The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 16, 1898, Image 5

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CAPTAIN griddey T l,e Gallant Commander of The Olympia KROTR too levers To His M^7^F ronl Mani,la ’ Befoi e he Di 3d. Wa ß bidgt^J a ‘ 1 « 16 -- Mr '- A< v Gridley, mother of the late Captain Charles Vernon Gridley, Jmaudtr of the cruiser Olympia ~,c rlVe d in this city toxday from M distinguished son two ht'era, nnd er dates respectively of May ~ , I(J 13. They were his last ’’ ( '' eaa gfß home. Both were datfd States Flagship Olympia, Msmlla Bay,” and the second let ter was written upon Spanish pa per, beaded: “Comtnaudaucia General del Ars enbl de Cavite, Secrctaria. Particular. ’ Neither letter gives any hint that Captain Gridley was ill. the Mier saying, among other things. -We can take it (Manilla) at any time, but have no troops to h< Id it,” -We came COO miles,” the letter continues, “and destroyed the fbfct in five days (May 1) ’’ The first letter, under date of Miy 3, g' vaJ ‘ n a broad, bold strokes a picture of the Manilla engagement, colored, too and re ligious i' tone, that will at once >nve a better insight into the bat tle from standpoint of a partici pant, and into the personality of a man no lees conepicuous du that day than tbe Captain of the flagship Olympia. The Republic- Herald correspondent, Mr. Stick ney, is appropriately referred to [ byway of pointing hie mothdr to| a true account of the attack and 1 I its splendid results. This is the letter in full. “.My Dear Mother—Excuse pen cil, but lam writing on the deck aft under the awning, and ink is not handy. Well, we have wotr a splendid victory over the Span iards. We left Hong Kong on April 25. Mirs Bay April 27, and arrived ell Manila Bay at midnight on April 30. We steamed in, with our lights ali out, ai dby daylight we were (fl Manila, where we found the Spanish fleet, or, rather, at Cavit ■ Btvi-n miles fii rn Manila vVe at ’scAcd them at once, the Olympia ‘ fea dii g, and, being the flagship, she was, v s course, the principal target., but we (our fleet) we,e too much for them, and after fighting '*o hours and a half, hau'ed off inr breakfait, and giving them n “ r hour of it afterward, we " dfd in sinking, burning and dcs'roying their entire force. They " n eo assisted by shore batte,- 1 ■ 11' loss was very heavy, one ' L| P< (he Castilla, losing 131 killed inc Ming the Captain. d now as to ourselves. We ‘" not ’oee a man in our whole 1 h d had only six wounded °f them seriously. It FCPric * a miracle. Everybody like heroes, as they are. Th . '‘'P'awas struck seven or eigh ' but only slightly woundec “ Jr,lly worth speaking of f Naw York Herald ■’Pm.dent.and a former naval by Permi8 ‘ d VII d <Wtment and acted r, t „" S e " c " on •’Dewey’. •iu. n’“T”" 1 ih ‘ lie Her “ ki Ul t(11 ,'' lc '’ n) P' et e. «> you S‘l n. Hit. reports will this ““ ««t»» «»<i 0... T„. Hou J-Koog. diynrtv Ro over in a J<w . ' Carr^ln g Commodore •”t'i» in’^ h '' ■' d I our mail, I hope. |lvF s!ll . r , a^ ful ‘’our Heaven luKour b ' s Protection dur- ’ ia 'l v Blanks’’M a,ld 1 8h '‘ U g ' Ve Hi,n 1 ' Vw b'ockc i i ai ' lla ’ of course, we 7 y ’ 88 have W<3 take the ‘ ve “0 troops to hold acc „ p , GERMANY’S FLEET Is Being Concentrated in Manila Harbor. TOTAL ASIATIC SQUADRON Os Five Warships And 3,000 Marines, The Force. Washington, June 16.—Evi dence is increasing that the Ger man government contemplate! some serious movement in the orient against the United States. The action of the Kaiser in sending practically all his Asiat ic fleet, which is larger than curs, into those waters is looked upon with grave suspicion by the administration. It is known that five warships with a force of 3,000 marines and blue jackets are assembling in the port of Manila. London, June 16.—The Singa pore correspondent of the Times says: “Letters received from Manila dated May 26, sav that the pro longed conferences between the German Consul and Captain General Augusti were exciting attention and led to the belief that Germany had designs on the Sulu archipelago. Madrid, June 15.—A rumor that several German warships have arrived at Manila and that they intend to make a demontra tion against the United States hag revived the hopes of the Spanish people that the Euro pean Powers will intervene in behalf of Spain. Special dispatches are publish ed here today, announcing that Germany is about to make a move that will be advantageous to Spanish rule in the Philip - pines. The authority for this statement is anonymous anc rather doubtful, yet the story has created a profound impres sion here, and the Ministers in timate that it is well founded. a large share fcr yourself. Your loving son. “Charley.” It will be noticed that Captain Gridley was too modest to refer to his own part in the battle. PROfESSIOHII CUDS ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office, 200.East First Street, LOME. GA. CHAS, W. UNDERWOOD, Attorney at Law, Rome, Oa. Corporate >n Law Only. M B EUBANKS, Attorney at law. OfficeKing Building. Rome, ua. W H. ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all courta Office. Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, "W. J. NB2HII-I Attorney at law. Will practice in all court*. Special attention given to commercial law and the examination of land titles office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.'s. LIPSCOMH <Sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel Ga J S ANrr OX AWFORD Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections a specialty. „ Masonic Temple Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office -lie 1-a Broad. < IO ver Cantrell A Owens J. L PENNINGTON, D.D.S..M.D. ENTIST' Office. 305 1-S Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. O HAMILTO N, M D- Physician and Surgeon Office, ’ Medical Building Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone No. 62. I_i F HAMMOND. XC D-- Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medical building. Residence, No. 4U3 West First st, Gffice 'pho Mo. 6*. BWW WiWkWkI 00TEN & BRO., | Successors to '■ ' ROME PHARMACY. Jp -New Clark Building. bought the entire stock of the Rome are prepared to supply your wants in jription and patent medicine line. Our • ite and of the very highest grade. a part of your patronage and shall en >est of our ability to please you at all ould be pleased to have you call on us. f druggist’s sundries, toilet articlesand Jp* are usually carried in a first-class drug and tobacco. b<J se us. JjC Sihhhihhhhhhhhhhh!* ►0" *ftft S S. M. Star k, s £+4 Mb- S LIMBS HD GEWLEHIICi! NIL 3 SI HC Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A e go MH t 4. B NORRIS N. SMITH. 3 i SUPPLY CO. I ind Tinning. 2 d machinists* es, ranges and • ind electric fix- G kNCE gasoline X meters. 5 Phone 32. • gngggTOga s 51.25 anl slsl jll<jj shirts for $ J. A. GAMIM & .COMPANY ARE for everyone in Rome to come _ in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, xi jxL bicycle and golf suits, is what m we are doing, but we are hus tling while we wait. We will Tri show you the finest stock of vWmP ill clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in fabricks, perfect fitting and handsome, t( —‘ be found in Georgia, and they ’ a re above competition in values for’the price. Thegreatest line of njgligee shirts ever shown in Rome. J. A. GAMMON & UO I Can supply atl oepanmenx nur 3 ery h „ d . 1Q Mr X: VrLV'.r In II ft luw ritts We publish one of 111 lliw We we g the leading Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, which will be mailed free. Send for it n.'w, it will W, save you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends is. and near. Have hundreds of carloads of .ft FRUIT AID DRIANERTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLAITS. . We sand by mail postpaid, Soods. Bulba, Plant., Rones, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival ai. Hill- laeger by enpreea er freight. «*tb year, ja greeuhouacs. acre [THE |rvn«p»B HAJUNftO* **** 528 C ;To Muical Poeple of Rome: It is wih pleasure that wo announce the arrival of a new and complete stock of MB, 118 AND Small Musical Ins Iru inents in the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street, where we would be pleased to have you call and examine our goods. The stock consists of some of the best m ikes of pianosand organs on the market today. We keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store —Something Rome has needed for a long time. Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud of We are determined to close out ou r 0-BICYCLED the earliest possible date. b. k. g'emw < 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Manager. \ \ X \WjOW'.; X X X. X. X' X X X. X X X X X' X X'* We keep on hand at alljtimes a full stock of Sheet Musics of the verv F.J-KANE& CD [ 248 Bcoad Street» Sale ol Sufflffler Goods >Y- \XX - N ' X X A)j/ X X X X XX X X X N \ X *••£&£**** >• I X X X IRAW!iMSM X X -X X X X X X X X \ \ .XXX' Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras. Ready-Made Skirts and Waist ' -ft We intend to close out our sioe stock, so take advantage i)f cost pcries on shoes of the best Special prices on everything st 248 Broad Street.- Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC < surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. * rice ou pe-'-'t. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. > u. . : MF ’>IL WHTV- MEGRIMINESouth Bend,