The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 23, 1898, Image 7

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Tb. i \\ b t <« woe-one f<T‘*ef ,hfl " - " y < ’“” f s*W POWDER Absolutely ? ure , . ... JWOER eo„ Rfw VO"*- PERSONAL NItNTION Mr. A Daugherty, went tc Ce dartown. Mr. Thomas Waiters. went to Cedartown. Prof. J A. Beal spent yester day n> Atlanta. Dr. J. W. Brown, of Coosa, is in the city today. Miss Mary Berry is visiting friends in Spring Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ewing are visiting friends in Nashville. Mr. J. M. Bendy, of Atlanta, is in the city on business today. Fresh arrival fancy small size hams at Lloyd’s, at a small price. Mrs. Thos. L. Woodruff, of Atlanta, is visiting friends in the city. Col. Halsted Smith went down to Cave Spring this morning on business. Mr. J. B. Montgomery, of Gadsden, spent today in Rome on business. The Willie C. Wagnon will nrke her usual run to Gadsden tomorrow. Miss Berta Maddox has re turned from a pleasant visit to Cartersville. Try a “Bill Arp. ” Its Warter’s new brand and the best 5 cent smoke in the state. Mr. and Mrs. Henry R, Gi-etch ius of Columbus, Ua., are spend ing a few day s in the city. Mr. E. L. Wilson, who took part in the Beal Specialty Co. , «ill leave tomorrow for Chica mauga. It .ou eat. yen cannot afford not to trade at Lloyds. The best of everything, largest variety and lowest price. Miss Eva Crawford, of Cedar town was the guest of her broth er > Mr. J. Santy Crawford, the past v.eek. Miss liardin, of Rome, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. B. F. f'itts, on Vine street.—Chat tanooga News. lor that tired feeling yo *uust enrich and purify your l J lood. Hoo ’’s Sarsaparilla is the J -e lic ne you need . C. C. Jackson, traveling Passenger agent of the Southern Iy ’’ wilh headquarters in Chat tanooga, is i n .] le cifcy Mis j). Howard E Felton is Ol ‘talescent from a recent spell e ' ei , at the home of her pa nts > Mi, a id Mrs Grimm. M e Eu-stman and Miss a J atton, two of Rome's most , "‘h’lished and fairest daugh l^ s ' are visitmg Dr< and MfS n, y burner down the Coosa. I x 'die McCall, who has eou i tlie M C,,tt, ' fUin gg«estof her Sout| n ’u 18S JennieMcCal, ? 0,1 her ho ° ad 6t, ' eet ’ returned to illrr li0 «* •» Quitman thi. morn- l «uishi'r'.' ey Dean r ” ll > r " eJ helnoTi lo ' n Atlanta where H ing “ ,e Tecl " PMied Sr •, 11 ““ com - l'l«uk eu M * 8 ’ ,riend ’ Mr ot Augusta. | LOCAL HAPPENINGS. \\ ater Melons.—Several tar loads of water melons came to the city today from South Geor gia. They are the first to ar rive this season. Bicycle Races —There will be some good bicycle races in.Gads* 'en on .July the 4’h. a number of Rome’s crack bicyclist will prob ably the contest. After Gamblers —Solicitor M so Wright came down from Chicamaugs today and spent a few hours in the city. He says that Walker county graad jury return ’ed 50 bills of inditement yester day against parties running gam bling houses and blind tigers at Chicamauga park Reception.—The S. A. S Club will give a reception to its friends tomorrow evening at the residence of Mr. Miller Parish. The following officers were elected at its meeting at the home of Mr. Wilson Hardy, last evening : Sidney Dean, Presi dent; Will Hoyt, Sect’y : and Sidney Hardy Treas. Solicitor Chamlee.—On ac count of the absence of Solicitor Mose Wright and Acting Solic itor Harper Hamilton, who are attending court in Walker coun ty, Col. Bob Chamlee was ap pointed by Mr. Wright as Act ing Solicitor during this term of the city court. Col. Chamlee is one of Rome’s voting attorneys and a better selection could not have been made. Apxoints Three.—The law requires a roster of all the com panies of Confederate soldiers that enlisted from Floyd county Ga., during the late war ; and the Ordinary to appoint a com mittee of three from each com pany upon the recommendation of the survivors of each compa ny. The soldiers will have a meeting at the court house on the fourth Saturday, Inst. All are requested to attend and rec ommend their committeemen. The sons of veterans are also re quested to meet at the same time and place. Resptfully, John P, Davis HOW CAN HE DO IT? Castor Oil for axl’s worth 40c per quart, price 20c Harness Oil worth 25c per quart, price 10c. 5 Quire pkg of legal note pa per worth 25c price 10c. Fine 9-ineh Roll wrapping paper, cost 6?, price 3|. $1.50 cruches, per pair 75. Six barrels (six colors). Spear’s wetherproof, fireproof paint, dry. worth 10c lb price i that. Columbian Spirit, for burn ing, bathing and all external purposes, worth 60c quart, price 37c # 75 i-gallon empty mineral wa ter bolls to put up your wine, etc, in, worth 20c each, price sc. Atomizers below actual cost and a new lot of rubber goods (Household and fountain) and paint and shoe brushes just ar rived. Price uncommon, at Frank Wright’s Farmacy, cor ner opposit Masonic Tempi. Frank Maddox, of Rome, was here with his Grandfather Ed mondson last week.—Summer ville News. Mr. Aimer R. Davis, who was suddenly tak n sick in At lanta yesterday, was reported better today. During the absence of Solici tor Mose Wright, Mrs. Wright and little daughter Mildred are spending the week at Mr. aud Mrs. Berry’s country home. Mrs. 11. B. Kilby and children went to Rome last week on a visit of several days to friendk and relatives. — Summerville News. SCROFULA It is Foul Blood’s Advertise ment But it Is Soo.i Cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Yes, Scrofula, If a uyt hiug, may be called the advertisement. f foul blood. It is the scourge of the woi Id offensive, painful, debilitating, stubborn and well nigh unendurable. Outward applications do not cure, they only drive the difficulty to new quarters. Emollients may palliate, they cannot abolish the evil. There is but one sure way out, aud that is to eliminate the taint from the blood. Ther- la one remedy that can effect thia, and it is the only one that, so far as we know, has almost invariably succeeded — even where the system has been poisoned by long years of taint, and the ravages to be repaired are tremendous. That remedy is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Head this: “My daughter was afflicted with im nure blood. There were running sores all over her body and they caused her much suffering. We tried medicines that were recommended as blood purifiers, but could not sec that they did any good. A friend >ld me about Hood’s Sarsapa rilla and 1 began giving the girl this med icine. The result was that she was per fectly cured after taking a few bottles. She has had no symptoms of scrofula sores since that time.” Marietta M. Smith, South Middleboro, Mass. Hood’s S »’X Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Insist upon Hood’s; take no substitute. Hoiul’a act harmoniously with 1 loot tills Hood’s Sarsaparilla quiet election. Very Few Votes Polled In The Primary Today. The primary election for su preme court judges was a verv quiet one in Rome. Up to 3 :30 o’clock only 274 votes were cast. Three judges are to be nomin ated, a chief justice and two as sociate justices. For chief justice Hon. Thos. J. Simmons is a candidate and has no opposition. For associate justice, Hon. W. H. Fish, who has served two years, is a candidate for the six year term. He is opposed by Judge Gober of Marietta. For the four years’ term for associate justice, Hon. Hal Lewis is a candidate with no opposition. The election is between Fish and Gober. The election was held in the tax receiver’s officer at the court house. The box was in charge of ’Squire Walter Harris, NatHar ris, R. D. Vandyke and F. W. Quarles, Jr. Pension For Mrs. Gridley. Washington, June 23.—Rep resentative Davenport of Penn sylvania has introduced a bill granting a pension of SIOO per month to Harriet V. Gridley, widow of the late Capt. Charles V. Gridley, who commanded the flagship Olympia in the battle at Manila. CHEAP RATES. On account of the meeting of the Southern Biblical Assembly at Knoxville, Tenn., June 16— 25th, 1898, the Southern rail way will tell ffbkets from points on its lines to Knoxville and re urn at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on June 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, with final limit June 27 ; also ou June 20 and 21, with final limit July 4, 18v8. Foi further information and descriptive circular relative the same please call on agent ofto Southern railway. Do You G»t it?- —I have ex clusive charge of ths circulation department of the Hustler-Com mercial. If you Jo not get your paper promptly, report to me and it will be a tended to. The subscription is 10 cents per week, payable every Saturday. Please have the money ready when|the collector calls. Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. jeumULL . 2 Miss Ava Vose, of Lawrence, ua., is the guest of Miss Annie Proctor. I w'*x W* wW WoWsa ji| |' ( J | School Supplies. 4 f '>w We are pi° , >* e i‘s in the school books and school sup. I <<« > ! »>> ply business and we are als > right up-ro-da*e in every- M' thinj that should be kept by an up-to-date Bo"ks’ore. 1 *****.*.**** « h W. pm »>> <?<*< AS No hcuse Wth - jjtite car. serv vou bttt -r when ’o i de- SW j sire to invent in a new cover :? .’ ter tr.r dear ?id walls f $«! ssss your home. See our stock on hand and samp'es "". 1 H. A. SMITH, I || THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE, t X* tWXXt* t f Ml?' —————— ‘ ' $ To the People of Rome. (b M/ I wish to announce that I have bought the Model Steam Laundry and uropise to rearrange and aid to it \vr 80 * ou b ;iva 111 Vuiir city api int second to none in the south. W I have had years ot practical experience, the vast NJ|/ Vi/ three years ot which I have owned and op -rated one of yf the largest plan sin With the ye irs of experi eUCe I have had and as T wi'l d-<vo.fce my * titire-time an I /Ik attention to the business I will be in a position to guar-, y' /|\ antee that anything coming to my laundry will b - done /Ak satisfactorily. A trial will e >nvince v>u that ,1 ann do all that I claim • Send in your ova H•. If it ‘ails to please ri\ yAV -V ° V pre w *“ n 1 charie St >p our wagon or telephone yK No 158, and your hun lie >vi!l b ■ retuniel promptly. Hoping 11 rjoeive a fair sh ir >of y> ir p itroaag i, 1 am Cf? yours to please, & H'PARKIM.® Proprietor Mo lei Steam Laundry. <0 DENSON MEN BOLTED. Deplorable Split in the County Conventional Gadsden. Gadsden Alabama, June 23 The Democratic county conven tion here yesterday wrangled two hours over the selection of congressional delegates, and the Denson delegates finally bolted. The Denson men participated until the report of the creden tials committee was made, and Attalla delegates would not abide by the report as to the At talla request, and they asked all Denson men to withdraw with them. There were eighty-four Kyle! delegates to sixty-seven Dms">’' 1 delegates. The regular organiz ed convention sent up delegate instructed for Kyle, and the bolting convention sent dele gates instructed for Denson. FRUIT RECEIPT BOOK FREE. The Editors of Fruit are com piling a new receipt book that will contain nothing but receipts that require fruit in their com position. They ask that every housewife who reads this will send them all their L.vorite re ceipts for pies, fruit cakes, fruit cooxies, fruit pu Idings, sauce, pickles, methods of j reserving,! serving, etc, etc. Anything that is about using fruit in any form whatever will be acceptable. Write very plainly, sign your name and address, and send to the address below, and in pay ment for your receipts one cf the Fruit Receipt Books will be sent you free when it is publish ed. It is an excellent opportuni ty to get valuable book with lit tle cost. Address FRUIT, Dun kirk, N. Y.; Roy W. Van Hoe »eu, Managua IIWENIOIIH CiSDi f ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, ' . Law Oflice, SDOjßist First Street, RO.VIE.„qA. ~ CHAS, W. UNDERWOOD? Attorney at 1 av, Home, Ga. Corporal' m Law Only. M-B EUTS AJSTiCJS, M '' ' Atterney al law. ofHc-King Building-; .It me, .-a. WH.ExVNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice ip all couits Olli.:' 1 . Masonic fi innle, Home, Ga,. • w. J. NESI> . : Attorney at law Will practice in all courts, j Special attention given’ to coiriuiercfetl law | and the examication cf land.titles. otlice lu King building. Home, Ga. ' WALTH]JR, HARRIS,' Attorney at law and J. I’. Oltice over J* ! Kane & Co.’s. ' LIPSCOMB \Sc WILLINQiHAM Commeroiar Lawyers. ;i • • (rffice lii vm i’ >tz a • >f sid ling. )»n >; 4 J S A ST r r O A. WFOFW ; Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collections a I specialty.. ■ - • Masonic Home. Go. - I ... .. .. _ DENTISTS. ’ ’ ’ - J. ‘A. WILLS, D; D. S., • ' ' ! Oftlce 240 1-2 Broad. # Cantrell & Qweiiy. L_ __ At«Jl J. L PENNING rON. D D S.,M.D. ENTIST- • 4 * Ultlee. A>s l-L’Broad street. Over Hanks Fur . lituri Co. • • PHYSICIANS. a r> * I'hysioian Surgeon ofllce, Medical 1 . . ' > ' I O'. L. I? ,£I A. .MfAZCO O. M- D- I’hysiclrfn 'and Surgeon. Office M ..Hydlca I building. Residence, No . 403 Meet First st : Iftice'pho No W. -y - ••• Just received a con signment o F 8 dozen Linen Crasn Skirls and while lhe stock lasts Aiil sell ,tne $1 kind f‘r 49 cen s and the 75 cent kind for 39 cents, •-‘j * Wai j Time Prices. 1 i While on the one hand as a Jresultof the war, nearly all food products have advanced in price,* on, OtJit'r vjiano, it his had ’precisely *th“ ' opposite effect on the Furniture I ■? IJ.J : >, •?. x., j- We’ keep <ur sales up to the normal ’ ’standard, and to do th : B we realize that goods must be sold lower than ever, and we i re pr?par- ! ed and determined to make you lower prices . on- anyth'ng m our I house than can be f :irid j elsewhere. Oar him ia 1 Complete a id , ■ •>. : I : , Up to Date. ~. k n‘.s* • ‘ Suites, I Parlor Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, 1 Dining Tables, Rockers and 'Ch artsy a 11--k ind s •HatraokS; ' f ■ . . Rugs, Portier Curtain’s, ’ - r I Lace ’ G®rt»in s, win do w s had es Pictures’,’ Easels ‘ Screens* ~ .- z\lso.complete line of caskets, i9Bp ln . 8 ’ r, ’ben’ etc ’, the lowest * prices. 'Galt oir • - .’ - KI II HI \. . 1-- -s'.*' . Hun ey ’■ ‘‘ A 4Y ■ & Company. i-M ; . * • . 1 >! M Mr. I. iosdel»- is ‘if *f»!rr£e of our r«- ( pAft'MMWrtrji-nL aji'.t ;that he can made of.wo d. -S • : ■ .