The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 24, 1898, Image 1

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’Eighth yeah smoke a Bill Arp’ waiters New Brand. FIGHTING IN CUBA. Spaniards Admit That Their Left “Retired.” SITUATION IS “SERIOUS' Says Cevera. The News From Madrid- Madrid, June 24.—An official dispatch from Santiago de Cuba, dated June 23, says: «The attack commenced yes terday. Tne enemy concentrat ed its landing forces in front of puenta Perraco, lying Eastwards o f our left, which extended for eight leagues along the coast.” anotiier official dispatch from Havana, savs : ‘‘The command, er at Santiago de Cuba announc es that the American squadron has commenced the bombard ment and is trying to disembark at B.myiiri and at Puenta Ber nice. ‘■An American warship has shelled and destroyed a small wooden fort n ar Cienf.legos. ven Spaniards were slightly wounded. ..U (•iiVEKA REPORTS SITUATION SER'.- OUS. e:3O p. nr—Cable dispatches received here from Admiral Ce vera saj the crews of th-e Span ish warshins at Santiago have joined the land forces in order io take part m the defense of the city. He adds that the situ ation is critical, but a later dis patch affirms that the Spanish 1 have victoriously repulsed the enemy.” A dispatch from the governor of Santiago de Cuba says: “The attack on Seboney and Baiquiri continued until nightfall. The enemy was repulsed, except on ti 3 lei t, at Baiquiri, where the Spaniards were obliged to retire in consequence of a Hanking movement upon the part of the enemy, who landed several kilo meters East of Baiquiri. Ihe Spanish forces retired in good order into the mountains. Scboney and Berraco were de stroyed by the American shells ” 'IKREI.y the SPANISH LEFT RE- TIRED.” madrid, June 24.—During jesterday afternoon a semi offi Hal note was issued “in order to ‘"Oil a misunderstanding,” Pointing out that ‘ merely the Spanish left retired and took up ■ l position in the mountains, ow ing to the Americans landing 111116 kilometers east of Baiquiri, wliere there were no Spanish '* ,S| and endeavoring to out f i mk the Spaniards.” u J iie note then points out that paitol the country is very '’"healthy and that yellcv. jack ■ 1 nnpant.” The’Spanish offi -1 '■'''patches are announced ,l '' < cieated an “excellent ‘n’pression” here, as indicatin' "mnense difficulties of tin a ' ■'’ice on Santiago de Cuba.” ... J ’ e dispatches from Cub;. "‘ad in the senate here to '■’y- whereupon the senators Patriotic speeches. ci -«>al°r Navarro Rodrigo de »<>,■!,l a " d , the wl '°l f est • committing the great '/"“‘of 'ese humanity in "‘s Spain to be crushed bv THE ROME HUSTLEIUCOMMERCIAL AT KEY WEST Mosquitos Flourish on The Open Air AND ARE ENEfifiEfiC In This Respect Thay Resemble The Odor of The Place. Key West, Fla., June 24. — Key West is the great depot, of supplies for the navy now, and is likely Io continue as a place of great interest till the Cuban matter is settled. It rises nut more than four feet above the sea level, and has only a foot or two of sand on the foundation of coral which forms the island. It has no sewerage system and smells worse than Venice. It has no water supply except what comes from the clouds, and -Gangers w o drink the water are likely to become comorti m ists on short notice. Hotel people furnish pure water, and stran gers, by pay ing 50 cents per gal lon fur this fluid, are able to en joy reasonable health. Theie are two or three cows on the island, but these do not suffice to keep the people in milk, and the can of condensed milk is as familiar an object in Key West as is the universal cigar. There are several hotels which furnish board and' lodging at metiopolitan rates, and whoev r stops at one wishes he hud tried the others. The vegetatii n is tropical and gorgeous.Cocoanut trees abound and fruit grows at the end of the long, slender trunks crowd ed with the graceful rounds of the cocoanut palms. All sorts of flowering tropical plants and trees 'ill the air with a cloying sweetness which drugs the sens es as the.warm climate drugs she intellect and sans the ener gy- Natives of the island at this season appear to do nothing but sleep or engage in deep thought, and Northern men who godown to Key West in ships have to exercise all their will power to keep at steady work. There is a trade wind from the East every day, but it comes laden with moisture from the tepid waters of the gulf, and there is just snough ozone in it to supply the mosquitoes and the flies with extraordinary vigor and appe tite. brutal weight of nt/mbers.” Con inning, the senator dilated upon the grave danger to the Latin and Slav races “if Europe tolerates Anglo-Saxon prepon derance.” The budget was then adopted which will permit the govern-’ merit to suspend the sittings of the cortes. -The newspapers talk of a pos sible change of ministry next week. After Gamblers —Solicitor Moso Wright came down from Chicamauga today and spent a few : hours in the city He says that | Walker county grand jury return ed 50 bills of indiiement yester >ay against parties running gam bling houses and blind tigers at; Cbicamauga park. RDME GEORGIA, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE, 24. TW J. STEWART Hamed a Captain in the |i w Third Riiiiment. ; LT. COL. 808 3. MIER- His Appointment the Surpiise of the Cay. Capt. Henry J. Stewart, of the Hill City Cadets, was on yes-terdaV named as a captain in Col. John S. Candler’s new Vol unteer Regiment. Gov. Atkinson named a lieu tenant colonel, two majors seven captains, five fi » lieutenants and five second lieu tenants yesterday of the Third regiment. This is (lie beginning of the naming of officers, and the governor said yesterday that if he could get the time and was not disturbed during the day by the large number of as pirants for office, he cou'd finish the appointment of officers to ( day. The following are the offi <rs appointed: Lieutenant Colom I—Robert E. . Berner, of Forsyth. Majors—Burke Site win ake, of Augusta; Usher Thomason, of Madison. CAPTAINS. C. E. Van Riper, Americus. Henry Kolshorn, Savannah. Henry Stewart, Rome. Robert Hodges, Macon. Amos Baker, A th nta. S. V. Sanford, Marie ta. FIRST 1.1 EUTENANTS. Walter Harris, Macon. C. A. Sheldon. Atlanta. J. B. McDuffie, Hawkinsville. 1. J. Ripley, Atl n‘a. T. F. Hastings,. Atlanta. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. T. F. Pruitt, Thomasville. Max Rae, Mcßae. W. R. Leakiu, Savannah. Alex Lawrence, Savannah. Arthur Marbutt, Atlanta. The appointment of Mr . Ber ner is a great surprise to the entire state, as he was nut. con sidered in the race for the place, and his name had never been mentioned in cmne-tion with the office, it is said Mr. Berner was in the city the early part of the week, when the office of lieutenant colonel was proffered him by the governor. It is currently reported that Col. Thomason will refuse to ac cept the appointment as major. Col. Thomason is easily one of the best military men in the state, having seen active service in Scuth American wars. The appointment of Mr. Bob Berner as lieutenant colonel over such men as Col. 1 homason and Briny of the captains nam'd, shows , the political pass on strong in Governor Atkinson even when he would become “Brigadier Bill.” THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows and her face glows with its i beauty. If' h°r system needs the I cleansing action of a laxative' remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of figs, manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only. W i win j MW If m m Bombarded with:: Bargains wwww wwm w wbwwbv ■ a m l Pre ty Shier India Linen ■fZ.tcs ' Pretty Picture Handkerchiefs only ®i cL Pretty Folding Fans only i qi- Coats Spool Cotton only 2 cen s. Paper Pins only ! ct, Good Yard .vide Sea island 3J6 cts v ummer Calico per yd, opiy ’ Scents. Laundred S ikt >Vaist ( 7 cents Muslin de Soire only 49 cents Embroideries Ci-;io?r than Elsewher Organdies From cents and up, 89198£198559M9>559991939191919K59&39£831A99£«99«1989X9 ■vl)V\) v1) v vl)v\)V \) O v vl)vv\) 1) V \ \i' 1 v \T\) 1) Vv vp 1/\i v1; y\;v vv' O 1) yy ''iHM LADIES MUSLIN DWfflß CUP. SUCDMBR Our flillinery Department is aglow with its beauti ful array of summer Hillinery and our prices are right, TH B 3MO C A L/T j PATTERNS Are the equal of any mada and our pricss are under any patterns in Rome on paper patterns. £ LANHAM A SON 5. 1 U CENTS PER WEEK