E. Shumate law agent, of the South era Ry., came up from Dalton this morning to investigate the killing of the tramp on the South ern Ry., yesterday. Artistic Work.—Mi’. Horry! * Wimpee besides being one of the best and cleverest officers in I the country is an artist of no small ability. If you don’t be lieve it go and see some of his work on the police court docket It is as fine a piece of pen draw ing to be found any where. , Bone Out of Joint.—-Mr Nor ris N. Smith happened t > quite a | painful accident yesterday after-] poon. He was getting off of an electric car in front of Hansen Supply Co. with a heavy box. He slipped and fell knocking bis wrist] out of joint, Dr. Hammond set the | discolated bone and h i is gett'ng on as well as could be expeetdd. Married Today.—Mr Sam] Gentry and Miss Cera Clark were married this afteruoon at 4 30. by Dr. R. B. Headden, at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. G-ntry 'eft "n the 5.35 tram for I Washing cd and other points on 1 w extended wedding tour, I War 9 I 1 ime l.j Prices, h t t While on the one hand 1 as a result of the war. e j nearly all food products have advanm-d in price, on the other hanc, it 1 has had precisely the > , opposite effect on the 1 • , Furniture J Trade. i ■ ■ We mu-t keep our sales up to the normal standard, and to do this we realize that go< ds must be sold lower than ever, and we are prepar ed and determined to make you lower prices on anyth’ug in our bouse than can be els- whcre. Our line is Complete and Up to Date, Consisting it: part of J Bedroom . Suite?, Pallor Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, f Dining Tables, Rockers and ! Chairs, all kinds Hatracks. Baby Carriages, M attings. Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens. Iron Beds. etc. Also c mplete line of caskets, coflins, robes, etc , at the lowest prices. Cali on Rhiidy, • i Harvey & Company. P. S. Don’t forget that Mr I Laosdell is m charge of our re- 1 pair department und that he c.iu mend anything mad« of wo'd. I I School Supplies. | e are l dulJflers ’*'* BC h°°l books and school enp- yy PLY busim si apd we are also right up-ro-diPe in every thing that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. »< h W M.| >»> »>. M No hcuse m th* Stite car. serve vou better when von de W «< sire to invest in a new covering fcr tne dear ?id walls of ??/ »>> y' ur home. See our stock on hand and samp’es V? ]| H. A. SMITH, | 1 TriF OLD RFLIA3LE BOOK STORE. | SOUTHERN “4M RAILWAY. (on lenseil Schedule in Effect Muy 1, 1898. Si vri< i’w~ ! X". IO X.'. I I ’No. 8 Lv (Jiattuuoot a ... .... OOanii 3.10 pm :10.10pm I Ar Dalton 7.stam| 4.24 pm 12.10 am ; Ar Rome D.OOami 5.35 pm) 1.44 am i Ar Atlanta l!.4oain) 8.05 pm; s.ohim ' Lv Atl/.nta 4.20 pm H. lupni 5.20.. m I Ar Macon .. 7.lopm|lo*ssam 8. lOnm ; Ar Jesup 4.40 am 2.38 pm • Ar Everett 5.25 nm 3.25 pm j Ar Jacksonville B.loam 9.25 pm LV JtHUp ■ I') ('Li [i ( i U I<ri... ... ft. 80am | 4.30 pm No. >’ ca rr - I’nllmaii Slrcpii-v (’ar Chatta nooga to Atlanta. N . 10 curries Pullman Sleeping Car Chat tan o*u to Atlanta. No. 11 carries Pullman sleeping Car Atlan > to Jack «>nv ilie and Atlanta to Brunswick. - ' \ \ -.7 I N<<. 9 J N.< I’> L- x I" OCpml r”opiu : Ar Rome l.oOaui 6.25 pm 10.35 am Ar Du’.ton 2.24.. m 7.34 pm i 11.40:im Ar Ch.ittanooga 1.l r ini B.soprr. 1 I.oopm Lv C'luf.uiiuo a > .* tjm 9.10 pm: Ar Burgin I I m.i' I Ar ;qii |O] in I.XOanii Ar I .< < ; Ar ( ini . i ?. JG;-m . . .." Lv Chattanooga I.2spnrt l.i'utri 1.25 pm Ar fJttShV file . 6 55pm ft |Q»m ft 5 'l'M' No. 7 carrie I’ullmtin Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattan ) »ga an i Ciiatta inoja to Cincinnati. No. 9 earrips P lihii i.i Sle.tpin : Cur Atlanta ' to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. LvChiltl mob ,i h. mum 410-.ini lO.i 6pn> Ar Knoxville.>••<. 1155 am B.osani ; 1. loam ArMorrist v.n i l,2.ipm B.soa*> ? .jam Ar Hot Sjirio.-s.. | .11.4ti-.iiii 4.00 am Ar Asheville i i 1.15 pm 5.10 am .Ar Salisbury ........ I 6. Jtipni 9.3ontn Ar (Ireensli.po 1, I 9.521 m 12.10 pm Ar K.ilei-.'li ' 1.40 am .1.4 >pm Ar Norfolk ! 7.30: m Ar Wa »111 10n.... 1 8.42,m <l. 15; m Ar New Yoric_ | 12.43 pm «.••:!>.m 1 No. 12 car io.; I’iliman Sleepiiu' Cur Chatta noo’-':r to N-w York via Asheville ami Sal isbury to Hieho.i >nd arrivin'’ Richmond 6.40a.m. also I‘uliman Sleeping <'ar Greensboro to Nor- > oik. I N.>. 1t is solid train Ctattano >i?a to Salis bury with Pullm 11 Sleeping Car (Jiattanoova to Salisbury and Sal.sbury to New York with out change. • stations. " No. 4 No. 6 | Lv Chatti.noOKa - i ....... s.<)opm! 8.40 am Ar Knoxville J 8. I>pm 11.55.ini Ar Morrlst .wn 2. i.'ipin i.2lpin Ar Bristol . 7.00 am 3.55 pm Ar Wasb'n rion '... j i 7.40e.m Ar New York I 1.20 pm No. fl. carries Pullnrin Sloepin” Car I’hatla noo.a t 1 Wa 2ii:< -I 11 anil Chatlan oga to New York without eh ui ’c, No. 4 ("ii-rii-; I'l.itnci Sleeping Car Knox ville to Bri tol. si vri'iNs. . ' , No. 15 Lv Koine B.lomb Ar Anniston 11.21 am Ar Birmingham ■ i .. .... 10.00 pm I Ar Selma : i 3.55 pm Ar Meridian ' 7.30 pm Ar NewOrlcans 1 io.3i>am Ar Jackson I 9.45 am ! Ar Shreveport I 1...... 7.20 pm ♦Nott iNo. o ~' IfNo. MIfNo. 10 •J.obpm 4.'..ipm Lv Rome . . ar'am' 8.35 am ; 5 4'ipm fl.s7pm Ar (lad den. ar 6.00 am; fl.Soam &00pm 7. li'pm Ar All ala. lv 5.45 am il.2or.rn t Daily except Sunday. jj Sunday only F. S. GANNON 3dv.p. & c m.,Washington, D C J. M. CUIjP, Truf. Mgr.. Wa-hlngton. D. C. W. A. TURK. G. P. A., Washington, D. C. C. A. BENSCOTER. A.c.P.a.,Chattanooga,Tenn ■ Take advantage of the big dis :ount on hot weather . c'othinjj at J B Waters &. Son. : n Beware of Imitations I JOHN BUNCMr* tOMV-AMWra, MW VO4WC. ffIIFF’S ms ’ man 1898, 3EORGtA FL'JYD COUNTY, '4 ill be s»>ld before the coiiit , house tii.ol iu the city of Ron e, Floyd Co. Ga. between th<’ 1 gal hours of sale, mi th'< ' i s.l Tu day in July 189 J the -f'db wing described property to wi*: I I All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd county, state of Georgia and that part of said county known as tlu addition of J. R Steveus, deceased to East ) Rome, a plat of which said addi ' tion is recorded and registered m > book X page 66. of records of the ; Superior Court of Floyd county ■ same being lot No. 3 and contain- iig two and one filth acres m re > or lei-s. Said lot. fronts 123 feet on the Cedartown road, running back between parallel lines to a 60 foot street said lot’s north boundary line extends 890 feet, said lot ’s I south boundary line extends 82b feet. L vied upon by virtue of an execution issued from the city court (if Atlant > in favor of the Southern Home Building and Loan Ai-sociation vs . AunieS. Leater as i the property of the Deft. Also at the same tir/ie and place cue resident lot with buildings thereon, being citv lot No 104 in North Rome Floyd county Ga.. heating on corner of Broad street 30 feet and running back same width 90 feet elong Third street and being one b'oek from the Rome and Decanir R. R. depot. Levied upon by virtue ot two tax fi fas in favor of 'he state and county for the use of \V. T- Chen ey trans, vs. Wm M. Bridges, tax 1895 and 1806. as the property of W. M. Bridges. Also at the tame time and place all that tract or parcel of land lying and being on the r’ght. of road from Rome to R ece’s Springs ; bounded cn south by J. J. Reece, on the f ast by Priutup’s City on the west by road to Reece’s Spring. con tailing 1 eighth of an acre more or less. Said piece of Inn I being in the shape of a smootning iron, all | in the 23rd district and 3>d .-ection I of Floyd county and about one and ' "ne half miles north of the city of I Rome. Levied upon by virtue of two fi fas issued from the ji’-tics court 123-1 district G. M. Fulton county Ga , one in favor of A. \V. Ballew and thi otheir iu favor of Elmo Ballew and b th agamel .Melvina Stickney, as the property of the deft. L- Vy made by Byars L. C. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. I ’ z Do You Ggt it? —I have ex clusive charge of the circulation department of the Ilustler-Goni mercial. If you Jo not get your paper promptly, report to me and it will be a tended 10. The subscription is 10 cents per week, payable every Saturday. Please have the money ready when the collector calls. Respectfully, Paul C. Jack.