The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 13, 1898, Image 6

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1 I '.L'-LTZ _ \ g __... mr~ - 1 — -— — —rw- 1 — MVI - y. - ; |.LI" . THE MISTAKE of your life Has been made when you spend your money at one of the closing out or at cost stores before you visit W. H. COKER.& CO. and find out what goods cost. We will give you prices that are eye-openers. 4S A\ /|\ Ladies’Slippers 50 and 75c per pair. They are W 'Ladies’ Brocade skirts, 75c each, 3 for $2.1 O \|/ hand-turned and are strictly first-class. U Ladies’shirt waist, Lates t styles, just received h Hosiery 8, 12, 16c pei pair that others ask ... 35c each or 3 for $1 • h 10, 20 and 3Cc for. 4S \|/ The price has been cut on every article in our house far below the prices that theclosingout and cost price houses are selling at. Come and see and you will know that our prices are the lowest in Rome. Remember we handle everything you want and our prices shall be lower than others. W .H. COKER & CO. BYRC'S EYE VIEW I was in Atlanta a few hours yesterday, and while there went with Dr. George Brown , Atlan ta’s noted specialist, to see Capt. J. B. Nevin. »*» I found Capt. Nevin in bed, and, while he has “fallen oft” to a mere shadow o’ his former I self, he was rallying from a painful though most skillful operation, performed by Dr. Brown on the day previous. * * * With a gentle and loving wife to nurse him and administer the tonics and potions prescribed by one of the most skilled medical specialists in the country, and with the delicate operation al ready successfully performed Capt. Nevin now has a right to hope for recovery. Dr. Brown stated to me that the abcess in the ear had been forming for the past twelve months and that it had attained alarmingly serious proportions before Capt. Nevin has been forced to yield to an examina tion. *♦* Its my “private opinion pub liclv expressed” that Dr. George Brown “knows his business” and hat business is the treatment of the eye, ear, nose and throat. my advice and go see him if any of these delicate organs looking after. * ♦ ♦ As to Capt. Nevin, Dr. Brown ■ays the case has been made more tedious, because of Capt. Nevin’s anxiety to join his com mand before it sails from Flori da. This restlessness has been harmful to the case but under ihe peculiar circumstances was not only natural but was un avoidable. * * ♦ i Dr. Brown, however, states that the crisis has been success fully passed and that in a fort night or three weeks he believes Capt. Nevin will be able to re turn to his command in the Sec ond Georgia. . * * * I found, while in Atlanta, quite a number of men talking about the primary. Not the “Candler primary,” but the ju diciary primary booked for June 23rd. The people of Floyd don’t seem to be taking much stock in this primary. There will have to be some old hustling to get out, say a fourth of the voting strength of the democracy of Floyd—as per the recent primary returns. * * * “You have a man in your town who builds the best five cent cigar I ever smoked.” The speaker was a friend of mine from South Georgia and he made the remark to a crowd of us in the Kimball house lobby. “1 know it,” I replied, “but how did you make the discovery?” * * * “Why, while in 'Cartersville on business last Fri lay I bought a ‘Bill Arp’ and liked it so well I went back and bought a box I then learned that it was a Rome made weed—and that the Roman had done his best on it, because “Bill Arp” is an ex-Roman and all Romans are proud of him and love him.”|J Beware of Imitations I | ft # h XSHN DUNCAN'S SONS, ACFWTS, NFW VOSK. NOTH NG SUCCEEDS i —.—- ’ I Like Success find Therefore V.'dters X Son ARE LEADING THE PUSH- I I Money Raising Sale Will Run This Week • I r * ‘ Watters & Son, the big Broad street clothiers, know exactly how to carry out any undertak ing or enterprise in which they engage. This wide awake bustling firm of up-to-date business men found, some ten days ago that, owing to a mild winter, business had not been as good as it should have been—and in consequence they would soon be in need of i r unds. They had an enormous£stock, but cash was needed worst and so the firm very promptly decid- I ed to lay the knife into prices i and throw their stock on the . market. Last Sunday morning they ' 'announced a ,“Money Raising Sale” and to show that they ! meant business they specified goods and quoted prices. ’i lie result has been exactly wh it the firm anticipated. Their ’tore has been crowded from morning to night for six’days. Ihe crowds have flocked in, have examined goods and eager ly purchased, for the people know bargains when they see (hem. “Our sale for the past wet k has been all we anticipated,” said Mr. J. B. Watters yestei day. “We are rapidly exchang ing bargains for cash and while we are raising the funds we needed in our business, we are at the same time clothing the multitudes. “Our advertisement in The Hustler-C oinme” ci a 1 has brought us rich returns, and you can leave it stand, unchanged, for another week. It states what w r e are doing and that is all that we want it to state.” “We will continue the sale for a few days longer and then will promptly shut off' the slaugh ter.” A word to the wise is sufficient —so look over the Watters & Co., add and govern yourself by what you see. Now is the time to join the push. Now is the time’ to buy your coy a suit at ha’fpriceJ B Watters & So n. PICTURES HAVE ARRIVED All parties holding coupons amounting to $2.50 will call and take choice. Others can trade this ameunt and get one. Call at once. W. H. Cok< r<t Co . Take advantage of the bigdis :ount on hqt weather clothin? at J B Waiters & Son. Do You Ggt it?—l have ex clusive charge of tlid circulation department of the Hustler-Com mercial. I f you Jo not get your paper promptly, report to me and it will be attended to. The subscription is 10 cents ..per week, payable every Saturday. Please have the money ready when the collector calls. Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. W. T, C. Cheney will ake ud and carry tax fifas Misses fulis and Octavia S nith are at home from Kerne. Mis Octavia has been attending She er college, and Miss Julia has been on an extended visit to the Hill City. Cartersville Nswb. ADMINISTR .TOR’S SALE. GEORGIA. FLOYD COUNTY, Under and by virtue of an order granted by the court of ordinary of Floyd county. Georgia, at the January term 1898 the undersign* ed, Samuel Funkhouser, adminis trator of Jchn J. Black, deceased, will sell on the first Tuesday in July. 1898 at the court house door in the city of Rome between the legal houis of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash the fol* lowing real estate to wit; One un divided half interest in that prop erty in the Fifth ward of the citx of Rome known as that portion ol the Mills property, not heretofore sold, lying between South Broad street and Pennington avenue and through which Branham Ave. runs the same being bounded on the north by said avenue down to a point about opposite the center of ths steamboat wharf property and thence by the Coosa river on the north and by Myrtle Hill cemetery as now enclosed on the south, the property described being an undi vided half interest in all that part of said Mills property lying on both sides of Branham avenue not heretofore sold. Also the whole of the following lots to wit. A lot in the Fifth ward of the citv of Rome beginning at a po.nt 185 feet south of the inter* section of Forrest and Harper streets, running thence south 62 feet and extending back e st of uniform width to an alley 150 teet and having thereon a four room dwelling house. Also a lot m the Fifth ward of the city of Rome beginning at a point 247 teet south ol the inter section of Forrest and Harper streets and running thence 55 feet and thence back east .ot uniform width to an alley 150 feet and having thereon a four r«oin dwel ling house. Also that tract of land in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome ly ing on the corner of Forrest street and Pennington avenue and front ing on Forrest street 148 feet and on Pennington avenue 91| feet, bounded on the east by an alley andon the south by a lot belong* ing to the estate of John J. Black deceased, having ttierson two four roomed houses. All sold as the property of John J. Bln< k Samuel Funkhouser Administrator of John J. Black The need of a good Spring Medicine is almost universal and Hood’s Sarsaparilla exactly meets this need. Be sure to get Hood’s. CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates g daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome-in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 4 :15 a. m. ; leave Rome 10:35 arrive Chattanooga 1:00 p.m.- leave Rome 6 :25 a. in. arrive Chattanooga 8:50 p.m. There is aleo a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chaits nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome 9:00 a. m ; leave Chattanooga 3:10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. in. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. iu. Pull man sleeping cars ou all train’ For further information call on J. N. Harrison, citv passen ger and ticket agent, Rome.Gt ’Phone 39. LETTERS OF ANMINISTBA- TION. GEORGIA. FLOYD COUNTY To all whom it may cencern. Equitable mortgage comps n) having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of •d’ ministration on the estate ol Wm. B. Wiggins, late of said county deceased . This is to cite all »ud singular the creditors and of kin of Wm. B. Wiggins to and appear at my office witb‘ u the time allowed by law and eh o< cause, if any they can, why P er manent administration should not be granted to W. H. Ennis Co. Aduir. on Wm. B. Wiggins estate Witness my hand and officii Sl B nature this 2nd day May 1898. John P- Davis. Ordinary- • rests with you whether you erre-killing tobacco hatdt. N<>-1 Wfw emoves the desire for tobacco, • ‘ < I ut nervous distress. expels I k 1 • me, purifies the blood, r F£ I B sei* tores lost manhood, A1 WanftfOl n health. Mid pocket M L»<ut >oofc. I^yb' ir •*“ *r U- it** 1 * *>■ 81. usually tfUn * r ’/Jud ' JSo cur*- ur \ SUrHias lU.aady C... CMasp* *