The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 09, 1898, Image 8

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___ ——.-- ~„ —■_ . ... ■ ■ IRE IIN6 ot. • • I We Are Going to |r le Beta Bry Got Business In Rme. , , . . . . x . \ K < X \ v, - X X X X X X X X x x.X ' x X x X X x X X x. X X X ' X X X X XX X X X X X X X x X X '• X ' X V K V X>x X’ X* X ' x»v X x X X X X X X X X x x X X X X x X X XXX • > • X X X X X X X X V X X X X X X X x X X X x X x X X x XXX X X X X X-.X X X X X X x\ X > V Since this announcement went . :o ,s been claimed that we published such a purpose on a former oc ta sion. Not true. We never said befoi e going out of business; we never said anything like it. We-ow say we shall ret out of this business a.. as possible. Will you help us out if we pay you well forth; help? The help wiil be mutual. We’ll make p ■ ower than ever was writ en about, talked about orenjoyt din this part of the moral vineyard. Com will sell goods at less than j cents bnthe dollar. Nothing in the house above cost except Butterick’s and contract corsets, which weare unable to control, everythin,, else shall go for what it will bring, ?: Hx, g above cost. MTinerv usuady affrords 50 per cent <r > . Til now give Waists worth $1 at 39c: those worth sOc to go at 29c; those worth vour selections at cost and cuare , e you noth ; r Miss Syn- 390 we put on the counter at 19c. » ' dAr’swork 5,000 Yards summer Wash Fabrics, that cost us ,10,15 and c On and mo e, and we'll m; k one price for them—6 cents a yard’ Never Bovs’ Shirt Waists tnat cost us 40 cent ,5' : nd 45 cents such bargains. D > vis; for which we paid 46c a arc we’ll' nice at only IO cents. Any boys’ Shirt •, r a .house for sell at 2Jc. Dotted Sv s that cost us 20c youmay buy in this sab 10 cent ■ They'll go in a jiffy-.-two to a < u >/. . -s' Shirt at 10c. Figured buck w rtli 12 l-2c to boffered at 6 . At some price we are going to seh <)• . soon. Tried hard to sell in bulk; could not do it. Now they go at retail. Customers who have been payin " ■ r dr purchases from us monthly may continue to do so. Short time accounts we’ll accept as cash. Thar -d ; in advance for such patronage as you may give. •• x x x X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X % > X XX X VX. x X X X. X X X X X XA. X X X x X X X X X X X XX X X XXX X X X-X X X \* ' T a t IM i pg iM m sip MB vxR w KBb By v IB ilMlk - x SfRIL Mam PH m ® ralß IRr w s iilß Hw Bma wf M w All shoes, Clothing, Hats and ever. ■ ' ■ gat or below cost, S GIFT. * /Il arg he lit a cf Italy, Sends a 3-1 of Vestments ! _____ ■ TO i.i ALABA'MA GHUHGH. Coat of Arms of Royal Fam |y of Hay Ara Embroidered. Mobi’.m ah., June B.—Queen Marglmrii > >.f Italyhas forward ed to tin. Indian colony in Bald win count;. Alabama, through the Italian Legation at Washing ton, as a present, a set of vest ments for use in the recently dedicated Boman Catholic church, erected by the colony in Daphne, Ala. The vestments are of white silk, embroidered in • gold, and the coat of arms of Queen Margherita’s family are wrought in velvet and gold on the chasuble, stole andmaniple. 'The v stinents will be used for the firs- lime in the church on, Thursday, the feast of Corpus Chri ti. A HORRIBLE ORDEAL Runs His Arm through Rollers of Paper--Machine On S aturday afternoon, Mr. J hn JI. ; ris, au employee of the Ma;i tin Paper Manufacturing Company, was feeding the cal endi r roiiers in the mill. He was inexperienced and hi.s left arm was drawn between the two up per rollers to his elbow, when Lis peril was discovered and the belt was t irown off and the ma chinery stopp id. There are three of these cal end -r rollers, the Lower one re— Volving the two upner ones, but I fortui a'tly there was no pap pisi-ing through the lower ci ■■ an 1 th s caused it to slip. Only a single sheet of paper passes tl rough these caleml roiiers and you would im tgi i , ; that his arm would have b-. en mashed as thin as a sheet of pt*. ; per, but when these two roller- . i weighing over a ton each, were prized up by a crowbar in the* hands of strong men, and his arm released, not a bone w broken, and only one lingo, mashed. This is one of the most mir:>.-. ■ ulous and rem likable escape from positive injury of winch v ever heard where the dang was so great. Mr. Harris is about ninetei i years old and lives about tu | miles from town —M.'iriet! , Journal . ► r ■■ KVE no Innj-sr supply ,-'s . ” ■■ /v sell ogaia. Ar 1.1. c . .. . jne who has bought < r >cal dealer d. > . . "A be sent our Manuel of “i iarden ” for SB3J3 ; ■; - - pply by letter L- : j <■ •- : ame of the - ■ ; t- ■ . they bought. To.'! oil:;: ■■ 6 o i' ent Manual, every copy cf wi;i. I .ocenis to p!.:.e :; • ’ >rba- ' , tree on receipt of Kfc.'rr.s ( , postage. Noiji;-g ii: ? ’ .v. ■ been seen hi :cr abro t 2-.FO pagei , ■) • seeds and plant .. tty i I supplemented by 0 iuil K; : L . ,t I if the best novelties ci- the : " . - . Uvill also be sentwitl .. . ■, rants •; tiding W cts. for the? . . state where ti:. l: Hits .-..J !'• ' ' ’.l * t» V- « r • ft. > • i ■ . .. . . ... Ph 1 Cook seems to be a chip. >■ . 'i- 1 <>!d block. Io lion- r : i.£ i the poop e of Georgia also lumD' the memory of hi. ole ! though *hoy woiud h .•? h ; , ito do this had out the sou L (entirely worthy.—Maum M-uvs. I ■ iimrmi i ;■ )i: invonuE • GIA i- I. YP C UNTY, — i;.u/ Lii-e 1 tor di- • vs voiceiu Floyd I. p. V~'Ul , er’r Court ■ . . i., No. 83 Januar'.’ .term Ibs i<j L 1* horn-s, —The defend- . ip'i. ie l personal i y . i■. ui. y, to he and appear i,i Cour' tc be , said eouiiiy on the ' ,i 'i io Ju y n-.-xt, then su'd i mswer the plain tiff’s .m .i -.i i ,i. tl< nos libel fur . i -i: t i.ill thereof sa d . :H ceed as (•< jj justice . h ill ..p. :■ ■ )n. A w. Honorable W. M • , i i said court, this uua y 1898. .. i g< 1, C. C. Supe- 1 to d c utjty Ga. . .ma. mrr -»!»■■ "HITI no TL W Us->'.,5 ■ -'“a *z. ?.. 4fe 1 1 -...; 'srf 1 A» EM Thisplet.; nt and perfect remedy, M ?. • ; . >:l . take, so refresniug' and i tands in i st favor 1 wi - a i. ~.»w A best,as theg'reai, *sr < ' . i: J re; i. dies for both - . ..1 . ■$ and in all conditions, .. . T IT WILL DO FOR TOE .1'... 3JKIA mv „ y?i, :l ic.Lshlng SLEEP. r.. .. aukh ; DIGESTION. I! - ■. - : >’hUS EhEi r fGY ID ~ i) LVS In parfsctor'ift Ur<f L’.n'h' . Tied. I ,/.■ j . ; kr:63S into STRENGTH. r.: . cf sickness into HEALTH. KW I’ACr. - - .. I AU(. AOmR-lO* JDO- > SOLE- .L <?RUCCISTS. X' . L'UKKD ONLY or :iiß a,:..;:.. ikd Co., Atlanta, Gi i I "iw.TK ven . '4vok *AxrjEDn«« , wz*«>uaz.'«winnrvxuu rvst ;«r - jrrrwvTO.. w. ft- I-.' V 1 Tested aoi Triad! <' v . ’ I For2s_ta j c -» If Would you feel perfectly v * safe to put all your money •• Kin a new bank ? Ono you ;1 have just heard of? &“ But how about an old 7 K bank ? One that has done ji •V business for ov> r a quarter « Aj of a century? jZfne that h s T K always kept its promises ? X One that never failed ; never K misled you in any way ? K You could trust such a bank, > * couldn’t you? £ I scoTrs j # f * of COD-LIVER OIL WITH \ S’ HYPOPHOSPHITES is just £. like such a bank. It has neve; £ disappointed you, never will. ft Ir has never deceived you, •: K never will. 'i Look out that someone j W does not try to make you ‘ invest your health in a new <;* , - tonic, some new medicine j- t A you know nothing cf. »• . , 50c. and $1.00; ail ert: : ! V SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist , ' .v Y . I (HEAP RATES. Ou account of the meeting < f the Southern Biblical Assembly |at Knoxville, Tenn., June 16— :25th, 1898, the Southern rail way will »ell ti<4tets from points on its lines to Knoxville ami r< - I urn at rat" of one fare f, r tin round trip. 'Pickets will be sold on June 13, 14, 15, 1(5 and 17, with final limit June 27 ; also on | Jane 20 and 21, with final limit Juh 4, 1898. further information and I 'lescriptive circular relative the ime please call on agent of to southern railway. NO I ICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Ail bills for subscription to lluitler-Commercial are payable Paul C. Jack, or order, and are , due Saturday of each week Haveyour money ready when the collector calls. Paul C. Jack, t 1 Mgr. cii cula iont dept.. rCaxx.fuwHMw* . ■ I IIU MM HMM— I j I hePreferredAccident INSURAMEE COMPANY, NEW YORK, II- Pr -ferred’s policies are particular y adapted for business nien, and sp- aa! pi ; r - ire I is.-ui-1 for bauKers, lor i>hj-ieians. surgeons a ,<i dentists, and for traveling nieu The Pie-I lerred i.-i an old line stock company with assets of over fl >n,(Mi no. I JOHN FL THORN TON. ATI—ANTA, QA. use-® STATE MANAGER I /fcr -WVV-»amWV.kYS.XJ:*? KSi»»,vzv-.WVZa «*X.. • ■*»«■’-I ITHE ARHSTRONG HOTEL Rome, (ia Regular - „ ■ , Spesiai I Msrs '■ .Li I Wd- Monilli'l -Os—. I The place to get’a quick, good meal. I 1 McCALL ' & YOUNG, Proprietors. I T t > W$ V J .. J White .GLEHOKN:! 1 For the vary oestb eed and most perfectly marked fowls, le ive orders with J. T. Crouch <St Co,, $3 p jrtrio. if? SpleHdid cockerels only $ 1 1. D. CAILLIARD. . --« •■ -YFT'nTmTinirniTf TTnjL~-v.~iJWWii' *** ': t g$ ® o @ ® ® & I Repairing M ■ n’t Walk On t © Your W.A.MULLINIX , Maser-*- r ' : V ® “ a O9