The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 17, 1898, Image 7

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th emistake of your life Has been made when you spend your money at one of the closing out or at cost stores before you visit W. H. rpKER & CO. ar| d find out what goods cost. We will give you prices that are eye-openers. The price has been cut on every article in our house far below the prices that theclosingout and cost price houses are selling at. Come and see and you will know that our prices are the lowest in Rome. Remember we handle everything you want and our prices shall be lower than others. W.H. COKER & CO. TAXES. ■ Tie tastes Will Have to Paij Them BREWERS NOT ALARMED. Tobacco Dea ers Are Raising a Howl X'.* Yirk June 14—Beer, to bcco, cigars and cigarettes have become sulij c> tn war taxes. The equanimity with which the inanu la turtrs of ifaese articles ref a d '.’r-ipw regime leaves no room to d ’Ubt that the consuming public Wl| l pay the piper I oees will remain nominally as l' 1 are, but cigar smokers will -i) be content with a slight *t oration in the quality of 'beir favorite brands. Cigarette probably will find fewer "'■ l n >i!&’ m their packages, “oil beyond question there will II 5 ignt chance in ihe relative Proportions of froth and fluid in a 88 of boor Re taxes now in effect are: ,e r and ale. $2, as against $1 • '0 tobacco, 12 cents as ' J y ■! 6 cents a pound on cigars, a thousand, an increase of and °n cigarettes, $1,50. d '“ “‘crease of .’>0 cents. Stecks of ] l( ?''" ' r * n the hands of sa “'P'Ts or other retailers will an exlr ' H tax of **» retail t ll ? 8lCCk8 iuhe “« b "’ aC3 °nistß wili have t< Him X,ra War tax on ever y‘ pion] 3 / IVe (H)<) Cl^*rß - an d “ and '’* 3,ltttequalit y of mbacc. 1(1 C| garettes. P^cin,X rdly an th. intend ‘ re ' verß and the super- w «e convent to ‘ ay at tila brewers rice i: U ' H ' Atlantic City. Mau- Bre» er , lui y er ’ counsel for the there ’ Asi that *'■ 110 flisfiositiou ou t h e /IS M W /|\ Ladies’Slippers 50 and 75c per pair. They are pl Ladies' Brocade skirts, 75c each, 3 for $2 IO \f/ hand-turned and are strict y first-class. Ladies’shirt waisL Latest styles, just received f’ Hosiery 8,312, 16c per pair that others ask -a. 35c each or 3 for sl. 10,20 and 30c for. /IS M/ part of the brewers to oppose the tax. “The brewers,” said Mr. Unter meyer, “are patriotic citizens,and they r a'ize that in the present emergency all loyal citizens should cheerfully assume their share of the burdens of the war. There will be no increase in the price of beer, but it will be the general policy of the brewers to equitably div'dethe tax between themse’ves and their customers, the retailers. This will be effected, not by charg ing so much more per barrel, but by reducing the rate of discount which the retailer gets from the brewer, so that each may’ pay 7 ap proximately #1 per barrel. The retailer cannot, of course raise the price, but it is not impossible that he may reduce the size of the glass so that the consumer will in directly pag a certain proportion of the tax ” Mr. Untermever was of the opin- A 1 \ WFA \ IJ - * A Desperate Woman. Experts in insanity tell ***\^>; — us that when anyone goes ——— insane, frequently their whole nature is re versed. They do and say exactly the op posite things to what they would do tn their sane minds. A mother whose mind breaks down under extreme nervous ten sion mav turn upon the one object in all the world mpst precious to her—her baby. The terrible nervous tension under which many live and suffer because of some Weakness or disease of their sex, keeps them on the very verge of insanity. The constant drag and drain upon the com plicated and delicate organism affects the whole nervous svstem and works upon the brain with an almost irresistible madness. Thousands of suffering women have been iterally saved from the insane asylum by he timely in Suencc of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite ■rescriptton. It is the one perfect and pos tive specific for every derangement of wo lau’s special organism. It is a scientific nd permanent cure for those severe, hrontc, complicated cases which doctors snailv consulti hopeless It is the only ledictne of its kind devised by an educated ind skilled physician. Mrs Sarah E. Rains, of Dayton Cass Co Mo n a letter to Dr Pierce, writes It was in the •vuiter of iSoo that tny sufferings coinineuceo. It was close to niv time of confinement. I took the zrin ami that with the labor pains all went to ~v hea I 1 suffered dreadfully, ami when I gave Kmv little boy I kept getting worse I ioctored but nothing did me any good. I had Sdy to vLir medicine and I. did. I got one oottle of the ' Favorite Prescription one of the ' Golden Medical Discovery. I had it was votir medicine that saved my lit Dr. Pierce's tooo-page illustrated book, "The People’s Medical Admser _sent. paper bound free for the cost of mailing only, 31 one cent stamps; or. cloth boond Address Dr. B. V. Pierce, Kuiialo, N. Y. THE SURE LA GRIPPE CURE. • ♦ There is rouse suffeiing from this terrible malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your b< dv, your liver is out of order, have uo appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are comp'etely used up Electric bit ters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure r elief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up ’he whole system and make you feel ’ike a new being They are guaranteed to cure or pri. e refund ed. For salo at Curry Arrington’s drug sto:e. Only 50 cen's per bottle. ioh that the increased tax would not seriously affect the great brew ing interests, but that many small concerns would stiff >r, ai d that some of them would in all probabi lity go under. While in the tobacco trade there js no deposition to resist the tax, there is not a little dissatisfaction with what is called the retroactive clause, which places 50 per cent of the new lax on existing stock, deal ers having largely increased their holdings under the impression that they would not be subject to the hew schedule. The s amp taxes will go iut» ef fect on July 1. when it will-be ne cessary to affix an adhesive stamp to all bank checks, telegraph mes sages, indemnifying bonds insur ance policies, leases, mortgages, passage tickets to foreign countries and bottles and packages of patent medicines wines and perfumery BUCKLEN S ARNICA SALV E. The best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Ulcers, Sores, i Sult Rheum, Fever S >res, Tetter, I Chapped Hands,Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi ■ tively cilre for Pilss or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or rain y re- I funded. Price 25 cents per box' For sale dv Cuiry Arrington. Miss Kite Sproull returned ’uis morning from a visit to Rome..— Anniston Hot Blast. A SPLENDID MEETING / The Epworth League to Hold a Literary Meeting Tonight. The Epworth League of First Methodist church will hold its regular business and social meetings in the lecture room ot the church this evening at 8 o’clock. A splenuid programme has been arranged for the occa sion and a delightful time is ex pected. The following is th3 program: Song—“ All Hail the Power of Jesus Name”—Congregati n. Scripture lesson and prayer.— i Rev. S. R. Belk. M usic. Recitation—Beulah Bale. Recitation —Katie O’Rear. Address—The Devotional De partment —Rev. S. R. Belk. M usic. Recitation Miss Estelle Michell. Address—The Charity and Literary Departments—John \V. Bale. Music. A short business session. Di-xology and benediction. Everybody Interested in the League and League work are cordially invited to attend. The League is in a flourishing condition and protni-es to be one of the best and most influen tial religious social organizations in Rome. On Friday night July Ist th y are preparing to have one of the most unique entertainments ever held in the city. It will be “A Genesis Bee” and promises not only to be of much benefit to all who attend but also very in teresting. It will be conducted similar to the manner of conducting an old fashioned spelling bee. xwo young people will be selected to choose sides from the members of the League pi esent and as many of the audience as wilt* ,take part. Then the two sides ! will be questioned on the histor . features in the book of Genesis and when one misses he or she will be required to sit down. ’ This meeting is being lock'd forward tc with pleasure by the Leagues, and a large number are now' engaged studying up on Gennesis No admission fee ..ill be charged but the captains- of the sides leserve the piivilege of,ca!l iug up?n any one in the congrega t.on to take part, so go prepared tifane your chances on going down first. ABOUT SUNDAY American Army Expected to Land in Cuba, Washington, June 17.—The invading army under Gen. Shaf ter will land Sunday if no storms be encountered. Landing will probably be at Jurugua Iron- Mine piers between Guantanamo and Santiago Gen. Jesus Rabi, with 1500 Cubans, holds Acer radores, eight miles from Santi ago. He wili reinforce the Ameri cans at the lime of the attack. ALGER TALKS. Washington, D. C., June 17. —Secretary Alger said this af ternoon that he expected the Santiago expedition would reach its destination Saturday or Sun day. WANTED! MEN! Ab e-bodied white men wanted for I hird Regiment U-S. Volun teers. Ration and Quarters furnished once- Certain chance to go to the war. Chances for prom otio i. Leave on fi st train for Macon. Apol/ now to Re cruiting Station, office A. rm strong Hotel. TENNESSEANS IN IT. Third Philippine Expediti-n Will Sail Saturday Week. San Franci-c). June 10.—It is stated somi-officiily at Camp Mer ritt that the third expedition for Manila will sail from this port on Saturday week and that the expedi tion will be under the command of Brig-Gen. Kuig The make-up of the expedition will in all probabi ity consist of the two Idaho bataL iors, the Firs’’ Io«»n regiment, re maining detachment of the corps of engineers. First Montana regi ment ’Seventh California regiment and the Fir»* Tennessee regiment ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer cial departments;,sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography or.- Bookkeeping. Address all letter® to the Principal, 11. S. Shockley, Rome, Ga. Da.maged Corn for Sale. ri. D. Cothran & Co. j Beware of Imitations I *** ’SjucS- ’ XJHW •ONS, MEW YO4MG