The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 20, 1898, Image 2

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■' T ——l If T 1 T rr —« THE MISTAKE of your life Has been made when you spend your money at one of the closing out or at cost stores before you visit W h COKER & CO. and find out what goods cost. We will give you prices that are eye-openers. The price has been cut on every article in our house far below the prices that theclosingout and cost pri cc houses are selling at. Come and see and you will know that our prices are the lowest in Rome. Remember £e handle everything you want and our prices shall be lower than others. CRIM HAND OF DEATH. Mrs, Sam Johnston Died Yes terday in North Roma. a Yesterday afternoon at 5 o’cloak, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Dykes, in North Rome, Mrs. Sam John ston passed peacefully over the river to the Great Beyond. She has been sick for some time with cancer of the.stom ach, and her death was not un expected. Mrs. Johnston, at the time of her death, was 81 years old and a devout member of the Baptist church. She leaves eight children to mourn her death, viz: Mrs. Dr. Dykes, Mrs. Sim Chambers, Messrs. P. B. and Miller John ston and four sons in Texas. The funeral obsequies were conducted from the North Rome Baptist church this afternoon at 3 o’clock, by Dr. R. B. Head den. CITY COURT Convened Thl« Morning and Took up criminal Cases. City court convened this morning in the city court room at the court house, Judge G. A. H. Harris on the bench, and acting Solicitor Harper Hamil ton to look after the state’s in terest. The morning session was mostly devoted to striking ju ries and setting cases for the week. - Several iniuQt ,c»/es vygrqylis posed of this afternoon. Criminal and jail-cases will be. tri#d this week/" * FIRED AT A FRENCH SHIP ■ '■—' z It it Reported That TKe Bt ogk? lyn Opened on. The Pjctevia. Londoa. June 20 —A special dispatch from Pans says the steamer • A A M/ hnnH eS f’,. S " P H erS^ s ° and ?5c per pair. They are W Ladies’ Brocade skirts, 75ceach, 3 for $2.1 O \|/ /|\ hand-turned ana are sinctiy first-class. W /i\ Ladies’shirt waist, Laiest styles, just received f Hosiery 8, 12, 16c per pair that others as’< 35c each or 3 for sl. h 10, 20 and 30c for. W.H. COKER & CO. Blanc, from New York May 29. which has arrived at. Marseilles, reports that she was fired at by the Brook’yn near New York. Thu owners of the steamer will make s protest to the French govern ment. DON’T LIKE THE THREATS < ... ■ ■ I-.'— x Gen. Pando Held Responsible For The Lives Os Hobsons Men Madrid June 20. —The state them that President McKinley has sent to Admiral Cervera and Gen Pando a message saying that he would hold them personally res ponsible for the lives of Lieut. Hobson and his men produced a disagreeable impression here in military circlet, as showing thut President McKin'ey distrusts the military honor of the Spaniards, who, on theii part, despise a’l \. " iWßrt sea-captain <\’ s wb may navigate > h’ s s ' ll P softly t across the °cean, but when be conies into port he must have a pilot who knows all the \\pF difficulties and dangers of that particular channel. Tn the voyage of life there are many perilous places where we need the help of a pilot who has a thorough knowledge of the special difficulties and dangers to be avoided. In those delicate physical weaknesses and diseases peculiar to women a general prac titioner or ordinary doctor has no opportun- I tty to become thoroughly proficient. Still less to be trusted is the advice of any mere nurse or unscientific person. Only a specialist who has given a life of study to this particular field of practice, is competent to treat the diseases of woman’s intricate and complicated organism. Any woman suffering from these delicate troubles may obtain the most eminent pro fessional advice free of charge by writing to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physi cian of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical In stitute, of Buffalo, N. V. During nearly 3c years’ at the head of his splendid staff of specialists, he has successfully treated many .'tnqusautts of cases of obstinate feminine tfbmfilaintk'' --4 ** * ’. * 3 A > His “ Favorite Prescription ” was devised for the sole purpose of curing the diseases and weaknesses i»f the /cjiiipiue- orgam* Wtiothar p f«ii»np£Velaiisl y successful in this particular field of prac tice. No other medicine so completely overcomes all the dangers and nearly all the pains of motherhood. "It is with pleasure I recommend nt. PiercSW Favorite Prescription to suffering ladies. ’ writer Mrs. J. Feygison Box 29. PouMas Station. Sel kirk. Co., Manitoba. "After suffering-ajntufi tortures I thank God I fotfncbcelief atnl cutvj»i Jff Piercy’s Favorite Premriptio®," The greatest bogjt fiftr womjgn ever pvb lished is Dr. Pierce’s thousand page illus" " trated “Common Sense Medical Adviser," sent freeiH paper covers for cost of maiTntg only, 21 uoe-cent stamps; cloth-bound 31 j •tamps. Address Dr. Pierce as above, k'’ " 1 THE SURE LA GRIPPE CURE. There is no u«e Buffeting from this terrible malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, Ho life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electric bit ters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure r elief. They set directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being They are guaranteed to cure or price refund ed. For sals at Curry Arringtm’s drug store. Only 50 cents per bottle. ' -U-' —" 1 " threa'a. Such messages, it is de* clared, render the future exchaig" of the prisoners most unlikyr. London, June 20.—A dispach to a news agency from Shangai states that the Archbishop of Ja nita, who is now in Shanghai.e clares that when he left Maila there was enough provision in ue city to last for three months Je adds that all the Spanish woun «nl children are safe from thei surgents, haying through the gji - erosity cf Admiral Dewey. foi|d ] refuge on the vessels in the h- c bor-Admiial Dewey’s conduct i thus saving the woman and ct> dren from a fate is extolled by the Spaniards. | o t Lanham & Sons just received a signment of 8 doze Linen Crash while the stock last, will sell tne $1 kir for 49 cents and th 75 .cent kind sor ,b 8 Tterits?*" <i.Tba QjJi ppjnman* McCalla’s brave crew have of 1 effectivenuss of their fire into t thicket* arQtijSd Guantanamo thefcooareß I hovering; over t tA? fTffrti to X’lUtriW 4he iards in Cuba see the folly of lor F resistance all the buzzards I • Antilles will be flocking th’d- A SPLENDID MEETING The Epworth League to Hold a Literary Meeting Tonight. The Epworth League of First Methodist church held its regu lar business and socialmeetings in the lecture room ot the church 1< riday evening at 8 o’clock. Following was the pro gramme : Song—“ All Hail the Power of Jesus Name”—Congregation. Scripture lesson and prayer.— Rev. S. R. Belk. Music. Recitation—Beulah Bale. Recitation—Katie O’Reau. Address—The Devotional De-' partment—Rev. S. R. Belk. Music. Recitation Miss Estelle Mitchell. i Address—The Charity and Literary Departments—John W. Bale. Music. A short business session. Doxology and benediction. Everybody Interested in the League and League work are cordially invited to attend. The League is in a flourishing condition and promises to be one of the best and most influen tial religious social organizations , ~ o , tn Rome. On Friday night July Ist they are preparing to have one of the most unique entertainments ; ever held in the city. It will be “A Genesis Bee” and promises not only to be of much benefit to z sir tfhtf aWhdFbttt 'also veryin- ... . 7 -'< t will be caudujQtgutfiim'iiftT tha mauirej'. ,of beeJi young people win be selee«ei>w ohotxss ,tX>q m!»nibefe> ifnd ogAn fnany o 0 tiie/Audiftuoe/; aS"--will 1 ake pfift/y. - ! will be rprestioned on tlYe histor [,feature& iu the book of Genesiei and when one misses he or she will be required to sit down. This meeting is being looked forward to with pleasure by the Leagues, and a large number are now engaged studying up on Gennesis No admission fee ./ill l>e charged but the captains of the sides reserve the privilege ofjcall ing up?n any one in the congrega tion to take part, so go prepared to taae your chances on going down first. WANTED! MEN! Able-bodied white men wanted for I h : rd Regiment U-S. Volun teers. Ration and Quarters furnished at once. Certain chance to go to the war. Chances for promotion. Leave on first train for Macon. Apply now to Re cruitmg Station, office Arm strong Hotel. CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and 1 , Chattanooga, by which parties ’ can leave Rome in the morning, ! spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening Ihe schedule between these 1 points is as follows. Leave Home 1 :00 a. ra. arrive Cxiattanoomi 4 :1° a - ’»•; leave Rome 10:35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m. • leave Rome 6 :25 a, m. arrive Chattanooga 8;50 p. m. There leaving Rome 3:5Q p. m. going by the vVtyflf ' ’CohWa aM Cl^Ohtiid and ar- m ilM m'‘h Wtv CJjatja- ' m. ; li feaV^ l p ll( “ frWb'RMfetf zßtilß. 'MHti'sMdpMg 6ttr^t»#»ail-u h i ;i», ; 1 For call | on C. T. A. » TENNESSEANS IN IT. Third Philippine Expedite Will Sail Saturday Week. San Franci ci. June 16—Itii stated semi officiily at Camp Mer ritt that the third expedition for Manila will sail from this port on i Saturday week and that, the expedi tion will be und u r the comtnandofl Brig-Gen. Kmg The make-npofl the expedition will in all probahi-l ity consist of the two Idaho betel iors, the First lona regiment, re-1 maiuing detachment of the corpl of engineers, First Montana rogi-l ment Seventh Californiarogiment| and the Firat Tennessee regiei'iiil ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE I Rome, Ga., will receive young 1 men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough comnw cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAI It supplies schools and college I with competent teachers of F manship and principals of coinmtf cial departments; sends first l»' sons in Shorthand fully explain’ l for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of busine** I and professional men who enip its graduates at Stenography 0 ' Bookkeeping. Address all Ivtte to the Principal, 11. 8. SaocKWb Rome, Ga. Damaged Corn f° r Sale. H. D. Cothran* Co. ■Fiinirn —r iwiii—r | Beware of Imitations •*»VIHj Xl 11 bf-Jt' ' ‘i’ ' ’ vllT 1 HMujii) hieutC* f'einiu JOHN DUHCAM’t XW*. 1