The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 12, 1898, Image 3

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■ a W ori 10 Say About ■LThru its. ■3 STEADY IN BOAT ■ LMk . Sanely Over The ■ rroU eled Waters Cou«l'it' o; ’ M'^.< °> 'T K T x' U,bed the fn* ud9 b ‘ t* tat »H. bot H Beemß W, t u 0" * m!8 “ 1>, ’ re ' 8K..,, execution lax V T Sanford, of Floyd fl while the latter was a Uiditeior re-election against IVaudiver. Os Mr. S.nford-0 o( them .1 l.eet-el«“> th.t pratree ••• iMUed for P °? I , ffec t. when, ae a matter of lt j g one of the ordinary and uliory practices of the comp* r general’s cffice and is being all the time. Regarding oiut, General Wright eaid to fititutton representative yes-. |May morning: ■|] the facts in the transaction EL tbs 11 bad absolutely no per ■| nor political interest nit | ver saw Mr. V andiver ; ■l. 10 far as I know. Mr. I ■ford turned in papers mg collection on account of . ■ It ] taxes to the amount i ■ |2,050 ' wroV'him naif doien times the money, and he did not ■it. I waited nearly five wee l a r, and then is.soed an execu -1,. I could do nothing else. It is ordinary course of buisness of M d partment, and is done fre* . Mutly in order tskeepour affairs IMloae touch with the treasury. Mo not think that th-. time has Mjv«d—or evar will arrive—in Morgia when a state official is to ■adversely criticised for doing that which is hie plain duty Mi which the law directs What I Mto Mr. Sanford I would do to Moan brother under the same Mcumstaucei ■Suiter at Mobley’s. —Misses ■loan and Lydia Wood corapli- Mnted their guest, Miss Berry Mice, of Rock Spring, with a ■arming supper at Mobley’s ■rings Friday evening. Eight ■uples went out and a most de ■litful evening was spent bv ■BoYouGgtit?— I have ex ■usive charge of the circulation Bpartinent of the Ilustler-Com ■‘Per promptly, report to me |>d it will be attended to. The Inscription is 10 cents per l ee k, payable every Saturday-. I ease have the money ready fheu the collector calls. Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. BUSINESS COLLEGE M Mid Wl!l reccive y° UI ‘K Kt t?H d1 ? 8 , now at the actuai Km thr ie ,^ ode K e for carrying coiirs? a a d h °r OUgh conißier - Lk, “L ’ d urnish board, L* M e<JU,n, ercial blanks and tl,ue note for tuition f “ ’ecured '’lu* 1 ™I** 1 ** THE Pi3T teak. “‘“shioami?• Uache, ‘ 8 of Pen fial depart, I ,liC, P*la of commer- Se,,d * f,rst ," d '""y«Pl«lne<l •“donM kv 1 , mps: w strongly “*1 Profewik„ Ul l' dredH of Business £• KMuat* i’T Who em Pl°y or ! Ihe People Believe What They Read About Hood’s Sarsaparilla Their Faith in This Medicine is Grounded on Merit They Know It Absolutely- Curev When Other Medicines Fail Hood’s Sarsaparilla is not merely a sjjn -1 pie preparation of Sarsaparilla, Dock Still'ngia and a little lodide ol Potassium. Besides these excellent alteratives, it 1 also those great anti-bilious*nd liver remedies, Mandrake and Dandelion. It also contains those great kidney reme dies, Uva Ural, Juniper Berries, and Pipsissewa. Nor are these all. Other very valuable curative agents are harmoniously cotn ' bined in Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and it is carefully prepared under the personal supervision of a-regularly educated phar macist. Knowing these facts, is the ’biding faith the people have in Hood’s Sarsaparilla a , matter of surprise? You can see whj Hood’s .Sarsaparilla cures, when othe medicines totally, absolutely fail. “My little girl was afflicted wit eczema and suffered for seven years. Si was attended by physicians and trie many different kinds of n>eli<in. viih out relief. After taking a tew bottles o 1 Hood’s Sarsaparilla she v/t s cured.” Mrs j Emma Fbankun, Honeoye, New York. Hood’s s paX Is **e Best—-in fact the One True P-lood I’iir.fn' SI; six for sft. C. 1. Hood & Co.. I.ov.vd. Mas Hood’s Pill> . - Sheriffs Tai Sales For July. 1898, GEORGIA,FLOYD COVNTY, Will be sold before the court' house door in the city of R<_ me i I Fioyd county G»., between the I lege 1 hot re of tale on the fiistl ; Tuesday in July 1898, the follow ing described property by v ; tue of state and county tax fi fas is- I ,-u»-d by thet: x collector of Floyd county Ga.. and against the fol lowin': named defendants: All that tr.i t or parcel of land, lying and being in the Etowah di vision of the city .of Rome, Floyd county Ga.,it being part of lot Nj 1 in said division, fronting 38 feet on Broad street, extending back 110 feet. Bounded on the West bv property formerly owned by J. G. Dailey, on the Sooth by lot former ly owned by J. A. Bale, on East by lot formerly owned by W. Fl. Webb. Also lot No. 2, same divis ion of said city and county front ing 28 feet on Broad street and extending back 127 feet. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V . T. Sanford, T. C., in favor of state and countv vs. R. H. Jones, as the property of the de fendent. Tax 1897. Also at the same time and place, ail that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in Floyd county Ga .. and being part of lots No. '822 and 326 in Third district and Fourth «-ection, lying ou West side of Cedartown road, beginning at the line of the Southeast side of the Gibbons place, running up the Alabama read to within 80 feet of Kamp’s shop, thence South to the fence, thence along the fence to the Cedartown road thence ut the road towards Cedartown about 560 yards to a fence, running West of the line of the Gibbons and Parks place, thence on a marked line to starting point, containing 51 acres more of less. Levied on bv virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V. T. Sanford, T. C., in favor of the state and county vs Wm S. Gibbons, as the property of the defendent. Tax 1897. Also at the sanin time and place lot No. 85 in block “B” of origi nally the town of Desoto, now the Fourth ward ct the city of Rome Floyd county Ga., fronting on West Fifth street 89 feet and ex tending back 260 feet. A iso part of lot No. 43 in the Fourth ward of said city and county, fronting on avenue C.BB feet and extending back 200 feet and being the place I whereon the defendeut now resides. Levied upon by virtue of 8 tax fi I fas issued by John J Black, ter mer tax collector in favor of the state and county vs. Mrs, Geo. A. H. Harris, as the pronertv of the defendant. Taxes 1892, 1893 ano 1894. CARGO OF ARMS SEIZED. 1 Hong Kong, June 10. —The police have seized a cargo of 1 arras on board the British steam er Pasiga, owned by the Tsung 1 Yung of this city. It is suppos ed the arms were destined for the insurgents of the Philippines j > They were seized under the neu trality. SBIFR aw f>i- JULY 1898. I GEORGIA FLOYD COVNTY Uid be sold before th' court house dcoi in the city of Rome. Floyd Co, G-j.. ('tween the legal hours of sal”. < ■< the first Tuerduy in Ju'y 189e the following described property to wit: All that piece or parcel of land ly.iig and being in Floyd county, state of Georgia and that part qI said county known as the addition of J. R. Stevens, deceased, to East Rome, a plat of which said addi tion is recorded and registered «n book X page 66 of records of the Superior Court of Floyd 3ounty same being lot No. 3 and contain-' ing two and one filth acres m re or lefß. Said lot fr-.n’s 122 feet on the Cedartown road, running back between parallel lines to a 60 foet street said lot’s north boundary line extends 800 feet, said lot’s south b mndary line extends 82b feet. L vied upon by virtue of an execution issued from the city court of Atlant* in favor of the Southern Home Building and Loan A-sociation vs. Annie S. Lester as the property of the Deft. Also at the same time and place o»e resident lot with buildings thereon, being citv lot No 104 in North Rome Floyd county Ga.. ficntingon co-ocr of Broad street 30 teet and running back same j width 90 feet along Third street and being one b'oek from the j Rome and Decatur R. R. depot. ! Levied upon by virtue of two tax 1 fi fas in favor of the state and ( county for the use of W. T Chen ey trans. vs. Win M. Bridges. , tax 1895 and 1896. as the property of W. M. Bridges. Al so at the fam - time and place l all that tract or parcel of hnd lying and being on the r’l-iht oi l road from Rome to Roec -’s Spring bounded cn sou’h by J. J. Ree'-e i on the cast by Priutup’s Ci'y on the West bv road to Reece's Spring. co’itaniug 1 eighth o 1 nn acre more or less. Said piece of land being in the shape of a smootning .ro’n, al) in the 23rd district and 3< d section of Floyd county Ga and about 1 and one half miles north of the city of Rome. Levied upon by virtue ol two fi fas issued from the jn-tice court 1234 district G. M. Fulton county Ga , one in favir of A. W. Ballew and the other in favor of Elmo Bailew and b .th against Melvina Stickney, as the property of the deft. Levy made by Byars L. C. J. P. McConnell, Sh'eriff. Irtil's in Silis HF JULY IM Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd county Georgia between the legal hours of sale, on the first r Uesday in July 1898, the following described property, by virtue of City of Rome tax fi fa in favor of the city of Rome, Gorgia and against tbe following defendants: Also at the same time and place, one house and lot in the First ward of the city of Rome fronting on an alley 50 feet more or less and 80 feet deep more or less. Bounded on the West by an alley and on the Sjuth by the property of John Kane and on the North by Boundary street and on the East b)’ the pro] ertj of Rachael Carroll. Levied on as the property of Johu Wright estate, by special execution against this property for the use of W. J. Nunnally and Chas. Wright tor tax due the city of Rome for ’he year 1896 Also at the same time and place, one house and lot in the F.rst ! ward o f the city of Rome Floyd county Ga., fronting on tbe prop erty of the Southern Rai way 60 teet more or less and running bac'< o the property ol Tom Mitchell 80 feet more or less. B (traded on •Be West by the property of the Southern Railway, on the North by the property of Sam Frazier and on the East by the property of Tom Mitchell and on the S )uth by tbe property of J. B. Shrop shire. Levied on as the property of Nancy Fergueson for tax due , the city of Rome for tne year 1896 for the use rs Chas. A- Hight and W, J. Nunntvlv, tTansferecs. J, B. Shropshire, City Marshal OWifT 'L. 'JI-T- 1 "!.*-*" *-* Fine cow T for sale. Gives four gall oils milk. H. D. Cothran. VVWIMMMA MffM-wai'HMni ' • -..fnA-rii » l rnruij..>nwu—ATWi~iil.Lnr-iAia”aMJ < MU-- n-p~ I I School Supplies. -Jh I We are pioneers in the school books and school sup- t ply busim ss and we are also right up-ro-da*e in every ’ha* should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. »>> I B I i w m.» .J No house the stHte car. serve von better when von de- sire to invest in a new coverin'? fcr tee dear rid walls or <«< your home. See our stock on hand and samp’es . ’ | H. A. SMITH, | || THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. 1 t ' < bllllll l1tititit iiiftif II I To the People of Rome. <»> ¥ I announce that I have bought the Model kiJ j S’eam Liunlry an! oropise t> rearrange and aid to it ' Vi/ s * that you will h ive in your city a plant second to none VI/ in the south. •>- I have had y * irs of practical experience, the past \y/ thr u e yea’s of wh cb I havi own id and operated one of Vvr the largest plan’s in Texts. With the of experi- ! eoce I hive hi 1 and as 1 wi I d 'vote my entire time an 1 Vt/ I' v attention to the business I will be in a position to guar«> /■V antfte that anything coming to my laundry will be done /Ik. satisfactorily. A trial will c nivince you that 1 can d > all bK /\ th i' I claim Send in y nir bvo II *. If it r ails to please .V' 1V there will be ua charge. St >p our wag mdr telephone /K N » 158, an i your bun lie will b' returned promptly, /ik Hoping t > rec.-*ive a fair shire of y iiic patro.iagi, 1 ain /IV yPurs to please, J -v- I' - H- PARKIN. & tor Model Steam Liundry. /jp ‘ e-.*:,—ja - -ra r --rrs er-.-;i czz. cn;—-c mr T'-'ru rrr . . . - - - - I Saver Tonic Purifies ™ Blood, i t 11 * Ifi ID /. POS/7/VL CP PE OR * Pl ; ' - « Ijj vfiiLU a*’i'r?Eß, (SIFP. / £ {]; i WCTESS. SCK-HHB«m i ft CKiull’ATWii e’ ? L GUEML DEPUTY. Z WJW/ j til Restores g [l i’- K!DM£Y, LIVEB g If; ! .:i “ ' /W 48PLEfN - « AT ALL Will Keep ycur - j’ J T A 3 1 Tv’ f 1 “• '77 DA Vault 5 ‘ ®AL CO : 1 491u “t51 !'■ bl ®::rionSt,N.T. g P ' Z-W’o-. Rum g«rtlk» WCW* '‘Tndi £ [2 in XmM ’Wm to «r«y o p j * i.:ves» pills j>s cents. p p T'r.i e’v ’•enctiibh. I ;%• * Piles* Sick IleLj’Acn. and fp .OvsD.rjiKi, Small S.; Ukei £ h JI - 3 lIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES, w Offers the’public the fi lest teams, Sgjjar.c s and most polite and courteous drivers. Tl e best stockjof horses and smiles on sale con stantly. , ,sce ;n'ii 308 broad street, rjms, geo r THE HODEL LAUNDRY ' Is doin* ths bsstoi w >rk‘ ml guaran tees satisfa3ti Ptljjs are m )st rax-i >lx>. *. ?.!• /•’ * v ’in ai£/ urn, win, .mi A -i - - - > (War I ime Prices. While on the one hand as a result of the war. >. nearly all food products have advanced in price, ; on the other hand, it has had the opposite effect on the Furniture Trade. We must keep our sales up to thp normal standard, and to do this j we realize that goods must be sold lower than ever, and we ure prepar ed and determined to make you lower prices ‘*'22 I on anyth’ng in our bouse than can bo fj.ii’d elsewhere. (Jd» in eis ] Complete and I i Upto Date, I Consisting in part of Jj 1 Bedroom I Suites, ' Pai lor Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, ; Dining Tables, Rockers and Chairs, all kinds Hatracks, Baby Carriages, Mattings, Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens, Iron Beds, etc, ' Also complete line of caskets, coffins, robes, etc , ’at the lowest prices. Call on Rhiidy, Jt j Harvey & Company. P. 8. Don’t , forget that Mr. Lansdell is in charge of our re pair department and that be can mend anything made of wo d.