The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 10, 1898, Image 2

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wk '--■ ■> Jnl SB ; «' W’ vl WHa W /‘MW r * V 1 Mill IK® Ml I^B'MW Iwi&i v / MSI / A ■ I-' JL Oasl KKia •SA **s *2Sfe *** «2*. <» i - **>% *■'.' «■■£ <*» *•£ *2fc *2* *2" «2t «*!; /X« ‘J? 'JT '*? '*>’ '*■* 'J*r 'S '*r 'J? '*r 'jf '4? '<o> '<fT 'J/f 'Zr \y This space will be occupied by a notice of \V (lie greatest sale that has ever occurred in 45 * Rome. Don’t fail to watch these columns. /|\ M/ . /6 • jfp * ' ‘Jr * *4T * 9 9 . # * / v> ??, vF •' , NL'J VsA W<>?-T W"< Wa Ww jHr Mtr VS\ V ■ b ■ W ■ J Mimß I'O tW'< /F w o® |S wLf ißj i ’HI I II IX M I II H * M o Eli i K mw # H B |h * J B IB B ® A.JLo V/wJF M b Ji 4 M w V/\zi SECRETIIRV DRY Is Locking Oilt for the fflon ey Side ’ OF T|IE SPANISH WAR. t Good Reasons for Letting Ha vana Wait. Washington, June 3.—The de cision of the administration to s»ntl a military expedition to Puerto Rico to undertake the re duction oi Havana is attributed largely to the influence of Secreta ry <d State Day. In Day the Presi dent found an able advocate of his vi ws ihat Puerto Rica should be taken as soon as possible, and cj-taiuly before the Cuban invasion should begin. Secretary Alger and the principle advisers of the President were not in favor of Puerto Rico, but the President was early impressed with the teas sibility and desirability of secur ing 'he island. Gen. Miles was the principal advocate of this pro ject and he was joined by day who added diplomatic reasons to those advanced by the military estabs lishment why the capture of San Juan was more necessary just now than the capture of Havana. si> ke for' an hour. According to a statement today the Secretary of State inane an earnest plea at the last Cabinet meeting tor indorsement of the Puerto campaign. It is said that he spoke for an hour, during which time the interest of the Piesident and Ins colleagues did net Hag. '1 he gist of Day’s argument was that the capture of Havana would be followed by intervention of Eu ropean Powers or peace proposals by Spa n. He maintained that this virtual ' nmug of the w ar might come at ime at er Havana should hat e I fallen, thus leaving Puerto Rico still in Sqinish poss-gsion. It is understood that Day maintained th#t the capture of Puerto Rico I should come before the su juga tioD of Havana, as a revers d of j his program would leave. the | United States with meager means of compelling Spain to pay in demnity. or to insure payment for the cost of the war. The advocates of the Puertcri i can invasion won the day, and the Secretary of State deserves much of the credit. Whether he har knowledge that Spain would su for peace when Havana fell is not known outside of the inner Ad ' ministration coterie. HAWAII OCR ALLY. United States Cruiser Charles ton Allowed To Coal • Washington, June 3. —The nav al ofl’ciale now calculate that Hawaii has become an ally of the United States government in tl present war with Spam and that this government is responsible for the protection of the Hawaiian iin consequence of their friendship f or us. ♦ According to the calculations ;of the navy department, the Uni ted States cruiser Charleston ariv td at Honolulu last Saturday. She has probably cemyleted the taking aboard of a lull supply i 1 coal and is now again on her way westward, bousd ’ for the Pbili i pines. The coal was accumulated at Honolulu by United States Consu General Ray Wood and in allowing the Charleston to take on a supply to carry on operations again?' Spain the goveJnment c f Hawaii has cast away all semi - I lance of neutrality in the present i contest and has thrown in In-i fortunes with the United Slates for unless we protect her she w he subject to punishment at tl.< hands of Spain Moreover, the o‘- ■ sense against neutrality is to! repeated, for it is expected th today advance guard of the trai - ports carrying troops to Mami . I are entering Honolulu harbor to I replenish their coal supply. | WAR NOTES Anil Items of Interest to All. Readers. WHAT ABOUT CRVERft? ■mors of Another Attack onj Santiago. Washington June 3 —The Span* ish ship Rita, and 39 Spaniards, were captured this morning off P ito Rico The prisoners was re ■eased and turned over to Austrian consular to be shipped back to Spain Port an Piinc? June 3 —A world special ieports a second bomba d ment of S intiago this morning. Communion ti o n is inttr upted. P ople ar greatly exci ed and are suppo- d tube afraid to send any news by (able. London June 3. —The Pope has ■again begged the Queen to stop i the war P r‘ an P.iuce Ju e 3 —News! receded h re this morm ng of the sec nd bon.b irdnu-nt of ban i g‘>- Paris June 3 —Correspondent Gat.iocs d clares C- vera is n<t i in minting ■ har’ o ir. but is mak- j nis way to the Phi'liptineS. . I ’’nslii cton Jin e 3 -The Dy- ' 11 : oite cruiser Vesuvius, has des de.-troyed a mine in Santiago har- , bor for tin American fl j et. I London June 3—Spain hrs ad diossed *l. • powers to interfere , and stop the war. i FOR TAX COLLECTOR. ( I hereby announce myself a can- | , lidat. f>r the office of tax collec- ( mr of Floyd county, subject to ac- i tion of primary of June (»th 1898. 1 John M. Vandiver. h DEMOCRACY. Well, flol Mell A. Secret Politicyl Organisation WITH AN OATH BDUfiD Membership Issues A Manifes to to Whip Members into Line The following confidential cir cular has been sent out. to the oath b und members of that secret! political organization, the “Y ung Mens Democratic Club. ” The circu'ar was sent tc The Hust’er-Commercial by a prom in nt young democrat who stated that when he joined the club that he, like scores of other young men who had beceme members believed it to be non partizan in its nature and largely social in its functions Said he, “when I learned some weeks ago that the club by a vote of 19 to 12 stood committed tr one I) mocratic ticket and against another Democratic ticket, why .1 became disgusted, dozens of the members took the same view < f the situation as I did .” “Later cn, there was a meeting of more (conservative members, and the nomiualians were rescit dcd. But 1 am really inform d that on last Monday night fifteen members met audio due form re nominated the reform ticke t.” “I voice th i sentiment of sc res of members, when I state that I am not bound by'he action of those men. My vote is democratic ami is my own* and no set of men can manipulate m < and march me up andvote a ticket tln-y put in my hands,” young men's DEM CRATIC HEADQUARTERS. Rome, Ga. , June 2, 1898. Dear Sir and Friend; You are requested and urged to meet at ’he hall of the Young Mean Democratic Club on the morning of June 6th (next Mon day )at 6 :30 o’clock a m. for the j purpose of joining in the ] roces-; eion with all the club members. ■ and go in a body to the po'ls with i them and cast your vote for th<| ticket endorsed by this club. The prjeession will be headed with a properly inn r bed banner and a band o! music. I HIS IS A DUTY YOU OWE you? country, yourself and the club. I urge vou to come and be prompt without fail. Remempor this election is THE PEOPLE AGAINST RING RULE. Your absence from tt.e polls may prove a deciding Let, or Victory is ours, if the wi 1 all do 'heir duty, and I have no fears but what they will. Very respectfol’v. H. C. HARRINGTON, M. N. GRIFFIN President. Secretary. Well! Now! Then! Look at that, y u free born Democrats I The smooth “reformer” has built of you a tower of strength and proposes to march you is an “oath bound Democrat” from his star chamber hall and marshal you to the pells. Oathbound Democrats! You Jia e your choice in this matter. Will you go to the polls like true democrats and choose between Democrats, or wi’l you let a lot of political leaders bull pen and b you and vote you as they wish and wi'l? ’ Beware of Imitations | RANGES. I am agent tor South ern Qm en Coal or Wood Ranges. Also usuranoe Safetv Gas oline stoves • Call and I seemvstock and get . estiniaes on your . ulumbitnv and tin iwork- Next door to ouera house- PUBLIC SALE GF U. 5 ILE3 TATE. GEORGIA. FLOYD county.— Whereas on the 20ch day of December 1897 Timothy Goins execu'ed and de livered to (Mrs. A. H. Cheney a note and mortgage on 'he lard hereinafter described for the pur pose of securing the debt repre sented by said note, which in I't gage is recorded in t l, e cleri«’«ot fice of Floyd Superior Court in book N . 1, of mortgages, puge 486. And whereas in said morlgagft said T imothy Goine gave to Mi'-p A. H Cheney the pow-r to sell sai' land in case of default in prompt payment at maturity of the prinjipa' and interest of said debt. Now therefore by virtue of the power so vested in the under signed, which is more accurately shown by reference to said niort gage. Mrs. A. H. Cheney will sell at public outcry co the highest bidder for cash on the first iues day in June 1898, during the lega hours of sale before the court door in Rome, Ca., the land de scribed in the aforesaid mortgage towit: Beginning at the South west cormr of the lot bough' » William A. Fort and Mary L I'homas by Amanda Cape'too, (which deed is hereby referred i" and running thence East tW f’ " 1 thepce due North 331 feet m less to the Northern lin" of s lll lot, thence Southwest to the coi ner of said lot, thence South to I beginning point a distance ot o feet containing one-halt of at’ ac ‘ e more or less. The said i ote and were given to secure i'i iudebti ness of f25’00 with 8% inten. from date and 10% attorney t l '. The said n -te and mortgage a now past due and so declarer total amount of principal. 1111 est and and attorney s te*’ B ® ' chargesand expanses of sale will be due on said uo.e a . mortgage on the first I ues ay June 1898, is $85.60. Fee titles in accordance with t!’<’ P," er of sale contained in sau m‘ gage will be made to the pnu ’■ at said sale, and the prccM( » such sale will be applied 0 payment of said deblv iJi ' est. attorney’s fees and *‘ x i' " of sale and the remainder. 1 •_ will be paid over to tne P f titled to same. This May 1 Mrs. A. H. Chen**- By W. T. Cheney, Att’y. W. r. C. Cheney w ake up and carry fifas