The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 17, 1898, Image 8

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1 AKtAiUINuUIJI! We Are Going to Quit the Retail By Goods Businessin Ro J .. . . , xXXX XX-XX'XXXXXX XXXX XX X» "XXXXXXXXVXXXXx>XXXXXX XXXX"XXXXXX X X X X X X ' V > "' 'X X VX x | x K X X X X X X X X X X V X k X -X .* X X X X -X X X X AX X X’ X X x X x X X X .X < X X X X X X X X X X X X V X X X XXX X X X X X X V X.x <\ v ?Vv J X . • .. .. ■ Since this announcement went out it has been claimed that we published such a purpose on a former occ I sion. Not true. We never said before we were going out of business; we never said anything like it. WeJJ say we shall yet oat of this business as socn as possible. Will you help us out if we pay you well for the hell The help will be mutual. We’ll make prices lower than ever was writ en about, talked about or enjoyed in th'! part of the moral vineyard. Come at once. We will sell goods at less than 30 cents on the dollar. Nothing i nt i!l house above cost except Butterick’s patterns and contract corsets, which we are unable to control, everythin! else shall go for what it will bring, nothing above cost. 1 -- Millinery usually affrords 50 per cent nrofit. We'll now give Wa'sts worth $1 at 39c; those worth 50c to go at 29c: those wr-1 you your selections at cost and charge you nothing for Miss Syn- 39c we piit on the counter at 19c. . 1 tier's work ' 5,000 Yards summer Wash Fabrics, that cost us 10 15 and *1 and mo e, and we’ll make one price for them—6 cents a yard’ Npvl Boys'Shirt Waists tnat cost us 40 cents, 50 cents and 75 cents such bargains. Dotted Swiss for which we paid 46c a ■ aril, wj we’ll orice at only 10 cents. Any boys’ Shirt Waist in our house for sell at 2/ c- Dotted Swiss that cost us 20c youmay buy in this 10 cents They'll 60 in a jiffy—two to a customer. Ladies’ Shirt .at 10c. Figured Duck worth 12 1- 2c to boffered at 6?. 1 At some price we are going to sell out and quit soon. Tried hard toseli in bulk; could not do it. Nowthej] go at retail. I Customers who have been paying for their purch ises from us monthly may continue to do so. Short time, accounts we ll accept as cash. Thanking you in advance for such patronage as you may give. jk x x x.x x \ x x x x x x x \ x.x*w\>x x„x.x x \’.x x x x"x v.x vrtvx x-\ x \ \at\ \ \. v All shoes, Clothing, Hats and everything at or below cost, CADIZ EXCITED - Over Report That an Ameri can Fleet MAY BOMBARD THE CITY. The Alfonso Xlll is Declared to be a Failure. New York, June 17.—A dis patch to the Herald from Cadiz via Gibraltar says: There is great excitement here owing to fears of the American fieet coming to Spain. 11 has been decided to send further reinforce ments to the Baleric islands, the Canaries and Ceuta. The reserve squadron consist ing of two ironclads, one torpedo boat, one cruiser and two torpedo destroyers, Bailed at dawn yes t rday but returned m the even ing. These mysterious move ments are doubtless intended to mislead, and any alleged sailing of the Meet should be received with the greatest caution. The auxiliary cruiser Ciudad de Cadiz, has left here under sealed orders. From hints gathered in official circles it is believed the squad ron will sail singly or in pairs under sealed orders to meet at a given point, probably on the high seas. Some sat the rendez vous is the Saragossa sea, where tfre vessels will be outside the usual track of shipping, an’d able to wait quitly for their con sorts, in order to sail together. Capt. Aunon has expressed great annoyance at the continual delays. Hu declares an intention of reforming the present svstem at the arsenals ami of abolishing WHEN TRAVELING Whetheron pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effect ually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, head aches, and other forms of sick ness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manu factored by the California Fig Syrup Company only. the red tape hitherto such a source of annoyance. The Alfonzo XIII. is appar ently a failure and wi’l probably have to be replaced. A consulta tion has been held between Mar. qciis Carmelas, the president of i he Trans-Atlantic Company and Capt. Aunon, respecting the re tention of the British engineers on the auxiliary cruisers. Bi-sett an engineer on the Leon XIII., has signed for one. Gen. Valdes has arrived with more ammunition. The Coinpania Trans-Atlan tica’s steamer Covadonga and and de Satrustegui have arrived and are being transformed into armed cruisers. A report has reached Cadiz that Rear Admiral Dewey is short of ammunition. APPLICATION FOR LEI TERS OF DISMISSION. GEORDIA, FLOYD COUNTY : Whereas Soloman Everett, administrator of John Mills, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered John Mills’ estate. This is to cite a’l per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said ; dministra tor should not be discharged from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in Sept. 1898. This J une 6th, 1898. John I’. Davis, Ordinary' A LONG MARCH Is What the Ist, Oliiu Artil lery Will Take. CHIGAMAUGA TO ROME And Return. Over 140 Miles Will be Covered. Chicamauga, June 17. —There were fifty-three recruits for bat tery G, of the Ist, artillery, in the squad that arrived in camp this morning. Quite a number of other re cruits will arrive within the next two days. 'Phis will complete the number of men required to make out the full amount to handle the battery. There will be a trying trip ahead of the Ohio boys after tin arrival of the full complement [of recruits. They will be requir- ( ied to march to Rome, Ga., a distance of seventy miles, and . return, executing regular battle manoeuvers during the trip. The work of drill and m aneu v. »‘s will be carried on. along the rjading leading from Chicamau- 1 ga to Rome, and through the ( difficult mountain passes among the intricate windings and turn ings which the armies of Gen. Bragg and Jen. Rosecrans found ( it so hard to keep themselves in ' H i condition to offer battle during f the civil war. The men will be subjected t r this exercise for about seven days, when they will return ,o ' c unp. It is supposed that this is <5 being done to get them in »hape far the mountain campaign in the eastern provinces of Cuba, and the men confidently expect to be sent to the front within a very short tune. kJ | What Shall | IBe Done | f FOR THE DELICATE QIRL t 6 | & You have tried iron and i other tonics. But she keeps ® pale and thin. Her sallow • 4 complexion worries you. Per- y * haps she has a little hacking f f cough also. Her. head aches ; o, and she cannot study. Give her | Scon’s Emulsion | 6 The oil will feed her wasting • body; the glycerine will soothe C y her cough, and the hypophos- f i phites will give new power and t T vigor to her nerves and brain. V J Never say you “ cannot J take cod-liver oil ” until you 3 4 have tried Scott’s Emulsion. S You will be obliged to change t • your opinion at once. Children | • especially become very fond $ T of it; and infants do not know ? ? when it is added to their food. J 50c. and sr.oo ; all druggists. X SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. J V •>«©o® CHEAP RATES. On account of the meeting of the Southern Biblical Assembly at Knoxville, Tenn., June 16— 25th, 1898, the Southern rail way will sell tickets from points on its lines to Knoxville and re urn at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on June 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, with final limit June 27 ; also on June 20 and 21, with final limit July 4, 18'38. Foi further information and descriptive circular relative the same please call on agent of to Southern railwav. Now is the time to buy your poy a suit at ha’f price J B Watters &Bor. Take advantage of the big discount on hot weather clothing atr J B Watters & Son. 11 hePrefer red Accident! INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, | The Preferred's policies are particularly.adapted for business men, and special policies 1 Issued for bankers, for physicians, surgeons and dentists, and lor traveling men.. Tbe 1 lerred is au old Hue stock company with assets of over MoO.OUU ID. JOHN R, THORNTON. I ATLANTA, GA. • • • • STATE MANAGER® I ' "" ' """""" """" 1,11 "" --K THE ARPISTRONG HOT Ell Rome. Ga ■ Regular Nvr Sdggioi I Boarders fjSfS < Rates I MonWl ) The place to get’a quick, good meal/ I McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors I 4 Best White LEGHORNS! 8 For the very oest b eed and 0 rjr-iji- perfectly marked fowls, leave orders 0 with J. T. Groush & Co., $3 pirtrio. J? Splen iid cockorals only $ 1 I. D. GAILLIA3D. 0 jßepainng •Don’t Walk On (—'J • O Your Tippets:; ;W. A-MUIJJ N iX,» s .“,“n?A c S: