The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 10, 1898, Image 7

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« lIW - I" 0 '” V, ,T H.I *' 111 , ‘" i ‘ ~ '**' M .. 14 *•' ’ l, c [.(fd i» |; " li.Cli ” . Xl) v.\l.*'!uct ix'in that A ' rl? ‘ h ‘ -.f’.VlllO :j * bl “ :k jount ‘ he Mi . s ftn foid hiu * ted ’ .hi be has collec e-i cpr ’ ,|tP L‘psßh5 4i? O6 ’° eh ° W ltl y O u bate j >96 and *** • f from this amount the records show be ie d 189,1 " nd “'r 11(1 1 > ts 574 41 the records id “'L ,J lb ’ cou,lt ’’ "” d “ '.b«' Mr. Sa. ford h.' 109 «" ,e 189? tax- b- * How much ’is* the taxes for 597? Jo round figures a tax return . ?v _or atax receipt of sloU.uuu. Wording to-he statement of Mr !fti ,tord and the r cords for 18.)6 aX escollected by him, Mr. San rd has collected only a little ‘ ver $68,000 out of a tax of some> king SIOO,OOO. , * * But the records m the comp roller general’s office and m the reasurer’s office do not show that dr. Sanford has collected any avs back of 1 SS'b. A Another thing, ti e “reform” irg4b claims that this cal on Mr. iadirdcT'i'D'V down” forth he $25 00*1 in bick tuxes has bean prung on the eve of the election |,r campaign purposes only. 1 he'act? are that Mr. tianford has np-atedly claimed in tbe public prints, and ba* gone before thp peep e asking for a r« -election largely upon the e aim that he has collected $25,060 back taxes . * * * Many w.>eli« ago the comptroller general, upon seeing such a state ment in the •‘reform” organ, over Tax Collector Sanford s name, wrote him. enclosing blanks ar.d asked nim to till ih°m out end send at once tba e'ates share of these back taxes *■ * TaxC Hector Senford’s atten tion has been publicly called to th’.* matter long ago in Rome. He has ignored one and all. He has offered no statement itemizing nceipts for any of the amount he so publicly asserts he had col lected. * * * With Mr. Sanford’s statement standing unchanged, and with the records of the county trfeesurer’e <ilice challenging it, the pe pie have waited in vain for an ac counting for of th we $25,000 of back taxes. * Jbe election draws nigh and the Blind-fold. A h..< f ■' •o right to -go L 1 ' '■ •< \ <•' "r.-< Ss --— ■ ' ■. ~'s <g" i/iiyV’- U .•/■ '3 It Mind” in uiat.y . / *xUL'h'd oi life and " ' ~S lealth She has I I 10 right to shut „ '\\ ' •"# ■er ev, t 0 , , le .. VMsII&S ■lain facts of her N* ■lmicil being A , 111 ’ (he conse .. . y *i srt. She h»s no '\ \v'.' •gilt to b- wretch- f '^S 5 - 'i and ill w.r n / '1 -A \ ne might be hap. \ . S.-'* B -," , and free from \ ■am. .au- I -■'■man who dr.iz through life weigher ies «r J >-' lOine ’ ’ la 'ing. dragging weak h.:. fll I, - their sex »re not doing aki JThey are no ■w-'.T -yans ivan-li enlightened sei XS; 1 :lf wen and Btron « ’ f-on, whkh , c h,. T y 'y' ’ ■ ter "■ not tie, e-wy. Dr Hi n positivelj ta v;s s 'zcie and obstinate It is not ’’"'■'i bv i . i 18 / ''■ ret'tifi<- -eniedy de rii'ist f >." t 7?' c 11 ' l l ' !f i '■*l” uiSMiced spe ■P-c’ilHi, Purpose of curing the Tem ' vr '”’ "■ ’stored "'"I 1 ’ .’ l have been i'rrscrint'nn ■■ Cl ' 11 l,y M’ 1 ' w °nderful *Ve actually Ia mai, > instances they >• by phy. •• I have tv"' 1 ai ,c * ot ’*• and'der, Medical Di»- l, nan of .. ‘; 1 ■ '“srisption ’ for chronic v" M '■'X Os P^‘'\ ->• bUr Wer.-write. ? I Wt ? ■' Hubbard Co., h. distre,. I J';'' 1 ;1 mble which was ' been cured of all. I ' • foui yean pre hejood eff w Vat on ' nt ’ bIU bc « au to *eel 'The pt ‘ 1 ? 0 “' lnd P a ? e illustrated * ca l Adv,.,..,.‘ in• •11 Sense Med le ?' i tnw2 a ’’ ls Urination ofprice ” 1 sent a is? a ; c ',', A Paper-bound copy o n r«"t sta±°’ utely p receipt of « As2> ; Adclr - ; s World- I?® COSt ° f tnaiHn « A ,Ration Buffs rl ‘l?'? IS Pensary Medical 1 “reform” organ’s sensational cry rpt* d iiganift Messrs, B'tsmgel McConnell “nd Turner who are i cn’ididateH 'or i ffice. wnd Ml Jake M<’<>re who is ml a candidate f< r i Hice, will not distinct i|ih minds 10l the people I rotn every other issue involved in this campaign. * I see no disposition on the pu t ,f any one to ‘persecu'e”. I, tor .me. have, in discuss ng these matters, done e in a diapass'anate wa' . using the claims of the re formers, and the public records, , tu»r my data. * * * • The “reform” organ says. “ ‘Measures and not men’ has been the shibboleth of democracy, it nd in the fight now on it should he the sole criterion for the demo* cratic voter •” I agree with the “reformer” in that statement but at the same time 1 desire to call the “refor mer’s” attention to the sac that it has knowingly and wilfully slandered Beysiegel, McConnell and Turner (candidates) and Jake Moore (not a candidate)-slan dered these “men” in un “measure”-ed terms —and his failed to name lhe officer who g 't the “other third” —because you said he was “not now a candi date.” * As to Comptroller General Wright, he has denounc d all charges and insinuations against him, as becomes a b~ave man with a clean record. He would have been a “petty tyrant” had he refused the public records of his < ffice to any citizen. * * * Comptroller General Wright is not “blamable for the records made I y county officials m his office —if ht- was he would have hid opposition long ago. But the pp. p'e have found hmi a model official and th cl< Best invts.iga tion into the atfiirs of his office by committees appointed to act, have found him doing his du y fullv, ci mpetently and most ac c ptahly. Had the mudslinger a mud tall that W. A. Wright the old vet, go d ci iz n and clean official, it would have been hurled long ago—and the p ople know it. * * * I As to the amount of money the ax collector “leaves in the treas ury” why that has nothing on earth to do with this campaign. Neither has the s’atemei t that the Featherston Board expended such and such sums for ruch and such improvements. * * ♦ Mr. tianford is not the board of county commissioners, even if that august body has comsumed sl4 worth of ice tickets and b_x rent, and paid Mr. Sanford $375, extra money —for extra services) rendered—though payment of which is dot provided by law . *** Behold the glaring inconsisten cies of lhe “reformers’ - and you can come to but one sane conclu sion, and that is that they have gone mad with thirst for office and l linger for the pie courter. * * * Never has there beer, bo much mudslinging indulged in in a cams paign in Floyd coun y.Good men, . true men and clean officials have ( been branded as thieves, boodlers and pirates. And <«ll just to help a few “reformers” —men who don’t believe one word <>f the slanders t iey utter —to get office. * * « Rally at the ballot box on Mon day and do y< ur duty as a good citizen, and the slanderer and his n ‘fari< us methods will be buried so deep that the “reformer,” bad as he is will scratch out and beat him to judgment by a million years. FOR TREASURER. 1 appreciate most sincerely the kind support I received from the voters of Floyd county in electing me county treasurer in the past and again respectfully submit my name as a candidate for renomination in the primary of June 6th. If re-elected I again pledge myself to render the same non partisran service to al the people (when funds are out as I have honestly endeavored to do in the past. Respectfully, Jas. B. Hill. i i The taxpayers will vote for ; their best interests —of course ' they will. They have been here • long enough to know what their : best interests are, too, and don t you forget that. i : 5 t £ r v r,ir ' Here is the latest : Cubee or not Cubee, ’l’li t is the Key Westinn. o o o We knew Dewey had a rab bit’s foot but refrained from say i ing anything about it heretofore, i—Atlanta Commercial. 0 0 0 'I ho equal suffrage woman re fuses to understand the action of Mrs. Sarah Willard of Kansas, who ofiered SIOO rewaid for her husband, who recently disap peared from home, leaving $5,- 000 on deposit in the bank. o o o Ex-Senator M. C. Butler of South Carolina and ex-Congress man Oatfs of Alabama will be a major general and a brigadier to whom their government could intrust its honor and its exist ence. o o o It is a rather gratuitous re flection upon the farmers of Georgia which the anti Candler crowd is making that the farm ers are not patriotic enough to discharge their duty as goo I citi zens, and will not vote at the June primary. o o o When Theodore Roosevelt, who learned to ride bronchos in the far west, mounted one of the animals for the first time a lot of the people gathered about to see the “tenderfoot” discomfited. Sure enough Roi sevelt went off at the first jump and fell Ifeavi ly. To the surprise of all, he in sisted on trying it again, how 'ever, and this time he stayed on until the animal w as conquered. Then, when he dismounted he promptly fainted. It. was found his fall had broken one of his ribs. o o o Are the farmers indifferent as to wh s shall be the next govern or of Georgia, and will they leave the cities, towns and court house politicians todo the voting | m June 6th? We do not believe it. The farmers ot Georgia will de their duty and vote foi\ the man of their choice. 000 A very simple rule to. follow in pronouncing these Spanish names is to pronounce them ary old way, and in a firm unalter ing tone, which defies correction and disarms suspicion. Ten to one the other fellow will give you credit for being posted. , 000 Miss Helen Gould’s gift of SIOO,OOO to Uncle Sam will buy lots ofy »u ig me i bright, new uniforms. As Miss Helen hasn’t got an English duke or a French count to support, she is for her home boys, 000 Under the heading “Sms of their Fathers” the Macon News publi hes the following list of some Mckinley’s appointe ees v ho have been commissioned to hold respor.sib e ((fliers in the army: Two 801)8 of ex-president Grant. A son of ex-Preside nt Hayes. A sen of cx-president Harrison. A grandson of ex-President Grant. A son of Gen. John A. Logan. A son of the Astors. A sou of Senator Foraker. A son of Senator S well. A son of Senator Gray. Two sons of ex-Senator Calvin Brice. A son of ex Mayor Hewett, of New York. A son of Vice President Hobart s brot her. A brother of Vanderbilt’s so; • in-law . A son of Secretary Alger. A son of eX-Consul General J , 'C. New. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. C t’liT Day --Monday will be ' regii'ar c iurt day for commission ' ris »nd ordinal' Hue hdfrs Col rt. Two cast's wore disposal at thia morning's court for minor offenses, by Re c >rd' r Eubanks. Lawn Party —’ he willing work wi I give a lawn party from 4 30 to 10 o'clock, this evening in the lawn in front of the S:cond l> q»- tist church . Concert Tonight.—There will be ac< ncert at the conservatary of music tonight, an excellent musical progaarn. has been arran ged for the occasion, and a mo*i • delightful evo ling is in store so those who attend. Seventeen Passed.—Since the estah ishmeut of the United y tatee recruiting etatii n here, seventeen have passed the examination and over forty were turned down. Those who passed the physical examination have to T,bee. A 12lb Girl. —Capt. W, C. Smith, the gallant Roman who ie raising a company of Volunteers, ■ was made hi ppy on yesterday by the arrival cf a 121 b. daughter. Capt. Smith says the little maid> n will knit sox fcr the brave soldier boys who will go to the front. Hand Mashed—Ben Reynolds : u young man about 22 ytars old, : happened to a very painful acci dent Wednesday night. His hard got caught in a cog wheel, whi'e at work in the machinery room of the Rome cotti n factory B< for the machinery could be stopped his hand was badly mashed and cut to the bone. Hh narrowly escaped loosing his hand. The wound is a very painful une. On a Camp They Will go.—The Cunnasei.e Cotellon club, will leave Tuesday morning on a sj ec ial train over the W. AA. R R. for Calhoun, wl:<re they will take hacks for Dewey’s pond, on a 10 days camp. The club voted s'oo - GO for ihe trip at their last meet ;rg Obe following will be the chrqeroms >f the party: Mf danvs W . T. McWilliams, M. V , Berry Guy Cothran, John Graham Sam Graham ;nd Arthur Hull. Twerty coupleswill go and a most delightful lime is anticipated by all. Personal Mention- Mr. John 11. Hawkins, of Hermitage, is in the city. Mrs. J. B Holmes, and son Algood, arrived in the city today. Dr. Frank Wright has return ed from a business trip to Cave Spring. Maj. R. 1. Fouche and Ben I. Hughes, of Rome, was in centre last Friday.—Coos.i River New-. Dr. L. P. Hammond went, down lhe river on professional business this miming and will return tomorrow. Dr. J. Taylor Carney and wife of Charleston, ti. C., are visilin the latur’s father, Maj. H. J. Mule, on Fourth avenue. Misses Florence and Alice Mills, daughters <4 Maj. Mills, have re turned from an extended visit in the mountains of Northeast Geor gia. Miss Marv Denny, one of Romes most cultured and pret tiest daughters, arrived homo today from Hollins Institute, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. O Scott, of Rome end Mr Leonard Hunt, cf London, Eng., spent Sunday with Mr.and Mis, J. A .Darrel I.—”edar town Standard. The many friends of Mr. Jim Hanks will be pained to hear that he is quite sick at the home of his brother, Mr. Dave Hanks, in the Fifth Ward. Dr. J. A. Tigner learned a few days ago that his wife had sustain, ed some injuries from a tall anil went over to Borne to be with tier He re'urned to the city Monday leaving her fairly recovered.— ICmirsnt J School Supolies. ■) >W We are pioneers in the school books and school sup- »>> ua ’ noßß a ”d wo are als > right up-r '-d.i*H in evejy* w ’l'” l ' 'hat should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. ■jjfr 'lt #iMr iir ifr Mt IX. WS h wm. No he use in th * btate car. serve von better when von de- O sire to invest in a new covering fcr tes dear 'id wa’is o. your home. See our stock on hand and samples »>? I H. A. SMITH, I THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. || •• • . ~ii 4... I A WHOLE CLU B | I 4- Ca ’t II UL M a'*e 11 lIU trf i;r I'4 : H'i V ■ C-'-- Runnin- ! sj 'iM'i Time L'l :~r.. !H ,’ Li p I carry a full and cimplete line of jewelry, iuclu- : ding Diami iti My stock of silvir notions and nov lties was nev er more complete. WEDD fNI P.IEBE\ T f SASP E J1 \LT Y. -u-i | J. K Williamson [ j • i iiuiiiiHiiuu iiiiiiii|.HUiiß«iiiuiuiauuUi2‘.Wlttll lu :Si U i Ltd i ooLELrii: ij ;i2 ; id: j;i d- : i ii: ii- .did idi. -i didd di;;: id iiii Miss Agnes Harris, of Rome. i» visiting her gr audpaents. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Harrs. This bright young lady graduated Tuesday from the Rome public schools. — Cedartown Standard. Clever Frank Weems, of corrol ton is in the city shaking handi with his many obi Rome friends. Mrs. We-ms will join him tomor row Mr. J. A Enslow of Atlanta is in the citv today . I Mr. V. A. Moore of the “Gate City, is here today. Mr. G P. Fuller, of Atlanta is in the city. Miss Lois Headdeu left today for Marietta and Atlanta, where she will spend several weeks. Mr. R B. McArver, of Co< sa ie , m the city today . IS ANXIOUS EOR PEACE. ) Ambassador To France Asks For Cessation Os Hostilities. London. Jude 3 —The Madrid correspondent of The Morniiiß Post says. “Seuor Leon y. Castillo the ■-p uii h ambassador to France, at his recent conferences with the queen regent and Senor Sagasta, was officially charged to ask t! e powers to intervene to obtain | eace on such terms as would protect the amour propre of Spain. FOR CORONER. I am a canditate for re-election as coroner of Floyd county, sub ject to the democratic primary of •lune 6th. and will gratefn’iy appreciate the votes ot my friends and the public. F. H. ScHT.APBACH. A new lot of new pattern hats to go at unheard of low prices so rfhe n ext few day s. We pav cash for our millinery and can sell a fine hat for less mon ey than any house in Rome. Call and g=t our I prices before buying i your best hat Com mencement hats a ! specialty. (Mrs. A. O. Gfarraro. I rests with you whether you eontinw the . -wafcMW acrve-killing tobacco habit. N removes the desire for tobacco, a&UjJ <>ut uervous distress, expelsnico-^rf> J / J 1 une, purifies the blood, fffi J L |J I tores lost B fi I xes j makes you V gul in hen Ith. nerve WM p ® ■ and PockeV-^-dfgWV C from i book. 'I a ■ -LEnpfo'ur owu drugr.'. * wbu vouch for us. Tai i*. .. ith K. -C patiently, persisvenfD One u box. SI. usualiy cures; 3 boxes'. Sf* -0, sruixranteea tociw. or we refund m< ' .ev. Sterling Kvitedy Cv., Chicago, Mm.lroul, A* « xuri. ( Annusi Sales 0ver6,000,003 Coxes t’OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Tain in tho Stomach, jiddiness. Fulness after meals, Hea '- iche. Dizz.iir .->s, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat. Loss of Appetite, Costivene Blotches on tho Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL C-IVE RELIEF IN TWENT Y MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to Lo A WOFWERrUL MEDICINE. lII'.ECHAM'S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to e ui plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of. tho sys tem and cure Nick MeadKciie. Fora 1 Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a i?iva! And hfve the LARCtST SALE . of any Patent Medicine in tbe Would. 25u. at all Drug Stores. r 114 w 11 ~ ' Now one word about the on— r dorsenient of the “reform” tick et by that undemocratic club the Young Men’s Democratic Club..