The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 20, 1898, Image 5

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VEAREGOING OUT! - we Going toQult the Retail Dry Goodsßusin tsslnliome. I . . x x x x x*'N x x xxx >x \ .x x x'.'sr.awAt-’jif'-\ xxx xx' xsr wrux-.x-’:x x x x’x xxx xx x x:x x\x-v xx* xxx x\xx vx< xxxxx x x x’x xx x* Jc X X X’ X x .x X X X* X’ X X X N X XXX MMMM XXX X. V X. X X X X .x X X X X X X N X X -X .X X X« X X X X X X N X Ince this announcement went out it has been claimed that we published such a purpose on a former occa Not true. We never said before we were going out of business; we never said anything like it. We n ow e shall yet owt of this business as soon as possible. Will you help us out if we pay you well for the help? help will be mutual, We’ll make prices lower than ever was writ'en about, talked about or enjoyed in this /of the moral vineyard. Come at once. We will sell goods at less than 30 cents on the dollar. Nothing in the /e above cost except Butterick’s patterns and contract corsets, which we are unable to control, everything shall go for what it will bring, nothing above cost. I * Fiilinery usually affrords 50 per cent profit. We’ll now give Waists worth $1 at'SOc; those worth sOc to go at 29c: those worth four selections at cost and charge you nothing for Miss Syn- 39c we put on the counter at 19c. [work. • 5,000 Yards summer Wash Fabrics, that cost us 10,15 wad 20c f " and mo; e, and we’ll make one price for them--6 cents a yard! Never ivs’ Shirt Waists tnat cost us 40 cents, 50 cents and 75 cents such bargains. Dotted Swiss for which w® paid 46c a • ard, we’U fr price at only IO cents. Any boys’ Shirt Waist in our house for sell at 2~c Dotted Swiss that cost us 20c youmay buy in this sale They’ll go in a jiffy—two to a customer. Ladies’ Shirt |at 10c. Figured Duck worth 12 l-2c t o boffered at 6c. / At some price we aregoing to sell out and quit soon. Tried hard tosell in bulk; could uot do it. Now they /at retail. Customers who have been paying for their purch ises from us monthly may continue to do so. Short time counts we’ll accept as cash. Thanking you in advance for such patronage as you may give. .xxxxx xx x \ xxx x \ nwsxn nx X n x.fix n'\ v’.x* x.xv x vx -sar/vusMPx x’\ \ \ \-\ xxx\«r \\\ \- BASS BROS. & CO. All shoes, Clothing, Hats and everything at or below cost, I T I Trank Stanton tells us that in I a special petition for the mem— I btrs of bis congregation who hud w enlisted for the war, the old col ored deacon said: “Lawd, take keer er whist day in de fightin’ business,en keep’em well es you kin , but es dey should lose er k'ig era arm,don’t let ’em come home widout er pension ! Lawd. ' 'h lt dey gits a pension ’fore <iey takes de home train, kase " e got bout all we kin take k ««i‘of now, en a one legged O'gge: widout er pension would he too much fer us !” 000 ‘-olomon City woman w ent into a revival meeting the ot >*rday and said that within "-i oeart was a serpent with e. l ' -' like balls of fire and a head as bi " as a washbowl,” says tlie City Journal. “The 6 "oni n was evidently mis j lded in a choice of doctors. vt oUgllt to tell that story to a ' physician, not to a preacher.” 000 f k> pt continually running a ch w ill tick 160,144,000 times 111 p year. 000 a mont ht ‘’ n ie course of itsown* " 11 d, ‘ vonr *»00 times So " n weight in food. 000 i. prepar ”sll,l’ SOO car loads of | . 'larshalvillo, a f ew «(„. ’ lanl '"'ll! ship 000 cars ..bout 100 cars Pl ° o o have shou,d occasionally oll ’pany a t their house, to find out how amiable and agree able the other members of the family can be. —Atchison Globe, 000 Talking about the bottom rail getting on top, what’s the mat ter with the gentle quiver in a girl’s voi e holding her beau? 000 A man put a woman's head on the silver dollar, and now women.are trying to get their hands on the back hair. 000 The Savannah Press remarks that “the European concert might practice for a lime on notes furnished by the bank of Spain.” 000 A little boy utters this patriotic prayer every night: ‘•Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the.Lorduiy soul to keep; If Uncle Sammy don’t lick Spain I’ll never say my prayers again, amen. Don t forget the Maine.” 000 Kull many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear; Full many a chap with shouldei straps is seen Because they're what his father used towear. —S.. van nah Press. 000 Don’t eat Philopoenas with the blue coats, girls, for they haven’t a thing in the world to give but their suspenders.— Tampa Times. 000 Rear Admiral Dewey will not be the only hero of the battle of Manila Bay to wear a handsome presentation sword. The com mon council of Baltimore has appropriated $250 toward get ting a svord for Capt. M. N. Dwyer, of the cruiser Baltimore, and public subscription will increase this sum to SI,OOO. All over the country the peo ple are subscribing to that $200,- 0 >O,OOO war loan, thus giving! evidence of their patriotism while at the same time securing a good investnieyt. Rome will get a few. STANDING ARMIES. Now that a third call forvo'uu teers ; s imminent it begins to look as if the United States were to have an active army of huge pro portions, The forecast is an army of 125,000 for Cuba, one of 60,000 for the and one of 30,000 for Porto Rico. These, together with the army for home defense, will swell the totals to almost 300,000. This would put us side by Biue with European na tions. In view of these possible con ditions, it will be of interest to glance at the standing armies of other * nations. Russia beads the list with an army of 910,000 officees and man muintain ed at a cost of $213,000,000 per annum, In addition there is and available force of 3,077,000 t rained men for emergencies, and the full fighting strength of that country s efftimated at 13,000,000. Next comes Germany, with a standing army of 584,734, and thi. force can be promptly increased tc 3,700.000. It is also stated that under the new ermy law the fight ing strength of Germany is 7,697. 356, of whom 4,297,856 are trained I soldiers and able for war France comes next with 524 768 1 officers and men, and th s force can be readily increased to 2,930,- 000 for national deiense. The pres ent cost of maintaining the Frencl standing army is $123 000,000 pei annum. England has a s anding army of 366 (XX) regulars and 865 - 000 reserves and militia, and these forces can be easily doubled in case of war. Spain maintains an army of 95,- 000 and has an available war strength of 1 334 000. Italy has a peace army of 222,275,and a fight ing strength of 3.397,000. Little | Belgium has an army of 43,359 and Holland one of 21,000. Austria-Hungary has n peace force of 354 196, and a war reserve of 1 422,036, Japan a total war strength of 328,000 Turkey u atauding army of 164,300. and Greece a peace atrength of 25,000 A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Gro'on, S. D., “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Con sumption. Four doctors gav ' me no, saying I could live but a snort time. I gave myself up to my Savior determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My lusband was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Gilds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It cured me, and thank God lam saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bot tles free at Curry Arrington’s drugstore. Regular size 50 c j ..ts and SI.OO. Guaranteed or prim retun fed and a total war strength of 2)9,- 000. | On the Western continent, Mex ico has an army of 35,000 and an vailuble force of 163,149 in case if war. Brazil has a peace force of 23 672 and a war strength of 99.- 972. and the Argentine Republic 15.435 and 68,435. respectively. CHEAP RATES. i On account of the meeting rs the Southern Biblical Asse nbly at Knoxville, Tenn., June 16— 25th, 1898, the Southern rail way will sell tickets from points on its lines to Knoxville and re urn at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on June 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, with final limit June 27 ; also on June 20 and 21, with final limit July 4, 18h8. For further information and descriptive circular relative the same please call on agent of to Southern railway. ltreats with you whether you continue < lervc-k illiajf tobacuo habit. NO- l O jjfciW •e?ti >vea the desire for tobac< v, jut n. ft ous distress, expels lue, purities tlfu blood, reC k gJP**! ,sc? fores lost mauboccx.^-rir AW «■■/•”** ak Loxes akes you strongv F SI 400,00' health, dE H es cared!.L. -nd pocket- sftk 4 |i>o’o-TO-B A < fro: , fsv’'**J ou r own druffffol wfi iff fl J vouch for us. T Jtc it wit.' ft"*Hl,p-u.v »CJy, perxiatefftl' On W ,HJX •*; » r —->y ewrw: 3 hole ., rnarsntW'f c > cure, nr w, re! mid rnormy 1 hePreferredAccident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. 1 I The Preferred’s policies are particularly adapted for business men, and special policies are , I issued for bankers, for physicians, surgeons and dentists, and for traveling num. The Pre i terred is an old line stock company with assets of over $4.00,000.00. . JOHN R.THORNTON, ATLANTA, GA. • • • • STATE MANAGER ’ THE ARMSTRONG NOTE L Roni?. Ga ■ RsailldP <a. ' SDGGkII Boarders ';. Ratos Wanted- ■, • uiuiin. . - —AIV-’--* . , ■*;_.• -tt. f . - . j The place to get'a quick, gooJ meal.] McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. | Best White LE6HOINS! g Forth 3 vary ojs’: b-3 3 J n I n> > - 0 srfesll y n irk 3jf )vl lot/? j•n - > « with J. r. J-OU3I & C 3„ $ 3 0 >r tr> >. S,3len lid cockerels o d/$ 1 ft I.D.GVLLIAII J* —R—W—rxm WMSl— wirnum i fwwnriTrnnn— rr“ "~innnWTTMnTl I IHM : Repairing || • Don’t Walk On X • 0 Your Vppersle :W,A.MULLINiX,^ n