The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 12, 1898, Image 5

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WEAREGOINGOUT! - - We Are Goins to Quit the Retail Dry Goods Business In Rome, XX X SES SMI XXX .x-v-i vA.-V. XX X ~x: x x.’x x XXXV '\'x\' x'XW'" x'XW' x'x'x'xW'x'x'x"* x'x\\ X x'xW' C v'. Cx'?? x' X> \ S . x' x' si x' x' V Since this announcement went out it has been churned that we published such a purpose on a former occa sion. Not true. We never said before we were going out of business; we never said anything like it. We -’ow say we shall ret out of this business as soon as possible. Will you help us out if we pay you well for the help? I'h’e help will be mutual. We’ll make prices lower than ever was writen about, talked about orenjoyed in this par t of the moral vineyard. Come at once. We will sei! goods at less than 30 cents on the dollar. Nothing in the house above cost except Butterick’s patterns and contract corsets, which weare unable to control, everything else shall go for what it will bring, nothing above cost. Millinery usually affrords 50 per cent profit. We'll now give 1 Waists worth $1 at 39c; those worth 50c to ffo at 29c- those worth youyour selections at cost and charge you nothing for Miss 39c we put on the counter at 19c. o a o ar zjc, tn ose worth Jer'swork. ,5.0,00 Yards summer Wash Fabrics, that cost us 10 15 and 20c „ . x xrr ■ x„ xa x =a x , andmo e, and we’ll make one price for them-6 cents a yard! Never goys'Shirt Waists tnat cost us 40 cents, 50 cents and to cents such bargains. Dotted Swiss for which we paid 46c a ard, we’il we'll orice at only IO cents. Any boys’ Shirt Waist in our house for sell at 2-> Dotted Swiss that cost us 20c you may buy in this bale 10 ce-its They 11 Bo in a jiffy--two to a customer. Ladies Shirt at 10c. Figured Duck vVorth 12 1-2 cto boffered at 6". At some price we are going to sell out and quit soon. Tried hard tosell in bulk; could not do it. Now they go St retail. ' Customers who have been paying for their purchases from us monthly may continue to do so. Short time accounts we’ll accept as cash. Thanking you in advance for such patronage as you may give. A\ x * xx x x x x X XXXXXIXXX XXXX X X X X XXXXXX XXX X X XAX..X XXX\ XX X X X-AV.X-X- XXX--XXXXX XXWX X X X- BASS BROS. & CO. All shoes, Clothing, Hats and everything at or below cost, tes:: Says.the Acworth Pest: .ferine mer are going to war, fldubtless, because they can’t get-married and some because ’ tlitfy can’t get a divorce. k, > 000 .s - And Sampson seem to have] 1 itemembeied the Virginias. San-I tiago, it will lie recalled, is the <place where a Snauish comman dt‘i' stood several dozen Ameri cans against a wall and then • £;sliot them to death not so many /.years ago,, / L u 000 an The d tilted States imports , froitn Cuba sugar, leaf tobacco, > oigrtfat, cigarettes and cheroots, -* mol^se^fruits, nuts, iron ore, tiopicai woods and manufactur eis of hides and skins, chemicals, ! drugs and dyes. 000 Ike Jackson 'limes, a few d“js before the primary gave kve reasons why it would not for (Joi. Candler, the wildest one of which was the "following : is not capacitated, intelli- Sdutlv, morally, or otherwise to the high position he seeks.” e quote the above to show * liata ’> ugly dish of crow the 11,068 ‘‘“'de for itself when it "'' nt so far beyond the bounds e »itiniate criticism.—Macon Mews. 000 . A,ltor J °hn Triplett, the Nes tOr °f Georgia jq ac ] )e | or et ]i torg) lds the following to say of the anular young editor of the Sa ah Press: Editor Stoval', a ' !| ig sipped unique in the a ()w of Chapultupec, and n/.i'* 1 7 UII tlle Mexic »n belles ,e f; T famed City Q f Mexico recently, is trying to inveigle the Georgia Press Association to Cuba, where, on the Prado, he would meet the dark eyed seno ritas who inhabit the Queen of the Antilles. We refer the matter to Sim Blalock and Dick Grubb. o o c “Never marry a girl who is not industrious—-you might want her to support you some time,” wisely suggests theCath burt Leader. 000 Judge Maddox defeats Judge Harris for the congressional nomination by an almost clean sweep, and will succeed himself in congress for this district. The lesson for ourselves and tho de feated candidates, whose cause we espoused, is that the step ping stone to success is defeat. So on we go.—North Georgia L. I Citizen. . 000 Out of the 137 counties into which the state of Georgia is di vided, 100 declared for Candler last Monday. The endorsement is one as well worth having as is the man who received it.— I Brunswick Tinies. 000 Washington dispatches state; that the war revenue bill will impose a tax of “one cent on each birth in a sleeping car.’ Unless the bill hits the Pullman porters its effectiveness will be seriously impaired. 000 The quartermaster general’s department has already purchas ed 8,000 mules, 2,400 wagons and 300 ambulances for the Cuban campaign 000 Editor Stovall, of the esteemed Savannah Press, says: “It is safe to say that had the race continued a month ’onger Mr Berner would have sto >d a good chance for the nomination, for lie was breaking into Colonel t i Candler’s strongholds very per ' ceptibly.” Evident!} Bro. Sto vall intended- this -is a joke. • A careful review of the returns show that Candi 'ate B rm r did not even “break in”» ‘o the' stronghold of his own di-trict, losing six of the ten counties in the Sixth. Really, had the race lasted a month longer the people of Georgia would have made the nomination of Mr. Candler I unanimous.—Americus Times- Recorder. 000 An Atchison young lady went ; away the other day f r a week’s visit and took a trunk. Her father went away this morning for two weeks, and took an ext a shirt wrapped in a newspaper.— Atchison Globe. 000 While Spain’s treasury i- get ting in a worse and worse c n jdition she should remember that i this war is c isting us a pile ot wealth all of which will have to be paid by her. 000 A man, arrived in Dili >n ! Mon lay whb had neve'- .heard of “Cervera being bottled up.” And he did’t know a war was in progress. But that was n.i ural l —he lived in Rome, an 1 hadn’t! been out of that village siuco the ' war had been declared. —Dalton Argus. When a Roman falls from < grace and decides to enter upon an active train robbing life, its natural for him to show up in • Bohannenville, on Monday, in order to put in a full weeks work. If the Argus will open anout two of its one hundred eyesit wili see that the Dalton ! boys who went to th. front w t there under the leadi- ship <>' Rome officers —it will also s < that John W M iddi x had :li. ,( temerity to oppose bo;’) of 1) -1 ton’s line weeklies and toil f Whitfield, like Fiord, wheeled into his cola a i 1 t I Tested and Tried I I For2ste f ... , £ Would, you feel perfectly > M safe to put all your money g in a new bank ? One you have just heard of?’ < fe‘ But how about an old ..M E bank ? One that has done £ ft- business for over a quarter of a century ? One that has « i £ always kept its promises ? £ ft- One that never failed ; never «f »■ misled you in any way ? J $ You could trust such a bank, ft- couldn’t you? T SCOFFS I f EMULSION I ft Os COD-LIVER OIL WITH a| HYPOPHOSPHITES is just X h. like such a bank. It has never « * disappointed you, never will. > . h It has never deceived you, .3 ! (h never will. i iv Look out that someone I X does not try to make you x I R invest your health in a new J ] ft- tonic, some new medicine 1» you know nothing of. i* ft a ,oc. and $:.oo; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. CHEAP RATES. Ou ac -ount of the meeting < f I the South irn Biblical Assembly nt Ku ixville, Tenn., June IC— -25th, 1811 S, the Southern rail way w ill sell tj»k ets from points on its lines to Knoxville and re urn at rate of one fare f r the round trip. Tickets will be sold on June 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, with final limit June 27 ; also on | June 20 and 21, with final limit July 4, 18'j8. Foi further inform rion anclj descriptive circular r lative the same plea e call on agent of to South rn railway. NOHCE TO SUBSCRIBERS. A”, bills for subscription to II u tier Commercial are payabh Pau! C. Jack, or order, and are d-e Saturday of each week. Have your money n ady when the collectorjjcalls. Pau! C. Jack, « Mgr.'circulatioirt dept. i 1 hePreferred Accident J; INSURANCE COMPANY, NEVtf YORK, ’ T ’ rHf< T rH< t •*’ P“li f •!>'» arc adapted for hits!nees men, and special policies are I ' ,,r oanaei tor jHiysleuns . snrgt-ous and dentists, and for traveling men. The l*fe- , j lerrect is an old line stock company with assets of over M>o,ooo <K). JOHN R THORNTON, A ~ rL - ANTA , GA_ • O • • STATE MANAGER THE ARHSTRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga Beiiiiiar ■ , Special Boarders Rates Wanted. imii p. -Os—. '--Th--- 1 ' .. - ..... j The'place to get]a quick, good meal.' McCALL A& YOUNG, Proprietors. 3 Best White GLEHORNS! i: For the very pest breed and most XX X perfectly marked fowls, leave orders #-> with J. T, Crouch & Co,, $3 p?r trio. Splendid cockerels only $ 1. it I- D. GAILLIARD. ' f* && && &&x xae x xxx x ? Repairing wi •Don’t Walk On I I Your Uppersit |W,A.MULLfN'X,^ n ; v--<