The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 12, 1898, Image 8

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SPANIARD ASA FIGHTER. \V« hud the following paragraph i) th** weekly circular ktbrni c out by Caru-y, Stokes A Co., the New York brekore. “It is a remarkable fact in Spanish history, and develops from the peculiarities of Spanish ua'ure that they do not surrender and cannot surrender. To give up in lai guage does not seemtc b> in th# Spanish imug'na ion. As far as ac tual deeds are concerned, they du surrender, but they seem never to surrender in language or in writ ten documenta. Vie do not rxpse Ute war to terminate, therefore, at an early date by an absolute agree ment, but we du expect the Spanish toicit to give vay, ivui to th hbai d- nment of their colonies The Americans will tvke Santiago, they will take Porto Rico, and probably the Pni ippines, yet the Spaniards will ke p on boasting to the bitterend.” FIRED UN BY MISTAKE. Texas Big Shells Luckily Miss ed The American Vessels. New York, June 11. —A Cape Haytier" cable says that the Texas mistook the Marblehead and Vix en in the night for Spanish torpe dopoa's and fired upon them. The shells missed them and they qnickly gave the signal ard es caped barm. LETTERS MISSING With Money Which Was In tended For Soldiers. Cbicamauga, Ga., June 11. — Postoffice inspectors are here investigating the charges that thousands of letters for soldiers containing money sent from home are missing. It is estimated that fully 2000 letters containing on an average of $5 each or a total of SIO,OOO, have never reached the parties for whom they were intended. Mr. Halsted Smith, a promin ent attorney of Rome, is m tilt city, register d at the Kimball. He is here to attend superioi court. —Coustutim. HOW’S THIS! We offer One Hundred Hart Reward for any case of Catarrl that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chbney A Co. , Props, To ledo, O We the undersigaed, have known F J. t heney for the ast 15yeare, and believe him perfectly honor able in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by tLeir firm West A Traux, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, o- Wai,ding, Kinnah & Marvin, Whole?al» Druggists, Toledo, O. Hail’s Catarrh Cure is taker int rnally, a c t i ng, directly upon the bloc d and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle, S Id by all Druggists. Testimonials free, MERCHANT’S DAUQHTEF| Port Earner, Ga., June 9, 1898. J. B. McVV hotter, a well-known general dealer of this place.state* that tie daughter has been taking. Hood's Sarsaparilla for impure blood, and it has restored her t< to her ful' health. He says he has sold this medicine for several years and it has given general satis faction. Thi same report comes from dealers and others who hav taken ‘Hood’s in ». 1 parts of the country. A hcuse ai.d lot in the Fifth wardof the city of Rome Fioy< county Ga., fronting on Forest stresi feet and running back same width 125 feel to the corner of R. H. O Barr’s lot. Same be ing a lot on the North side of For rest stree*, the Southeast cornet ot which is 255 feet from Main St. Levied ou by virtue of a tax fi fa in favor of the Mayor and council of the city of R me vs. Mrs. T L. Cornelius as the property < f Mrs. T. L Cornelius for taxe- due said city for the year 1897 for tht use of W ,T. ( heney. transferee, Aiso at the same time a"d pice I thut tract of land with improv -1 ; rnenf s located in Ij• g t <t •»:.«!/ an I • Cbish dm addi'ion to tie city of i RontH Ga .. and known »*• frit, tii t of 10l No. 62, being a j t.rl of that fraction purchased by II M Wright of Mrs. E A Spullock on which ihtiro is a two room friqned hosse. Bounded m the East b\ Chisholm street, u ■ the South I>> Dun< hoo’a house in 1 lot, an 'Io West by the Southern isilwn> right of way and o j tin North In property of Dai b y’s estate. I, • vi< <! on by virtue of » tax fi la in fnv< r of the Mayor and Council of 111. city of Rome vs. Lula Tl.omp-on. ns her property for tax ■» du s o ; city for tl.e year 1897. f r th# u of W.T, Cheney, transf. r. e. Also at the same time and place lot No. 5 in 'he Hardin and M ute subdivision of the Fifth ward oi the city of Rome, Gu , fronting 58 feet and 4 inches on I'eniruti ton and running back same width 156 teet. Levied on .by virtue of a tax fi fa in favor of the Mayor and Council of the city of ‘Rcnoe vs. Mrs A. B. Barker as the property o' defendant, for taxes due s.ud. city for 'he year 1807, f r the use of W. T. Cheney, traneb ree. W. Guice, Deputy Marsh WHEN TRAVELING Whether on pleasure bout, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, acts most pleasantly and effect uallv on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, head aches, and other forms of sick ness. For sale in 50 ent bottles by all leading druggists. .Manti i factured by the California Fig Syrup Company only. SUMMER SCHOOL. I will open m ■ summer school on the fi"Bt Monday in July.!-’ p.cia attention given to pupils prepar ing for the university. Palemcn J. King ATTORNEYS. J, BRANHALC, Law Oflice, SOOlsast First Street, . ROME, GA. AB, W. U N DERWOOD, Attorney at 1 aw, Home, Ga. Corporal’,n Law Only. MB HJLTIBJKISrKS, Atterney at law. OfliceKing Building. Hume, <>a. W H. SITISfIS, \ttorney at Law Will Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple. Uoine. Ga ■w. J NEBL attorney at law. Will practice in all court- i Special attention given to commercial Jaw uid the examination cl' land titles. office in King building, Jioine, Ga. WALTER attorney at law’ and J. I’. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.'s. LIPSCOMH <Sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. irtlce in ArmstMng hotel building, l< >me, G >■ j. s an r y o a. wforb attorney at law, Home, Ga. Collections i peelally. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 240 1-3 Broad. Over Cantrell & Ow en. J L PENNINGTON. D ,D S.,M D KNTIST- Office. 305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hauks Fin tiiture Co. § PHYSICIANS. o. HaMILTO I>g Ivl 13 Physician and Surgeon Office, M.-din. t Winding Rome. Ga. O ce 'phone ,No 6 • I_. F HAMJUONL-. Ivl. ID., p Physician land Surgeon, 'Office in Medica. building. Residence, No. 403 West First s' Gffice 'phone No 62. 1 Mrs. A. luveon, residing at 7_'( . Henry St.. Alcon, 11l ~ sufferc-' , with sciatic rheumatism for ovi dght months. She doctored for i nearly the whole of this time using various remedies recom mended by friends, Mid w treated by the physicians, but re ceived no relief. She then used i m 1 uid a half hotties of CbamberlaiL Pain Balm which effected a cou - ple e cure. This is published at ler request, as she wants olheit similarly afflicted to know what •tired her. Tl.e 25 and 59 cent ‘ "Z? 9 for sile by, Curry-Arringtoh Misses Julie and Octavia Smitl ire at home from IL ne. Mi: Octavia has be<u alb uding She i r college, and MissJuhn has b o rn an tx'ended visit to the Hb —.IW- -- ana City. Cartersville N.’ws. : I’. WOGTEN.V ■ ■*A ' , L SttCclLors to 51 S <' R ARM AC Y, 1 \-4. . «' v S 3 399 Broad’ilt..’— New ('larkTmiMitig. c m ( ... : . - ?. 4* We have bought the Mi'l’t 1; < ! lb" Ih ino ! ® I’l.-"inacy and:i re | >re|jai‘. *'o■i "i >1 \ ■ 1 dr want- in f ■x4 ! ' !< 'tig. piescription and pnt- ' t n.'tn i-aue lim-. (an '' him I: is complete and of ihv ,v-i v hi ; _i •<> igi .'dm 20 Wo solicit a part of vour pa'.pm.■■ e and -li 'I <m- p ’431 d-T or to the I wit of our . alnli'l \ .to j i t e ion :it rli t tin;; -. We should be to nave vbu cill <"1 ns h ull line of druggist’^stiiblrios, tcV' t jtiicl .- :-ml , ,-«i such things as are usually carru d ’in r iii.-t cla-.- '.in:; >D» store. Cigars and tobacco. s Come to see us, r '• ' t : . ntHtinHiinr. . W ‘ S j ... i S. MS rk« pX , . ’ ’ X- >ti ~ . .. Ft I . •jL*' ■ : D ugherty Bidj, th:.;. H. * . *. 1H . ■ ■ ■ jx# K- ’ . ■ - ■■ ■ ■ H F. II NSON. NORRIS N. SMI TH. •IHANSONSi fCO Plumbing and Tinning. Engineers’ ; and ■ni3.Cn inisLs $ supplies. Stoves, ranges and 1; tinware. Cias and ■y lures. INSURANCE" Hi ■ 2 stoves. Water meters. * ?2'f Broad st. Piwne 32. .. 1; • ’ I x*WWMvIMKbMMII JIMVkIMMKbMMIMItaW ■I’S* • Si.ij’inl 5 > ii) sairU ?o. 5 I. A. GAMM J ■ ' ARE ‘ VAtT ING . .. .. , foifceveryone in Rom. t > . sec the im guiliucu -I-. on in 'it's iliai'-boy’s ci lii x ! Zak • k’ lc y cle ' ;UH i t-°if • suits, vh; 1 : ai'’ dui'ig', blii wo i-,wtliikg while w wait. W’e r blie ( fi!' .-I -.1 .f. >* clothing,' dif'.J,e fium- ih" > ■ -. ti-r.-ni:- ;,.i r perfect •likij.ig-and inm -cm , ; j • .be f<Ml'!M»H'olL. ;; d'A'iv Ccitir'Ciiiiun iirv.'iL . - i price. V '• - yV-’t . ibe of n ?g’iigee shirts . -v . r shown income. . ' . •I j. a. GaHmon & ; HNNV ■'' •v-.rsssiiM..xw ca ca -■ ir < Onrs i- the Mos JtL... Denar.ment . ' 5* K H Plant at Cataio. t.« .wr - -jw b C niaileu 11*'“* t h. it.i >w t , t r. (* yot t; nt , . Try us. can refer Qi’-to cust3l ' >J- J . ir. che Union. / t years of square doling has maae r €l ij f r j f TJ'3l .x u;. .i / y , »■ near. Have hunareds of carloads f z IT ANO 03HAOTAL We »end by rr. .1 postpaid. Seds. Bulbs, " Tree--- ' j - at, ..jution p,u.<.. :-teed-. ’■ >y expc ss c. ties." vei.r. 31 . uo, ; , B . , Irffe CO-.. . 52f , v ibi.-B'.iL.- f q-'T-. -is- g To Mnical Posple of Rome; u<it we anno and compli te slo *k ofj IE 188 ; A :n d !'il l 'l .1 '-‘I I I 11.5 li’Ll (H C (][<, 1 in the r.f v Mo ..ley building, 327 Broal street wlrnr. we would bn pleas d to have you call ami exomim our go ids. T I- st »k >• > uists of some of the best m ikes q ! |. ; .a- an 1 organs on th? in irk >t t >diy. We k 'cp fell line of everything pert lining to a first class eiudc store —Something R >me has needed for almig’ime Give us a call and you will find a ma -1 ■ st >re that R mians in ly b i prou I of ~' We are determined to close out our i HCYCBEts ' -- the eariic t possible date. 32 7 Broad Street* S. P. Davis, Manager. X ' ' ' ' x x x \ X \ \ \ \ X \ \:\ \ x \ A x x : We.keep on hand at a full stock of Sheet Music of the very r i I ■ . ■■■ F , * F. J-KANE & CO 24-8 B. oad Street. O -rfft - - ! ol Summer hi ' ■ - ' ■ '■ ■ ' X X X x x \\ '. .\ \ \ Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras ■ ‘ Skirts and Waists * Vv e intend to close out our shoe i stock, soj take advantage of cost series on shoes of the best makes. ■ WM WAWWmWWW Special prices on everything at 2 <E Broad Street* I‘. .. iej)J . cured I. , -'.ic Hit. WHITEHALL’S BIb.'.UMATIC CURE. H ■ ‘ <■ 1 II ? drup;i'ists n a positive guarantee. I’riceo ■ ’ :r . • n meptioft of this pnbHecti'm. t as / H . ' ’ MJ-r.iHMLNF CO South Beno