The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 10, 1898, Image 3

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OV• Li IA - .x IMf M f> K H lw||| Mlw 111 | I | > w AJ XJLABJU VIVIIIU W A • tfe Are Soiafi to Quit the Retail Bry Goods Business In Rome, . .. v X X X X: X X X X X X X X’ X X X X X K- ..X <X X X X X X X X X X X X X‘ X X X X \ \ X X X X X XXX'XXXX-XXXX X Vx-svvx v kv v XX**\\X X-XX X X X XX A XX X X X XXX XXX XX X x’xx XX X /\ XXXXXXXXX XX\X X X X X X V X XXX XX X .X X ' Since this announcement went out it has been claimed that we published such a purpose on a former occa sion. Not true. We never said before we were going out of business; we never said anything like it. We <’ow say we shall get out of this business as soon as possible. Will you help us out if we pay you well for the help? The help will be mutual. We’ll make prices lower than ever was writ en about, talked about or enjoyed in this part of the moral vineyard. - Comeat once. We will sell goods at less than 30 cents on the dollar. Nothing in the house above cost except Butterick’s patterns and contract corsets, which weare unable to control, everything else shall go f° r what it will bring, nothing above cost. X Millinery usually affrords 50 per c nt urofit. We’ll now give Waists worth $1 at 39c; those worth sOc to go at 29c: those worth vou your selections at cost and charge you nothing for Miss Syn- o9c we put on the counter at 19c. tier’s work. 5,000 Yards summer Wash Fabrics, that cost us 10,15 and 20c . . , . and mo e, and we'll in ike one price for them—6 cents a yard! Never g o ys’Shirt Waists tnat cost us 40 cents, 50 cents and /5 cents such bargains. Dittel Swiss for which we paid 46c a ard, we’d W e’H orice at only IO cents. Any boys Shirt Waist m our house for se lat 2 c- Dotted Swiss that cost us 20c you may buy in this sale lOceats They 11 so in ajifiy-“two to a customer. Ladies’ Shirt at 10c. Figured Duck worth 12 1-2 cto boffered at 6 . At some price we are going to sell out and quit soon. Tried hard tosell in bulk; could not doit. Now they go at retail. • Customers who have been paying for their purch ises from us monthly may continue to do so. Short time accounts we’ll accept as cash. Thanking you in advance for such patronage as you may give. Ax X x.x XXXXXXXXXX X.X X XX XX X.X XXXXXXXX XXX X X X.X XXX XX XX \ \,xX ’X” X".X: X. XX'XxX'XXXXX XXXXX X \ X X IS ■A' ■Jr ■■ * J|T W ■ K ■B fv bb nhll All shoes, Clothing, Hats and everything at or below cost, m DEMOCRATS Hm a Right la Participate in Tils Primary lEHDHOT REGISTER. Chairman Dußignon And The Constitution Oppose The Rome ri ibur.e 4>—* the head of “Qualifica tion for Voters’’ the Atlanta Constitution answers the inquiry o f Hon. Clarence Wilson as fol lows: QUALIFICATION for voters. Editor Constitution-Please sh the qualification of eTpm ?S deci(lea b * the state executive committee. p Clarence Wilson. ]B ,“ ri Ga., May 28, lb only action taken by t| ie ‘late committee the adon ‘'“"“fllierollotvi.tgrosoiution- b left' "''’, 1 " Suid I’t'i commit, ” tie executive tlieysee'it 0 r CbCOl ! ntV,Where thpv i 0 ‘ lc C where that tlr U!,t aCt -’ recoinir *end a t (i : ,allflCiltlJufl)l ' voting ocrat <i„ l i 1 VOter be a de,n thedem thathew ill vote for election ’ at,C i "tended t sn Claiat ' io ' l uot bein g piui °n of aiivT^ 11 lhe partici * heretofor * i voter "ho has not d«moerX be »■ “ n,e, “ b «'-° r "w •*- ■>»•«. become '»o™h'V?fJ“"‘ e | , l ‘ eadi ''8. ‘bis 11,6 followi„' g r U ' le Utte, ' S 11 FOR VOTERS <( \ ask ed S as (, 'tin e u I ” eßtions has beeu pr " ,h ‘'-y on \ lO vote * n Lbe Mated; Monday it may be “1. That every man must vote in the district m which he re sides. “2. That every qualified voter in 1896 can vote in this primary if he has paid his taxes since then. “3. That any young man who has become of age recently can vote in this primary. “The Floyd county executive committee adopt d qualifica tions for voters which will be published tomorrow, and are about as above.” MR. DUBIGNOX’fi LETTER. Over his own signature Chair man F. G. Dußiguon of the State Democratic Executive Committee writes to Judge Joel Branham : ( Savannah Ga., May 31, 1898. Judge Joel Branham. Rome Ga. 1i Dear Judge: Referring to our J conversation, in Atlanta touching ' th j qjalificfltions ol voters at the! primary on June 6 h wculd say th it the State Executive commit" < tea imposed no restriction upon voters except that they should be ( democrats and they should agree , to support the nominees of the pri-' ( mary in the general election, L where the County Executive Com- i mittee has prescribed no qualin-'l cation. I unhesitatingly express ( the opinion that all dt mj 1 ocrats who have attained the age of 21 years and who are residents of the state and county where the primary is held have the right to t vote therein regardless of whether . they are registered or whether they > have paid the taxes required by , the oonstilution in order at a < regular election. ' Very Truly Yours, 1 F. G Dußignon. < From the above it will be seen ' that the Rome Tribune seeks to ■ confuse the people as to the , qualifications of a voter in the , coming primaries and hinder the ! free exercise of the rights of the people. By 7 what authority does the Tribune say taxes of 1897 and 98 must be paid. Taxes do not figure in this question any more than registration. If a man is 21 years old, or will be by the time of the gener al election, lives in Floyd county and is a democrat or wishes to become a democrat and will abide the nomination, he is en titled to vote in the primary. The payment of taxes and regis tration are not regarded. Who dies the Tribune seek- to drive from the polls? What right has that paper to disfran chise the people in a democratic primary. The primary is only a nomin ating convention and democrats have as much right to vote in it as they have in amass meeting. Let the democrats of Floyd exercise that right on Monday. Let them go to the polls and cast their ballots against “re formers” who are reformers for office only. Let them cast theii votes for officers who have prov ed true to every trust and who eternally squelch the pie hunters and mudslingers who would dis franchise the democrats of Floyd cunity in order to serve a selfish a id partisan purpose. CHEAP RATES. On account of the meeting f the Southern Biblical Assembly at Knoxville, Tenn., June 16 25th, 1898, the Southern rail way will sell tickets from points on its lines to Knoxville and re urn at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on June 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, with final limit June 27 ; also on June 20 and 21, with fined limit July 4, 18v8. Foi further information and descriptive circular relative t > same please call on agent of th Southern railway. iAre You £ Easily! * • C. • ■ Just remember 1! your $ • • strength must come ! ur 3 • > food. Did you ever think of ■ i • ■ that ? ■ • Perhaps your must les n I ■' o more strength, or your nen i I “ or perhaps your stomach < i 3 weak and cannot digest what < I ♦ you eat. I 1 ♦ If you need more strength j ♦ then take | SCOTTS EMii J 1 * of Cod-Liver Cil with Hypo- < t phosphites! The oil is the most f ♦ easily changed of all foods into ‘ | strength; and the hypophoc- ’ ? _ phites are the best ♦ a tonic the n t SCOTT’S BMUII | SION is the pas: ' ♦ ll vui and quickest cure fc ■ I? in weak throats, for IS 11 I coughs of every kind, ;; RiJ 1\' bility, weak nerves; f ’ : and loss of flesh. 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, N v w York. • • BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in Im 1 world i for Cuis, B u s -, Sores, Ci ers, Snk Rheum, Fever S<>:. .Tet ter, Chapped Hands, I I Corns and all Skin Erup ioys, ’ md positively cures Piles, o.- uo l pay required. r t is guarant. e<i < togive perf et satisfaction or i money refunded. Price .25 c< nt- , per box. For sJe by Curry- ( Arri’igton DrugC nq my. ( B ARD AT M BI.CVS -I’RiNGS. A limit, dnuno r >C boarders ' will bn receved a i M ohb y springs, renn’ r■ i- >nable, A inly to J. 1’ McCoiinnl! M»v Lt ’U'. WHEN ri; AVE LI NG Whether on pleasure len , or business, take on ev/ery trip a! hottie of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effect j ually on the kidneys, liver and . bowels, pt'-ventin.. f ver , bead-j aches, and other forma of sick-' nets. For sale in 50 cnt bottles by all leading druggi-.s: .Vanu I factored by the California Fig Syrup Company only. 1 hePreferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, The I’vr-fwred's policies are partlcular’y adapted for businessmen, and -|<clal policies '.re issued for ban Kers, lor physicians, surgeons and dentists, mid for tiav’eihj.: men. Tim I’re terred is au old line stock company with assets of over M.i0.000 W. JOHN R,THORNTON, ATLANT A, GA. • • • • STATE MANAGER THE ARHSTRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga Regular 1 Special Jhirdars . . .. Hawn. g‘{ . Mojuiii. The place to get'a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. .T.-.-.-.T-- II TIIIIIMIII. HIIIMI—■■I..IIB m Mill—■■■■■ 111 urn-twiiw 1 .g..r-j7 ,u : —m n. 11 j c mmtm wnwr i (Repairing ii |Don’t Walk On • ® @ Your Uppearsl® I W.A.MULLIN ! X, M s^ n Pc°T i ® so® - - - - - —»—■WMa• - ——»• ■ » —■ - ■ ■■■ ■—— ■ ••“ Best White GLEDIN.i! s For the very best breed and most $;l 4‘S perfectly marked fowls, leaye orders with J. T. Crouch & Co,, $3 pjrtrio. Splendid cockerels only $ 1. 1. D. CAILLIARD.