The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 22, 1898, Image 6

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lilt "USTLER-CfIMMEFICIAI TH ~ HUSTLER OF ROME Established. 1800. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. 18W>. lss,u< j every evening, ex epi Satur®B| Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. editor and MANAGER. office. Wilkerson (Block, Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION tally and Sunnay.per year *'■ 0 Sunday, per year Weekly (Tuk Romk Courier) pei year « BY CARRIER IN CITY AND SUBUfiUd Dr'iy ar.4Sunday, lOeenta per wee', Remit by bank draft. exprsii money order or registered letisr Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, (ROME, ;ga. Entered at the Postoffice at Rome, Ga., a seconu class matter. Advertising rates and sample copies for tl , asking,,, BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 The Hustler-Commercial it the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It has th combined circulation of the 010 evening Hustler of Rome ant, the Rome Daily Commeteiai and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF The City of Rome The City Marshal The Sheriff of Floyd Count; The Ordinary of Floyd Co. The Hustler-Com merciai has the confidence of the classe.' and the masses —because it mer its and deserves the confident* of all its readers. Now is the time to tell your neighbor to quit borrowing am enlist his name as a subscriber The fruit season is on, am with Cuba, Porto Rica and some 1400 islands around Manih ready to pluck, it looks as if Uncle Sain’s plum orchard ha< “hit.” Go out and vote tomorrow. The Fourth of July is lest than two w’eeks oft’. I ■■■—w .. —* If Uncle Sam only had a Dewey in Cuban waters! Go to the polls tomorrow ano vote for three’ Judges—amoni them Judge Fish. The “war loard” of German} says its a big black lie—he has no designs on Dewey. £. 1- With Santiago captured whir will Sampson do for forts t< “silence” every day ? Th® war is now over two months old and Dewey alonr has obtained results. f 1 The curbstone banker without principle generally takes th* most interest—in his business Don’t believe all you heai about Hobson and his men beinj. murdered or starved. Spain won’t dare. Watch us roll up one of tilt largest majorities ever given foi honest John Maddux —Adairs ville Banner Much to the surprise of a cor respoiidenf who broke into Havam the people are Bt.ii! eating am drinking there and calling lh< Am ricaus hard names. Let Floyd do her duty and nominate that faithful Judgt and model official, Judge Fish, to succeed himself. Go to tin polls tom >rrow and do your sub duty. Ir. is 100 soon to toake Genera’ Miles a Lieutenant General Tin country should wait till In proves hia claim. lie has noi yet improved the chance to show ■ he can du. It is now stated in one column I’iat tin-. Spanish fleet is to bom bard ILaton, and in the next column we are told it w ill first destroy the b merican fleet and then invade Florida. The Span ish board of strategy should cap ture Dwight, 111., and stay there long enough to get the stuff en tirely out of its system. Yellow fever in the s >uth is abutting, but the twisted-hemp epidemic is still working death to an occasional negro —Chicago Record. Theres always a bonnhful supply of rope in the South, and th* southerons know how to use it on the rapist—be he black or white. 4he count to date shows that every town in the United States has a “boy” with Dewey at Manila. And every blessed one of these young heroes is writing home to the old folks, telling them the same story. But what can we Deweyboutit? Readers of novels of Captain Charles King will look for more stories with a new note from lis pen when he returns from the Philippine Islands, whither he g es as a brigadier general of volunteers under General Mer itt. Reinember Judge Fish has made a model < fiicer, that he gave up his business to go on the bench rnly a year ago, and that good democratic custom gives a faithful official a second term as an endorsement. The Chinese custom of paying a physician only as long as the patient is in good health is said i.o have been adopted by Lord Rothschild. He pays Sir William Broadbent a retaining fee ol SSOOO a year. The refusal of McCarth} t) accept the colonelcy of the )ne Hundred and Sixty-ninth New Yo k Regiment on the plea hat he is too poor may suggest i reason why Joseph Leiter doet tot enlist. It will lend vigor to the as sault of our soldiers atSanitiago f they shall remember that it was at that place the Virginia victims were mthlessly slnugh cered, to the horror of Christen lorn. ’“The friendliness of some rail road presidents to the administrs'- tion seems to have altogether to* nuch to do in determining which of the Florida camps is mos lealthful,” observes the Chicago Record. Princeton conferred on Dewei two degree of LL D., Doctor o Laws. It strikes us that Ph. D would have been t.h Q more appro priate degree—“ Doer of Philipp ines,’’ is the way an exchange puts it. A law recently adopted in Italy requires that every employ er shall, at his own cost, com nensate his workmen for all ac cidents the consequences o‘ which last, more than fiveday s. If Mark Hanna cannot burr Cleveland, it, may be some conso Gtion for him to remember the United States is a much bigg*f spot than his little home town. , Wiih Sampson. Sibley an* j Shafter at Santiago that effet* Spanish stronghold should be a very lively corner of the vineyard this week. The senior Mr I eiter him prob blv inched a point where b< °els that if his sou wants any vii°at this year he can go out and raise it. Armour s lys he is sorry foi oung Leiter and lie doubtles.- eels it a much pleasanter emo tion than being sorry for him self. - REVENUE BILL CONDENSED. Here is the new wai revenue bill condensed for ready refer ence: Beer and ale $5 a bbl Tobacco 12c a lb Cigars $3 per 1,000 Cigarettes $3 66 per 1,000 Bank cir cles 2c stamp Manifests of express pkslc stump Longdistance ’phonecall 1c Telegraph 1 C Telegraph ] c Indemnifying bond 5c Life Insurance policy, for each SIOO 10c. Benefit Society Insurarce-40 per cent ol first weeks’ premium. Fire insurance—One half of one per cent on each dollar insured Lease—One year, 25 ; 3 years, 50c,over 3 years $ 1. Mortgage—Under $1,500, 25c; for each 500 over $1,500, 25c. Passage to Foreign Countries— Not exceeding S3O, $1; not ex ceeding S6O, $3 j over S6O, $5. For each 5c value one-eighth of 1 per cent. Perfumery—For each 5c value, one-eigath es 1 per cent. Wine lc pim Oil and Sugar—Refineries are taxer one-fourth of 1 per cent on gross recei, ts exceeding $250,000 . Mixed Flour 4c barrel l' ea 10c a pound The Cordele Sentinel makes this early announcement: “Bob Berner will be the next governci of Georgia after Candler.” We’ll never vote for Berner ’till h* moves his washing to the Ten nessee line.—Waycross Herald The Herald seems determined to get funny on its political geography. The Herald seem to forget that Allen D. Candle: is the first governor Georgia has called from north of Atlanta since the days of Joe Brown— and the second Governor north Georgia has furnished, in the history of the state. The London Spectator says that “the Americans, with the position they assume in th* world as protectors of two con tinents, need a fleet as larg-e at that of France, and an army -di 50,000 men bo over-officered in ill grades and so over-supplied with artillery, engineers and transports, that it can be . ex panded at a month’s notice with, trained reservists to 150,000 men.” A waiter who died this week n Boston left the snug little for une of $30,000, most of whicl> represented an accumulation o’ the tips showered upon him b; vellseived guests during the past forty years. If an ordinary hotel waiter can husband such a tidy sum in forty years it would be interesting to know hovt much a frugal Pullman car par ter could save in the same period if time. ■r n g - ■ • The Colorado miners ...are •hanging the names of many of their plants to those.of famous men of the present war. One 01, ?he best paying copper mines in. he state is called the Sigsbee"; nd Dewey, Lee, Sampson, Hob ton, Schley, and Bagley are all represented- * ■■■ .11 .1— * — . v A girl’s aim is unusually, poor,; mt as an amateur cyclist she •an hit anything in sight, re- ; narks a cyni ’nl exchange. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mystic Uti-e forß l eu matisni ■nd Neuralgia radically cures in ’ to 3 days T « action upon the < yatem is r«markuble and myete ious. It removes at once the cause 1 nd the disease immediately dis- I ppears. The first dose greatly I tenefite, 75 ceou. Sold by Cury krriegton Co, Rome, Gs.. > SI ~\! < ',l IT I•: KI \ ( : Th*® T IN EVERY DEP ARTMENI We need money and we are compelled t<> ,■ BIG AMOUNT OF CASH out of our stopk in th?] few days. In order to raise the money we have de J ■to throw our entire stock on thts market at from J r SO percent reduction. This reduction applies to e] article in our store, contract goods excepted ] » It is unusual to find a stock of men’s bdvs ' children’s clothing, furnishing goods and hatsr,o 1 suited to the demands of the trade as ours. Oijr ent stock has been renewed in the last ninety days I 1 ery garment is new, fresh and careful attention to fit and finish and theseprices sh J , have your most careful cdnsidcKation. | : MEN’S FIHE SUITS. 3 I 1 All $22.50 and $25 suits go at sl6 50,.. .- I All sls an.d $lB suits go at ill 7) I ! All 10. and 12.50 suits at All , { .G and"suits at I All 5 suits go at 3,50.' j * I 1 ” ' I Children’s Knee Pants Suits ffl ),*/ J > I _ . *'■' C /'■ I •> 4 1 :>i •’> t l '” *.'h. ( f> . 1 ..4 , . '*• 00‘sAijts go at s.>-.D0,„ “ Swits go at $2 50 | .4 50su,its goat'"2 350 sui’ts at 1.75,-, -• J ■ v JLOO Suits go at. ‘175, 2.50 suits go at T- 25. 1 • , ’ •* / -I.CO I'nits go at 0(j I MENS FINE • * .f • • | $6. 00. pants go at 4 $ LOO?* $5.00 pants go at $3.35. | 4.50 pants go at 3 0t). 400 pants go at 2.65. I 3.50 pants go at 2,34. 300 pants go at 2.00. j 250 pants go at 1.67 • 2.00 pants go at 1.50. I 1.50 pants go ' * I I IM- STRAW HAT • ’■ * • I BOAT HALF PRICE. $2.50 hats go at sl-25/i $2.00 hats go at SI.OO. ’ I G hate.go at 75j. . ' 100hat> go a 500. | ,/Ao.haU go at 40.-. 50c hats go at 25c. ] . ... . J 25 per Cent offon all-Furnishing gool Underwear,. Shirts, Hosiery.Handkel Hats. I 13 to 1L i i it' KI <>tWe ath I • •■ ... ■•'' . , •■***■/« s Stuff in Serges. Alpaca; Linen. an t Jjck. AH giin fWfl count sale-• :•/ - 4 | This Will Be Our ’ Money-RaisM SI v ; . * *•' 4 ■ • *’- *- • '*■’7 • , „ I YOUR MONEY SA VIM I Th i i , no^ ri X k of the ,ra<b " or i* 't « going out of business advertising scheme to oeoplp. We'always do exactly wh‘if we advertise and we are Pure the people of Rome s»<l country are awarg of this fact. We come-to vou now with the henest, frank '» ■ needing miiney apd in order s rniie the needed amount we off >r y>u the cleanout, best boug ■ clothing fUtnlshiiig goyds atfd hit’s m Romo at faom 25 to 50 percent reduction. I 1.1. n i