The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 23, 1898, Image 8

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TH MISTAKE of your Ilf J * Us! »,► v. HH Has been made when you spend your money at one of the closing out or at cost stores before you visit W.l COKER & CO. and find out what goods cost. We will give you prices that are eye-openers. I The price has been cut on every article'in our house far below the prices that theclosingout and cost pr houses are.selling at. Come and see and you will know thatjour prices are the lowest in Rome. ReinemJ we handle everything you want and our prices shall be lower- than others , ' W.H. COKER &CO ——- 4 Say* tb*< August* Hsrsld : “Mr.P*rcy E. May ha* bssw sleeted second vice president 4>f the Bankers' Aassoctation pf Georgia. This is a high compli ment worthily bestowed.’’ But few Roman* remember Pesey May—tl>* elder son of Rot. and Mr*. P. L. J. May, who resided her* some years ego. Q• • * Percy was known in those days as “Plsasaut,” May. He was an unusually bright boy, and, while inclined io taisebief, was as manly a 'jroungster as this city, ever produced* > Ha,has a number of relatives tn Rome who will learn with pleasure ot the success that is crowning his efforts in hi* adopted home. 0 0 9 A Talbotton event is thus chronicled by Editor Bardwell ; “ Colored citizens from “The Hill" and “The Botton" played ball last Friday afternoon. Th* mayor cleared about 920 in finet as a result of th* match. No ons was killed.” 000 * After baring been married fire times to Charles Reynolds,* New York arvdsaler, Mrs. Ctth rine Reynolds is now suing for one first and complete divorce. The first marriage occurred in Camden, the second in Phila delphia, the third in New York and the fourth in England and th* fifth in Scotland. 000 At Camp Thomas, Chicamau? gs, soon aft*r Col. Andy Burt was promoted to the colonelcy,, of the Twenty-fifth colored regi ment, he undertook to exercise bis troop* in mor* ways than on*. He informed them that th*y would have to play ball an A Ladies’Slippers 50 and 75c per pair. They are ' W Ladies’ Brocade skirts, ,*'l 5c each, 3 for $2.10 ▲ hand-turned and are strictly first-class. I \J KU A Ladies’shirt waist, Lares t styles, just received | . Hosiery B ’ : ‘ 2 ’ 16c per par that others - as < X T 35c each or 3 for $I» iA 10, 20 and 30c for. hour each day in order to get, sccuetomed’tathe Southern run. 'OOO “Now,” said the Colonel, “you boys come out and we will take a turn at ball playing. I’m going to play with you. I’m not Col. Burt while playing, but simply Andy Burt. Now, play ball.”' 000 It soon cam* the colonel’s time st the bat, and with a vi cious swipe he drove the ball ba'd past second for three bags. A large, greasy, black soldier was doing the coaching act, and yelled a* the colonel made a dive for first: “Run, Andy ;run you tallow-faced, knock-kneed, dabergastered , get your three bags.” 000 The Colonel stopped at first, Thr physical eiisten, e af «SFWSfIk of mankind is something like an hi .< 1,-dg, on side Tk K/ ease on the other AU the pure tional exercise and sound »leep go on one side of the account. It sums up health and strength. On thej other side, are bad air, poor food, overwork an* svorry. That foots up weakness and xfiseaae. When your appetite or sleep is disturbed; *uei> the stouiac* and liver are not worL ng properly, or the bowels are not in reg-u --lar condition; are losing vitality and ■trength ; figures are going down on the Wrong side of the ledger. Unless this is •tapped and the other .side of the account i«,-built up,- you'll soon be a physical bankrupt. The most profitable account a sick man Mil open in his hedger of Life is with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a Monderful and scientific tonic which im parts a direct and healthy stimulus to the entire nutritive organism. It Strengthens the digestive fluids and the liver, and en ables the blood-making organs to produce pure. red. highly-vitalized blood. It is not a mere temporary exhilarator. It feeds the constitution with genuine, per manent power. It writes big, round sum* on the health side of the account, and Vipes out the figures of weakness and dis ease. It animates the vital forces and builds up healthy flesc, muscular energy •nd nerve-force. For nearly 30 years Dr. Pierce has been chief oousultiug physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, V 'i. His formulas are everywhere recog aizcd at the ro„-t effective remedies in the .world. His “Pleasant Pellets” are the ■oat perfect *ud scientific cure for consti pation ever invented. They are not violent in their action, but perfectly sure, and at the same time comfortable. Their great reputation has called out a score of imi- UObuM, which druggists sometimes try . * substitute, but there u> nothing ‘‘jut: 1 • food.” 8 j • . -w- (THE SURE LA GRIPPE CURE. There is no use suffering from this terrible malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver i« out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are comp'etely used up. Electric bit* ter* is i he only remedy that will giv* you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidney*, tone up the whde syatem and make you feel like a new being They are guaranteed to cure or price refund ' *d. For lab at Curry Arringt oil’s 1 drug store. Only 50 cent* per 1 bottle. turning on his heel, returning to the home plate, donniag his *‘raps, remarked: “I’m Colonel . Burt from this time on or until ’ 4 further orders. ” 000 Red, white and blue garters have not caught on very well. It. is too much trouble to show ones patriotism in that way, says one of our exchanges. 000 If Spain is holding Hobson and his men because of their bravery—why, what would Spain do if she should capture an army of Americans? If she held it, it would be the bravest army she ever had. o o o The Woman’s Christian Tem perance Union in HnmpPnC*., Mass., has declared against j whist and root beer. 000 Lieut. Victor Blue is a gradu ate of the United States Naval Academy, a son of the late Col. John Gilchrist Blue, of South Carolina, who was a gallant Confederate officer ; the grand son of Col. John Biue, who serv ed with eminent distinction in the war of 1812, and the great grandson of Capt. John Blue, of the Revolutionary war, and of .Capt. Jolni Gilchrist, of the ißrisish navy. ALFRED J. LEWIS fl Soldier Os Fortune Rt Campi Thomas. FALLS HEIR TO ft FORTUNE Is Enlisted In Uncle Sam's volunteer Army For Two Years. Chickamuga June 23 —Mr Richard Harding Davi-< took his enfj'ctsto the heart of South America to make ’hem soldier* of fortune, but there is a man at Chickamangi who was male a soldier of fortune in a day. Intelli g'nee of his fortune Hashed <>v r the wires Sunday, along with the news that brought the deepest sor row to hir heart Private Alfred J. Lewis, of Co L. Ist West Virginie, received a telegram announcing the dea'fh of mother Sunday morning in New Orhans. This is anything bu 1 good fortune, but the world knows the value ot an es'ate better than i knows the meanin,’ or heait pangs, and Private Lewis was left I a large esta'e. He is Sole ' h“ir to the famous Long View plantation, fifty miles from New Orleans, m St. James pariah, La., on the Mississippi fiver. It is an im men*e plantation, one of the larg est and rich st in all of the sbtfth Besides this valuable property, Private Alfred Lewis comes into the possesion of SIO,OOO in cash. This is in itself quite a little foi» tu iff. L- wis is a young man. no' >.love 30. He is a sign painter by trad, and id a very unique ppp-on. He bears on his card the quaint de claration, “Not superstitious.’' “Yau see.” he said, “I thought s me people might think j was, Bering t have so much to di with signs. The days of sign painting for a livelihood seem t.o be over 1 for Lewis. He hasenhsted for two years, and when the war is over he ....a w »■, —I. —» - ■ ->***«•— CHEAP RATES. ’Phe Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. in. arrive (Liattanooga 4 :15 a. m. ; leave Rome 10 :35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m. • leave Rome 6:25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. in. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. in. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. in. ; leave Chattanooga 3 :10 p. in. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. in. ; leave Chattanooga 10:10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. in. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. «ill be a wealthy man B b I ger soL says the richeset man in the world can’t smoke iny sweeter cigarettes, buy any De'ter potatoes or ‘Link any colder water i h n the poorest, but Lewis lot ks like a man who knows how to enjoy life and he will probably get the full benefit of his ortune. He received money by express yesterday and I rft on seven-days’ furlough for New Orleat s, and expected to ar r ve in time for his mother’s funer al. blown up by Vesuvius. Dynamite Cruiser Destroys a Spanish Magazine. Off Santiago, J mo 19, via Kingston, Jamaica, June 23. — Last night the dynamite cruis -i Vesuvius discharged three mor shells. A t rrific uproar followed the second explosion, and it is thought a magazine wis blow ‘•P- Have you sampled Water’s new brand, the “Bill Arp”? WANTFW IHfl Abe-bodied wl men wanted for ’ll Regiment U.S,Vol] teers. Ration and Quad furnished at once □ Certain chance 10l to the war, Chanl fo r promotion. I x Leave on fiist 1 or Macon. I Apolv now toj cruiting Station, o| Armstrong Hotel, | ROME BUSINESS Wil Rome, G»., will men and latUtw now at M oost to tlie College for 4 them through a thouiugh cial course, and book# find commercial b V accept an easy time not* payable after a position 1,! fl The College procured ■ 92 POSITIOMB THE Ptf| It supplies tobwb w'J with competent teachew ■ nukushlp and «*■ cial departments; se ,M ”' fl sons in Shorthand fully J] for io cents in stamps, J endorsed by hundrc' and professional men ■ its graduates at Bixikkeeping. Addir- ■ *o the Principal, 11. 51 Rome, Ga- I Damaged Sale. rl. D. Coth| Co. J of Iniitat 1006 I I 1 JiE . m>m, *”• 1/S I **«**••