The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 11, 1898, Image 2

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eL W BI W I TB?1 Mk JW MF iRHM A MP no ■ WS KW i y/ri '/ /w W/rll JL JL IWB ■ .. jjfi- mh n vcfe oßb ■& indlb JKflta ■£■! *V* 14 4P ™ '•■F Jb JL X Has been made when you spend your money at one of Hie closing out or at cost stores before you visit W H Ct >KI:R x CO. and find out what goods cost. We will give you prices that are eye-openers. || ■-,<»..■ B roe .d. ski „ s .7 6 e<.e h , 5,..,2 ,0 | dies >’shirtwaist Latest styles, just received , Hosiery 8, 12, 16c per pair that others ask 35c each or 3 for sl. ' A .1 O, 20 and 30c for. 4S P M? The price has been cut on every artic our house far below the prices that theclosingout and cost houses are selling at. Come and see and y< • j’ ; know that our prices arc the 1 west in Rome. R ei we handle everything you want and our prices shall be lower than others. "tr , .. I itt tt mirnn n ha nJn/ K' *■ all ■ w Wr ■ !■ ■ f w ® h fc z. 1 71 11 Sw -I’J la l\f I il I @/a av-y *< > W hIMSj Bv W w7W w. LOCH HAPPENINGS. Roman IL ni p.ed Dr. M. N. Mixon returned this morning from Lithia. spring where he at” tended the Georgia state Dental society and was elected first vice president. Bound Over. —Alice and Jes sie Isabel, colored, were bound to the Superior court this morn ing b ■ Recorder Eubanks, for an assault of Nellie Blunt, 8 col ored. Have Returned. —The Rome firemen who went to Anniston to attend the N nth Georgia Tennes see and Alabama, firemen’s tour ament, returned last night and all report a royal time. The following old officers was re*»e'ected. C. J. Spencer, Dalton, President, A Johnson, Anniston,\ ive President and W. L Knight, Sect, and Treas. The conventi on will meet in Rome next year. Colored Picnic. —The colored churches io the city had a picnic at Mobky park, today about 300 went. D. A. R. Meeting P.btp ned — The meeting ot ilm Daughters ol the American Revolution which was to have been held at the hos pitable residence of Mrs. B. T. Haynes has been indefinitely post poned, owing to the sad death ot Miss Floy Rowel’. Union Picnic. —Tne North Rome Baptist and Methodist Sunday schools, will have a I nion picnic on June the 21st, at Kirtous grove down the Coosa river Ttvy have chartered the Willie C. Wag :n.r for ’he occasion, and a large crowd will attend. First Baptist —No services will he held at the the First Baptist church Sunday morning. The usual services by the pastor at night. S. A. S. Club. —On® of the. most enjoyab’e social affairs of the past week was the German ! given lust even by the younger set J of theS.A. 8. club at Mobley j park Those went were: Mel Gam-! mon and Juliette Howell. Joel I>enn and Mary Battel, Ben 1. il and R >sa Gammon, »» hbou i < an i Ali e Graham, Louis Weigh’ , : and Zulu Adkins B r's Wright • add Ava Wright, Go quilt Tun; r and Mary Wright , Frank B ie Elbert Ha’e, .Misses Hardy and Paine Mrs. Moore and Mrs. H'le. OFFICERS ELECTED. At the meeting of the Youtuij Men’s Library yesterday the fol lowing vflicers wore elected for (he ensuing year. President —M rs John C Print u p Vice-president —H uglies R-y ■ nolds’. Secretary—Max Meyerhardt. Directors —Halsted Smith. Pr I. , E.. M. Gammon, Pref. Hay Wat son S mith. A resolution of thanks to ntir ing President Halsted Smith was adopted by a rising vote. Miss Minnie P. Hargrove was re-elected librarian The. library will lie open from 3:30 to 7 o’clock ‘ hereafter. i PICi I RES HAVE ARRIVED All parties holding coup ■n-; ■ amounting to $2 50 wil? call ai d 1 take cho’ice. Others pan trade thi i arneunt and get one. Call at oner. W. H. Coker & Co. ADMINIS I’RATOR’S SALE Georgia, Floyd County. , Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary < f said C' n itfy granted at the May term, 18,)8 will be fold before the court bouse ! door in the city of Rome, w .thin J he 'egal hours of sale, on the , , first 1 uesday in July ISOS, the foi- | lowing described property, towi ; • 80 acres of land, more or less, j the same being the west half ol | lot No. 81 in the 23 d dis riet ; | and 3rd section of said county. ' J i | Saia property sold as the property j of Julia Parker, deceased Te:ms ol Js >e cash. W H. Ennis, Admu. Take advantage , the big discount o n hpt weather j clothing at, J B Watters & Son. ADMIM RATOR’S SALE. j rm r.<;i \-.-.ii. Under and by virtue of an order*' granted b; ihe e< n t of ordinary ! ol F <;yd c 1 a’v. Georgia, at the. ..'a, uay l<‘, . . 1898 the undersign”; led, Sanin ■> Funkhouser, udminis-; ! tralor o> J i n J. B ack, deceased, ! will sell on he first Tuesday ii, I ■July. 1898 . th- court house door! lin the city < f Rome betw< en the: I legal houi” of sa e, to the highest land ncs bidder for cash the fol” j lowing r> al estate to wit* One Un- ; j divided h. mte’.est in hat prop e ty in the Fifth ward of the ci y I i of R one known as that portion of I tlie Mills [.roper y, not heretofore 1 sold, lying between South Broad •street and Pecningtdn afrenue ami thicugh which Branham Ave. runs h, sam< j b >..g bounded on the north by . . d ave ue down to a point about pnositethe center of lis sleamb it wharf property and hence bv •■. Coosa river, on the north ai d bv Myrtle Hill cemetery as n w eiic.o■ i..d on the scuth, the property it cribed being an undi vided l a'-t interest in all that pars iofsaid M.l - property lying cn 'both sides of Branham aven-Ue not: 1 heretofore s-> d. * ; A so til'- whole of the following I Is to wit. A lot m ihe Fifth ward of rhe cit< of Rome beginn ng at; i a point 185 ■ ot south of tne inter”; Isectiir. of Finest and Harper! i •treets, running thence south 62 ; feel and in ending back e st ot uniform ■.: h to an a Iley 150 te< t .nd having li'ereon a four room' I dw-lling house. Also a tot’in the Fifth wanl of j ! the city of Rome beginning at al point 217 feel, s mth of the inter- 1 , eecti< n of o r -il. and Harper; -tracts and i mining thence 55 feet! a d 'l ck east, of uniform width to :it ai'i y 150 feet and jg il co' n a f ur room dwel ling ' . Ab ; that 'l’i.ct of and in the 'l’Aih ward of the ci*y of Rome ly !i g .... the cot m-r of Forrest street;, ;.n . i Diiin -m a'. ■.. 11° at..l 11ont-' ing o Fo. i t str -e; lIS fe t and on i.ninclon uv-nue 91.1 Lei,,. >i j led <i. he east by gi, alley andon th ;h by a lot belong” ! ’ng to the t .ite of John J. Black j i icea-’r-d, h .vmg tnereou two four, 1 ( 0.-ijpil b”U"'S. Ali sold as the; roperiy of j■ ,hn J . Black. S .’iuel .Fi nkhouser. Administrator of John J. B luck. The need of a good Spring Hedieine is almost universal a id Hood’s Sarsaparilla exactly teets this sure to gti Hucd’r. howitzers H.mtt \ latest order for camp iig U I in’ be Philippines is that atiattery lof IK moutain howitz. rs shab be ' . take, oil the next expedite to' '.lai la. To move the gut s, carria ges id ammi’mtion in the Philip- ' ; pin< a pack train of mules'will be r ( P’ ' f ’ Ig understood that L■ i Carson, lib United Stat-r --'■a', y, w ill be in command of the ' ’ j tlw ttery. ' g-ner al c >urt in irti il j n ! . r i at Camp Merritt iu.s con vie! John Campbel), of th., Ju p 1 11 V ’v .'I iI U t’, »1.. >. 4 . - • . I 11. V vofunt-c-s who at - >c u colored man at,.Mount '-nil, Pa. j( lS [ before tneogj. me est, fur the coast. A light sen re was imposed, asCampb-ll hasict cal.y been in pi i a „ n fol a ah. DUG A G R \ \’iv ‘ o Bodies W’ere Surpbi.kd. An i d—Rum r o f a Mukdi.r. >D, O-, Ju-e 9 --L ist night i’ ‘a [artline, a farmer, mterrup. I Gd vmk of two rm n who bad j.. . ... ave and were about > de ■ os j bodies. They having fast bo: aped, taking the bLi s. Un the theory th-,t ■'mi a married man, and a y ’’Oman, both of Str isburg VI: outh of here, were mu ~ aei ( ‘4A/3 SS. j -I igent iorSouth en ucen Coal or ' ’ -c’bang’es. Alsc. A’ 33 Safet’r G- ts oh ;ovep Call and ’ - stock ana get 6S *s on vour n<r and ‘ tin wr Naxt door to er- ?use. ou" dis jo j it* : a straw hats at ha e J B Watters Ol n'H i loans are in huLsporta antAsports are wJkior rtie.i - .JLio sale j/ es n. vne unty. - Whereas ; : 11 H)-- -v)ih day of December 1897 ■imotny G uns executed and de ■vered to Mrs. A. H. Cheney a u'de ard mortgage on ihe L>d deß -bed for the pnll of securing the debt repre-' ’•emeu by said note, which inert- J g-ge i B recorded in the c.erXt br.k V V 1 Su P orior Court in’ 11 ° f Ul --'gag i; s, p :1 g e p A”.d wberefls in eaid mortgage " HnotnyGoinsgave to Mr? p 1 : Bi rney the power to Aellsm- < i "i in case oi default in the ['■’-Pt payment at macunry of and interest of -bbt. Now therefore bv virtue of -X^ W whmh V<;Sted in the Uuder ,-ued, which is more accurately H C "f° Baid ' nOrt A' ’ur ‘ A ‘ will sell tbeHghes, ■ ■ uuer orcash on the first Tues ; ‘A hi June 1898, during the legal before the court hX ,o^dL me ,Ca.. the land X to± d ;;* the^e 8 aid morigage t. Begmnmgat the South corn u-of the lot bought of y A. Fort and Ma rv F by Amanda Capron ‘ I <;v -hdeed is hereby refeX/t ' ) ', u '“'‘"’ng thence East GO feet North 831 feet more or 1 the Northern | ln o nf o; i "■ 'b‘-uce Southwest to the cor' of said lot.thence South t,/fl\ ■'■giiinmg po n) t a distance of 361 . J' «» «cre g'v“» d l„ Mouret,.nd’Xd” “ <I9S » f -00 witl, B%'"iiitereet ,", m da ,“ «ltor„.,y ™ I •'"< -«'4 n-teai.d uiortgJe , ’.ual'a," Tl e . - ! charges a attorn ey’s fees and th -i -'nnlgage on the first d ' W Fe:’ d “b l ," ';."7 “«„rd auet Wlth the " Ba (® untamed in said niort ■ be made to the purchaser '9 said sale, and the proceeds ■ " > >ale will be applied to the 8 ‘-avnien'ofsaid debt with m ter ! ■ attorneys feesand expenses , over tot nepe IBo nen-' . Ud toea “’?- rhis May sth 1898 Bv \V T A /' KS ‘ A ‘ H ‘ C - HEN2y - J ’.' '»• J. Cheney. Ait’y ‘ ’ ■ ■■ ■ 1 . C. Cheney will / -VBan d ca-ry • L * ■■■"■i him i ■ lain a , VHEAP R A lES. ■ 'Fbe Southern ll’y openitcs 3 (•lu lanoog,,, by „| lich I)arlie< . can leave Rome in the morning , spend the day in Chattanooga’ nnd leturij home game evening, l| ,ile scil eJ ile between thJe I points is as follows Leave Rome’ I J -09 a. m. an j ve Guattauoogi I a. in. ■ } eave j> aine jq.o-. I arrive Ghattauomja l:00 P . m.- I ieuve P.ome 6 : 25 a. m. arrive I ->haftanooim S An ~ I S' 1 , o .uu p. in. j here ■ G aljo a local train leaving Rome I J-'-’B / . m. going by the wav of I Cohutta and Cleveland and ar- I '■>v’es Ciiattanoiga 7:20 p. in. I trains leave Uliana- I noo ga G :J0 a. m. arrive Rome ■ '1- ■ 'l' 1,1 >’ leave Chattanooga, I p'HOp. in arrive R r") :3> p. I I 1 ”- , leave Chattanooga I0:l()p. I | arrive Rome IJI a. m. Puil I • mail sleeping cars on aJI train.-. ■ ror further information call I |°n J. N. H u-rison, city pusen- ■ uc>’ and ticket agent, Run ■, Ga. ■ >Phone 39. ■ HUETTER:) of ANMINISTRA- I TION. ■ GE RGIA. EI.OYD COI’NTY I B° all whom jt htay eencern: I ] Equitable mortgage company I having in proper form applied to ■ me f( )r permanent letters of ad- ■ ministration on the estate of Win H B. Wiggins, late of said c unty I deceased . 1 his is to cite all and singular th* creditors and next H of km of Win B. W'ggin- to h. ■ ” ~ itnrann HII / i 41 . x ‘" a appear at my ufliye within M she time allowed by la w and sb >w p aiise, if any they can, why per - manent administration slum <i not. ■ he granted to VV. H . Ennis Co H Admr. on Win. B. U iggms. state. H Witness my hand and officia sig oat ure t; )ls o llfl (iilv May ■ Johx I’. Davis, Ordinary. •• .IV’c" ' v| th..r•"<n HH - a*;/,) ii.fea^nni-v!.,<hr > ‘ ? K --'lpocket. 11 A B cwrj (E i'C' ; ' IS ZP • £-* ’’"ttr h . r <ir 1 )? o i nwßk W a rrnl l riU ' ! ! , i’* ’--’• ! ' ” UA».kll r <nirvs; 3 !ux-. » t -jj,,],..; ~r v ., r , t. a n 7- ocerhug t.hicai.xs BtamvuJt ' r< »-