The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 12, 1898, Image 2

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FOB Ibis Week We Will Sei) 500 pieces Skirt Cambric, all colors, 3c. ISO pieces printed Dimities, worth 10c 4c nor. » pci years 100 pieces French Ginghams, sc. JOO pieces White Lawn, worth 2Oc, for I O per y ard ' » 4 >/X,z ' Z^ZKXV \Z iW»W»**W»W»»»»W****»******WW»B , •••••••*•*«»« »♦**♦♦♦«»♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦ SILKS 3t SATINS | , • CORSETS and HOSIERY. t Beet quality Taffetas, all colors, 70c. MF W ‘4k Best quality Taffeta, black, 60c. |y W 1 lot corsets, worth $2, $1.50, $1 to go at 75c. Taffetas fcr waists, $1.50, $1.25, sl, for 75c. ■ . • 250 dozen ladle’s’ hos >, black, wrt i 30c, for 18c. y W| 27 in ludia Silk, Black and colors, 37 l b ‘2c. Z dozen misses hose, black and tan, worth 25c for 1 V 2 mmmww ** w • HHHHmmw* j MOUSSELI NE DE SOIE AND LIBERTY SILK 6Oc PER YARD. 1 LADIES’ WAISTS (• S RIBBONS i | haVfc the k? ?t stock of ribbons in Rome. We will se |; ® Worth $1» All sizes and colors. I THIS WEEK ! © .133 13 percent. l« (t h. ua „v Other b.,u,e in B „„„. g TURKISH BATH TOWELS, EXTRA IXrGE, WORTH 30 FOR 121-2 c. _ I ? .I.kITTWI. BRfll/E HOBSON. Sampson Writes of the Gal lant Alabamian. HIS DEED WAS HEROIC. Detailed Official Report of The Merrimac Incibent. Washington, June 11.—The navy department today posted the following bulletin giving a detailed official report from Ad mirrl Sampson upon heroism of Lieut. Hobson and his men in sinking the Merrimac in the Santiago channel: “Flagship New York, off San tiago, June 3, —Permit me to call your attention to Assistant Naval Contructor Hobson. As stated in a special telegram be fore coming here I decided to make the harbor entrance se cure against the possibility of egress by Spanish ships by ob structing the narrow part of the entrance by sinking a collier at that point. Upon calling upon Mr. Hobson for his professional opinion as to a sure method of sinking the ship he manifested the most lively intereet in the problem. After several days con sideration he presented a solu tion which he considered would insure the immediate sinking of the ship when she reached the dosired point in the channel. This plan we prepared for execu tion when we reached Santiago plan contemplated a crew only seven men and made Hebeon commander, who beg- ged that it might be entrusted to him. The anchor chains were arranged on deck for both the anchors, forward and aft. the plan including the anchoring oi the ship almost automatically. “As soon as I reached Santi ago and had the collier to work on the details were diligently prosecuted hoping to complete them in ore day, as the moon and tide served best the first night after our arrival. Notwith standing every effort the hour of 4 o’clock in the morning ar rived and the preparation was i J scarcely completed. After a care ful inspection of the final pre f parations I was forced to relin , quish the plan tor that day as > dawn was breaking. Mr. Hobson begged to try it at all hazards. . This morning proved more pro- > pitious as a better start could t be made. 3 “Nothing could have be«n - more gallantly executed. We > waited impatiently after the . firing of the Spaniads had|ceas f ed. When Hobson and crew did . not reappear from the harbor at ? 6 o’clock I feared that they had t all perished. A steam launch i which had been sent in charge 1 of Naval Cadet Powell to rescue f them appeared at this time com -1 ing out under a persistent fire 3of the batteries,but brought none . of the crew. “A careful inspection of the i harbor from this ship showed f | that the vessel Merrimac had i been sunk in tiie channel. This , afternoon the chief of staff of Ad . miral G’evera came out under .* Hag of truce with a letter fr< m r I the admiral extoling the braver' . of the crew in an unusual inai.- . ner. _ j A NOTABLE CAMPAIGN. It is the yeueral remade 1 >hat the oest campaign made Uy any state house candidate wjbM’that made by Hou O. B. Stwjbiia, of Terrell, who it to be next Commissioner of fa I fur e. Mr. btevens entered the Mh with out any political combi naCTone or’ other strong influence* to halts him, and he h d to figljt every inch of the way. > But not until laat night did _hg siop to look behind him |Vhen he counted up last night b$ Sad 228 votes sure, and then he WW forth original estimate aacWehowed it to a group of Some weeks ago he put 225 votki ! in hia column. He missed it, fiw-will be heen just three votee. * “ But who can wonder ‘at such accurancy or such succeaa after witnessing such a race. Few t»ucli campaigns have ever been waged by any candidate in Georgia. Mr. Steveiiß, in the first place, started out to visit 100 countieaof the 137 in the state. He managed to vidit and do active, telling work in just ninety-six of the number. And he earned about as many at t he visi d. The politicans in Atlanta tall it m him that he slept in the same bed with every ouu of tha guber natorial and state house candi dates, and even offered to share his Ind with Commissioner Nebitt aim? -if at one place. I'hia would iot aiguethat he has bean holding » itb .he hare and running with Guo bounds, Lu; merely that be has b everybody’s friend and everyoody has been his friend. He has been open, fair and (rank with all of the other candi dites, and in this way he has re Gained their confidence and their riendship. He has, perhaps seen ia person and talked to more *peo* pie than any other candidate in the race, and hie election only shows what merit can do when coupled with indefatigability, en ergy and superlative political ac ramen. '<f ie» Nrwe. Sour Stomach 1 1 **aiWr I WM IbSmM «• try CAMA- • ■WW. 1 vtll MTN bv viibouk lb«m In the bou.v. My liver «m in • eery bat and mj bend nebed and I bad Monutcb trouble Nov. elnee tak »■* Caeearvia. I feel See. My wife bee alto need tbea with beaeSelnl reeulte for sour etomacb ' JOS. KHMLIXS. UM CougroM St.. St Louie. Me. CANDY Vleaaaoi. Palatable. Potent. Tatta Good. Do SsoS, Nover Sloken. Woaken, or Grlpd?lOe. JSc. SOe ... CUMM CONSTIPATION. ... •MHMs Seaetr Caaeear. OUaee. baetrMi. lev fwk. til mtiui - *a»H i sin. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAYib “Mystic Curefo* r Rheumatism and Neuralgia rad cally cures in Ito 8 days. De action upon the system is remarkable and myste rious. It removes at oflce the cause and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by Curry Arrington Co. Roms, Ga. ★ ★ tVI as leaser aepfly Mr soedsto Sealers to sell agaia. At the same time, any ne who has bought our seeds of their Kai dealer during either 1896 or 1897 will e sent our Meusal of “Everything tor the orSea" torlSN rnrr provided they •SO7 by latter rKtt ln( j give the ,ame of the local Merchant front wheat say hoagbL To all others, this magnifi ent Maasal, every copy of which costs us • casta to place In your hands, will be sent free on receipt of IS ceate (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like this Manual has ■ver been seen here or abroad ; it is a book )f Mt pages, contains SOS engravings of •eeds and plants, mostly new, and these are tupplcmented by S full size colored plates if the best novelties of the season, finally, OUR “SOUVENIR SEED COLLECTOR will also be sent without charge to all appli cants sending It cts. for the Manual who will vtate where they saw this advertisement. UH A M Unti»M Win boh< Ito AttoHw. ' W- ~”St lE f '* -X/fXu * •'’ ’*■ • - Mil Alt » ?-• 4k- •" »'■*■ »• " -**• •** * “ ••• •• • •••♦ •• >’ | A WHOLE CLUB I H Ca 1 I I w v Make I -B Better h fl Running | ■ Time | || ■= s ;L.—l t,f PVHK CO»*VA»GW».|a» * I carry a full and line of jewelry, iuclu- •Sg ding Diamonds My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev er more complete. WEDDING) PRESENTS B J. K Williamson | _ -4 CANDY CQNSTIPATIQN ,Oc all 25c 50c • DRUGGISTS □if LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLES- - Offers the public the finest-teams, oestjeonvey • ances and in st puli e and cou: teousjdrivers. Ihe best stock’of horsts and muleson sale con stantly. cGfciMBcOS RQAB STREtT, IWHt< G£l