The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 16, 1898, Image 3

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■jiffiw W -JULY 1898 vgit.'.M h " fute <*! ' our < ‘4. !">“’• < r * , *r QaLe on tno tret P ll jjly IM*. the Rowing d-criM proper y. by ■ , o of city of Rome tax fl '"i,' 1 f., V oro’f the, city of Rome, u foll<,w “ lg same time and place ‘ i-nnse and lot iu the hirst °Xd of the city of Rome fronting wVri alley 50 feet more or le« ’ LgO feet. d*ep more or lew.l ‘Pounded on the West by an al'ey loathe’ South by the proper tv “ I, h» Kane and on the North • J|Lmiar.y-street andon the Lt bv’the vmierty of Rachael tlrhir on as the property of John Weight estate, by special execution "gainst this property for the use of W. J. Nunnally and Chas. Wright tor tax ,3ae the city the yhar 1.896 :• Also at the same time and place, >-• oiie house'and lot in the First ward of the city of Rome Floyd couutv Ga., fronting on the prop erty o&the Southern Railway 60 tpet niorfeor less and running bact I Jto’ the property of Tom M itchel 1 , :>sp'feet'more or less. Bounded-on • 'the West hy the property of th** Southern Railway, on the North by the property of Sam Frazier trtifon %W ; by the property of Tour Mitchel 4 -ami on the South ’"by the property of J. B. Shrop shire; nevieii "of) as the property «i of Nancy for tax due the city.Qt' Ro.uw jor the year 1896 1 for the use cf Chas. A. Hight and W, J‘. Niihna’dy, transferee's.. Also- st the same time a"d place that.tpctpt with improve ments located in the Cothran and Chisholm addition to the city of Rome Ga.sfiud:known as fraction of lot No. 62., being a part of that fraction’’purcliaeria by H M- Wright oi Mrs. E A. Snullock on which afV'tfdj r'o’om- framed hossel'Bounded on The East by Chisholm street, on the, South b« gse" ffi, IJot, an the W&t oy i'he Southern rigjh.t of yvav tyftd'Ai the North by property of Dailey’s esj-t^te., on by ivfnUii&r.b:ftd'a in favor of the Major and Council (if th£ z city of Rome us. '.Thompson, as her prop! rty' for t axes due said city tor the year 1897, fur the use j■, of )£. a- Cheney, transferee. A house and lot in the Fifth jyvja'ril of the city of Rome Floyd c'trtlty Ga., fronting on ■’Forest stiefet 611 feet tpid. running back same width'!;}>’> feet tb the corner ot R 11.0 Barr's lot. Same be. iiig a jf&t-o.iylfte North side of For ts! street, the Southeast corner f'l.j'bmh i» |ijsjajjHt f'roin Main St. L&iedWbvWtue of ts tax sis» 1,1 ,u y- or °f the Mayor and council '■ city,d?Writhe ’ vs. Mrs. T L. Cornelius as the property of J. for taxes due 'Baid city for the ; year f 897 for the .u-p of W .T. jCbeney. tiMpufore Also tut the sjime time and place lot No. 5 in the Hardin and Mobre eifbdi visidif of the Eif th ward of tb» city of Romo, Ga , fronting . t( i, fc t.a.nd 4 inches on Penning ■iWma'ml runningback same width ol ’ f p et. Levied ®n by virtue of a 'ax ti ta l in favor of thfi*M ay or and ouuTu 1 < >f the city of Rome vs ‘ *’• -B>i’ker ab -the property tlef'ndant’ for taxes due said f ';r 'he year 18*7, fr the use ; ’ • L Cheney.; transferee. ti L ' Qvice, Deputy Marshal, SO'VrHERN BIBLICAL ASSE.Vb Vu/Bly t; rY^- hoxvll| P, Tenn., June 16th- ' 1898—reduced rates via southern Railway, 0“ acjout of the meeting of ths nil.(io Biblical Assembly at Tenn,,.June 16th-25tb, 68, commencement of the Uni- of Tennessee, June 13th T ° J -J'li and Summer School for aej, ie at the University, of ei-nessee, June 16th to July Ist, b °“ tber » 1 Railway will sell csetß fr ’ ot i Ha, lines to l» e6 A. ? 'lrf d 4 r , lurli;) at tri, U "' * are t° r v ‘ ,e round P- ickets will be so don Jun S’f lk > lsthp J U : l e-S lin ’ if ) l l,n! ’ -Hhanddlst, with final li mit July 4th, 1898. been a? 5, ' xte,lPlve progame has blevad ' ?f or occasion em piomiMßl St ate3i hr, ' u ß l,ou t the Uu.t.d I,r * l ’f° r ma*ion and arn *L cull Cllc ularß relative to R a g p nt of the STOIFF'S StLFS IW JIM 1898. 3EORCHA FLOYD COUNTY V\ ill be sold before the court house dcor in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, nn the first Tuesday in July 189 F the following described property to wit: All that piece or parcel of laud lying and being in Floyd county, state of Georgia and that part of said county known as the addition of J. R Stevens, deceased to East Rome, a plat of which said addi tion is recorded and registered m book X page 66 of records of the Superior Court of Floyd county same being lot No. 3 and contain ing two and one fifth acres more dr less. Said lot, fronts 122 feet on the Cedartown road, running back between parallel lines to a 60 foct street said lot’s north boundary line extends 800 feet, said lot’s south boundary line extends 82b feet. Levied upon by virtue of an execution issued from ttie city court of Atlanti in favor of the Southern Home Building and Loan Association vs. Annie 8. Lester as the property of the Deft. Also at the same time and place one resident lot with buildings thereon , being city lot No IC4 in North Rome Floyd county Ga.. ficntingon corner of Broad street 30 feet and running back same width 90 feet along Third street and being one b'ock from the Rome and Decatur R. R. depot Levied upon by virtue of two tax fi fas in favor of the state and county for the use of VV. T Chen ey trans, vs. Wm M. Bridges, tax 1895 and 1896. as the property of \V. M. Bridges. Also at the tame time and place all that tract or parcel of lind lying and being on the right of road from Rome to Reece’s Springs bounded on south by J. J. Reece, on the east by Pnutup’s City on the west by road to Reece’s Spring. contaning 1 eighth of an acre more or less. Said piece of land being in the shape of a smoothing iron, all in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga and about 1 and one half miles north of the city of Rome. Levied upon bv virtue ot two fi fas issued from the justice z 4ohrt 1284 district G. M. Fulton county Ga., one in favor of A. W. Ballew and the other in favor of Elmo Ballew and both against Melvina Stickney, as the property of the deft. Levy made by Byars L. C. All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the E owah di vision of the city of Rome, Floyd county Ga.,it being part of lot No 1 in said division, fronting 38 fee< on Broad street, extending back 110 feet. Bounded on the West by property formerly owned by J. G. Dailey, on the South by lot former ly owned by J. A. Bale, on East by jot formerly owned by W. H. Webb. Also lot No. 2, same divis ion of said city and county front ing 28 feet on Broad street and extending back 127 fe«t. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V.T. Sanford, T. C., in favor of state and countv vs. R. H. Jones, as the property of the de fendent. Tax 1897. Also at the same time and place, ail that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in Floyd county Ga ~ and being part of lots No, 322 and 326 in Third district and Fourth ‘•ection, lying on Wesi side of Cedartown road, beginning at the line of the Southeast side ot the Gibbons place, running up the Alabama road to within 30 feel of Kamp’s shop, thance South to the fence, thence along the fence to the Cedartown road thence ut the road towards Cedartown about 560 yards to a fence, running West of the line of the Gibbons and Parks place, thence on a marked line to starting point, containing 51 acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V. T. Sanford, T. C., in favor of the state and county vs Wm S. Gibbons, as the property of th! defendent, Tax 1897. Also at the same time and place lot No. 85 in block “B” of origi nally the town of Desoto, now the Fourth ward oi the city of Rome Floyd Cvunty Ga., fronting on West Fifth street 89 feet and ex tending back 260 feet. Also part of lot No. 43 iu the Fourth ware of said city and county, fronting on avenue C.BB feet and extending back 200 feet and being the plac* whereon the defendent low resides Levied upon by virtue of 3 tax fi fas issued by John J. Black, tor mer tax collector in favor of th* state and county vs. Mrs. Geo. A H. Harris, as the prouerty of th defendant. Taxes 1892,and 1893 1894. P. McConnell, Sheriff. A DMINI STRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA. FLOYD Ci UNTY, Under and by virtu • of an order granted by the court of ordmarv of Floyd county, Georgia, at the January term 189<S the undersign ed, Samuel Funkhouser, adminis trator of Jehu J. Black, deceased, will sell on the first Tuesday ii. July. 1898 at the court house door in the city of Rome between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash the fol lowing real estate to wit; One un divided half interest in ihat prop erty in the Fifth ward of the cit\ of Rome known as that portion ol the Mills property, not heretofore sold, lying between South Broad street and Pennington avenue ano through which Branham Ave. runs the same being bounded on the north by said avenue down to a point about opp > ite the center of ths steamboat wharf property and thence by the Coosa river on the north and by Myrtle Hili cemetery as now enclosed on the sr uth, the property described being an undi vided half interest m all that pari of sa.d Mills property lying on both sides of Branham avenue not heretofore sold. Also the whole of the following lots to wit. A lot m the Fifth ward of rhe citv of Rome beginning at a point 185 feet south of the inter section of Forrest and Harper streets, running thence south 62 feet and extending back east of uniform width to an alley 150 feet and having thereon a four room dwrlliug house. Also a lot in th Fifth ward ol the city of Rome beginning at a point 247 teet south el the inter section of Forrest and Harper streets and running thence 55 teet and thence back east ot uniform width to an alley 150 feet and having thereon a four room dwel ling house. Also that tract of land in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome ly ing on the corner of Forrest street and Pennington avenue and front'- lug on Forrest street 148 feet and on Pennington avenue 91| feel, bounded on the east by an alley andon the south by a lot belong ing to the estate of John J. Black deceased, having tnereon two four roomed houses. All sold as the properly of John J. Black Samuel Funkhouser Administrator of John J. Black PICTURES HAVE ARRIVED All parties holding coupons amounting to $2.50 will call and take choice. Ohers can trade this ameunt and get one. Call at once. W. H. Coker & Co. r SOUTHERN Rfliuwy. Condensed Schedule in Effect May 1, 18518. STATIONS. | No. 10 No. U I No. 8 Lv Chattanooga I i>.3()am il. hipm iu. 10on Ar Dalton 7.51 am, 1.-.’lpm r.’. 10am Ar Rome I njonni s.3.’>jmi 1.41 an Ar Atlanta 11.-khnn 8.05 pm; s*oJan Lv Atlanta I.LOpmi 8.13 pm! 5.20un Ar Macon 7.10 pm lil.ssanr 8. Ar Jesup 4.10 am! 2.3Spm Ar Everett 5.25aml ‘.1.25pm Ar Jacksonville &10uin O.'lOjm Lv J<sup lO.Olum' 6.3'1.>!>• Ar Jacksonville I I.oopm UMspn Lv Everett i &.3»ain 3.3jpu Ar Brunswick | 6.3Utuu| 4.30 pr No. 8 curries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. No. 10 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chat tan ,oga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlantt. to Jacksonville and Atlanta to Brunswick. STATIONS. I No. 7 I No. 9 I No. 13 Lv Atlanta j&.OOpml I.OOprn 7.50 am Ar Rome l.OOnn. 0.-j.’-ptn 10.33 an Ar Dalton 2.34ntn 7.31 pm 11.4 lan Ar Chattanooga 4. L'. im B.’>opn., l.OOpn Lv Chattanooga B.4;>am! o.iojmi; Ar Burgin ,4.29pm' Ar Lexington ........, S.lOpiii; 1.50 am Ar Louisville 7 50pm| ?.50ain ....... ArCinclnnnt 1 TdlOpm 7.30 am .... Lv Chat tanooza I 1.25 pm Llsam I -i'>pro Ar Nashville . | 6.55pm' 6.40 am 6.55 pm No. 7 carrie Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta toChattan > ga an I Ciiattano ><za to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. STATIONS. No. 6. : No. 12 I No. 10 Lv Chattanooga B.4'him 4.10 am 10.00 pm Ar Knoxville 1155 am 8.05 am I.loam Ar Morrist .wu 1.2:1pm 9 50am 2.23 am Ar Hot Springs 11.46am 1 4.00 am Ar Asheville 1.15 pm 5 10am Ar Salisbury 6 40; m 9.30 em Ar Greensboro 9.5-.‘>:m IMO m Ar Raleigh I I.4i<am 3.4 i; m U- Norfolk I JtJOnHl Wa liii:: t.>n. 6 I.’ m 9. 1 m Ar New A'ork I T.’.l:!; tn tn No. 12 carrie* Pullman Sleeping CarChatta looga to New York via Asheville and Sal sbury to Richmond, arriving Richmond 6.40 a.m. ’so Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Nor olk. No. l(Hs solid train Cuattanoiga to Salis nirv. with Pullin m Sleeping Car Chattanooga o Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. st v rioxs.' _ Xu. 4 No. ,v Chattanooga ... 5.00 pm 8.40 am \r Knoxville ; 8. I pm 11.55:,m \r Morrist >wn i 2.13 pm 1.2 ipm kr Bristol [ 7.00aml 3.55 pm \r Washington : 7.40 am \r New York ...I ■■■• .... 1.20 pm No. 6. carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatla tooga to Washin rt n and Chaican. oga to New fork without change. No. 4 carrie > Pullman Sleeping Car Knox illetoßrl tol. ST ATI S'- | | No. 15 ,v“80me.... 9. loam vr Anniston , 11 -’lam kr Birmingham 10.00 pm kr Selma 3.55 pm kr Meridian ! 7.30 pm Ar New Orleans.... .... ........ I9.3uatn kr Jackson 9.45 am kr Vicksburg \ 11.35 am tr Shreveport 17.20 pm No. 15 ■ SiNo. 9 i i+No. 16 ||No. I'l I.OOprn 4.3<ip!n Lv Rome.... ar B.sUam| 8.35 am >.4opm 6.57 pm Ar Gad den. ar 6.00 am 6.33 am l>Wpm 7 lOpm Ar Altai a. lv 5. 6.20 am * Daily except Sunday. S Sunday only. S. GANNON,3dv.P. A G.M.. Washington. D.C ;. M. CULP, Trat. Mgr.. Wa hington. D. C. A. TURK. G. P. A., Washington, D. C. C A. BKNS r tn’KM. A.A.P A.,CiUUMMM>g*,TM» M 5 BEST SANITARY PLUMBING ft ■'3 a > ■ ■ ■ IF 3 ***«♦♦**♦•«* I? N ♦ w 1' i * ” w $1 * £ Gas, Water and Steam Fitter, r, W A j -Oas Fixtures, neters G as K $ Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- C Y $ tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec ’ $ trie fixtures. W * $ I have employed Alex S. Pierce to K 2 ■ L take charge of my shop department. IS W U 19 one °f le best workmen in the W M S oL, th. Repair work attended to W ? promptly. Mb I M 3 I J ' JOHNC'CHILDS, > • . • wk 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. Fahy. K lOHIf ® I (® T- ' (® t thete® Pauls on eadh# i g# THEY ARE THE* | $7 KIND gat OTHER PLACES. “ g 'r t ! ! oon *■< gdumsv- aionngioSe J * * JXZET J M ISI * That is. oa-* millinery, is nay £ .« and Stylish. Wa nava paid cash J W S * for our entire spring and sum- S J mer stock. We got a liberal *Jg W discount, by paying cash and K * C in ass a • 1 t J n ic c J st * ers ; ) 115 fa - 1355 than i j J33S * Wl « pay fi- ti jTS, w1 j 0 1/11 tim i * * and sill ai tin), Gin) ail * < pricj o)far? bayin?. Wican S ;'s 3'l yiltv)ait sfjrv 1 at you 8 * Will p 1/f jr 013 at other aou 533 * G s B | Hrs, A. 0. Garrard |