The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 11, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH V.-A \ sinokc xtra goodand rebel veil cisars j||g DRATH fINSRL pucks Ono of ’’ lie rairesl ♦Flowers ffiOjl A HAPPY HOME And Leaves Many Romans in Grief And Mourning. At about 4 o’clock this morn ing the angel of death p us d in hi 3 flight long enough to pluck from one ot Rome’s most elegant homes one of its most precious flowers. Miss Floy Riwtll, daughter of Captain and Mrs. C. Rowell, and a grand daughter’ of the lamented Judg J. V\ . fl. I uder wood, quietly passed away. For quite a while Miss Floy has been in poor health, though ■ for some months past, her rela tives and friends were pleased, to note that she seemed consul-! erably improved. Yesterday she was out and j spent the day with her cousin,! Miss Madalene Wylie. During) the night, how i ver, she suffered ' an attack of congestion of the j brain, and though physic ans; were summoned- and did all that' me lie il sei nice knows t,> do,; the end came with the death of the night an i the gentle spirit; on the wings of the glorious young dav in muted to th? Li'-d ut pot* co iwd ■£'* *• v • Miss Floy leaves a father, I mother,brother and. three sisters I io mourn her untimely death; while sorrow and sadness srt in the mourning chamber of the hearts of scon s of relatives and I hundreds of friends. She was a gentle, patient suf ferer with as much angel as I woman in her nature. Her death ) proves a terrible shock to those 1 who knew her bust and saddens ; ali who know her or her family. i The loved remains will be laid: to rest in Myrtle Hili. I / d?* - A • / rhe round. / . \ / ary Lint. t y . ) / ■n a young /■ v■ ' - ■ girl si. ns from Z. . ' / girlh >od into wo lf, ' "’d. she tn- pT■ 11 nc.v and strange- country. A land of e and hoj■•■. vet full of hidden dangers. Whether she will find happiness or misery < p< n1? largely upon t.i ■ health md • lition of the deli Cate, special organism whit h is the source «"d centre of her woi i hood i - lives l>f yov.-.g vo,iv. n are often wreck.? becau eof t n sense of mot t ty, which lea t « t ne; kct the * «yniptoms of ft • akness. . ■ troub t unless co retted, develop into serious chronic difficulties which be c >me adt ..... ijf, < i,, ~t opportunities and blighting all possibility Os jiap -.v n.d motherhood. Any woman suffering from th cs< delicate conir.biints nu,k tlbe liv,.llh-giving power , ”‘erce' riptton. It ! .ii'and strength i :ie w mianlv organs; h' l - ■ ■■ ■■ «t lit? to ie nerv..-e< nirt ' - . and restores p rfecl'or t one-otindti-a-, and const if tit ional energy. ‘. , e on U’ , ‘itdae d.?vi- d fbi this pur pose .'vask:lb.d and. cKperit need specialist tndiseaceaof th • f tipinme »rg mwm. ' d. Dime 'a, .'ilira,,,, Mo., writes : ~ in< J . ’ • ’ ' :l ’ I’' ci iption ’ and I .j, . ■ ! ‘.’rert 01 ounding Its praise. When my J>r 1 A ‘y w ■ don’t you take on'o ft'-scriutibn?' I told an h.iti* t>’.‘ utl,er . ,'. h dat'.' inir Itß years old) niedi.-ir.’ ‘"'l "K 1 ” tor five months. about the "jd tW'r the . 0,,.. ■,. ; v ) la< t taken •lie w > -1 bottle ot ■ I'.i- orite 1 ;cs -ription 1 01 our !»" dwtotV« hC bteU Ucated b >’ l ' ve t’-nßd i I ’ K T ce .’ s .5 re! ' t tlwi~.nd pn-re illus- Medicaf r.eeim ( s dvise r s-nt paper-bound on cos* of° f 2 .’.. 0ne ecut stamps to pay the cloth h "’ailing- only. Or, a handsome Dr v ' v n D. c< my for V stamps. A-ddrcst, ur - K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Now is the time tc fuy your ooy a suit ai "ait price J B Watters & bon. THE ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIA L . LET THE OFFICE I-Seek Hie Judfjc is Eminently Vlie Proper Way. . • . . , CHIEF JUSTICE SIMMNB- — i Writes a Letter to a Rome At torney. I ! The following letter f; in Ch es Justice Simmons of the Supreme court of Gecrgia addressed to Mr. lloiry Walker o t tha Rome bar fully t'xplains itself and furnishes timely food for thought just at 1 ' his time. i Henrv Walker, Esq., • • 1 ( My dear Sii;—Your favor of yesterday has been received. Ibe people should move with- , out solit tation, and of their own t accord in nominating judges for 11 the supreme court The law in«s t Poses upon us the duty of holding, I I t ie c dirt and deciding the cased. I do not think it would be I proper to adjourn court for any i political reason that’ would ben- ] letit the members in their races for „ ) tneir present positions. While ] v.e know that it might he p u« to e ; do so, by givu gus an opportunity v t > go around and make a personal r : canvas, we cannot consistently do i it. when our duty requires us to r attend io the business of the pul - <j ! 'ic. Besides, 1 do not think it com- e ■patible with the dignitv of the f I. i. » z w» v <*lf* w# •» a-- * i sonal canvass for it, and in this 1 view my associates concur. We have endeavored to discharge to he best cf our ability the oner ous duties imposed upon us, and I if we have not met the expecta- I lions of the bar and the people, » I it is net our fault. Thanking you for the interest ( l manifested in us, I remain ( Truly yours ( T. J. Simmons. ANNUAL CON 1 ERT. it The Southern Conservatory ] or Music. < I This evening at 8 o’clock in the 1 Music hill, of tho Southern com * -ervatory r, f music, the annual •oncert will take place. After the concert Col. W. Q , MctlHnry will deliver the scholar hips and diplomas. The patrons and friends of the institution are invited to be pres ell’. Below is the program. Concerto op. 'ft, last movement’’ethoven Miss Lucile Me ;hee. Second piano.... Miss Fortin and orchestra ‘ Dance of the G onies" Lizßt Miss Mary Lu Wikie. antasie.“Martha” Fapiut > Master Holmes Cheney, Allegro(Sonata in 1> Major) Mozart t phuio II Miss Annie Beattie I’iano 111 :..: « iBB K>caCohen ■ Spring Song”Mendelsrohu Miss Louise Gomez i Andante, fttmuet and Trio (f> bS. mphony) Hayon 3 Piano llMisses C< hen and Beattie 1 iauo 11 fMiss Gomez and Mis. bortin With orchestra ■Romance ’ Rubenstein I “Sliadov Dance"McDowell Miss Annie Beattie. . Violin Concerto No. 7 Ist movement. Dußeriot , Mr. Joseph Spiegel berg e String Quartette Haydn (Andante a* d Variations, Quartette 12.) o Vitiicelo ...Master John Sc >tt Bowie • M nninring Zephyr” Jensen >. Mist Louise Gomez. e Piano concerto to (Andante esprossiro. II Allegro contnoco) Heller c Miss Rier.Cohen ' Second piano Miss Fo tin and orchestra Mr, A W. McCall, the popular 3 proprietor of the Armstrong Hotel, t Rome’s famous hostelry, was iu S the city* yesterday. —Cedartown Standard ROME GLQRCIA. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE If. 1893. "VELIOS JM” Is Said to Have fiiad-e I is i Appearance, ; IPPREH.ENB ELT * By Nearby Cites find Great Care U ted. Jackson Miss, June ’0 —Ger.' J F H tin ter. m crel a i of!|i stati I) etrd ol healtli, gny. th< As-oeiat-i ed Press the following -ti’em •u’, ) ai 10:30 o’eloek last i ig‘;t. “I having been r p-irfed to me by Dis. H rra'son a: -i ?' >T. s, s-ini tary inspectin';. •> i - ir , that seven cases of v-ii. \y fever exist at McHenry, Mi s., 11, nby d - dare the ol rv under quarantine, in charg, o' D . flai alson, who will observe th- quarUn tine and o ar»i’.»»ry rules and regula tions adopted by th » bo.’.r<i. J F Hunter. “Secretary Miscislppi .State Board of Health.”" McHenry is a small Sown in Harrison cnuiity. n ar a (u, if port, and located on the Gu I ;iid sh p island railway. Thepiaee uas vi.-i, ed by the (ever last yeir and there were m uiy deaths. At a r cent meeting of i he sta'e be rrd . i T alth the quarantine regu'aii' iT were revised and the Imes m vre lightly drawn. The state health ofiict rs’ 1 say every effjrt will be made to e i,- fine the fever to Mt-Ii . i --m -M. - --V - ■ * .Vtf* place. They express the eDmon that the fever will not heme! epidemic in this state tbit sum-I m r. | MOBILK QI ABASTI E<. Mobile, Ahl., June 10-41 J ;iltl, authoiities here placed iq ect ir on trains tonight so prevlt en try cf any person from Mlmry or Gulfport, Miss , win r v*r in mild form has d vei >ped. DISCON TEN f 1N 1 ENFI EI) Madrid, June 10—Newsceiv< q here from the Philippine slai.d has caused a deep impress, lhe country is calm, but iht' is a latent intensity of dirs;.taction which is only repressed opatri otic grounds. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYT FIGS is due not only to the ori;y and simplicity of the eombiiikUt also to the care and skill v. . n is manufactured bj’ scientiipesses known to the Cai.ifornia'Vßl'l’ Co. only, and we wish to i up in all the importance e'’ ping the true and original ii his the genuine Syrup of 1- ilured by the California Te P Co. only, a knowledge of ti. will assist one in avoiding tt'iless imitations manufactured'r par ties. The liigt’ st&hding Cai I fobnia Fig Syrup Co. wnedi eal profession, and thetetion whieh the genuine Syrits has given to millions of faniakes the name of the CompaiTanty of the excellence of its i It is far in advance of all ot fives, as it acts on the kithu* and bowels without irritntiiPken- , ing then}, ;| iid it does e n< i nauseate. In order to ge' effects, please remembeiie of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG Sb. ' axri fbaxcisc* , ijiwuir, ’t*• y. ■ ■HI ' ■ ; | A ft ■ * ■ a I ■VI ■ VHV * HI Wo ; y ■> H JHHBk JIuHL vHI -f i Spain Has Been Defeated Each Time: We about two 1 yard of -W’ | Spanish Organdies ar| d w > are going to dispose of it at 2 3-4 'Cents S -C paryArJ. Who evjr he i-1 ->- r> ,■ AL. inj at aiv su-h irirk rk J J -. ,n Ile3 sell - 3K hi? colors and patterns an 1 a-ai’AtX" tn7r3m! 0* mili imi oFminGj I About 4 33 /ards 4?-i T-'h mi j • in the folio v ll 4coks: I n l i , | e n^ i ?rJ lrt et^ cl %% a ni , brown an 0 h oliolzopa a■i n/ a <' ' city from 750 to $1 D \r vaM th J 3 u tne r> LkZz Four fundred Pieces HNE j EMBROIDERIES * st 2Cc g yOUrnayolck y° urch A Sh;r( i'T 1 Wai lai !” d, ; ied detachable c>llar, only 17c W Shirts; XJ: 3% ‘ a ’ ld Boldf o-Uore,ne W 233.’ g O S!llrL viist> These areail w ° rth rn ° re - oB '\. s ' ; eX!:;!; 0 srTiCi iM A . [ -eal fine Parasils. Seme black and W‘ < W “ k and pretty .' 7 1 Plaids. Same coaching and some th *? A° W ‘ d . e suffles of chiffon, choice of the Io for only $,. 75 . This is the bett bar W gam m ime pir ai3 J 3 2VJr Come over and see them, Kome LANHAM&SONS. Seven Stores • Fifth Avenir r> Rome, Ga H •* I t IO CENTS PER WEEK