The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 20, 1898, Image 7

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qr-de P«* d « r \ hl K&d BakiH* POWDER Absolutely Pura .. ;woe" co., wtw voRK. __ highly successful Which Restores Mr. Wn\ Noble’s Sight. \ Miss Linda Noble, who is at Hamburg, Ge\many, with her father, Mr-Wit,. Noble who went there to have asecoud operation for cataract performed on his eye, writes on Jiue 5 that the operation was performed on Wednesday, Junel, and was a complete success, he sight being entirely restored. \ This will be good news to Mr. Noble's many friends here, who had almost despaiied of his sight ever being regained The eminent oculists in the United States and England had been tried without success hut a young but world famous oculist of Hamburg, Gtrmany.Dr- Rich ard Deutschroann, of The Kiinik hospital, thought it possible that the cataract, was an unusually large ar.d difficult one, could he successfully removed and this he . did. Mr. Noble and Mias Lindt* wi 1 he at home again in about three weeks —Anniston Hot Blast. POLICE.’COURT. Cases Tried and Disposed of This Morning. The following cases were tried and disposed of at this morning’s police court before Recorder Eubanks : The first case called was against Mr . J. L. Camp, charg ed with interferring with an of ficer. Saturday evening a drove of cows got in the W. & A. R. R., yards Policeman Mulkey went I down to drive the cows to the pound. When they reached Jer tis & Wright’s drugstore, Mr. , Camp spied one of his cows in the drove and proceeded to drive her out. The cows took fright "'id stampeded in every direc tion. Ine recorder said it was just as unlawful to stop a policeman ‘b-'inga cow as it was to inter ne in the arrest of a drunken lna,b He "’as fined $5.00. Mr. C'Unp appealed the case to the I city council. dtie Jones, a professional S 111 dle cooler, * for cursing SamMnlz Car Saturday ni « ht ’ . n McKenzie and William f "?‘ s were up charged with g 't'ng Saturday night in front ot fifties wagon yard. fi't McKenzie several , 7 s head causing defense n Ui r ß ’- He leaded self Pelledto an /.-i Sai d * le wa s coin ed by \t lke as lie wa « attack ing i? C > r i" zie as he was pass ft/ainsi M i‘- le Were ‘wo cases '’■"S V 1 V| ,Z,e »"‘ i fine. Wnman - He havi s n... a or ten days. fif teen day B PUtd ° Wn for * 7 or 7 est e&lav „ oo'Hwrrress , t re J lln ? tQ - , home 0,1 PERSONAL MINHON _ Clever Bob Earle was in the city today. Mr. W A. Logan, of Ohattan- I ooea. is in the city. Mr. G. H. Albea, of Cave Spring, is in the city. Mr. John Keen, of Summerville spent today in the city. Capt.Jobn C, Foster, of Foster’s Mills was in town today. Miss Edith Hardy is visiting friends in Chattanooga, Mrs. Dr. Howard E. Felton is reported some better today. Mr. Alex White, of Vans Valley, was in the city today. All kinds of nice fruit, berries and crisp vegetables at Lloyd’s. Fresh arrival fancy small size hams at Lloyd’s, at a small price. Hugh Parks, Jr., returned yes terday from a pleasant visit to Atlanta. Mr. Henry Stewart, a popular ex-Roman spent yesterday in the city. I Mr. J. B. Montgomery, of Gadsden, was in the city today on business. Mr. I. J. Ross spent yesterday in the city the guest of his nephew, Mr. Walter Ross. Mrs T. C. Smith, and little girl left today for Birmingham where they will spend several diy e with friends. Mr. Gill Johnson, the bright ■on of Capt. J. Lindsey Johnson, has returned from college in Indiana If you eat yen cannot afford not to trade at Lloyd s. The best of everything, largest variety and lowest price. Messrs F. L. Jonrg and Sam Hardin spent yesterday at Annes d«lle the guest of the family of Mr. C. P. Morton. For that tired feeling yo must enrich and purify your blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the medicine you need . Dr. R. B. Headden returned today from Anniston, where he preached at Parker’s Memorial church yesterday. Miss Eula Kendick will return tomorrow from Montazuma, where she has been attending college the past year. Mr. John Perkins is spending a few days in the city. He is traveling for W. 11. Me William Photograph Co., of Chicago. Fresh new pickles, all styles, in bulk and fancy packages, just arrived at Lloyd’s, where you will find the best of everything to eat. Mr. James Bonnaman, who was brought to the Emergency hospital from Chattanooga last week with typhoid fevei is much improved. Coi. A. W. Walton after a pleasant weeks stay in the city with his family, returned yester day to Greenwood, 8. C., where he is is building a large water works. Judge AV. M. Henry, Solicitor Mose Wright and Stenographer Tatum went up to L iFayette yesterday, where they will hold a special term of Walker super ior court this week. Do You Got it?—l have ex clusive charge of tlid circulation department of the Hustler-Com mercial. If you do not get your paper promptly, report to me and it will be <4 tended to. The subscription is TO cents ... .per week,,pay able-every Saturday.. Please have- the money retidy when the collector calls. •Respectfully/’ 4 ; ; Pau4 z c. jAtK. I ' Woman’s - Friend The Great Medicine that Gives > Nerve Strength i o Hood’s Sar:?.; -ilia NI;J .r, the Blood Rico ar. Pure, Creates an Appetite c.nrf Restores Hoalth, Vigor and Vitality. “I feel Hint I ought to write a few words in praise of 1 hod’s Sarsaparilla, which has done great things for me. I was in a delicate condition and was sick at my stomach and c >nstij>at -d. 1 tried 1 remedies highly recommended for female weaknesses, but the ined'eines brought on other troubles, i was so weak I ! could not attend to my household duties, and I then determined to try Hood’s Sar saparilla. After I had taken this medicine i a short time 1 began to gain strength. I Crow Strong::' U?.ch Dr.y until I was able to o k ;.:i cay without I eny inconvenience. I have taken Huod’r Pills for con k 'nation, and lam better to day than I have been for five years. , Since taking flood's Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills I feel rested in the morning. ■ I am less nervous ai. ' am sure J have richer and pun r bloc 1. I have always l been bothered with scrofula, but now 1 | am rid of it. Before my Ia;-t child was born I took Hood’s Samparilla, and my girl baby was fat %nd strong, tvhile my other child was not well and lived to be only two years old.” Mrs. E. F • Deal, Box 419, Missouri Valley, lowa. Hood’s Is the best—in fact the On - True Blood Purifier Hood’s r;ii LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Knights of The Mystic Chain —Called meeting Tuesday night 8 o’clock June 21st. at K. of P. Hall. Members earnestly requested I to be there. Geo A. Boylston. Foot Mashed. —A young man by the name of Graham got Lis •foot badly trashed this afternoon ; near the furnace, by a train The > particulars could not be learned at a laJe hour this afternoon. Fine Sermons.—Rev. Mr. Snow, of Atlanta, preached two fine sermons to the miss’ouary society at the Second Methodist church yesterday. He returned ( to his home in Atlanta this , morning. Mad Dog—Policemen Joe Johnson ebot a mad dog in Mr. Carlton Wright’s yard this morn*- , ing The animsl was snapping at ; every thing, and foaming at the mouth. He came near biting sever al small children. I Picnic.—Judge John P. Davis requests the Hustler Commercial I to state that any one wishing to go with the North Rome Baptist and Methodist churches, tomorrow down the river, can get tickets at > 250 f-r adults aiid 15c tor child— ; ren. Arrested For Rr bbery—D pt. , Sheriff W.P. McLeod arrested Ben . Lumpkin Saturday night and lodged him in j til charged wit!: robbery.He was implicated in rob bing the cash draw of Mr W. P McWilliam’s th3 banker, last - week. Tonight The Time —Prof. J. A. Beall will open the hand some new theatre ,at Mobley’s - park tonight with an unique and interesting entertainment consisting of dancing, songs and plenty of good music. Several professional actors and actresses will take part. Go out and enjoy a pleasant evening. WEBSTER —LINDSAY. Miss Mars Lindsey and Mr. A. C. Webster Married Mr A. 0. Webster, of Nash ville, and Miss Mary Lindsey were united in the holy bonds of matrimony’this afternoon at 4:30 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, by Dr. R. B. Headden. Miss Lindsey is. one of Rome’s pretty and talented young , and' iSeJ exceedingly .• pqppJar among a large cirGLe- us frionds.. Mr. Webster is a rising, youitg juaii oLHa^hvilla.- -- ~j .• -••■Mr. luuLACrs. WeKster left on ilie' aftei’n'wnbirtti u far’ IH*n ver,. Colorado on liwit /bridal tbUr. . pbftn-3 Aff a ir, only th? i re]uUv t ,B and a few frieud.s. being presjtmt, ' ' • T . ,l._ . -HI - I j School Supplies, -jfl ’We are pioiieerk i’l tbe aoba 1 and seh tol sup- O’u ply busin< ba and w« are ala i light up-ro-daD l in every thinj that should be kept by an up-to-date Buoks'ore. »>> i) i w I pi® i AV Ji w N° b cuse th !-tste car. serve von better when vou de- »>> Sire * nveßt *’• a nPW covering fcr tee dear rid walls of ycur home. See our stock on hand and samples | H. A. SMITH ' | i THF OLD RFLIABLL BOOK STORE. g p * To the People of Rome. 4/ T • M/ vvisli to announce th it I have bought the Model •A* eara biuulry an 1 nropoae to rearrange and aid to it X. so that you will have in your city a plant second tc none \IJ in the 30ULh - I have nid v • irs ot prictical exper euce, the past, l-fi'' oo years of I Imv < own -d and operated one of jVr the largest plan sin Texts. With the yeirsof experi- W J ence f have hi 1 and a« I wi I d -vote my entire time and attention to the business [ will be in a position to guar-, /a\ ante-’ that anything lining to my latyidry will be done XY? satis-’actori y. A trial will c joviuci y-u that 1 can do all tha’ I claim • Sind in y -ur bvn II -. If it r ails to please /ik y , ' iv t h'te w >! Ibe n » charge .St q> our wagm or telephone yni No 158, an 1 you. - luiib will b•- returned promptly. /ik Hoping t> r active a f tir sh tr >of your patronage, J am yours to please, -v- 4N 4 $ H- PARKIN- Proprietor Model Steam Liundry. ■MBaMMßMaMnauaiNfcw—: >c- .a x. •■> wwsMKaaßßiiMMuaM • CANDY . CATHARTIC ji & nT Ta flfVwwwwW W CURE CONSTIPATION 25c 50c DRUGGISTS r . - - e* 3 THE MODEL LAUNDRY Is doin? th? bsstof work ind guaran tees satisfiotioi: Prioas are mist re in.i tdi l F i 1 w a ? ?oecialty r-„. r _ i- CT, aO ; E-’J ■ 201 f-- 1 r --rr 3 B —ir-^ET-it— IS/.VEi| Tonic u'TFiES ™ BLOOD, U] CURE 'CR r.l tWr— ’ll dTh- /' 177:■ ' ■?. ■ ‘ f v ■■■ 8 OERAL DEBILITY ' i ™« < > “S’ 'll Al AL*. ~r . Will Keep your il -> - /<■ • iit . ' Stoiu*ch in Healtliy .1 LKezUGLS.o. - / Cond.tion. ■■■ .wJjssa- '"lff-' vt, iO i<, .M ... • ol ,n»r..C . 1 ■>. i — Wv |ta.^*^ s^,onOTß ,,, i , -—■»- ,!*/uwi/ V» .uajiui vie *, 11 ■ 2J IIIJ j4R • L.7..TU-. ■■. u -,.... <(JO | Wa r Time Prices. < While on tbe one hand as afresultof the war. nearly all food products have advanced in price, < on the other hanci, it < has had 'precisely ihe opposite effect on the I Furniture )i Trade. -V • Wej pnust keep our sales up to the normal standard, and to do this i j we realize that goods must be sold lower than ever, and we tire pnpar ed and determined to . make you lower prices F j on anything in our house thau can be elsewhere. Oar line ia Complete and \ Upto Date. |\ Consisting in part of S Bedroom ij Suites, Pat lor - Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, Rockers and Chairs, ail kinds Hatracks. Baby Carriages “ Rugs, Portiers, ! Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens. Iron Beds. etc. Also complete line of caskets, coffins, robes, etc., ’at the 1 >we-it prices. Cali on Rhudy, Harvey : ► 'a VCK id <N Ctfflipaiiy. »i« tdl -.<j| - X-OmA*,.! iot <*. *»oa,o. ..J P- Jthit Yr.- J-ljJWisdeli is/„u. talWfia.of our ie » p3ir departtTT’ftt a-Hi that he caix mend>nythiQg’maifc‘bf2wocd. ' - 4-*- tNo jyjhj»i-pagh{,.W be wiftaut t-’-sAVBR FEM Al. E REMEDY (SC FPOSITORIES). Send for Pamphlet. n - 1 t=tE=i - EF’ - „ c