The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 20, 1898, Image 6

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BANK OF SPAIN 1$ insolvent Says a London Paper. RESERVE TO REDEEM. Paper Money has Long ago Been Exhausted. London, Juno 18 —The Statist, commenting upon the war loan of th* United States, says: “The preparation for the Lan no doubt accounts to some extent for the fa'l in American railroad securities this week. The other principal cause is the collapse ot the wheat corner, and if there is very much sei linn oi Ameri can securities in Europe, as is believed on the stock exchange, then it is possible gold may soon be taken to New York in con sidarable amount. American bills are known to be offering, is said bills are being drawn against credits, in anticipation of ordi nary requirements. Therefore, it is not at all improbable that gold may be taken, and if it goes we shall certainly see a very considerable recovery in rates in London.” Under the heading “Is the Bank of Spain solvent ?” the Statist lengthily discusses Spain’s financial position, say ing: “Upon the bank’s ability to finance the continuation and duration of the war. Practically, tiie Spanish government is now reduced to the expedient of using the printing press to meet its war outlays, and the longer that printing press is in oppera tion and the mere notes are is sued the greater will be the de preciation in the value of the paper peseta. If the war lasts much longer, we may see the paper peseta, which is now at a discount of 50 per cent, depreci ate as did the Assignat of France at the close of the last century. The formal suspension of specie payments cannot long be delay ed. Indeed the suspensionshave practically occurred.” The Statist then presents an array of figures showing the ex act position of the bank, with a note circulation of 1,318,000 pes etas, without any certain reserve available for its redemption,and further pointing out that such note circulation may be increas ed to 2,500,000.000. Finally,the Statist says that in three years the Spanish and Cuban govern ments have borrowed 1,000,000,- 000 pesetas from the Bank of Spain. HOW'S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dcllars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannotjbe cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chrney & Co. , I’rops, To ledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F J. < heney for the last 15years, and believe him perfectly honor able in all business transactions ai.t. financially able to carry out mtv obligation made by their firm. West <V. TK..UX, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo. Q Walding, Kinnah & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken iutjrnally, a c t i ng, directly upon the blocd'and mucous sur faces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. S Id by all Druggists. Testimonials free, SUMMER SCHOOL. I will open my summer school on the fi ’at Mond ly m July.Specia attention given to pupils prepar ing for the university. .PalemonJ. Ki.ns2 WHITHKR BOUND? Camara is Said to Haun Qditted Cadii WITH HIS RESERVE FLEET Presented With a Flag of Hon or Before Starting. Madrid June 18.—Great secre cy is maintained here in regard to the destination of Admiral Camara’s fleet. The Spanish papers say that work is being actively continued on the forti fications in the Canary and Ba laric islands. The Liberal reit erates the declaration that “if Spain has nothing to hope from the powers, she is still able to defend herself.” Before the departure of the Spanish warships a flag of hon or embroidered by the ladies of Cadiz was presented to the offi cers of the cruiser Charles V. It was a solemn ceremony. The flag was blessed by a priest on the deck of the vessel, who made a patriotic speech. Capt. Aunon subsequently held a council of war with the commanders of all the ships of the squadron on board the bat tleship Pelayo. Capt. Aunon, after the departure of Admiral Camara, read the premier the following message: “The reserve squadron and the troops of the expeditionary corps on leaving Spanish waters send greeting to the government and the fatherland and affirm their desire to fight for them.” There was also telegraphed to the queen regent enthusiastic greetings from the squadron and announced the determina tion to fight to the last final honor. It is announced that Capt. Aunon, after inspecting the arsenal at Cartbagena, will return to this city and organize another squadron of war ships. He sent a message to the pre mier that he was much satisfied with the condition of the squad ron of Admiral Cemara. Pre mier Sagasta, it is said, hopes to prorogue the chamber of dep uties in the next week. PROFESSIONiL CARD! ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office, 200.East First Street, ROME. GA. CHAS, W. UNDERWOOD, Attorney at 1 a ar, Rome, Ga. Corporal’ n Law Only. M B HUBANKS, Atterney at law. OfficeKing Building. Rome, oa. W H E3N-NIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. ■W J. JSTHSH2L, Attorney at law. Will practice in all courts, Special attention given to commercial law ami the examication cf land titles, office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER, HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.'s. LIHSCOMB <Sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel building/Rome, Ga J S A. NT r 5T Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections s specialty. Masonic Temple Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office 240 1-3 Broad. ;Over Cantrell & Owens. j. l penningtonTd d.s .m d EXTIbT Office, 305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PriVSICIANS. o. HAldltiTo’N? M D.~ Physician and Surgeon Office,l Medical j Building Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone No. 53. la. f hammono. M. D„ Physician land Surgeon, lOffice in Medics building. Residence, No. 4«l West First st Gffice ‘pho No. 63. :•H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., |: . Successors to ROME PHARMACY. J J 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. wt We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very higlie>t grade. We solicit a part of your patronage ami shall en deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all times. We should be pleased to have vou call on us. Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. 4m MS' -o* 2 S. M. Stark, ss aH • Mfe.. ••mH MK <o+4 HR £ IADIBB AND GMlfil FAIL i B «*< Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A Mr , F. HANSON. ' ' NORRIS N. SMITH. | THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. | £ Plumbing and Tinning. 2 2 Engineers’ and machinists' 2 a supplies. Stoves, ranges and • G tinware. Gas and electric fix- c‘ § tures. INSURANCE gasoline § 2 stoves. Water meters. 2 Phone 32. JI fM.25 ail $i N; jlifJi s’lirts for $ J. A. GAMIM H .COMPANY » ARE WAITING"— for everyone in Rome to come _ in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, jSL bicycle and golf suits, is what we are d°* n £» but we are hus tling while we wait. We will Llet show you the finest stock of I 1 ). "V *' Ift i clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in fabricks, ) perfect fitting and handsome, to be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in values foUthe price. Thegreatest line of negligee shirts ever shown ii Rome. J. A. GAMMON & CO iiHMimii ■■ in n Can supply all Ours is the Most Complete | Department Nursery If! th*-* RJ S low rates. We publish one of / jW;. j the leading Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, "““■■■■■ which will be mailed free. Send for it now, it will yi!| save you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends! .and JS?-, near. Have hundreds of carloads of f ’ f N FRUIT AND ORNAKEmi TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. We send by mail postpaid. Seeds. Bulba, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival st,. —U.faction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44th year. 32 greenhouses. 1,000 acre. THE a HARRISON Ro* 528. Painesviiic, Q To Muieal Poeple of Rf I It is wih pleasure that we announce the arriv ' B of a new and complete stock of a B WW tHfli I AND I ; Smail Musical Instrumei I in the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street I where we would be pleased to have you call and ■ examine our goods. K • of some of the best m ikes H of pianos and organs on the market today. We H keep a. full Line of everything.pertainiug to a first- ■ class music store—Something Rome has needed for I a long time Give us a call and you will find a ■ music st ire that Romans may be proud of ■ We are determined to close out ou r I n— I the earliest possible date. 327 Broad Street. . H S. P. Davis, Manager. ■ XXXXXX XXX \ \ x.X X \ X'X X \..\ Xx \ v ■ We keep on hand at alljtimes a full stock of H Sheet Music I of the very ■ F.J-KANE& ED I 248 Broad Street.. K Sale ol Sumin Ms I 1 * 'n \ \ \ \ \’ \ \ \ \ 'vijz \ \ \ \• \ \ \\\\\\ X X X \_\ X x.X X X X X XXXX XXXX X x \ ■ ■ Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras. H Ready-Made Skirts and Waistsß i We intend to close out our shoe || stock, so take advantage of cost K 0 pcries on shoes of the best makes. ■ Special prices on everything at M F. J. KANE aiitl CO. ■ 248 Broad Street- | J |—i A W Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUM H surest and the he?t. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. ■ -- p*— S-imnle sent free on mention of this publi’at’’U- o.nd, 4 ?p iHcN«R WHU”' VSGRIMINI ”