The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 20, 1898, Image 8

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Baby Mine! Every mother feels an in de* •.jC\ scribable dread of the pain and danger attend li l an t upon the 1 ' most cr ‘ t *cal pe- r *°d °f h cr 1 fe. ■ Becoming a f PMiesflu mother should be i a source °f i°y I'l’r to *h e ’ - suffering and drnger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER’S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman’s severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother’s Friend. It is a blessing to woman. • 1.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drue Stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of rnrr interest to all women, will be aent rntt to any address, upon application, by Th. BBADFIELD RFGULATOB CO.. Atlanta. Oe. SUDDEN DEATH Mr-J N Wimpee Died Satur day of Heart Disease- The funeral services of Mr. J N. Wimpee, who died so sud denly Saturday evening at the home of his eon-in-law, Mr Emmett Barfield, in East Rome, was conducted with Masonic honors from Antioc church,near East Rome this morning at' 10 o’clock. Mr. Wimpee, at the time of his death , was 73 years old. He moved to Cedartown sev eral months ogo and was here on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Barfield. Saturday he returned from a short trip io the country, and complained of having a pain at his heart, and started toward a chair to sit down. Before reach ing the chair he fell. He was picked up by his wife and daugh ter and placed on the bed and expired in a few minutes. The deceased was twice mar ried and leaves thiee children bv his first wife and seven by his second, to mourn his death. Despite the presence in Paris of the splendiferous Depew,with his honeyed words for the French, ammunition continues to be furnished the Spaniards from the French side of the Pyr enees. With her sailor hat and mili tary belt the summer girl seems determined to keep on the good side of both branches of the ser vice. —A meric us Tim es- Record - er. Rheumatism Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: “For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food I” or handle myself in any way; I was abao- V j, * lately helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re l’eved me so that I f®?/' i vas soon able to move my right arm; before long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as aver. I now weigh 170.” A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine—S.S.S. {guai anteed purely vegeta table') is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valuable books. Address tflk, , Swift Specific Cm. Atlanta. BILL ARP Compares the Honesty of the Volontee. With the DISHONEST regulars. A Word About a “Bightlng pig” That Maj- Ayer Paid for. In yesterday’s Constitution Bill Arp has this to say about war times and war and the men who composed tl e armies that did the fighting: ‘•War! Yes. war with all its pomp and glory. Chicamauga is in Walker county, and Walk er county is begging for martial law. It is history repeating itself. These United States regulars are, as a general rule, the scum of all nations. When a vagabond gets here he is enlisted, for he can find nothing else to do and joins the machine. He had no moral principal at home and has none here. Wheth er white or black the regulars are a set of brutes. We found that out curing the last war and they are the same now. What do they care about subduing Spain or relieving the starving Cu bans’ They will rob and rape and steal whenever and wherev er they get a chance, and our poor fools call them patriots. Our Southern soldiers did not do those things. I know they did not. They had regard for the rights of m»n and respect for woman kind. I remember when Col. Barton called his reg iment, the Eighth Georgia to dress parade at Winchester and told them that an old man who lived near our camp had been robbed of his honev, ai.d resti tution must be made him. “He said: ‘I thought that 1 had the honor to command a regiment ccmposed cf the best blood of Georgia and I think so still, but last nigh) some sol diers from this camp robbed a poor old man of his honey—ten hives of virgin honey that he was saving to sell and with the money to buy some clothes for his family. ‘1 do not wish to know who did this wrongful and uusol dierly act, but desire that all who are willing to make restitu tion to him advance six paces to thejfront.’ ” The whole regiment advanced and the money taken up along the line amounted to $75. Fifty dollars was paid to t ie old man and the rest put in the hospital fund. “I do not recall another case of pillage or wrong doing. One of my messmates killed a pig at Orange Court house and I never enjoyed roast pig in all my life as I did that. It was a small, plump Berkshire that nosed around the boxes where we fed our horses and my mess mate declared the pig tried to bile him and he shot him. The owner lived on a hill nearby and cam* around bunting for his pig and somebody told him that our mess i had shoat for dinner day before | yesterday. We referred him to our cook, old uncle Bob, who pretended to get fighting mad and lied out of it. But before we left. Major Ayer, the quartermaster, went up and paid the man for his pig. He was a [Union man and used cusswords on us, but he took the confederate money. This was the only biting pig we came across in Virginia. Regu'ars are simply machine soldiers. Between the privates and the officers there is a wide gap—ne intimacy, no familiarity, forth» officers are gentlemen from West Point and the privates are Arabs, Hets si* b», mercenaries from anv- THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is duanot only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKANOUCO, Cal. LMCUVILLK. ’ -KW YORK. N. Y. where. They meandered all over th is part of Georgia during the war and did not leave a biting p’g nor even a razorhack in Bartow county. The other day I saw a yenng man in Atlanta who had come down from Marietta to enlist He was seventeen years old and the down cn his face hud not turned to beard. An elderly mtn who knew his folks was trying to p-r --suade him to go back and comfort his mother, who was in great distress and the boy was troubled o i hei account, but he said he was going into the army to help her more than for anything else, for he said. “Gentlemen, I ain’t ge'- tin’ but $lO a month and have to buy my clothes and that don't leave hardly anything for mother. But I can get sls in the army and they feed me and clothe and I can send mother $lO ur sl2 every month. I don’t care a doggone about 'he Cubans or -he Spaniards, but if they should kill me, why, then, mother will get a pension, I reckon. ” I did not stay to learn wlitther he went back home or forward to the war. But there was no patriot ism in the venture and that is the case with most everyone who en lists. I wonder what will come of it? Bil . Akp. A NEW MAN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man tnd is the best I ever took. It uas beon a blessing to me.’ William M, James. Brogdon, S C. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to taite with Hood’s Sarsaparilla Easy and yet efficient. RANGES. I am agent iorSouth- Queen Coal or Wood Ranges. Alsc Asuranc? Safety G-as fime stoves- Call and | saamvstock and get ostimaes on your olumbitno- and tin work Next door to opera house. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SAL VE The best sat.vb in the werh* for Cuts. Bruises, Ulcers, Sores ( Salt Rheum, Fever S »res, Tetter, ■ Chapped Hands,Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cure for Pihs or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re ' funded. Price 25 cents per box’ Fur sale r>y Curry Arrington.. SUMMER PRICES Lanham & Sons Closing Out Seasonable Millinery. Messrs Lmlrun A Sons, the merchant princes us Fifth ave nue, have thrown their summer millinery on the market at regu lar closing out prices. 'Chis, they do annually rather than carry over old g<>o<ls to a new season. The stock they have begun to slaughter is right down to date, and is made of hats and bonnets fashioned after the very latest fads and styles. “We don’t propose to carry over a hat in our millinery de partment,” said Mr. Lanham to The Hustler Commercial man, ‘‘and all we want you to do i merely to state that fact to the pecple. We have dene this be fore and the people know what to count on when they see Lan ham & SoiA announcing their c r osing out sale of spring a”d summer millinery.” RAINBOW FIRECOMPANY To Go to Norfolk, Va., on An nual Outing. On Monday July 11th Rain bow Fire Co., will take its annual outing and go to Ocean View about flue miles from Nor folk. They will go over the W. & A. R. R. to Atlanta then over the Seabord Air Line. The company has secu e<l the low rate of SIO.OO for round trip | tickets good for ten days. They have also secured the low rate of $1.50 per day (for those who go with them over the Seaboard Air Line) at the elegant Ocean View hotel. This hotel is situat ed on the beach and can accom modate 1000 guests. Fine fish ing, bathing, boating, good music and every th iig to make you enjoy yourself. Electric cars every few minutes to the city, only a short distance from Old Point. Rainbow extends an invita tions to her friends to join us. Harry Rawlins will give you auv information vou want. A BOWER OF BEAUTY Is The Pavillion at Mobley’s Park. Tomorrow night the M ibley pavillion theatre will be opened by a specialty company in the latest novelties, songs, dances, medleys and various specialties, including th a famous Eh Greens cake walk. Ample accommoda tion has been provided for the great crowd that will beon hand. The pavillion has been beauti fully decorated and the stage presents a grand appearance. The i-dectrie lights have been put in and everything is in readiness Mgr. Marvin has spared no ex pense in making the pavillion second to none in the south and it certainly has reflected great, credit upon him, and is quite an acquisition to Rome. The cars will be run at intervals so as to accommodate the crowd and ev ery one attending will enjoy a pleasant evening. A f ter the per formance dancing will be in dulged in, and this will give all the opportunity to either stay or return to the city. The for the entertain ment will be 10c to the promen ade and 25c to the dancing hall proper. Go early and secure your seats as mere will be none reserved and first going will get the choicest seats. 8 dozen Linen Crash Skirts. Just Received. The 75 cent kind tor 39 cents, the $ I kind for49cents. while they last. Call at Lanham & Sons, 1 Every day now brings us heavy ments of standard and seasonable niture. ana with the coming of snC? 1 ’ we have already received a prin £ CAR-LOAD OF BABY C AFtRIAGrEs All of them beauties and ihatwm them dainty little vehicles, Tomhn ing the essensial points of beau, v mJ strength- y MATTINGS RUGS, CARPETS 'I In. this department we have received I tor the spring trade one car load of I mattidg which we imported direct I irom Japan. Here you canfind new I patterns and the prettiest of designs I and at remarkably low prices. fl STOVES- I Do vou need a new stove in ycur | kitoh n? Tiien call on us and you I will go no where else. We have the I best and that means’ an economic ■ stove in every sense oi the word. ■ THE INK MITO 305 Broad st- Phones - ■ Undertakers, Embalmer, an Fu'B neral Directors. B . • • y.nmni twin minn ''"" n wm r,m»n nfinn i'"nin liimn iiMM AWm mW iWim *#l.4, | A WHOLE CLUB ■ II ■ -I - Ca H ■ a Maie ß IM Better ■ W ' # Running H| Time ■ 1 9 / .. . r A I j ihJE I carry a full an 1 c nnj’ete line of jewelry, iuclii' ding Diana meh :H : !£ My stock of silver notions and novelties wttS De '” er more complete. WEDDING P.THJSEVrS A SPECIALTY. ■ fl J. K Williamson■ - ESJ Uujv c«S» Como, W is., Jan. 10,1898. J M I would not be „ * ■!' - without PISO’S I CURE lor CON- cures whereall IlsHails SUMPTION for any 9L th,ng. For a M Cough or Co’ lit is ■ ■ , ba ™L Ij . beyond all others. 15 y . - Mrs C. REYNOLDS. ’ “The Best Cough < ! i k I LIVERY SALE AND FEED STAB^ 5 ■ Offers the public vhe finest teams bast j° r j ve rs. ■gif ances and most polite and courteous i > q ( The best stock of horses,and mules on , .stantly. |3OSA»IO 3JS ROAJ SJ»EST. 'W 1