The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 13, 1898, Image 3

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EviA I ft Nee l and John F-«l’. Kome , «|,o did » tremendous ,t>llr»gA >"“<>< Ci'S. 'narae“' E, “ ls ’ Neel & C °.’ “" a ,|,a !>.>• been ruonmg "'dividual stores for tl*e 4>a»t << wil ] consolidate their business .linterest^dn’ August Ist under of Eads .’: l i i l f eel r/ ne This is remarkable in that * . c01 jl>i)O fcfttr paML-bWess u) enand the south fias no better r dotbiers than these Rome ooys, ■. do ing busies In Mtocbn. ' 0 0 o Mayor Rose, of Milwaukee, said in a speech the other even ' ■ i )lt! that he Wished - that every, woman whose husband is at the i: front inigtrt w.ear some distinc ? tiv'e badge’-sb that he could takfe ‘ ' O ■) O Some of the raw recrifits at Chicamauga furnish no end of • airfusenwHt for. their, more , ser - soned comrades by their ridicu lous blunders. One of the Penn sylvania boys, who was doing [ ’piekePtfaty idieothermight hal - ed a straggler and called out: “You can’t come this way if you I dow't-aay^»U»ltt‘ r .Kilh.’ ” ,An i other guard.sman halted on? of advancing I wkh and this colloquy I jehsued Who comes here*” I ‘•Corporal of the guard with the | i relief “Oh, that’s all I’ right guard, and give I tfifff.elief r ‘ ■ . t,»r ■0 0 0 i The Atchison Globe observes ■ I that there is a bright side even B to a divorce, for it compels, the family to take two copies of the ■>. local! paper instead df .»d *. 3 A / j-: | (One |of tl)» vyextern papers ■ notes thftt w.hen a man brings I his calm’,'coal'judgment to the || solution of a problem his hasty ■ , opinions are very apt to change, ■ as has been illustrated in the I case’bfGeiiefal Joseph Hudson. ■’ -Before tta arriy^lpf his cqipmis sion tht generic thought that the Spaniards ought to be I squelched in a molith. -Now he ■ that the war will last two 6 o o ' '' '■* Indefatigable and unremitting ■ target practice at sea is' the | secrtlt °f the.deadly effect of the I tire of gunniergo'n. American ves at Puertis flico and Ssntiaga. Dewey’s I B °n s trained markmen shoot I better from their.; unstable gun ■ Platforms than can the Span- H *^ r ds from bastioned forts, on I solid rock., ■ A i’> ° 0 0 * A I ... The Gazette said that Candler I would get 10() counties. He al- I re( tdy has 97 and the chances ■ that he will get the 10(1. ■ Burien Gazette. - ■ o o d“ ,/ Di ■ fl's primary election for chief ■ Hstice and two associate jus- ■ ■ l?esof the court will ■... 'O'd-F.'JV ■ma i aW, ' e " W (Kan -) cler S- v - ■ oii 0 U sentenced to ■ cli r ail “ the Penitentiary for ■ in’ ISteal ing- Incomment- ■ Sato-' 0 ' 1 t ' 1 ' S Beuten ce the Kan- I bU ni h J<XUPnal Ba - V8 h “P™- i’tered thar fc i lheiUdge remera - ar \ e “- I Tin 000 ■ Tran™ Ullll ' Inan ol the Boston I P .X 1,1 <,bse '™ : » a . f,,e/ bi “ Ider wL !, y Were cut u, ‘“ Whereupon the T'F * Sour ’Stomach, sometimes called waterbrash, mid burning pain, distress, nausea, dyspepsia, arc cured by Good's Sarsa parilla. This it accomplishes because with Its wonderful power as a blood purifier, Good’s Sarsaparilla gently tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, invigorates the liver, creates an appetite, gives refreshing sleep, and raises the health tone. In cases of dyspepsia and indigestion it seems to have •> a v agio touch.’' “For over 12 years I suffered from sour Stomach with severe pains across my shoulders, and great distress. 1 had violent nausea wnich would leave me very weak and faint, difficult to get my breath. These ■ipelle came oftener and more severe. I did not receive any lasting benefit from physicians, but found such happy effects from a trial of Hood’t Sarsaparilla, that 1 took several bottles and mean to always Seep it in the house. I am now able to do all my own work, which for six years !•' have been unable *.c io. My husband and son have also r>.,e greatly bene fited by Hood’s Sarsi.par -for pains in the back, and after th. >?'•>. I gladly recommend this grand .< <■' nedicine.” Mrs. Peteb Burby, Leo-v:: \ Mass. Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. *t. 'Z_ r*-ss cur * a " ••' ver IHs ; md nood S r*illS Sicrf Headache. 25cento Cleveland Leader says : “Better take another guess. The reports say they are pulled up and cut i under the awnings of the boats.” 'o o o It has been estimated that the amount paid by the United States for pensions in one year would be sufficient to pay all v il»e government expenses of Mexico of every kind for six years. •o o o President Dwight, of Yale, announces that lie would be pleased to have the alumni and friends of the institution furnish it with $4,000,000, and he would like to have it all before 1902. o o o Eugene V. Debs, jn express ing himself as against the war, savs war is national murder; that the poor furnish the victims and whatever the outcome the effect is always the same on the toiling class. o o o Mrs. L. P. Johnson, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, has been nominated for governor —or, perhaps, it should be governoress—by the prohibitionists of that state. Mrs. Naomi McDonald Phlepsis on the same ticket for state au ditor. ADMINIS RATOR SSALE. Gxorgia, Floyd County. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary of said country granted at the May term, 1898, will be fold before the court houne door in the city of Rome, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1898, the fol lowing described property, towit • 80 acres of land, more or less, the same being the west half of lot No 81 in the 23 d district and*3rd section of said county. Said property sold as the property of Ju-lia Parker, deceased Terms ot H»'e cash. W H. Ennis. Admr. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks a,nd accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST TEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les sons In Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ ’ its graduates at Stenography oi Bookkeeping. Address all letters . to the Principal, H. 8. Sbocklby, Rome, Ga. I SHERIFF’S SALES FOR JO Y 1898. UEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY V\ ill be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome. Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuerday in July 189 f the following described property to wit: All that piece or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd county, state of Georgia and that part ot said county known as the addition I of J. R. Stevens, deceased, to East Rome, a plat of which said addi tion is recorded and registered m book X page 66. of records of the Superior Court of Floyd county same being lot No. 3 and contain iug two aiid one fitth acres more or less. Said lot. fronts 12? feet on the Cedartown road, running back between parallel lines to a 60 foct street said lot’s north boundary line extends 800 feet, said lot’s south boundary line extends 82b feet. Levied upon by virtue of an execution issued from the citj’ court of Atlant) in favor of the Southern Home Building and Loan Association vs. Annie 8. Leiter as the property of the Deft. Also at the same time and place one resident lot with buildings thereon, being city lot No 104 in North Rome Floyd county Ga.. ficntingon corner of Broad street 30 feet and running back same width 90 feet along Third street and being one b’oek from the Rome and Decatur 11. R. depot. Levied upon by virtue of two tax 6 fas in favor of the state and county for the use of W. T. Chen ey trans, vs. Win M. Bridges, tax 1895 and 1896. as the property of W. M. Bridges. Also at the tame time and place all that tract or parcel of land lying and being on the right of road from Rome to Reece’s Springi bounded on south by J. J. Reece on the east by Priutup’s City on the west by road to Reece’s Spring. contaning 1 eighth of an acre more or less . Said piece of land being in the shape ot a smootning iron, all in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga and about 1 and one half miles north of the city of Rome. Levied upon bv virtue ot two fi fas issued from the justice court 1234 district G. M. Fulton county Ga., one in favor of A. W. Ballew and the other in favor of Elmo Bailew and both against Melvina Stickney, as the property of the deft. Levy made by Byars L C. All that tra t or parcel of land lying and being in the Etowah di vision of the city of Rome, Floyd county Ga.,it being part of lot No 1 in said division, fronting 33 fee’ Broad street, extending back 110 feet. Bounded on the West by property formerly owned by J. G. Dailey, on the South by lot former ly owned by J. A. Bale, on East by jot formerly owned by W. H. Webb. Also lot No. 2, same divis ion of said city and county front ing 28 feet on Broad street and extending back 127 feet. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued byV.T. Sanford, T. C., in favor of state and countv vs. R. H. Jones, as the pronerty of the de fendent. Tax 1897. Alsu at the same time and place, ail that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in Floyd county Ga ~ and being part of lots No. 322 and 326 m Third district and Fourth -ection, lying on West side of Cedartown road, beginning at the line of the Southeast side of the Gibbons place, running up the Alabama road to within 30 feet of Kamp's shop, thence South to the fence, thence along the fence to the Cedartown road thence ut the road towards Cedartown about 560 yards to a fence, running West of the line of the Gibbons and Parks place, thence on a marked line to starting point, containing 51 acres more or less. Levied on bv virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V. T. Sanford, T. C., in favor of the state and county vs Wm S. Gibbons, as the property of the defendent, Tax 1897. Also at the SHm« time and place lot No. 85 in block “B” of origi nally the town of-Desoto, now the Fourth ward ot the city of Rome Floyd county Ga., fronting on West Fifth street 89 feet and ex tending back 260 feet. Also part of lot No. 43 in the Fourth ward of said city and county, fronting on avenue C.BB feet and extending back 200 feet and being the place whereon the defendent now resides. Levied upon by virtue of 3 tax ti fas issued by John J. Black, tor mer tax collector in favor of the state and county vs. Mrs. Geo. A. H Harris, as the pronertv of the defendant. Taiea 1892. 1893 ano 1894. F. School Sliplies. 4 We are pioneers in the school books and school sup- <av ! ply businißi and we are also right up-ro-da t e in every- W< thing that should be kept by an up-tb-date Bookstore. »>> | ill PAPER. I . ;l: f ; ;r, J. No house >2 the Btite car. serve vou better when von de- »>< sire to invent it: a new covering fcr tee dear rid walls of s<s< I „ .' ' 15 ’/ ! ’’ »» 1 y ;ur home. See our stock on hand and samples H. A. SMITH, ' - THF OLD RFLIABLe BOOK STORE. 1 il To the People of Rome. $ I wish to announce that I have bought’ the Model , Steam Liunlry and uropoae to. rearrange and .aid to it X. f so that you will have in your city a plant second to none in the south. . „• f I have had years ot practical experience, the past throe years of which E have owned and (grated one of f the largest plants in Texts. With the years of experi- W J ence I have had and as I wi I devote my;■'Entire time and * attention to the business I will be in a,position to guar-, antee that anything coming to my lauwfry will be done ‘ satisfactorily. A trial will convince yn'u tK'jt 1 can do all \ that I claim' Send in your bvndle. Ffrit 'aits to please S yov there will be no charge. Stop ou( ojt telephone jak No 158, and your bundle will bs fietarned promptly. S Hoping t» receive a fair shire of yoiir I am yours to please, | f . y .. J H- PARKIN. S Proprietor Model Steam Laundry. ‘ ..r.. -I- “Il— 11 —■ I— 3 ■ — 3 c ~- 3c= - '— l ‘-7 =:>c ~'I — 1 c ~- r—* *7-3 e: SyiVEit Tonic Purifies. ™ Blood. /, POSITIVE CUPP 'Off DYSPEPSIA, MALARIA . - cEi'LIS 4 iD fEr’ER, GRIPP> / BILIOUSNESS, SiCK-HEADACHI CONSTIPATION / J GENERAL DEBILITY. Restores UD«T,UIIEi PRIC E oO I ts. SPLEEN AT ALL Will Keep your Stomkch in Healthy DRL'GGISrS. Condition. S 49 and 61 * M;:rion St, N. Y. “Tai’ Mui' Usm Is mry tettii iJVER PILLS 35 CENTS. Purely Vegetable Vii' . re Biliousness CohstlpatL'9 Piles. and 1 • Dys-epsia. Small Ka>y taker. j - CANDY \ K V CATHARTIC roidcaiula CURE CONSTIPATION 10c ALL 25c 50c DRUGGISTS ■— ■II ■ N ■ I ■■■ I ■ ■ I ‘J ■■ ■■■■ THE HODEL LAUNDRY Is doin? the best oi w >rk aai guaran tees satisflet’th • Pri.333 are m>st r3L5311>13, Pt’lA 7? ’ ’ L f < Wai- Time Prices. While on the one hand as a result of the war. nearly all food products have advanced in price, on the other hand, it has had [precisely the opposite effect on the Furniture Trade. We must keep our $ sales up to the normal standard, and to do this ; we realize that goods ; must be sold lower than ever, and we are prepar- ed and determined to make you lower prices ' on anything in our house than can be found elsewhere. Oa; line is j Complete and Up to Date. Consisting ir. part of Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, ■ Dining Tables, Rockers and Chairs, all kinds Hatracks. I Baby Carriages, Mattings, Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens, Iron Beds. etc. ’ Also complete line of caskets, coffins, robes, etc., r .at the lowest prices. Call on Rhudy, Hiirvey. & Company. j P. 8. Don’t forget that Mr. iLanedell ie In charge of our re |pair department and that hsisu ■mend anything made of wo d. - Ko Womi r ought to be without U-SAVBR FEMALE REMEDY (SUPPOSITORIES). Send so Pamphlet. i ilz=;f=>i— r-J e=^=s' -- ■ r-^TZLj. =3 I—,^=l l=,- I—,, —c=7p=> r- J