The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 20, 1898, Image 4

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HIE miSTUMMEMI THEHUSTLER OF ROME K.UblUbed, IWO. THE RCME COMMERCIAL Eatabllibed. IMW>. laaard •very •vvnlng. eicept Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL Q. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. uMm. Wilbereoa Block. Third Avenue JUIL J J -J— L ' - LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION laily aaa »• a day .per year • 8 -° taadey, per year Weekly (Tee Rons Codbibb) pei year w •T CARBIER IN CITY AND SUBU ■;»< DeUy atd Bunday, lucent* per wee). Remit by bank draft, exprsji. meaty order or registered letter Address TME.HUBTLER-COMBERCIML, IROME, ;OA. ■atered at tbe Poatoßce at Rome. Ob.. b» ■econo claaa n-atter. eevertMac ratee and aaiupie copiea tor tb ■eeakißKa. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 k Don’t forget the primary. Cuban insurgents could prefit by taking lessons from tbe Philip* pine rebels. The government stock at Tampa is eating 400 carloads of feed per month. The Sparta Ishmaelite wants a revival of the neighborhood fljur mill industry. A general deficiency bill for 9225.000,000 speaks volumnt about the expensiveness of war. Go out on Thursday and d< your duty by voting for the threi boat mon for Supreme court judges. “** •‘There is no complaint oi lack of coal from Spain’s fleet of hardships,” tays the Indian apolie Journal. Hogan was named, by the pops after Hogaupville—and after McKinley appointed a negro postmaster for that city. ■" "x" ' Count Boniface de Castellane has fought a duel. True to hi* valuable training, he bled th« other fellow.—"Americus Herald lu case Teddy’s terrors cant get mounts sufficient, whits tbe mat ter with Uncle Sam placing his herd of reindeers at Col. Roose velts disposal? "■ »P Some of the boys on the state Press are throwing mud at Toddy ''Roosevelt. There pencil pushers should aemember that Ted’s ma was a Jawgy gerl. * “Now that the Vesuvius has shown what she can do, please, Mr. President, let her try at least one barrel on Havana,” pleads Editor Eldridge. t Bays the Georgia Cracker; JCoI odol Candler is overwhelmed with invitations to speak at different points over the state. He is ac cepting as many enagon ents as he can fill. There aro two kinds of ducks in the world. One takes naturally to water—the other is afraid of get ting her bathing suit w»t. —Brun- swick Timos. * Spain’s land defense guns may be ancient, but she gets in the swim with more disappear ing marine guns and submarine sons-of-guns than any other na tion. After July Ist the sender of a telegraph message will Le re quired to pay an extra cent for war tax. This will make a25 cent message cost 26 cents —or two thirteens Unlucky for the •aiider—ain’t it? ’1f.,,. } Bi Here is a unique letter which wu- Hlilrosed to the war depart men’ recently :“To the war mana ger— Dear Sir; Since you stopped all the nfwa fiom the war we hain’t heard nuthm’of our eon, William which you enlisted’ bout the fust thing you done-rushin' him off’ for® he wtiz good and ready. But it stau’e to reason that yoij know j'-st what* he is, an* kin git this bundle to h'm without fad So please send it to him, wherever he is, an tei 1 him that they miss him at horn* an that bis name is called every night in family prayer also that be must send hi- money home fore he loses- it all at poker and may the Lord have mercy on him, fer you didn’t The primary schools of Ger many are now regularly visited by a medical officer of health whose duty it is to examine the new pupils and give each his health certificate. He is also ex pected to see that the school is well aired, well lighted, and properly warmed in winter. Ev ery five days he gives a medical lesson to each clas-. The medical profession has hailed the inno vation with delight. No man need put up his head as a target for congress against Maddox. We advise all aspirants to hold on to what they have and let Maddox alone. We who oppos ed him in the primary are now his strmgest friends. Mark that. We are not sore but take tbe will of the people as our’s and will die by it and Maddox —Adairsville Ban ner . ,My eernest endeavor and prayer ’othe God of heaven is that Be will give me that justice, wisdom and moderation that I may giv> you an administration of which yOu may ever be proud.”—Con cluding words of Hon. Allen D. Candler’s speech at reception tei - lered him by the people of Gains ville June lltb. Reports come from Kansas that the wheat crop is so enor mous that it will be almost im possible to get it harvested. But from reports from other sections concerning the wheat crop, Kansas will find that she is not the only grasshopper on the vine. In the judicial primary next week, it is to be hoped that the democrats of Georgia will re nominate Judge W. H. Fish who is one of the brainiest men on the bench, rfe is no politician, but a splendid man.—Lee Gout - ty Journal. General Miles has asked for a commission for his son in a Mas sachusetta regiment. Young Miles io not eligible to a mem bership in the “sons of theii fathers” brotherhood of volun teers. Miles is not a big warrior. Spain has decided to utilize the inventor of the “Merrimac stopper” in her business. She has confined Hobson and his men in Morro castle to prevei t Sampson from using that fortre; s as a target for the Vesuvius. ’■Busy as bees does not begin io express the condition of our farm ers. Wheat has been cut and is now being threshold,! while tl e lucious peaches are beginning to turn and ripne. Many hands are employed and all are happy.— Adairsville Banner. *Gen. Miles is said to have stot d on tbe Port Tampa dock and waved his sword at the depart ing troops. It must have bet n his sword, as he needs his hat to talk through.—B runs wi c k Times. Messrs. Livingston and Lewi alono of the Georgia delegatioi voted in favor of the annexatio. of Hawaii, the other member voting against the measure. An Ohio man iias patented a new and ingenious church con tribution box that is destined to be a great success in swelling the receipts. It has a bell attach ment. When a shirt button or a penny is d'-opped in it, fails to ring; a nickel makes it ring slightly ; a quarter produces a respectable ring : a half dollar makes a good loud cclatter and a dollar brings out the fire de partment. — DeKalb New Era, Every factory in the country making powder and shell for the navy is now runningon full time, and the government has been enabled to guage accurately the possible output of these muni tions of war. It is 16,000 pounds of powder an I 3,000 projectiles of the heaviest type daily, and this enormous capacity will soon be still further increased. In the year of grace 1897 the dominions of Queen Victoria purchased from the United States grain and other products valued at $600,000,000 and sent us merchandise worth $240,000,- 000. This is a nice balance of $360,000,000 in our favor. Talk ing of alliances, this is the right sort of a commercial alliance. A recent christening at Camp Ratrsay, where the. Minnesota volunteers have been mustered, was performed by a private in the ranks, the Rev. John Dallam, cf Excelsior, Minn. He was the rector of an Episcopal church at that place and entered the ranks because his application for the chaplaincy o 1- the regiment wa« made too late. The only evidence Commander McCalla’s brave crew have of tie effectiveness of their fir - into the thickets ar und Guantanamo is the buzzards hovering ov<r the tree top? and occasionally darting to the ground. Unless the Span iards in Cuba see the folly ot long er resistance all the buzzards in (he Antilles will be flocking there Colonel Candler has been over whelmed with congratulations up on his overwhelming victory. It is a victory that will redound to tbe state’s pride and the people’s wel fare, and tbe people feel that it is their triumph. Colonel Candler will give the state a pure, clean, vegcr ous administration. —DawsonNeWs T A young lady recently sent twenty-five cents to a Chicago advertiser for a receipt to whiten and keep the hands soft, and re ceived this reply : “Soak them well three times a day regularly in dish water while your mother rests.” When that Spanish spy was arrested and locked up the other day he should have remarked, “There are o’her eyes in Spain.” This may be -lassed among the “Things we might have said.” —Augusta Chronicle. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, who recently celebrated his 89th birthday, is the only man living who was a member of the House of Commons when Queen Victo ria ascended the throne. As the Cuban battle returns •ome in, the average patriotic, liberty loving, bulletin reading home guard makes Spanish colors of himself—read and yel er. • We were once for Harris for Congress, but we are now for Maddox. We will help roll up a big majority on the Democratic side. —Acworth Post. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mystic Cure for Rhe u aitii m and Neuralgia radically cures in Ito 3 days. lia action upon the system is remarkable and myste rious. It removes at once the cause | and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Curry- Arrington Co. Rome, Ga. ? SLA I J O I ITI2I < I N[ < ■ T t . <. ' IN EVERY DEPARTMENT We need money and we are compelled to mi. BIG AMOUNT OF CASH out of our stock in the i? few days. In order to raise the money we have decid* to throw our entire stock on the market at from 2 -? 50 percent reduction. This reduction applies to eve article in our store, contract goods excepted. r - It is unusual to find a stock of men’s boys and children’s clothing, furnishing goods and hats so We suited to the demands of thetrade as ours. Our entir stock has been renewed in the last ninety days. £ v ery garment is new, fresh and desirable; made with careful attent’on tofit and finish and these prices shoud have your most careful consideration. MEN’S FINE SUITS. All $22.50 and $25 suits go at $16.50. I All sls and $lB suits go at $11.50 All 10 and 12.50 suits at 7.50. All 6 and 7.50 suits at 5.00 • All 5 suits go at 3.50. | Children’s Knee Fants Suits (1 $6 00 suits go :it $3 00. $5.00 suits go at $2 59. 450 suits go at 2 25. 4.00 suits go at 299 3 50suitsgoat 1.75. 3.00 suits go at 1 75. 2.50 suits go at 1.25. 1.(0 suits go at .(,0 MENS FINE FANTS 331-3 Off. $6. 00 pants go at SI.OO. $5.00 pants go at $.3.35. 4.50 pants go at 3 00. 400 pants go at 2.65. 3.50 pants go at 2,34. 3.00 pants go at 2.00. 250 pants go at 1.67. 2.00 pants go at 1.50. 1.50 pants go atsl.oo. FINE STRAW HATS □□ATHALF PRICE. $2. 50 hats go at sl-25. $2.00 hats go at $1 .00. I 1 50 hats go at 75c. 1.00 ha s go a 50c. I •75c hats go at 40/. 50c hats go at 25c. I 25 per cent off on all Furnishing goodsl Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery,Handkerl chiefs, Soft and Stiff Hats. I BigJLine Hot \Vcatt]el Stuff in Serges. Alpaca, Linei. "‘.rash ai l duck. AH goin count sale. i this win Be our Monuu-Raisiim M YD UR MONEY SAVINS This is no trick of the trad nor is it a going out of business advertising scheme to people. We always-do exactly what we advertise and we are sure lhe people of Rome aim p country are aware of this fact. We come to von now with the henest, frank statemen needing money and in order to raise the needed amount we offer you the cleanest, best bong I clothing furnishing goods and huts in Rome at faom 25 to 50 per cent reduction. I h m « n